Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Yeap"
The meaning of "Yeap" in various phrases and sentences
What does yeap mean?
Yes. Like this;
Do you want a drink?
Do you want a drink?
What does yeap, she won't be your girlfriend anymore. Russian ones don't tolerate cheating on them. Some of them may hurt you back. mean?
My Japanese isn't that good so I'll try my best 😂
What does yeap mean?
yeap= согласие , что то вроде yes можно ещё и сказать yeah,ya одно и тоже значение
Synonyms of "Yeap" and their differences
What is the difference between yeap and yes ?
It is 'yep' not 'yeap', I think.
Yep is very casual/informal and borrowed from English US.
Yep is very casual/informal and borrowed from English US.
Other questions about "Yeap"
yeap, I want to make friends and we can cheat when we have a free time. So, anyone want?
sure, I'm studying chinese in highschool.
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