Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Utter"
The meaning of "Utter" in various phrases and sentences
What does utter mean?
Utter has 2 meanings,
To say something
“She uttered his name”
And complete/ absolute
“She was in utter amazement”
Utter has 2 meanings,
To say something
“She uttered his name”
And complete/ absolute
“She was in utter amazement”
What does utter mean?
adjective: utter
complete; absolute.
"Charles stared at her in utter amazement"
verb: utter; 3rd person present: utters; past tense: uttered; past participle: uttered; gerund or present participle: uttering
make (a sound) with one's voice.
"he uttered an exasperated snort"
synonyms:emit, let out, give, produce
"he uttered an exasperated snort"
say (something) aloud.
"they are busily scribbling down every word she utters"
I hope this helps.
complete; absolute.
"Charles stared at her in utter amazement"
verb: utter; 3rd person present: utters; past tense: uttered; past participle: uttered; gerund or present participle: uttering
make (a sound) with one's voice.
"he uttered an exasperated snort"
synonyms:emit, let out, give, produce
"he uttered an exasperated snort"
say (something) aloud.
"they are busily scribbling down every word she utters"
I hope this helps.
What does utter mean?
Total, Komplett, Absolut
Utter nonsense = Totaler Quatsch
Utterly wrong = Komplett Falsch
Utter nonsense = Totaler Quatsch
Utterly wrong = Komplett Falsch
What does utter mean?
1. total, completo(a)
it's utter madness - es una auténtica locura
the film is utter rubbish - la película es una verdadera porquería
it's utter madness - es una auténtica locura
the film is utter rubbish - la película es una verdadera porquería
Example sentences using "Utter"
Please show me example sentences with utterly / utter.
Hence, tool is utterly safe to use. [=entirely/totally/completely]
The movie was utter garbage.
That argument is utter nonsense.
The wedding was a complete and utter [=absolute, total] disaster.
The movie was utter garbage.
That argument is utter nonsense.
The wedding was a complete and utter [=absolute, total] disaster.
Please show me example sentences with utter.
Utter means complete
1) The class was told to do their test in utter silence.
2) my dog is an utter nuisance when she barks
3) “That is utterly ridiculous!”
4) “You are an utter coward!”
1) The class was told to do their test in utter silence.
2) my dog is an utter nuisance when she barks
3) “That is utterly ridiculous!”
4) “You are an utter coward!”
Please show me example sentences with utter.
It was utterly hilarious when you fell into the pool.
Please show me example sentences with utter.
That was an utter shambles.
You are utterly rubbish at football.
You are utterly rubbish at football.
Please show me example sentences with "utter".
She was utterly defeated.
He will be thrown into utter despair when he finds out that his family was murdered.
Claire juggled four chainsaws, and Charles stared at her in utter amazement.
"Mike must be utterly stupid!" she thought. "What idiot thinks that two plus two equals five‽"
He will be thrown into utter despair when he finds out that his family was murdered.
Claire juggled four chainsaws, and Charles stared at her in utter amazement.
"Mike must be utterly stupid!" she thought. "What idiot thinks that two plus two equals five‽"
Synonyms of "Utter" and their differences
What is the difference between utter and say ?
Utter is a literary, uncommon way of saying Say.
People don't really use the word utter in ordinary conversation, they say Say
Utter is a literary, uncommon way of saying Say.
People don't really use the word utter in ordinary conversation, they say Say
What is the difference between complete/absolute and utter ?
In a negative phrase like "it was a complete/absolute/utter disaster', they mean the same, they are all very emphatic, all slightly formal and all fairly common. A slightly more common and less formal option would be 'total'.
'complete' can be either positive or negative (a complete success, a complete failure); 'absolute' is usually negative (an absolute fiasco), 'utter' is always negative (Donald Trump is an utter moron).
'complete' can be an adjective by itself, eg. 'this project is complete'. The others are always modifying something - an absolute failure, an utter catastrophe, etc.
'complete' can be either positive or negative (a complete success, a complete failure); 'absolute' is usually negative (an absolute fiasco), 'utter' is always negative (Donald Trump is an utter moron).
'complete' can be an adjective by itself, eg. 'this project is complete'. The others are always modifying something - an absolute failure, an utter catastrophe, etc.
What is the difference between utter and say ?
Good question. It’s a little hard to explain. They mean the same thing but utter is more sophisticated or stylish. It also can be used to say the person or object didn’t make a sound.
“When his mother asked about his worries, the child covered his face with his hands and did not utter a word/sound.”
“When his mother asked about his worries, the child covered his face with his hands and did not utter a word/sound.”
What is the difference between utter and say ?
To utter is to say something, or to mutter.
For a long time he could not utter a word.
But can also have another meaning like "a great amount".
They brought us to utter ruin!
For a long time he could not utter a word.
But can also have another meaning like "a great amount".
They brought us to utter ruin!
What is the difference between utter and sheer and absolute ?
They all have a meaning of complete and total that is synonymous.
Sheer and absolute have other meanings too.
Sheer and absolute can be nouns where utter is not.
Sheer - a piece of light and see-through fabric. (also an adjective that means light and see-through) "Hang sheers over the windows so that light will still come in."
Absolute - a universal principle (also an adjective with this meaning of being something that exists outside of any comparison with others) "Laws vary between countries but the evil of murder is a moral absolute."
Sheer can also mean perpendicular, "A sheer wall of rock blocked our way."
Sheer and absolute have other meanings too.
Sheer and absolute can be nouns where utter is not.
Sheer - a piece of light and see-through fabric. (also an adjective that means light and see-through) "Hang sheers over the windows so that light will still come in."
Absolute - a universal principle (also an adjective with this meaning of being something that exists outside of any comparison with others) "Laws vary between countries but the evil of murder is a moral absolute."
Sheer can also mean perpendicular, "A sheer wall of rock blocked our way."
Translations of "Utter"
How do you say this in English (US)? uttered
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How do you say this in English (US)? utter
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How do you say this in English (US)? utter
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Other questions about "Utter"
Please show me how to pronounce utter.
I hope that's clear! The "tt" part sounds a little like a "d"in an American accent.
Please show me how to pronounce utter.
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Please show me how to pronounce "utter".
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utter Does this sound natural?
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