Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Oblong"
The meaning of "Oblong" in various phrases and sentences
What does oblong mean?
An object or image of an elongated rectangle or oval. The picture below is an American football. You can describe it as oblong. It's an elongated oval.
What does oblong mean?
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What does oblong box mean?
a rectangular box
Synonyms of "Oblong" and their differences
What is the difference between oblong and rectangle ?
A rectangle is a two-dimensional shape with four 90°/right angle corners. Squares are still rectangles. An oblong shape is simply a shape that is longer in one dimension.
What is the difference between oblong and rectangle ?
Rectangle is a shape that equal on every side (90°)
Whereas oblong is a rectangular shape but with unequal adjacent side.
Whereas oblong is a rectangular shape but with unequal adjacent side.
What is the difference between a oblong table and a rectangle table ?
"an oblong". The adjective is "rectangular". There is no difference. Oblong is a non mathematical term for a rectangle.
What is the difference between oblong and rectangle ?
Oblong has no corners, it is stretched circle. Or it can be like a rectangle, but with very rounded edges.
If you look at an egg, it will look oblong.
A running track is usually oblong.
A rectangle is like a square, but longer in one dimension.
Most paper money is rectangular.
If you look at an egg, it will look oblong.
A running track is usually oblong.
A rectangle is like a square, but longer in one dimension.
Most paper money is rectangular.
Other questions about "Oblong"
oblong 到底是长方形还是椭圆形的意思?
This oblong tract adjoining a northern part of the lake is for only farming. Does this sound natural?
It feels way too complicated. But if you want to correct it,
This oblong tract adjoining the northern part of the lake(not a) is only for(not for only) farming.
I'd advise on keeping it simple:
This land beside the lake is only for farming.
This oblong tract adjoining the northern part of the lake(not a) is only for(not for only) farming.
I'd advise on keeping it simple:
This land beside the lake is only for farming.
There is an oblong ABCD like the graph below. The side AB is 11cm long and the side 8cm in length. The point E is on the side CD and the length of the CE is 6cm. Draw the bisecror of the angle ABE and let its intersection with the side AD be the point F. What’s the length of the line DF? Does this sound natural?
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