Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Open"
The meaning of "Open" in various phrases and sentences
What does open up to you mean?
mean that you are feeling really comfortable with someone. to the point that you can talk to him/her about anything.
What does "I’m open wide" mean?
In this scenario I think she might be using open wide because she’s talking about eyes. Also looking at the rest of the lyrics of the song it seems like she’s trying to be noticed by a lover. So, this could also mean something like “I’m right here (open wide) notice me”
What does We should open up mean?
It could have more than one meaning! it could mean you should open up a store for business. Or it could mean you should open up with your feelings (communicating your feelings to another person) or sharing your thoughts/ secrets.
What does open about mean?
Open is more literally like "open this door"
Open about is more of a mental thing , for example.
"Can I be open about my problems?"?
Open about is more of a mental thing , for example.
"Can I be open about my problems?"?
What does "open up" in 515 mean?
"Opening up" means sharing one's inner thoughts and feelings.
Example sentences using "Open"
Please show me example sentences with open wide.
"Open wide." Is usually used as a casual instruction to open your mouth as far as you can.
I think if you wanted to use the phrase to describe something that is open wide, it would probably sound more natural to say "wide-open" instead. (Examples in manshu's comment)
I think if you wanted to use the phrase to describe something that is open wide, it would probably sound more natural to say "wide-open" instead. (Examples in manshu's comment)
Please show me example sentences with open up.
When I was younger, I had a hard time opening up to people. I was too shy.
I can't get him to open up to me.
I can't get him to open up to me.
Please show me example sentences with open me
open me .
open me .
The only thing i can think of is when presents have a little note attached that says “open me” other than that ive never heard it in casual conversation.
Please show me example sentences with open and down.
open the door please.
open the window please.
hold down the button.
can you hold my beer for a second?
open the window please.
hold down the button.
can you hold my beer for a second?
Please show me example sentences with 'open up'.
@hannah_hyelim:You need to open up to make new friends.
The flower will open up as it blooms.
The flower will open up as it blooms.
Synonyms of "Open" and their differences
What is the difference between open and opened and could some please tell me the difference between open and opened? I remember wooden plate which says “ yes, we’re open” on the door of some kinds of restaurants. and I also remember there was a phrase like “opened mind” in the Beatles song. ?
yeah I think that it has that meaning (starting a day )
and you are welcome 😍
and you are welcome 😍
What is the difference between open and open up ?
That's a tough one! The phrase 'open up' has the slight nuance of being a longer process, whereas 'open' is seen as quicker and easier. For example, if you were to 'open the door' verses 'open up the door'. There is an implied process of opening the door, such as a lock or latch or puzzle.
Hope that helps! :)
Hope that helps! :)
What is the difference between Open and open up ?
They mean the same thing, but the "up" to my ear adds a slight nuance of it being a longer process. For example, I would tend to say "I opened the door to the store" in the morning, but I "opened up the store," meaning that I went through the whole process of unlocking the door, getting the cash register ready etc.
I would suggest the phrase without "up" unless there's more to it than just turning the handle. If you have to unlock several bolts, pull hard etc., you might say "I opened up the door."
On the other hand, sometimes, 'open up' can also be an idiom. I could say, "I wish you would open up to me." Or "I felt I couldn't open up to anybody, not even to my best friend."
It means to to talk in a free and honest way.
I would suggest the phrase without "up" unless there's more to it than just turning the handle. If you have to unlock several bolts, pull hard etc., you might say "I opened up the door."
On the other hand, sometimes, 'open up' can also be an idiom. I could say, "I wish you would open up to me." Or "I felt I couldn't open up to anybody, not even to my best friend."
It means to to talk in a free and honest way.
What is the difference between It's not opening. and It won't open and It is not going to open. and It won't be opening. ?
