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Six strawberry samples, commercially grown in Pakistan, were studied for physicochemical properties. All samples have high level of water and low contents of ash and volatile compounds. The berry was found to be a good source of potassium... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisMultivariate AnalysisMagnesiumCluster Analysis
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    • Botany
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      Plant sciencesPrediction Model
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    • Agricultural
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    • Agricultural
This research was conducted to determine the effects of five different budding dates and six budding methods on graft success and plant growth in black mulberry sapling production. The experiment was carried out in Bolu, Turkey, between... more
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    • Horticultural production
Abstract. This research was conducted to determine the effects of three different grafting periods (March 1, April 1 and May 1) and six grafting methods (tongue, splice, cleft graft-ing by hand and cleft, wedge, omega grafting by three... more
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    • Biology
Bu çalışma 'Hayward' ve 'Matua' (Actinidia deliciosa A. Chev.) kivi çeşitlerine ait yarı odunsu çeliklerin köklenmesi üzerine çelik alma zamanı (1 Temmuz, 1 Ağustos ve 1 Eylül), çelikteki göz sayısı (2 ve 3) ve Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA)... more
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Germination responses to temperature, medium and gibberellic acid (GA3) treatments were studied in kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosaChev. cv. Hayward) seeds. The seeds treated with four GA3concentrations (0, 2,000, 4,000 and 6,000 ppm) were... more
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      ChemistrySeed germinationHorticultural ScienceGibberellic Acid
Öz: Nar meyvesi, biyokimyasal içeriğinin de zengin olması sebebiyle insan beslenmesinde önemli meyve türleri arasında yer almaktadır. Yapılan bu araştırmada Çukurca (Hakkari) ilçesinde yetiştirilen nar genotiplerine ait meyvelerin organik... more
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı çelik çapı ve indol butirik asit (IBA) dozunun 'Chester' böğürtlen (Rubus fructicosus L.) çeşidi odun çeliklerinin köklenmesi üzerine etkisini belirlemektir. Köklenme için odun çelikleri Sakarya ili Geyve... more
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    • Biology
In ancient times, in China, kiwifruit was a remedy for a various health disorders (digestive disturbances, rheumatism, and dyspepsia) and in the recent past this fruit has gained worldwide popularity since consumers associated the... more
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Type of cutting, rooting hormone Indol-3-burtyric acid (IBA), collection time are critical factors that affect rooting development of semi-hardwood cuttings. In this study, the objectives were to determine the best type of cutting,... more
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      HorticulturePlant BiologyTeaCamellia sinensis
Kivide farkli kalem asilarinin asi basarisi uzerine etkilerini arastirmayi amaclayan bu calismada, anac olarak Hayward kivi cesidinin tohumlarindan elde edilen 3 yasindaki cogur anaclari; asi kalemi olarak Hayward cesidi kullanilmistir.... more
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We studied the effect of tying and wrapping materials and their color on budding success in kiwifruit. The work was done in the open field during 2002-2003. Three-year-old, gallon container grown Hayward seedlings were chip-budded with... more
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    • Mathematics
Bolu ilinde toplam 1.211.995 dekar alanda bitkisel uretimin yapilmaktadir. Bu alanin %17,82’si nadasa ayrilmis olup geriye kalan arazinin %78,13’unde tarla bitkileri, %3,21’inde meyve ve %0,82’sinde sebze yetistiriciligi yapilmaktadir.... more
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      BiologyZiraat Mühendisliği
Etnobotanik, yerel halk tarafindan kullanilan, korunan ve yonetilen bitkilerin calismasidir. Yerel halkin gastronomik, medikal, dinsel ve diger amaclarla bitkilerin kullanimina yogunlasmaktadir. Etnobotanik bir yandan, cesitli bitkilerin... more
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The objective of this study was to determine the most suitable budding methods in different apple cultivars. In this study, MM 109 was used as rootstock under field conditions. Granny Smith, Red Chief, Golden Delicious and Mondial Gala... more
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      BiologyAgriculture and Forestry
Study on graft incompatibility in 'Fuyu' persimmon (Diospyros kaki) grafted onto different rootstocks in relation to physiological and morphological behaviors. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Tsukuba, 156 pp. Skene d. S., ShepheRd h. R.,... more
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Nowadays, in many regions of the world face to drought problems that directly affect the agricultural production due to water deficiency or some conditions that cause the depletion of the existing water resources. In these water deficit... more
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      Environmental ScienceIrrigation