Papers by Sabrina Taffarel

Brick and Block Masonry – Trends, Innovations and Challenges, May 31, 2016
The identification of procedures for the seismic risk mitigation of historical centers necessaril... more The identification of procedures for the seismic risk mitigation of historical centers necessarily requires a preliminary study of the seismic vulnerability assessment on a urban scale of its building heritage. Methodologies defined for the latter purpose should be appropriately calibrated considering building features and construction techniques of the analyzed area, allowing their implementation in different local contexts. This paper focuses on the seismic vulnerability assessment of the historical center of Timisoara (Romania). The center is formed by blocks mostly belonging to the Hapsburg period, which are characterized by recurring construction techniques and building geometries. In particular, corner buildings and their façades are analyzed in order to define recurring typologies. For the most representative ones, an analysis of the in-plane local mechanisms of collapse of the façades facing the street is performed by adopting a kinematic approach. The data acquisition is based on a rapid survey which does not require physically entering each single building; as a consequence, geometrical and structural data are varied parametrically in order to take into consideration the possible lack of information or the data uncertainty. Carried on analyses led to the definition of the fragility curves for the in-plane mechanisms. However, this approach allows assessing the façades vulnerability by defining an a priori damage pattern based on façades geometrical configuration. In order to assess more accurately the damage pattern evolution, a global analysis of the most representative corner buildings typologies is carried out, deepening also the study of buildings aggregation modes. This study will contribute to the creation of useful tools for the evaluation of aggregate buildings vulnerability (for example, vulnerability maps) and, as a consequence, for the definition of strategies to reduce the seismic risk.

The configuration of historical centres is often complex and consequence of centu-ries of modific... more The configuration of historical centres is often complex and consequence of centu-ries of modifications. Clustered buildings which compose them are vulnerable, in particular against seismic action. The knowledge of their structural behaviour is fundamental in order to define prevention strategies and to reduce seismic risk. This paper refers to vulnerability as-sessment of the historical city centres of Safed and Acre, in the North of Israel. The methodol-ogy adopted is based on a preliminary knowledge phase. It is focused on the analysis of the seismic activity of the area and its urban and environmental context. Safed stands on a slope with more than ten metres of anthropogenic strata vulnerable to landslides. The town is de-veloped on the contour lines and as a consequence basements and underground vaulted sto-ries are recurring. Vice versa Acre is located on the Mediterranean coast and present continuous stratifications taken place during the centuries as a consequence of historical events. The study is carried out analysing some representative selected blocks. Considering the aim of an urban seismic assessment, specific survey forms are rearranged in order to col-lect buildings geometrical – typological data and information about vulnerability, exposition and damage. These are statistically analysed and allow to identify recurring typologies. For a global simplified analysis automatic procedures are implemented for each structural unit or group of them, obtaining a linguistic vulnerability assessment and fragility curves. Clustered buildings often do not show a global behaviour while they respond to seismic action as a group of local mechanism of collapse: local out of plane mechanisms are analysed, consider-ing both the survey and the typological data. Comparing all the obtained results, it is possible to appoint a vulnerability assessment and classification. In addition, the aim of this approach is to chart the results to other quarters of the historical centre: using the survey forms it is possible to identify structural units and to assign them the correspondent typologies previous-ly identified and the related vulnerability assessment.

