580 Cara Mudah Jawab Soal Usm PKN Stan (Tbi)

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1. Simple Present Tense - At this moment

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian - At this time
yang berlangsung pada masa sekarang dan - At present
merupakan: - Rightnow
- Kebiasaan (habitual action) e.g:
- Kebenaran umum (general truth)  We are discussing an importing thing
Verbal: now.
S + V1 (-s/es) + O

Non Verbal: 3. Present Perfect Tense

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian
S + is/ am/ are + Complement yang sudah selesai pada waktu tertentu pada
Adverb of time: masa sekarang.
- Every day
- Once a …. (ex: once a month) S + have/ has + V3 + O
- Twice a …. (ex: twice a week) Adverb of time/ biasa diikuti oleh:
- Today - Yet
Adverb of frequency: - Already
- Often - Just
- Always - Recently
- Usually - Since + Simple Past
- Sometimes - For + durasi waktu
- Seldom e.g:
- Never  She has already finished her study.
- Etc  I haven’t done it yet.

e.g: 4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

 The earth revolves around the sun. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian
(general truth) yang telah dan masih berlangsung sampai
 Fanni and her mother always go to sekarang.
Bandung every year. (habit)
S + have/ has + been + V–ing +O
2. Present Continuous Tense Adverb of time:
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian - For three years, etc
yang sedang berlangsung pada saat sekarang. - Since yesterday, etc.
- All the month/ the year/ the day, etc.
S + is/ am/ are + V –ing + O e.g:
 It has been raining since last night.
Adverb of time:  I have been teaching English for seven
- Now years.
- For the time being

1. Since the 1994 FIFA World Cup, FIFA … an 2. Since there are many complaints about the
anthem composed by the German composer new product, the company … the products
Franz Lambert. now.
a. Adopts a. Is recalling
b. Adopted b. Recalls
c. Has adopted c. Recalled
d. Was adopting d. Has recalled
3. Because the river … Steadily since Sunday, 7. He has been sitting in the library every night
the residents of the area have been advised … the last four months.
to prepare for flood conditions. a. Since
a. Rose b. Until
b. Had risen c. Before
c. Is rising d. For
d. Has been rising
8. Recently, the work had been being done by
4. I started school when I was five years old. I … A B C D
a student for seventeen years now. john M. Rayyan.
a. Am
b. Am being 9. While the exact date crop circles began to
c. Have been appear is unknown, the documented cases …
d. Am tobe since 1970s.
a. increase
5. Honey is the only form of naturally occurring b. increased
sugar that … to be refined. c. have increased
a. Does not d. were increasing
b. Does not have
c. Not having 10. The family … with the neighbor since the
d. Has not tragedy.
a. Had rarely engaging
6. The research for the book roots taking Alex b. Had rarely engaged
A B C c. Has rarely engaging
Haley twelve years. d. Has rarely engaged

1. Simple Past Tense 3. Past Perfect Tense

Digunakan untuk menyatkan suatu kejadian Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian
yang terjadi pada masa lampau. yang telah selesai ketika kejadian lain terjadi.
S + had + V3 + O
S + V2 + O
Biasa diikiti oleh:
Non verbal: - By
S + was/ were + Complement - By the end of
- By the time S + V2 + O ,atau
Adverb of time: - Before S + was/ were + Comp
- Yesterday - after
- Last …. e.g:
- ….ago  He had attended the meeting before
- Just now he died.
- Once upon a time  After I had known him, I realized that
- in + time (past) ex: in 1998 he was awesome.
 Derry came late yesterday. 4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
 Last Monday, I studied English with Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian
Mr. Tom. yang sudah berlangsung beberapa lama tetapi
masih terus berlangsung ketika kejadian yang
2. Past Continuous Tense lain terjadi pada waktu lampau.
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian
yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu S + had + been + V-ing + O
di masa lampau.
Biasanya ditandai dengan:
S + was/ were + V-ing + O - Before
Adverb of time: - By the time
- At 10 o’clock last night - When S + V2 + O ,atau
- At this time yesterday - By the end of S + was/ were + Comp + for
- When + Simple Past - By
- While … - After
e.g: e.g:
 When he arrived at home, his mother  Hafiz had been working here for three
was cooking with his sister. years before he retired.
 I was painting my new house at this  When he arrived here, we had been
time last month. waiting for him for 7 minutes.

