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Legutóbb hozzászólt DerHexer 9 évvel ezelőtt a(z) Global account témában
Special:RandomInCategory/egyszerűsített kínai
#!/bin/bash unset num unset hanzi unset HANZI unset pinyin unset xiong unset tra unset sim unset pint unset grepno unset POS num="$1" echo "$num" > num echo "$num" awk "NR==$num" kína > line cat line hanzi=$(cut -f1 line) echo "$hanzi" pinyin=$(cut -f2 line) echo "$pinyin" xiong=$(cut -f3 line) echo "$xiong" > xiong echo "$xiong" grepno=$(cut -d' ' -f2 cedict_ts.u8 | grep -P -n "^$hanzi$" | head -1 | cut -d: -f1) echo ==CC-CEDICT== > cedline awk "NR==$grepno" cedict_ts.u8 awk "NR==$grepno" cedict_ts.u8 >> cedline sim=$(awk "NR==$grepno" cedict_ts.u8 | cut -d' ' -f2) tra=$(awk "NR==$grepno" cedict_ts.u8 | cut -d' ' -f1) grep -P "$tra $sim " handedict.u8 | head -1 zero=0 pint=$(awk "NR==$grepno" cedict_ts.u8 | cut -d'[' -f2 | cut -d']' -f1 | sed "s/ //g" ) if [ "$pint" ] then echo ==Handedict== >> cedline grep -P "$tra $sim " handedict.u8 | head -1 >> cedline fi #cat P if [ -n "$(cat cedline | grep /to )" ] then echo ige > POS POS=$(cat POS) elif [ -n "$(cat cedline | grep CL )" ] then echo fn > POS POS=$(cat POS) elif [ -n "$(cat cedline | grep ly/ )" ] then echo hat > POS POS=$(cat POS) elif [ -n "$(cat cedline | grep \(S )" ] then echo fn > POS POS=$(cat POS) elif [ -n "$(cat cedline | grep Adj )" ] then echo mell > POS POS=$(cat POS) elif [ -n "$(cat cedline | grep Adv )" ] then echo hat > POS POS=$(cat POS) else echo kif > POS POS=$(cat POS) fi rm POS echo ==CFDICT== >> cedline grep -P "$tra $sim " cfdict.u8 | head -1 >> cedline echo ==EDICT== >> cedline grep -P "^$tra " edict2u | head -1 >> cedline sed -i "s/.*/ &/g" cedline sed -i "s/^ ==/==/g" cedline perl -pe 's/([\xe4-\xe9][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf])/[[\1]]/g' cedline > cedd cp cedd cedline sed -i "s/\(.*\)/ \1/g" xiong sed -i "s/ [^ ]\{1,3\}\. /\n/g" xiong sed -i "s/;//g" xiong sed -i "s/^$//g" xiong sed -i "s/^ $//g" xiong sed -i "s/^ $//g" xiong sed -i "s/.*/# &/g" xiong sed -i "s/\[/(/g" xiong sed -i "s/\]/)/g" xiong sed -i "s/(\([a-zA-ZöüóőúáűíÖÜÓŐÚÁŰÉÍ]\+\))\([a-zA-ZöüóőúáűíÖÜÓŐÚÁŰÉÍ]\+\)/\1\2/g" xiong sed -i "s/\([a-zA-ZöüóőúáűíÖÜÓŐÚÁŰÉÍ]\+\)(\([a-zA-ZöüóőúáűíÖÜÓŐÚÁŰÉÍ]\+\))/\1\2/g" xiong sed -i "s/[A-Za-zöüóőúéáűí]\+/[[&]]/g" xiong if [ -z $"$(lynx -dump$tra | grep page)" ] then TRAD=$(echo "$tra" | sed "s/./\[\[&\]\]/g") rm entry echo "{{zh-forms|[[$sim]]|$TRAD}}" > entry echo "{{zho$POS}}" >> entry echo "{{cmn-all|t|pin=$pinyin|pint=$pint|sim=$sim|tra=$tra}}" >> entry cat xiong >> entry sum=$(cat entry | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g') sudo python ../core/ -page:$tra -textfile:entry -summary:kínai -user:中文 -always #-pt:0 fi if [ -z $"$(lynx -dump$tra | grep page)" ] then sudo python ../core/ "-page:Vita:$tra" -textfile:cedline -summary:kínai -user:中文 -always fi
Global account
[szerkesztés]Hi 中文! As a Steward I'm involved in the upcoming unification of all accounts organized by the Wikimedia Foundation (see m:Single User Login finalisation announcement). By looking at your account, I realized that you don't have a global account yet. In order to secure your name, I recommend you to create such account on your own by submitting your password on Special:MergeAccount and unifying your local accounts. If you have any problems with doing that or further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me on my talk page. Cheers, DerHexer (vita) 2015. január 11., 16:30 (CET)