Conservation/Reconstruction. Small Historic Centers: Conservation in the midst of Change. p. 63-73, ISBN: 9782930301631, 2015
The main issues related to the management of post-earthquake situations are concerned with bringi... more The main issues related to the management of post-earthquake situations are concerned with bringing to light the qualities of the place, combatting depopulation, environmental decay and social impoverishment, and improving the condition of the cultural heritage and landscape. Thus, a correct methodology has to be applied, studying the history and evolution of the area affected by the seismic event and its architectural, morphological and urban features. The purpose is to develop an urban fabric consistent with the pre-existing one (also with regard to social aspects), without excluding new solutions. Castelvecchio Calvisio is an historical centre characterised by widespread depopulation and a consequent state of abandonment, where the seismic effects of the 2009 earthquake worsened the situation. After that event, the Reconstruction Plan (PdR) of Castelvecchio Calvisio, i.e. a specific management tool, was put in place. Thanks to that, the urban requalification will be carried out together with the definition of all the actions for structural renovation and seismic improvement, including strengthening. Restoration principles play a fundamental role; in fact all the actions undertaken have to be compatible with the protection of architectural and historical heritage, taking into account material conservation, and respect and protection of structural and original elements. Clustered buildings built of stone constitute the leading structural typology: they ensue from an articulated evolution whose genesis is not always easily recognisable. As a consequence they cannot be studied as simple individual buildings, but a particular methodology has to be applied in order to define intervention criteria and techniques. Restoration assumes a double function: it is involved in the conservation of the existing heritage as an intrinsic value, and at the same time in the design of the new as an added value. In conclusion, the identification of an essential character does not mean complete static conservation of the centre, but it has to aim at realising sustainable targeted projects.

XV Convegno ANIDIS “L’Ingegneria Sismica in Italia”, 2013
Il 6 aprile 2009 un terremoto di magnitudo Richter (Ml) 5.8 ha colpito il territorio aquilano cau... more Il 6 aprile 2009 un terremoto di magnitudo Richter (Ml) 5.8 ha colpito il territorio aquilano causando ingenti danni. In base all'art. 14 comma 5bis della legge 77/2009 e del DCD n.3/2010 sono stati predisposti i Piani di Ricostruzione per alcuni centri storici minori. Ciascun piano rappresenta lo strumento di gestione e programmazione economico-temporale dei progetti funzionali alla realizzazione di interventi di riparazione e ricostruzione edilizia e di ripristino e realizzazione di opere pubbliche. Le finalità del Piano consistono nell’assicurare la ripresa socio-economica del territorio, nel promuovere la riqualificazione del costruito e nel facilitare il rientro della popolazione nelle abitazioni. Il Piano definisce gli interventi da realizzare e di messa in sicurezza di ciascun ambito, anche ai fini di una riduzione della vulnerabilità sismica, nonché la stima economica, l’individuazione dei soggetti interessati ed il cronoprogramma delle opere.
I Piani di Ricostruzione dei comuni di Castel del Monte, Castelvecchio Calvisio, Santo Stefano di Sessanio e Villa Santa Lucia degli Abruzzi (Area Omogenea della Baronia di Carapelle) sono stati sviluppati nell’ambito di specifici progetti pilota. É stata definita una metodologia generale articolata in fasi distinte: a partire dalla conoscenza di caratteristiche e peculiarità di ciascun borgo, passando successivamente all’esame delle costruzioni, è stato delineato un percorso di analisi che permette di giungere ad una accurata progettazione degli interventi.
Papers by Sabrina Taffarel
I Piani di Ricostruzione dei comuni di Castel del Monte, Castelvecchio Calvisio, Santo Stefano di Sessanio e Villa Santa Lucia degli Abruzzi (Area Omogenea della Baronia di Carapelle) sono stati sviluppati nell’ambito di specifici progetti pilota. É stata definita una metodologia generale articolata in fasi distinte: a partire dalla conoscenza di caratteristiche e peculiarità di ciascun borgo, passando successivamente all’esame delle costruzioni, è stato delineato un percorso di analisi che permette di giungere ad una accurata progettazione degli interventi.
I Piani di Ricostruzione dei comuni di Castel del Monte, Castelvecchio Calvisio, Santo Stefano di Sessanio e Villa Santa Lucia degli Abruzzi (Area Omogenea della Baronia di Carapelle) sono stati sviluppati nell’ambito di specifici progetti pilota. É stata definita una metodologia generale articolata in fasi distinte: a partire dalla conoscenza di caratteristiche e peculiarità di ciascun borgo, passando successivamente all’esame delle costruzioni, è stato delineato un percorso di analisi che permette di giungere ad una accurata progettazione degli interventi.