1. Past Cont T
when + S past T + 2. S past T
3. Past Perfect T
4. Past Perfect cont T (for)

1. The chief accountant … the monthly report c. Had been scrutinized
for seven hours when the director arrived. d. Has been scrutinized
a. Had been scrutinizing
b. Has been scrutinizing
2. Joe … a terrible role model for his younger d. Had never visited
brother all day yesterday.
a. Was 8. The Titanic … four days when a huge iceberg
b. Being was suddenly spotted.
c. Has been a. Sailed
d. Was being b. Was sailing
c. Has sailed
d. Had been sailing
3. The children … by the time their parents got
home. 9. After Michael failed the first math test, he
a. Sleep thought he … the course.
b. Was sleeping a. Will
c. Has already slept b. Is going to
d. Had already slept c. Failed
d. Was going to
4. … you fatter when you studied in senior high
school? 10. I …..a video last night when my best friend
a. Was c. Were called.
b. Are d. Have a. Watch
5. Kristina … to an opera before she lived in b. Watched
Jakarta. c. Had watched
a. Was never going d. Was watching
b. Has never gone
c. Had never gone 11. They … mineral water while jogging around
d. Did not go the station.
a. Drank
6. I havespent three weeks in Germany last b. Drinking
A B C D c. Had drunk
July. d. Have drunk

7. Ditto … Indonesia before he came to Jakarta 12. Eko … many backhoes before he received his
to study in the International student special mechanic license.
program. a. Repaired
a. Has never visited b. Repairing
b. Never visited c. Had repaired
c. Would never visited d. Has repaired

1. Simple Future Tense 3. Future perfect Tense

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang
akan dilakukan pada masa yang akan datang. telah akan berlangsung sampai masa yang akan
S + will/ be going to + V1 + O
Adverb of time: S + will + have + V3 + O
- Next … Adverb of time:
- Tomorrow - By
- Tonight - By the end of
S + V1 + O
- Soon - By the time
- Then - Before
- Later e.g:
e.g:  By the time he graduates from school,
 I will send the report soon. we will have finished our research.
 The man will reach the dangerous  They will have released a new album
zone tomorrow. by next year.

2. Future Continuous Tense 4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Dugunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang
akan sedang dilaksanakan pada waktu yang akan akan selesai selama beberapa waktu kedepan.
S + will have + been + V-ing + O
S + will be + V-ing + O
Adverb of time:
Adverb of time: - By
- At 10 pm tonight - By the end of S + V1 + O + for
- At this time later - By the time
- At this moment tomorrow morning - Before
- Etc. e.g:
e.g:  Tukul will have been writing his new
 Tama and Naufal will be discussing novel for three weeks by tomorrow.
their new project at 8 tonight.  Before I take him, he will have been
 Mr. Lakmus will be giving his staying there for five days.
welcoming speech at this moment
tomorrow morning.

