Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Llama"
The meaning of "Llama" in various phrases and sentences
What does toss enough hibernating African llamas into the mix to keep it amusing mean?
If that is not a reference to some of the authors stories. Then he is likely saying. His wife has an absurd sense of humor that he very much enjoys.
What does cómo se llama mean?
what’s your name / what is your name
Translations of "Llama"
How do you say this in English (US)? No me llama la atención
It doesn't catch my attention
How do you say this in English (US)? cómo se llama
what is your name
How do you say this in English (US)? ¿como se llama tu perro?
What is your dog’s name?
How do you say this in English (US)? Se llama José y tiene 32 años
Hi name is Jose (Joseph) and he is 32 years old.
How do you say this in English (US)? cómo se llama esa canción
What is the name of that song?
Other questions about "Llama"
¿Cómo se llama a la acción de cuando sumerges una galleta en un vaso con leche?
Some people dunk a doughnut in a glass of milk.
You can also 'dip' into a glass of milk.
Some people dunk a doughnut in a glass of milk.
You can also 'dip' into a glass of milk.
¿Como se le llama a la parte del avión donde guardas tu equipaje de mano?
the overhead compartment
¿Cómo se llama ese festival?
What is the festival name? Does this sound natural?
What is the festival name? Does this sound natural?
It is more common to hear "What is the festival called?" or "What is the name of the festival?".
When you want to say it with "name" at the end, you will most likely hear it as follows: "What's your mother's name?" or "What's dad's name?".
When you want to say it with "name" at the end, you will most likely hear it as follows: "What's your mother's name?" or "What's dad's name?".
Cómo se le llama a la feria o al cambio que te dan cuando compras algo?
The "change" (la vuelta?)
¿Cómo se le llama a "el ramo de flores de la novia" en inglés?
the girlfriends bouquet of flowers ?
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