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Chrissa Benson | Health & Fitness Expert for Women over 35 on Instagram: "This hack is one of the reasons I’ve sculpted the best arms of my life at almost 40 years old BUT… . What truly got the best results was having a plan that was QUICK and easy to stick to inside my busy life with three kids. And that targeted not just my biceps but shoulders, chest, back, triceps and more. . I created this plan initially for myself - 10 minute workouts I could squeeze in my day. No fluff, just get in and out quick. . ➡️ The plan is called Total Toned Arms. If you’d like more information, comment: TTA below and I’ll send it your way (*important note: you must be following @physicalkitchness in order to get the message!) . I’ll be honest, I never intended to create this program and make it available t
Michelle Edmison on Instagram: "DON’T LOOSE YOUR LOW GAME! I’m SERIOUS about this. A squat is one of the most basic human movement requirements and we use it hundreds of times a day ….or at least you should ….every time you sit, bend over, go to the bathroom, etc.... If you stop squatting, you will loose the ability to do so and will miss out on the many benefits you get from it: ▶️ strength of your core and almost every muscle in your lower body down to your foot core ▶️ mobility of hip, knees, ankles ▶️ hip, knee and ankle joint health ▶️ pelvic floor health - for women AND MEN ▶️ being able to move like a human ▶️ reducing risk of injury ( American Council on Exercise) ▶️ feeling alive and strong JUST DO IT I’ve given you lots of options ▶ use wedges ▶ use a TRX ▶ use a doorway
Michael Ꭰean | Online Fitness Coach on Instagram: "Simple movement hacks 😙 Just a few minutes per day and your body will thank you 🙏 #movement #pain #workout #healthylifestyle"
Back Pain | Neck Pain | Rehab on Instagram: "Share these exercises with your friends ❤️ By @physicaltherapysession #backpain #shoulderopener #ShoulderMobility #backpainlife"
Back Pain | Neck Pain | Rehab on Instagram: "Save these exercises for later 😍 By @physicaltherapysession #scapula #backpain"
Debbie Moser I Pilates & Yoga teacher on Instagram: "✨ Morning Stretch Flow ✨ Loved this routine? Comment ‘morningstretch’ and I’ll send you the link to the real-time video! 🌟 Start your day feeling amazing with this quick stretch routine: 1️⃣ Neck Rolls – 8 reps 2️⃣ Windshield Wipers – 10 total (5 each side) 3️⃣ Cat-Cow – 8 reps 4️⃣ Thread-the-Needle – 8 total (4 each side) 5️⃣ Down-Dog Pedals – 10 reps 6️⃣ Lizard Lunge Elbow Taps – 6 reps per side 7️⃣ Lunge to Pyramid Flow – 6 reps per side 8️⃣ Shoulder Dislocates – 8 reps 9️⃣ Deep Squat – Hold as long as you can ✨ Save this for your next morning routine and share it with someone who needs a great stretch! #morningstretch #dailyyogaflow #yogastretch #mobilityroutine #stretchingexercises #yogaeveryday #healthylifestyle #movementmedi
Michelle Edmison on Instagram: "We all need to do better at feet. Rocker drills are a great place to start. They train you for the PUSH phase of walking …propulsion. (This is where we get the most intrinsic muscle activity = foot core) They also train : ankle mobility forefoot mobility calf strength shin strength And when you ADD balls and bands …now we have an ABUNDANCE OF STABILIZERS coming to the party. so many benefits to adding bands and balls for medial and lateral tension to engage foot stabilizers Here are 4 variations and the benefits of each : 1️⃣ Ball squeeze Rocker SO GOOD Crush the ball = tibia’s posterior ( a major stabilizer of the foot ) Root the big toe down = peroneus longs Vigorously press the toes into the ground = foot core * DON’T loose the squeeze Mix up the size
Michelle Edmison on Instagram: "Joint health should high on your list of priorities ….and this area, the top of your neck, should TOP that list. Why? ✨ it is a highly neurological articulation that drives so much of your body. We want it free and mobile. ▶️ The top of your neck, the Craniovertebral ( CV) joints are huge influencers of your body biomechanically and neurologicaly. . (The CV region refers to the upper 2 levels of the spine. The occipit, atlas and axis) . ▶️ They are different than the rest of the cervical Spine. They have distinct embryology and anatomy. . ▶️ 50% of your neck rotation comes from HERE! . ▶️ One of it’s muscles RCPminor has attachments to the dura (think neural tension💥) . ▶️ The suboccipital muscles are SMART and have neurological influences that help o
Back Pain | Neck Pain | Rehab on Instagram: "Share this with your friends ❤️ Follow @endbackpain 👈🏻 Follow @endbackpain 👈🏻 #reels #viral #insta #stretching"
Rishabh on Instagram: "5 exercises I make my mother do at 62 years old to have her build strong ankles. Share this with your parents, make sure you are getting them to prioritise exercise, because that’s linked to the quality of life and longevity. Exercise is our best bet, period. Got questions? Drop them in the comments and I’ll respond! #strengthtraining #jointhealth #healthyliving #healthmatters #movewell #longevity #healthcoach #fitnesstrainer"
Dr. Katie Clare on Instagram: "Numb and tingly foot or leg? 🚨 numbness and tingling that is new or worsening always warrants an evaluation. But if you’ve done that and are still having issues here are a couple ideas ⚡️ lumbar plexus and sacral plexus are made up of nerve roots L1-S5 and supply sensation and strength from like basically your pant-line down to your toes ⚡️ commonly irritated areas I see in my practice are the femoral n. and sciatic nerve which then splits to the peroneal (lower outside leg) ⚡️ things like disc herniations and/or compression of these nerves may cause: numbness/tingling… shooting or zinging pain… weakness in the area of the affected nerves ⚡️ in some cases mobilizing these nerve may prove beneficial in helping the area calm down 1️⃣Sciatic: formed fro
Dr. Kaye Cleave| Proaging Blogger & Fun Seeker on Instagram: "🦋 If you wake up in the morning feeling stiff and sore, try these simple movements. They’ll only take a few minutes and will stretch your body, increase your flexibility, and help you get on with your day a little looser and freer. TIP: Best done when the bed is free of partners, husbands, little ones, or dogs, and if necessary, use the bathroom first (glasses are fashion statement only) Caveat: This post is for educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for medical advice. #mobility #mobilitywork #mobilitydrills #mondaymobility #lowbackpainrelief #lowbackpain #mobilitywarmup #morningmobility #bedyoga #movementismedicine #movementtraining #morningstretches #morningroutine #morningmovement #mobilitymornings