1. At 7 P.M. tonight, the tax payers … their d. Will have been taking
reports online. 3. As soon as the midfielder … the ball, the striker
a. Will submit will shoot it to the goal.
b. Will be submitting a. Passes
c. Will be submitted b. Passed
d. Will submitting c. Will pass
d. Has passed
2. By the time you get back, we … care of
everything. 4. Sari … to school with her friends at 06.30 a.m.
a. Will take tomorrow.
b. Will be talking a. Walks
c. Will have taken b. Is going to walk
c. Will be walking a. Gets
d. Will have walked b. Will get
5. They left two hours ago, so they should be c. Would get
here soon. d. Got
The statement that is similar in meaning :
a. They left two hours ago, so they’re likely to 8. Charlotte ….. a speech at this time tomorrow.
be here soon a. Gives
b. They left two hours ago, so they must be b. Is giving
here soon c. Will be given
c. They left two hours ago, so they’ve ever d. Will be giving
here soon
d. They left two hours ago, so they will be 9. Charice … the course for three months by next
here soon week.
a. Will take
6. … dinner tonight with Mr. Capello, and I’d like b. Would take
to invite you to come along. c. Will have taken
a. We’re having d. Is going to take
b. We have
c. We would have 10. Mr. Fahri ….. a new research at 8 tonight.
d. We’ve just a. Discusses
b. Is discussing
7. Tony is going to return to Aceh as soon as he … c. Will discuss
his university diploma’s degree. d. Will be discussing

1. Gerund e.g:
Gerund adalah kata kerja dasar yang  She is interested in buying that old
ditambah dengan -ing (V1 + ing) yang building.
berfungsi sebagai kata benda, seperti subjek,  Hana wanted to object to accepting
objek, kepunyaan, dll. our offer.

a. Sebagai Subjek d. Setelah Preposisi

Terletak di awal kalimat sebelum kata - On - After
kerja (Verb). - In - Before
e.g: - Of - Without
 Reading the mathematics and - From - About
chemistry books makes me bored - For - Off
and sleepy. - By
 Practicing with your friend may ease
you to understand it. e.g:
 I can’t live without consuming it.
b. Sebagai Objek  She reached here by riding her
Terletak setelah kata kerja tertentu, bicycle
e. Setelah possessive Adjective
Admit Keep - My
Appreciate Postpone - Your
Avoid Practice - Our
Can’t help Quit - Their
Can’t stand Recall - Her
Can’t stop Report - His
Consider Remind - Its
Delay deny Resist - Father’s
Enjoy Resume
Finish Risk e.g:
Mind miss Suggest  I need your understanding.
 He was angry because of her crying
e.g: loud.
 I was avoiding using too much sugar.
 They really enjoy going to the beach. 2. Infinitive
Infinitive adalah kata kerja bentuk dasar.
c. Setelah Phrase Tertentu a. To infinitive
- Look forward to Bentuk kata kerja yang diawali kata to,
- Object to misalnya
- Confess to - To go
- Tobe/get used to - To make
- Tobe/get accustomed to - To study
- Interested in - To live
- Fond of - Etc
- Put on
- Etc
Pemakaiannya (posisi) meliputi: - Cause
1. Setelah kata kerja tertentu - Have
- Agree - Learn e.g:
- Attempt - Need  We have our friend do our
- Claim - Offer assignment.
- Decide - Plan  It causes her cry.
- Demand - Prepare
- Desire - Pretend 2. Setelah kata kerja panca
- Expect - Refuse indera(verbs of senses)
- Fail - Seem - See
- Forget - Strive - Notice
- Hesitate - Tend - Hear + O + infinitive/ Ving
- Hope - Want - Smell
- Intend - Wish - Feel
e.g: e.g:
 I think you seem to get cold now.  I saw him arrange the flowers.
 They never agree to sell it.  I saw him arranging the flowers.

2. Setelah kata sifat (Adjective) 3. Setelah modals

e.g: - Can - Could
 It was hard to understand him. - May - Might
 I don’t know but I’m happy to - Must - Had to
know you. - Will - Would
- Shall - Should
3. Menyatakan tujuan
 I think we must invite him to
make this party more interesting.
 I come here to take you.

b. Bare infinitive (without to)

Bentuk kata kerja dasar tanpa to. e.g:
 We can do it
Pemakaiannya (posisi) adalah:  The student will represent us
1. Setelah kata kerja tertentu there.
- Make
- Let

