Aan Jaelani (SCOPUS ID: 57195963463)
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SCOPUS & WOS by Aan Jaelani (SCOPUS ID: 57195963463)
ROSA DOS VENTOS-TURISMO E HOSPITALIDADE; Volume13, Issue4, Published OCT-DEC 2021, Indexed 2022-01-13
Thank you for your contribution to this community and we look forward to our continued collaboration in 2021.
Keywords: renewable energy, energy conservation, energy efficiency, energy economy
JEL Classifications: Q28, Q48, Q58
e-Journal by Aan Jaelani (SCOPUS ID: 57195963463)
Kata Kunci: pendidikan tinggi, triple helix, logika kelembagaan, kewirausahaan
This article reviews the state budget with a performance-based financial system in Indonesia, which previously implemented a balanced financial system. By using qualitative method and content analysis approach in understanding the theory and document of the financial system in Indonesia. This paper concludes that performance-based financial system in Indonesia provides a new direction in more transparent and accountable financial management for development activities in realizing community welfare.
Keywords: event, festival, halal tourism, shariah marketing mix
JEL Classification: L83, M31, O18, Z32, Z33
Keywords: zakah, shari’a, accounting, business organization, profit
JEL Classification: H27, H71, I38, M41, N3
Keywords: religion, economy, state, ethics, welfare state
JEL Classification: B3, I3, N3, P5, Z12
Keywords: management of zakat, poverty alleviation, zakat recipients
ROSA DOS VENTOS-TURISMO E HOSPITALIDADE; Volume13, Issue4, Published OCT-DEC 2021, Indexed 2022-01-13
Thank you for your contribution to this community and we look forward to our continued collaboration in 2021.
Keywords: renewable energy, energy conservation, energy efficiency, energy economy
JEL Classifications: Q28, Q48, Q58
Kata Kunci: pendidikan tinggi, triple helix, logika kelembagaan, kewirausahaan
This article reviews the state budget with a performance-based financial system in Indonesia, which previously implemented a balanced financial system. By using qualitative method and content analysis approach in understanding the theory and document of the financial system in Indonesia. This paper concludes that performance-based financial system in Indonesia provides a new direction in more transparent and accountable financial management for development activities in realizing community welfare.
Keywords: event, festival, halal tourism, shariah marketing mix
JEL Classification: L83, M31, O18, Z32, Z33
Keywords: zakah, shari’a, accounting, business organization, profit
JEL Classification: H27, H71, I38, M41, N3
Keywords: religion, economy, state, ethics, welfare state
JEL Classification: B3, I3, N3, P5, Z12
Keywords: management of zakat, poverty alleviation, zakat recipients
JEL. L67, L83, Q24, Q26, Z12
Keywords. Pancasila economic, Islamic economic, Globalization, Free market.
JEL. A11, F6, G18, H1, N2, O57, P5, Z21.
Keywords. tourism industry, Creative economy, Heritage tourism, Ethnic diversification, Silk road.
JEL. A10, B40, D90, L60, N30, Z10.
Keywords. Islamic tourism, shari’a, heritage tourism, development, Islamic economic.
JEL. A10, B40, D90, L60, N30, Z10.
Market mechanisms in the era of globalization associated with the paradigm of the market economy along with the development of socialist economy, capitalist, or mixed. The market mechanism is a problem when the inefficient allocation of resources, market imperfections, and the cause of economic backwardness. With the approach of Islamic history of economic thought in reading the "text" and analyze the "context" could find that the institution has historically experienced hisba institutional transformation as a market watchdog agencies and religious institutions that represent the social and economic role in anticipating market problems. This hisba institution or whatever his name to the current context is very significant in creating the equity market.
