Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Literate"
The meaning of "Literate" in various phrases and sentences
What does literate how to say in hindi mean?
I have no idea. I don’t understand what you are even saying
What does Barely literate mean?
means you can't read that great
Example sentences using "Literate"
Please show me example sentences with literate.
“Are you literate?” = “Do you know how to read?” / “Can you read?”
“Are you literate?” = “Do you know how to read?” / “Can you read?”
Synonyms of "Literate" and their differences
What is the difference between literate and educated ?
Literate means being able to read. Educated means having received an education, or having received more education than others. It includes more than just the ability to read.
What is the difference between literate and educated ?
Literate means that someone can read. Educated usually means someone who has completed a university or college degree.
Translations of "Literate"
How do you say this in English (US)? literate
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Other questions about "Literate"
I want to be a literate person in English properly.
Is this sentence correct?
Is this sentence correct?
I want to be literate in English. You’re already a person, so thats implied. But to be more specific, you might use “fluent” instead of “literate”. That technically refers to only reading and writing.
Among the literate population prevail men. Does this sound natural?
Among the literate population men prevail
He’s a barely literate person, and when it comes to even write his name, it takes him so long. Does this sound natural?
it sounds completely natural. you could also say, "he's barely literate"
Please show me how to pronounce literate.
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I often confuse "literary", "literal", and"literate".
Is there any good way to memorize them correctly?
Is there any good way to memorize them correctly?
Maybe try to link them with the words they would typically be combined with?
People can be literate.
Books are literary.
Words can be literal.
Maybe this could help? Such a good question, by the way!
People can be literate.
Books are literary.
Words can be literal.
Maybe this could help? Such a good question, by the way!
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