1. His father is an experienced investor who is
accustomed to … with residential properties.
a. Deal 3. The patient should avoid … cosmetics during
b. Dealing the skin recovery.
c. Be dealing a. To wear
d. Be dealt b. Wearing
c. To wearing
2. We made the pie with … cherries. d. Wear
a. Pit
b. Pitted 4. Prima’s father is looking forward to … the
c. Pitting premiere of “Garuda di Dadaku”.
d. Pitting of a. Attend
b. Attending c. Have the custom to drink
c. Attended d. Accustoming in drinking
d. Attends

5. Since Mario is a presenter, he is used to … in 13. Jim said that he wouldn’t mind … for an hour.
front of the spectators. a. To wait for her
a. Speak b. Wait for her
b. Speaks c. Waiting for her
c. Speaking d. For waiting her
d. Spoke
14. She is considering … to the OSIS’s concert.
6. After attending the wedding party, Dona a. Not going
continued … the meal and having dinner with b. Not go
her family. c. Not to go
a. Heating d. No goes
b. To heat
c. Heat 15. In the film world, professionals are accustomed
d. Heats to … a negative into a computer at the highest
resolutions possible.
7. Would you mind … please? a. Scan
a. To pass the sugar b. Scanning
b. Pass me the sugar c. Be scanned
c. Passing the sugar d. Be scanning
d. To pass me the sugar
16. It was very kind of my friend to help me … cash
8. After … an investigation for alleged tax money.
violations. Spiro Agnew resigned the vice- a. To count
presidency in 1973. b. Counted
a. Underwent c. Counts
b. To undergo d. Count
c. Been undergone
d. Undergoing 17. Many kids refuse to eat healthy food because
their parents always let them … whatever they
9. … taking over the leadership of this project is like.
what made it succed. a. Eat
a. Her b. To eat
b. She c. Eating
c. She is d. Ate
d. Her having
18. The guess made the bell boy … the luggage.
10. Indonesians … soup with rice a. To bring
a. Accustomed to eat b. Brought
b. Are accustomed to eating c. Brings
c. Have the custom to eat d. Bring
d. Are accustoming in drinking
19. Susan decides … that she has committed a
11. I am absolutely sure you are capable ofpass crime.
A B C D a. Confess
the examination. b. Confessing
c. Confessed
12. I am now … tea without sugar. d. To confess
a. Accustomed to drink
b. Accustomed to drinking
20. Susi made Andi … his sandals before he went c. Buying
into her house. d. For buying
a. Takes off
b. Take off 22. My teacher made me … the history project in a
c. Took off week.
d. Taken off a. Do
b. To do
21. If people have to pay cash to buy a house, c. Done
nobody can afford … it. d. Doing
a. Buy
b. To buy

1. Passive Voice
Passive Voice adalah perubahan bentuk kalimat
aktif menjadi kalimat pasif. 2. Tag Question
Tag Question adalah bentuk pertanyaan di
S + tobe + V3 + by + O akhir kalimat yang berfungsi untuk menegaskan
atau memastikan suatu pernyataan.
Syarat kalimat pasif adalah:
- Subjek bertukar posisi dengan Objek Sentence …. , aux + S… ?
- Kata kerja (Verb) harus transitif
- Harus muncul tobe + V3 pada kalimat pasif Jika kalimatnya positif, maka tag questionnya
- Tenses tidak berubah (tetap) negative. Begitu pula sebaliknya.
Kriteria tobe sesuai jenis tensesnya: Catatan:
o Simple Present = is, am, are Dalam setiap kalimat Tag Question, subjek
o Simple Past = was, were dalam Tag Question nya harus dalam bentuk
o Perfect = been kata ganti (pronoun).
o Future = be
o Continuous = being Pemakaiannya adalah:
a. Kalimat yang menggunakan tobe
Proses perubahan kalimat aktif menjadi pasif: e.g:
Tenses Active Passive  She is a good girl, isn’t she?
Simple S + V1 +O S+ is/am/are+  He was not cleaning his room, was he?
present V3 b. Kalimat menggunakan auxiliary
Simple S+ V2 + O S+ was/were+ e.g:
past V3  Sandy didn’t know me, did he?
Perfect S+ S+  Jamal runs fast, doesn’t he?
have/has/had+ have/has/had+  Iwan has chosen it, hasn’t he?
V3 been V3 c. Kalimat menggunakan modals
Future S+ S+ e.g:
will/would/shal will/would/shal  George will call us, won’t he?
l/ should + V1+ l/ should + be  Haikal and Fauzan can help her, can’t
O V3 they?
Continu S+ tobe S+ tobe  Maman must not tell it to us, must
ous (is/am/are/was (is/am/are/was he?
/were) + Ving /were) + being
+ V3 Exceptions:
1. I am a super hero, aren’t I?
e.g: I am not a super hero, am I?
 A: They attend the class today. 2. There is a new building here, isn’t there?
P: The class is attended by them today. 3. That is my bag, isn’t it?
 A: I sent it last night. 4. Let’s do it now, shall we?
P: it was sent last night. 5. Call him, will you?
 A: She has found a good man. 6. Don’t disturb me, will you?
P: A good man has been found by her. 7. Everybody/onelikes it, don’t they?
 A: We will finish them. Anybody/one
P: They will be finished by us. Somebody/one
 A: we were waiting for him. Nobody/none
P: he was being waited by us. 8. Every/any/some/nothing is impossible,
isn’t it?
9. Main clause + Subordinate clause
Tag diambil dari main clause
Rani told that she wouldn’t go anywhere,
didn’t she?

