Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Bowl"

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Q: I watched the Pro Bowl in DAZN. The game used to be normal but now is a flag football. It means no contact football. I know the reason for the change. This is because as all star players didn’t want to hurt unnecessarily, they didn’t play hard. It made fans bored. Players are able to play avoiding injury, I’m still not interested in the game.

Does this sound natural?
A: × I watched the Pro Bowl in DAZN.
✓ I watched the Pro Bowl on DAZN.

× The game used to be normal but now is a flag football.
✓ It used to be regular football, but now it's flag football,

× It means no contact football.
✓ which means no-contact football.

× I know the reason for the change.
✓ I know why the change happened.

× This is because as all star players didn’t want to hurt unnecessarily, they didn’t play hard.
✓ All-star players weren't giving it their all because they didn't want to unnecessarily hurt somebody.

× It made fans bored.
✓ It bored fans.

× Players are able to play avoiding injury, I’m still not interested in the game.
✓ Even though players can play without injury now, I’m still not interested in the game.

"Normal" and "regular" are slightly different. "Normal" implies that is how it should be. "Regular" is more objective.

"My walls are magenta. It is a pinkish color." △ (Stiff, hard to tell what 'it' is)
"My walls are magenta. Magenta is a pinkish color." △ (Stiff, but okay)
"My walls are magenta, which is a pinkish color." O (Sounds natural)

I know the reason for the change. △ (Stiff)
I know why it changed. O (Natural)
The reason it changed is because... O (Natural)
Why it changed is because... △ (Rare, specific usage)

It made fans bored. △ (Simple and casual, like a children's book)
It bored fans. O (More standard English)
It made them mad. △ (Simple and casual, like a children's book)
It angered them. O (More standard English

It's raining, it's still warm. X (Comma splice and unnatural)
It's raining, but it's still warm. O
Despite it raining, it's still warm. O
Even though it's raining, it's still warm. O

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