This book gives another perspective of the figure Abu Ali Hasan Al-Basri Al-Mawardi (364 H - 450 H/974 M - 1058 M), a statesman, justices, Shafi'i jurist, and author better known by his works in political Islam (fiqh siyasah), namely the ideas and thoughts on the development system society that comprehensively covers the economic, social, cultural, and political. Intellectual and religious experience and political career and academic mobility Al-Mawardi in the middle of the dualism of power and leadership among the Abbasid-Sunni dynasty and Buyid-Shiite emphasised the importance of a moderate path for every individual and society as a characteristic medieval view of life at that time. Even this book rejects the idea of Islamic rule or building Islamic country at the present time. The main part of managing the life of the world is important is to be moderate and tolerant in public life (adab al-dunya), while balancing the religious practices of religious life for every citizen (adab al-din). This is initiated by al-Mawardi, that each person required to be Muslims Perfect, in the form of awareness about life balance which aims to achieve worldly life and the Hereafter based on the moral values of nationality and religion (Adab al-dunya wa al-din).
Buku ini memberikan perspektif lain dari sosok Abu Hasan Ali Al-Bashri Al-Mawardi (364 H - 450 H/974 M - 1058 M), seorang negarawan, hakim agung, faqih Syafi'i, dan penulis yang lebih dikenal dengan karya-karyanya dalam politik Islam, yaitu ide-ide dan pemikirannya tentang sistem pembangunan masyarakat yang komprehensif mencakup bidang ekonomi, sosial, budaya, dan politik. Pengalaman intelektual dan religius serta karir politik dan mobilitas akademik Al-Mawardi di tengah dualisme kekuasaan dan kepemimpinan antara Dinasti Abbasiyah-Sunni dengan Dinasti Buwaihi-Syi'ah menegaskan pentingnya jalan moderat bagi setiap individu dan masyarakat sebagai ciri khas pandangan hidup Abad Pertengahan saat itu. Buku inipun menolak gagasan pemerintahan Islam atau mewujudkan negara Islam pada masa sekarang ini. Bagian utama dalam menata kehidupan dunia yang penting adalah bersikap moderat dan toleran dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat (adab al-dunya), sekaligus menyeimbangkan praktik-praktik beragama dalam kehidupan keagamaan bagi setiap warga negara (adab al-din). Inilah yang digagas al-Mawardi, yaitu setiap orang dituntut menjadi Muslim Sempurna, berupa kesadaran tentang keseimbangan kehidupan yang bertujuan untuk mencapai kehidupan duniawi dan kehidupan akhirat berdasarkan nilai-nilai moral kebangsaan dan religi (Adab al-dunya wa al-din).
The conclusion of this study is that the historical roots of Islamic thought and movement in Cirebon were influenced since the early days of the Islamization process with the diversity of existing Islamic movements and thoughts. The movements and discourses of Islamic thought in Indonesia in the 1990s and 2000s experienced a paradigm shift, the movement's agenda and thoughts from the previous period presented a "new face" that influenced the stereotypes of the world community, both the style and characteristics of the movement in the form of moderate and fundamentalist Islam. Among the NU circles in Cirebon, the emergence of post-traditionalism and the struggles of the NU youth was motivated by the NU tradition of thought which aims to realize Islam rahmatan lil 'alamin along with its embodied values.
Keywords: event, festival, halal tourism, shariah marketing mix
JEL Classification: L83, M31, O18, Z32, Z33
Keywords: industry, religion tourism, shariah tourism, halal tourism
JEL Classification: L83, N53, Q57, Z31, Z32
Keywords: management of zakat, poverty alleviation, zakat recipients
JEL Classification: E60, F52, G28, H27, H71, I30, N30
Keywords: Religious, Heritage, Tourism, Creative economy, Local tourism
JEL Classification: L67, L83, Q24, Q26, Z12
Keywords: tourism industry, creative economy, heritage tourism, ethnic diversification, silk road
JEL Classification: A13, B41, L83, N95, Z13
Keywords: Pancasila economic, Islamic economic, Globalization, Free market
JEL Classification: A11, F6, G18, H1, N2, O57, P5, Z21
Keywords: renewable energy, energy conservation, energy saving, energy economy
JEL code: Q28, Q43, Q48, Q57, Z12
program implementation, but tourism development activities are getting more advanced in the city and district of Cirebon. With a trend-analysis approach, this
article is based on data collected through interviews, exploration of events, news, and information from print media and electronic media, as well as documents from
tourism organizers in Cirebon. This paper concludes that Cirebon positioned itself as one of the destinations for the development of halal tourism that became the
centre of the tourism industry in the future.