1. Nothing went wrong when the director was d. Been
gone, …?
a. Did it 8. The proposal … discussed when I called the
b. Didn’t it office this morning.
c. Was a. Being
d. Wasn’t it b. Have been
c. Was being
2. Faiz almost never ate at home, … ? d. Been
a. Did he
b. Would he 9. All of my time … in the library.
c. Had she a. Is spent
d. Didn’t she b. Are spent
c. Spending
3. He’s already read the letter, …? d. Has spending
a. Hasn’t he
b. Isn’t he 10. Sekolah Tinggi Akutansi Negara (STAN) … as one
c. Doesn’t he of the best colleges in Indonesia.
d. Hasn’t it a. Is regarded
b. Regarded
4. Let’s go to the stadium,…? c. Regards
a. Will we d. Regarding
b. Don’t we
c. Are we 11. Tropical forests can be find in Southeast Asia
d. Shall we A B C
5. The recent progress report … to the Branch D
a. Submit 12. When a bone is broke into several pieces
b. Will submit A B
c. Will be submitted doctors may pin the pieces together for
d. Will be submitting C
proper Healing .
6. Many people in that hotel were frightened … D
the bombing threat issued by the terrorist.
a. Off c. At 13. Nowadays, the main element of competition,
b. By d. With A
both on national and international level
7. Michael’s report … discussed when I called Prof. are representing by human resources.
Smith this afternoon. C D
a. Being
b. Have been
c. Was being

1. Modals
Modals merupakan bagian dari auxiliary (kata  Could + have + V3
kerja bantu) yang dapat mengubah arti. Modal ini digunakan untuk menyatakan
Modal kemampuan pada masa lalu.
Can e.g:
Could +V1  I could do it myself. But I realized
May that I need you to help me. (I didn’t
Might + be + V3/Ving do it myself).
Ought to + be + Adj/Adv/N Note:
Must Kalau ada “tobe + to V1, need, must” berdiri sendiri
di choice maka utamakan “tobe + to V1” lalu “need”
Be able to + V1 baru kemudian “must”
Be capable of + Ving
Be allowed to +V1 2. Preferences
Be permitted to +V1 Preference adalah bentuk ungkapan yang
Have to digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa lebih suka,
Has to +V1 kita dapat menggunakan beberapa ungkapan,
Had to diantaranya:
e.g:  Prefer – to
 Fanni must study harder.
 Naufal will help Tama. S + prefer + to V1
 Sahara can be a good assistant. S + prefer + V-ing/ Noun
a. Modal perfect  I prefer to stay at home.
 I prefer staying at home.
Modals + have + V3
 I prefer banana.
 Might + have + V3
modal ini digunakan untuk menyatakan S + prefer + V-ing/ Noun +to V-ing/ Noun
kemungkinan pada masa lalu
(possibility in the past).
 Jihan prefer playing badminton to
e.g: going to the cinema.
 Kamelia might have come late  Jihan prefer English to Mandarin.
 Like – better than
 Should + have + V3
modal ini digunakan untuk menyatakan S + like + V1
saran/ nasehat pada masa lalu. (Advice/ S + like + V-ing/ Noun
suggestion in the past)
e.g: e.g:
 I should have given him the food.  We like to study in the library.
(I didn’t give him the food)  The man likes going to traditional
 Must + have + V3 market.
Modal ini digunakan untuk kesimpulan  I like the new car.
logis yang terjadi pada masa lalu
(logical conclusion in the past) S + like + V-ing/ Noun + better than + V-
e.g: ing/ Noun
 The grass is wet. It must have
rained last night.
 They like fishing better than e.g:
jogging.  Koko would rather buy something
 They like Tokyo better than than make it.
 Would prefer – rather than

