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Paper ini merupakan kajian terhadap pemikiran William C.Chittick mengenai perjalanan spiritual Ibnu "Arabi. Dari kajian ini terungkap bahwa perjalanan Spiritual Ibnu 'Arabi juga sangat menekankan pada aspek-aspek pelaksanaan syari’at dan... more
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      TasawwufFilsafatPemikiran IslamIlmu tasawuf
Tulisan ini berisikan sebuah upaya mendeskripsikan dan mengungkap suatu perjalanan menuju Allah yang ada dalam novel Hayy bin Yaqzhan, sebuah karya monumental dari Ibnu Thufail, seorang filsuf berkebangsaan Spanyol (506-580 H).
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Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada kajian hulul yang diajarkan oleh al-Hallaj. Penulis mencoba menganalisa ajaran hulul tersebut, terutama dengan mengemukakan pemikiran al-Ghazali, untuk menampilkan ajaran hulul secara obyektif dalam... more
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Bagi Epikuros kita sebagai manusia haruslah memiliki kemampuan dalam memilih dan mempertimbangkan rasa nikmat atau rasa sakit. Bisa saja terjadi memilih nikmat sesaat akan tetapi memperoleh penderitaan di kemudian atau bisa juga memilih... more
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To establish an argumentation for the existence of God is properly the most crucial as well as complicated effort in the life of religion and faith of human being. There are various approaches and methods have been applicated to reach it... more
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    • Ecotheology (Environment)
The issue on universality and particularity of Quranic teachings becomes a central issue which has triggered serious debate among Moslem scholars since the Qur'an, as a scripture, embodies God's speech whose doctrines have been intended... more
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    • Local Wisdom
The commonly accepted assumption among Muslim scholars is that the abrogation (naskh) theory is regarded as method necessary for interpreting the Qur'ān and for law-making. This article is aimed to explore how it has been used to support... more
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    • Islamic Studies
This article is aimed to deal with the development of Islamic philosophy in modern era in many countries, both in the East and the West, in the world commonly, and in Indonesia particularly. Islamic philosophy in this era has grown... more
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    • Islamic Philosophy
antara teks dan realitas bisa ditunjukkan dengan sejauh mana fiqih selama ini merespon perkembangan isu-isu yang dihadapkan pada umat dengan dasar maslahat. Salah satu isu penting yang dihadapi oleh manusia sejak awal kehidupannya hingga... more
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    • Ecology
This article is intended to argue against those who say that the Islamic philosophy is really nothing more than the true ancient Greek philosophy that has been 'repacked" by Islam, and to prove that Islamic philosophy, while being as a... more
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    • Eastern Philosophy
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    • Ecotheology
This article is aimed to describe dialectical relation between Islamic philosophy (hikmah) and Islamic religious doctrine (shariah). The tension between two has emerged since declination of rational theology (Mu'tazilite) and since the... more
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    • Islam
his article is aimed at critizing the political reasoning of the Ahl al-Sunnah un al-Jam6'ah.
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    • Islamic Theology or Kalam
This article stadies the idenfi) of fue book of fAj al-Malk, namel1 tbe book of the ProPhtry and the care that for along time became the part of tradition refererence of Banjarue people. Throwgh the text anafisis foand that tbis book is... more
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Al-Qadhi'Abd al-JabbAr merupakan tokoh Mu'tazilah generasi kedua yang hidup pada era Dinasti Buwaih' Dalam hidupnya, ia banyak terlibat dalam berbagai perdebatary baik antar-,"ru-u tokoh Mu'tazilah (antara kelompok Mu'tazilah cabang... more
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This article aims to deal with damestic violence as a social problem in Indonesia, viewed fi'om the perspective pf Islam and social work. The discussian will be focused firstly on to what extent Indonesian women hqve become victims of... more
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    • Social Work
Not more researches hsue been conducted, except in limited extent on anthropological and sociological erpressions, on the history of migration ol Banjarese people. This article aims to try to construct this lofier issue t'rom historical... more
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    • Local and regional history
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    • İslamic Sufism
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    • Prophetic Philosophy
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penafsiran M. Quraish Shihab terhadap kontroversi yang berkembang di kalangan ulama klasik dan kontemporer tentang isu sensitif dalam diskursus feminisme, yaitu proses kejadian... more
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