Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Sendas"
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- Is the following English sentence natural or unnatural? ①It hit me that I forgot my keys. ②It...
- Shopkeeper: You need to equip your item from your inventory if you want to use it in battle. Just...
- Can I have some sugar? Does this sound natural?
- He saved a lot of moneys for his trip. Does this sound natutal?
- Is the following explanation correct for the difference between “deal with” and “cope with”? T...
Topic Questions
- (They’re in the volcano) Chloe: Look over there! 「あれを見ろ」 Chloe: The flames are blocking our way....
- How do you say this in English (US)? In spoken English,isthe sentence “There's a lot of flowers"r...
- I have a question about how to use the phrase, “out of necessity ”. I saw a below sentence from a...
- How do you say this in English (US)? アメリカ全部の州を制覇したい ✴︎I want to mean, I want to visit all the sta...
- Is this sentence grammatically correct and natural? - If it's raining tomorrow, they should be...
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