 Would rather – than S + would prefer + to V1 + rather than + V1

S + would rather + V1
 Hadi would prefer to take taxi
e.g: rather than wait for me.
 Koko would rather buy that black
S + would rather + V1 + than + V1

1. X: I really need a job right now. b. Mustn’t
Y: Well, you … look for job vacancies in the c. Needn’t
newspaper. d. Can’t
a. Should
b. Must 6. All students … report to the examination hall on
c. Might July 30th for the exam.
d. Need a. Might
b. Need
2. X : Our cargoes are not ready yet, sir c. Could
Y : Well, I think we … contact our costumer to d. Are to
ask for some extra time.
a. Will 7. He went by bus, but he … by car.
b. Might a. Might of gone
c. Should b. Should have gone
d. Used to c. Could have gone
d. Ought have gone
3. Henry VIII ruled that people born on February
29 … their birthday on February 28 in non-leap 8. She went to the office by taxi, but she … by bus.
years. a. Might of gone
a. Celebrated would have b. Should gone
b. Celebrated c. Could have gone
c. Celebrates d. Ought have gone
d. Would celebrate
9. The light is out in her room; she …
4. All students … report to the STAN Secretariat on a. Must go to bed
September 2nd for the final exam. b. Must have gone to bed
a. Could c. Must gone to bed
b. Might d. Must be gone to bed
c. Need
d. Are to 10. You want to tell your repeated action in the
past, you say: ‘When I was a child,…’
5. Since the company doesn’t charge a late fee a. I would visit my grandparents every
until after the sixteenth, you … pay until a day weekend
or two before that. b. I could visit my grandparents every
a. Shouldn’t weekend
c. I might visit my grandparents every
weekend 12. Abdul … continuing his education to the
d. I should visit my grandparents every Graduated Program to working in his family
weekend business.
a. Likes
11. We would rather study for the final exam b. Would rather
A B c. Had better
tomorrow better than go shopping. d. Prefers

1. Elliptical Sentence - Has/ have

Elliptical Sentence adalah penggabungan dua
kalimat setara dengan menghilangkan bagian- S + Have + O ( orang) + V1
bagian predikat yang sama untuk menghindari
terjadinya pengulangan. Elliptical sentence e.g:
dapat dibagi menjadi dua kelompok; negative  Mr. Yuan has his students do their
dan positive elliptical. homework.
a. Positive elliptic. - Get
……+…….. and S + Aux + Too S + Get + O (orang ) + to V1
……+…….. and So + Aux + S
e.g: e.g:
 Nana cooks fried rice.  Kelly got her husband to call the
Indra cooks fried rice. doctor.
= Nana cooks fried rice and so does
Indra. or b. Passive Causative
Nana cooks fried rice and Indra
does too. S+ have+ O (benda) + V3
S + Get + O (benda) + V3
b. Negative elliptic. e.g:
……+…….. and S + Aux + not + either  My uncle had his hat washed.
……+…….. andneither + Aux + S  Ujang gets his motor cycle painted.

