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🤯😱🫣😧♥️PATRICK TA Major Dimension Eye Illusion Eyeshadow Duos, Este dúo convierte el maquillaje de ojos diario en un momento editorial. El brillo intenso y los pigmentos que atrapan la luz se extienden sin esfuerzo sobre los párpados para lograr un brillo sofisticado. Los tonos de cada uno de los cinco dúos se pueden aplicar en capas para lograr una mayor dimensión, y se pueden mezclar y aplicar desde tonos transparentes hasta opacos. La base translúcida y tipo gel de la fórmula brinda un colo...
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NUDESTIX Intense Lip and Cheek Pencil in Vintage at Nordstrom
What it is: A soft, nondrying matte lipstick, lip liner and cheek blush all in one pencil.What it does: This longwearing matte formula is soft and non-feathering and lasts for up to six hours. Its intense pigment load and color provides lips with maximum smooth coverage, and gives a soft, matte blush to cheeks. How to use: Outline, then fill in the full lip. Smack your lips together. Lightly swipe color onto the apples of your cheeks and blend outward with your fingers. Made in Germany
Huda Beauty's LEGIT Lashes Mascara is now available at Sephora (Credit - Huda Beauty)
Huda Beauty: Top-Rated Cosmetics, Skincare & Makeup Tutorials
Discover Huda Beauty's top-rated cosmetics and skincare products. Explore expert makeup tutorials, beauty tips, and the latest trends in beauty. Shop now for flawless, radiant skin.