Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Taciturn"
The meaning of "Taciturn" in various phrases and sentences
What does taciturn
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What does taciturn mean?
(a person who) is reserved, says little.
E.g. He is very taciturn and calm
E.g. He is very taciturn and calm
Example sentences using "Taciturn"
Please show me example sentences with taciturn.
I have never heard of or even used that word before haha 😊 where did you find it?
Synonyms of "Taciturn" and their differences
What is the difference between taciturn and reticent and laconic ?
Taciturn means ‘untalkative’, reticent means ‘reserved’, and laconic means ‘succinct’.
Taciturn is usually used for describing agreements or discussions, where not much is said because the people involved have come to a silent understanding.
Reticent is usually used when describing people. E.g. “She was a reticent woman”. It’s someone who doesn’t say much and prefers to keep their thoughts and opinions to themselves.
Laconic can be used for both speaking and describing people and just means that not a lot was said, or that they spoke very briefly.
Taciturn is usually used for describing agreements or discussions, where not much is said because the people involved have come to a silent understanding.
Reticent is usually used when describing people. E.g. “She was a reticent woman”. It’s someone who doesn’t say much and prefers to keep their thoughts and opinions to themselves.
Laconic can be used for both speaking and describing people and just means that not a lot was said, or that they spoke very briefly.
What is the difference between taciturn and reticent ?
Someone who is taciturn is reserved and very quiet. Someone who is reticent does not naturally share their thoughts and feelings.
Translations of "Taciturn"
How do you say this in English (US)? taciturn
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How do you say this in English (UK)?
She married a taciturn man.
She married to a taciturn man.
Are both correct grammatically?
She married a taciturn man.
She married to a taciturn man.
Are both correct grammatically?
The first sentence is correct.
The second sentence should be "She *got* married to a taciturn man."
The second sentence should be "She *got* married to a taciturn man."
How do you say this in English (UK)? taciturn
"Taciturn" is used in UK English. "Stoic" is also used.
Other questions about "Taciturn"
Please show me how to pronounce taciturn
american accent please.
american accent please.
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taciturn Does this sound natural?
It is correct but “quiet” is used more often in everyday speech.
"taciturn" Does this sound natural?
He was a bit taciturn when I first met him.
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