Keywords: religion, culture, creative economy, halal tourism
JEL code: K22, L83, M21, O25, Z1
With the review of documents and trend analysis, the shariah marketing mix approach in the promotion of events and festivals in Cirebon, both in the field of religious and traditions, art and culture, culinary, natural beauty, and the local economy offers a new concept in
marketing tourism products which emphasize aspects locality and uniqueness noticed preservation, and also principles of shariah ensure their halal products and values of business ethics in marketing.
Keywords: event, festival, halal tourism, shariah marketing mix
JEL classification: L83, M31, O18, Z32, Z33
Keywords: State budget, fiscal policy, public expenditure, welfare, shariah
JEL classification: E62, G28, H11, H41, H53, O23, P51
Keywords: industry, religion tourism, shariah tourism, halal tourism
JEL Code: L83, N53, Q57, Z31, Z32
Keywords: industry, religion tourism, shariah tourism, halal tourism
JEL Code: L83, N53, Q57, Z31, Z32
Keywords: zakah, shari’a, accounting, business organization, profit
JEL Classification: H27, H71, I38, M41, N3
Keywords: zakah, shari’a, accounting, business organization, profit
JEL Classification: H27, H71, I38, M41, N3
Number of Pages in PDF File: 24
Keywords: tourism industry, creative economy, heritage tourism, ethnic diversification, silk road
JEL Classification: A13, B41, L83, N95, Z13
Keywords: Pancasila economic, Islamic economic, Globalization, Free market
JEL Classification: A11, F6, G18, H1, N2, O57, P5, Z21
Number of Pages in PDF File: 19
Keywords: Budget management, public finance, budgeting, welfare
JEL Classification: B15, H2, H6, P5
Keywords: zakat management, poverty alleviation, zakat recipients
JEL codes: A23, E62, H27, I38, N3
Keywords: agama, ekonomi, negara, etika, welfare state
JEL Classification: B3, I3, N3, P5, Z12
Number of Pages in PDF File: 21
Keywords: religion, economy, state, ethics, welfare state
JEL Classification: B3, I3, N3, P5, Z12
Judul asli: Creswell, J. W. (2013). Steps in conducting a scholarly mixed methods study. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/dberspeakers/48
Capaian Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti kuliah ini, diharapkan mahasiswa mampu: 1. melakukan validasi akademik atau kajian ekonomi mikro Islam sesuai bidang keahliannya dalam menyelesaikan masalah ekonomi syari'ah di masyarakat atau industri. 2. mampu menyusun ide, hasil pemikiran, dan argumen saintifik dalam bidang ekonomi mikro Islam secara bertanggung jawab dan berdasarkan etika akademik, serta mengkomunikasikannya melalui media kepada masyarakat akademik dan masyarakat luas; 3. mampu mengidentifikasi bidang keilmuan ekonomi mikro Islam termasuk pengembangan microfinance dan memposisikan ke dalam suatu peta penelitian yang dikembangkan melalui pendekatan interdisiplin atau multidisiplin.
Capaian Pembelajaran setelah mengikuti kuliah ini, diharapkan mahasiswa dapat: 1. Mengembangkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan kreatif melalui penelitian ilmiah dalam bidang perbankan syari'ah 2. Menginternalisasi nilai, norma, dan etika akademik dalam pengembangan perbankan syari'ah 3. Memiliki semangat kemandirian, kejuangan, dan kewirausahaan di bidang keuangan syari'ah 4. Mengelola, mengembangkan dan memelihara jaringan kerja dengan kolega dan sejawat di dalam lembaga perbankan syari'ah dan lembaga keuangan lainnya
Keywords: Pancasila economic, Islamic economic, Globalization, Free market
JEL Classification: A11, F6, G18, H1, N2, O57, P5, Z21
Keywords: religion, economy, state, ethics, welfare state
JEL Classification: B3, I3, N3, P5, Z12
Keywords: zakah, shari’a, accounting, business organization, profit
JEL Classification: H27, H71, I38, M41, N3
Keywords: Budget management, public finance, budgeting, welfare.
JEL Classification: B15, H2, H6, P5
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2142.8082