Papers by Anna (Urbańska) Szymoszyn
This article presents new anthropological research undertaken by a team of five fieldwork experie... more This article presents new anthropological research undertaken by a team of five fieldwork experienced ethnologists. The aim of this project is to understand the mechanisms and circumstances of the success achieved by Polish migrants living in selected EU countries (England, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, and Germany). “Poles of success” have not been the object of any in-depth studies on migration yet. Therefore, the aspiration of the research team concentrated on 3 aspects:
Ethnicities, 2023
This article investigates the issue of migration success achieved by Poles settling in Berlin and... more This article investigates the issue of migration success achieved by Poles settling in Berlin and London between the 1980s and 2018. We focus on the migration wave that took place after Poland’s accession to the European Union in 2004. We show different ways in which migrants understand their new situation in the light of their integration, daily life, and well-being or satisfaction in the context of migration success. We analyse the similarities and differences of approaches to the new life in London and Berlin explicated by Polish migrants. In doing so, we pay attention to several important characteristics and processes related to the integration of Polish migrants into the metropolitan environments of Western Europe.
INTRODUÇÃO O objetivo desta nota é apresentar as tendências da desigualdade de oportunidades no B... more INTRODUÇÃO O objetivo desta nota é apresentar as tendências da desigualdade de oportunidades no Brasil seguindo a perspectiva sociológica adotada por pesquisadores da área de estudos de estratificação e mobilidade social (Breen e Jonsson, 2005). De acordo com essa abordagem, a desigualdade de oportunidades pode ser definida de duas formas: i) pela associação estatística entre as características socioeconômicas das famílias em que os indivíduos crescem (origem) e as condições socioeconômicas que estes alcançam em sua vida adulta (destino); e ii) pela associação estatística entre as famílias de origem e o nível educacional alcançado pelos indivíduos. O primeiro tipo de análise permite determinar o grau de desigualdade de oportunidades de mobilidade intergeracional, e o segundo o grau de desigualdade de oportunidades educacionais. Embora pesquisadores nessa área reconheçam que a mensuração feita desta forma não é perfeita porque não leva em conta o grau de empenho e outros fatores individuais (Jencks e Tach, 2006), a abordagem permanece sendo válida e vem sendo ampliada e desenvolvida para explicar os padrões de estratificação social em vários contextos.
Publikacja jest cześcią projektu kulturoznawczo-edukacyjnego "Ściezkami jaka", autorstw... more Publikacja jest cześcią projektu kulturoznawczo-edukacyjnego "Ściezkami jaka", autorstwa Anity Czerner.
“Ethnologia Polona”, vol. 28:2007: “Studying Religion”, IAE PAN Warszawa-Poznan 2010, s. 23-46.
The article concerns Poles living in Berlin and London, who managed to deal with the integration ... more The article concerns Poles living in Berlin and London, who managed to deal with the integration process and achieved personal success on various levels. Although the research used in the text concerned migrations that began in the 1980s and continue to this day, it particularly focuses on post-accession migrants. At the beginning, I have presented the research assumptions on which the studies were based and the conclusions drawn on their basis. I also have included methodological foundations of research. Next, I have discussed the situation of two West European cities, Berlin and London, in a migration context, and the specificity of the Polish group as seen against this background. The article is the first, introductory part of an integrated cycle. It isdeveloped in the text Poles in Berlin and London: different faces of migration success. Part 2 by Anna Szymoszyn, published in the same issue of JUE.
Ethnologia Polona, 2016
This article presents new anthropological research undertaken by a team of five fieldwork experie... more This article presents new anthropological research undertaken by a team of five fieldwork experienced ethnologists. The aim of this project is to understand the mechanisms and circumstances of the success achieved by Polish migrants living in selected EU countries (England, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, and Germany). “Poles of success” have not been the object of any in-depth studies on migration yet. Therefore, the aspiration of the research team concentrated on 3 aspects: 1. Analysing how “success” was achieved. The principal investigator and his team assumed that the strategies involved in migrants achieving success are dependent on: the time of migration, push & pull factors, cultural and social capital and contact networks (in the country of origin and in the host country). Another assumption is that success is more often achieved in isolation from the Polish community, in so-called scattered communities. The category of success is presented not only in terms of economic success, bu... , 2015
Martin Robinson - Miejsca święte, szlaki pątnicze. Antologia pielgrzymowania. Poznań: Wyd. Św. Wojciecha, 197-209., 2002
J. Baniak (red.) 2002. Katolicyzm polski na przełomie wieków. Teologiczny, instytucjonalny i wspólnotowy wymiar Kościoła. Poznań: WT UAM, 40-65., 2002
J. Kowalska, S. Szynkiewicz, R. Tomicki (red.) 2003. Czas zmiany, czas trwania. Studia etnologiczne. Warszawa: IAE PAN, s. 213-220.
Papers by Anna (Urbańska) Szymoszyn
Niniejsza książka powstała przede wszystkim na podstawie wyników badań etnologicznych prowadzonych w latach 1995 -1998 i w roku 2000. Polska kultura współczesna rozumiana jest tutaj jako zespół zjawisk charakterystycznych dla życia społecznego i religijnego naszego społeczeństwa w wieku XX, skoncentrowana tutaj na zjawisku kultu postaci św. Wojciecha lub ewentualnego jego braku oraz na kultywowaniu przestrzeni powiązanej z tą postacią. Czas przeprowadzanych badań, tj. okres przygotowań jubileuszowych oraz lata milenijne (1997-1999), powoduje, że pojęcie “współczesne społeczeństwo polskie” odnosi się do lat 90-tych. Niekiedy jednak odwołuję się do spostrzeżeń wcześniejszych badaczy na temat religijności.