Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "University"

Example sentences using "University"

Other questions about "University"

Q: A: What was your major at university?
B: I majored in psychology.
A: May I ask why you decided to study it?
B: I just chose it because I like knowing people’s minds, they are fascinating.
I’m addicted to understanding people.
A: Really?
I've never been hooked on understanding human beings.
B: I suppose everyone has a different taste.
In other words, everyone has their own preferences.
A: I’ve never studied psychology myself, so I’m curious to know if it has helped you communicate well with people.
B: I'm not sure what you mean.
Are you wondering if it has helped me in my interactions with people?
A: Something like that, but what I mean is, has your knowledge of psychology aided you interact effectively with others, especially when you've talked to someone or convinced someone or hit on someone?
B: It hasn't specifically helped with that, no, although it’s good for applying to any situation that doesn’t involve yourself. Does this sound natural?

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