"It's not opening" means that you are in the motion of trying to open something, like a door. "It won't open" is similar to the first phase, but it's kind of used after several attempts of trying to open the door. "It's not going to open" is close to the second phase, but it's kind of used when you are skeptical that whether or not it's going to open, because you had already tried. The last one is kind of like you lost hope of it opening, like you accepted that it won't be opening. I hope this makes sense, they are all relatively similar to each other, each one is situational based.
What is the difference between open and open up ?
To 'open' something is to make something closed not closed. For example, to open a box, open a door, open a cupboard. Also, 'open your mind' is a way of saying 'be ready to consider concepts which you previously strongly disagreed with'.
To 'open up' is when you allow yourself to be emotional around others, or to speak of emotional things around others. (This makes sense as someone who does not wish to show others their vulnerabilities is 'closed').
To 'open up' is when you allow yourself to be emotional around others, or to speak of emotional things around others. (This makes sense as someone who does not wish to show others their vulnerabilities is 'closed').
Translations of "Open"
How do you say this in English (US)? How do you say “この店はあいてる” ?
This store open. 動詞 現在形
This store opened. 動詞(あける行為自体は過去だから)
This store is opening. 現在進行形
This store is open. 形容詞
This store is opened. 受動態
This store open. 動詞 現在形
This store opened. 動詞(あける行為自体は過去だから)
This store is opening. 現在進行形
This store is open. 形容詞
This store is opened. 受動態
This store is open. 正しい現在形
(上に書いてあるThis store open はただの間違英語です。 😔)
We're open. や Come in! We're open.
又は、Please come in. We're open. (か We are open.) も良く言います。
店が閉まっている場合、過去形 、closed 、を利用します。
This store is closed.
Sorry, we're closed. Please come again.
This store is open. 正しい現在形
(上に書いてあるThis store open はただの間違英語です。 😔)
We're open. や Come in! We're open.
又は、Please come in. We're open. (か We are open.) も良く言います。
店が閉まっている場合、過去形 、closed 、を利用します。
This store is closed.
Sorry, we're closed. Please come again.
How do you say this in English (UK)? open
I hope this helps!
I hope this helps!
How do you say this in English (UK)? A. You're more open than me. B. You're more opened than me.
'you're more opened than me'
doesn't sit right.
'you're more opened than me'
doesn't sit right.
How do you say this in English (US)? Yeah,it's open until 4 o'clock
Check the question to view the answer
Other questions about "Open"
I'm open to you Does this sound natural?
문맥은 무엇인가. 약간 이상하게 들린다.
Which one is correct?
Open it!!
A) I’m trying but it doesn’t open
B) I’m trying but it won’t open
Open it!!
A) I’m trying but it doesn’t open
B) I’m trying but it won’t open
Both are correct.
"Doesn't open" makes it sound like it's impossible to open. "Won't open" makes it sound like you think you should be able to open it, but for some reason it isn't opening.
"Doesn't open" makes it sound like it's impossible to open. "Won't open" makes it sound like you think you should be able to open it, but for some reason it isn't opening.
Open from 9 to 6
Does it make sense?
Means open at 9am and close at 6pm.
I want to make it short and simple.
Thank you for your help :) Does this sound natural?
Does it make sense?
Means open at 9am and close at 6pm.
I want to make it short and simple.
Thank you for your help :) Does this sound natural?
Sounds good!
Open heart, open mind
Never know who you'll find
Open heart, close your eyes
Kissing strangers 🎶 Does this sound natural?
Never know who you'll find
Open heart, close your eyes
Kissing strangers 🎶 Does this sound natural?
You don't even have an accent there. Really good
I can play "Open Shut Them".
I can play "the" open shut.
Which one is more natural?
Do I need to put "the " in front of the song's name ?
and Which one is correct the song's name "Open ShutT hem" or "Open shut"
Does this sound natural?
I can play "the" open shut.
Which one is more natural?
Do I need to put "the " in front of the song's name ?
and Which one is correct the song's name "Open ShutT hem" or "Open shut"
Does this sound natural?
Awesome! I'm glad you understand! And sorry, I actually meant to type "front", not "from".
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