e.g: c. Let, Make, Help

 Ozi has not come yet.
S+ let + O (orang) + V1
Surya has not come yet.
= Ozi has not come yet and neither
has Surya.
Ozi has not come yet and Surya e.g:
hasn’t either.  I don’t want to
him go.
c. Positive – Negative elliptic.  Lee makes me meet Mr. Darwis.
 Vina helps him finish her home
Negative sentence +but + S + Aux + work.
Positive sentence +but + S + Aux + not
e.g: 3. Appositive
 Dona agreed to go to Bali. Kata – kata yang memberikan informasi
Dani didn’t agree to go to Bali. tambahan terhadap subjek, objek atau benda.
= Dona agreed to go to Bali but Dani Pola :
didn’t. …S…,……Appositive……. , …P…
Dani didn’t agree to go to Bali but
Dona did. Syarat
- Tidak boleh ada subjek
2. Causative - Tidak boleh ada predicate kecuali V-3 atau
Causative digunakan untuk menyuruh atau V-ing
meminta orang lain untuk mengerjakan - Tidak boleh ada clauses (adj clause, adv
sesuatu. clause, noun clause)
a. Active Causative Note : jika tidak terdapat jawaban maka boleh
Menyuruh orang lain untuk melakukan menggunakan “Adj Clause”
e.g: 3. An ambulance,…….by a pedestrian, can not
1. The prisoner, ………by guards, walked calmly to come quikly because of the traffic jam
his execution. a. It was summoned
a. Was surrounded b. Was summoned
b. Which surrounded c. Summoned
c. Surrounded d. Which summoned
d. It was surrounded

2. Ramayana ,……….., consist of even books and

24.000 couplets.
a. It has rich description and poetic language
b. Rich in its description and has poetic
c. It is rich in its description and poetic
d. Rich in its description and poetic language

1. Ira barely sleeps before midnight, and … 6. I am worried about the test, and …
a. Ita does not either a. Also is he
b. Neither does Ita b. So is he
c. Either does Ita c. He is so
d. Does not Ita either d. So he does

2. Syamsul Bachri did not sign the contract 7. The costumer had the shoes … before six
offered by Gaylang FC, and … o’clock in the evening.
a. Neither did Rommy and Firdaus a. Delivers
b. Either didn’t Rommy and Firdaus b. Deliver
c. Rommy and Firdaus did either c. Delivered
d. Rommy and Firdaus didn’t neither d. Delivering

8. My teacher made me … the history project in

3. I am going to the technical meeting and … a week.
a. So does Indra a. do
b. So goes Indra b. to do
c. So is Indra c. done
d. Indra is so d. doing

4. If Jack’s wife won’t agree to sign the papers,… 9. Nias, … covering an area of 5,121.3 km2, is the
a. Neither won’t he largest of the islands of Sumatra.
b. Neither he will a. An island
c. He won’t neither b. Is an island
d. Neither will he c. That an island
d. Is that an island
5. Dinna didn’t like our new roommate, and …
a. I don’t too 10. Paula never uses a dictionary when the French
b. Neither I did programs begin, and ...
c. Neither did I a. Lydia does either
d. I didn’t also b. Either does Lydia
c. Neither does Lydia
d. Lydia doesn’t neither
15. The insect, … , bit my brother’s arm last night,
11. During his career, Luther Vandross , …, sold a. A big spider with hairy legs
over twenty-five million albums and won b. It is a big spider with hairy legs
eight Grammy Awards. c. A big spider which with hairy legs
a. Which an America singer and producer d. Which is a big hairy-legged spider
b. Was an American singer and producer
c. An American singer and producer
d. An American singer and producer was 16. Milliard Fillmore, … , taught school and
studied law before aspiring to political office.
a. Was the least great American president
12. Mary, … to win the prize, tripped when she ran b. The American president was least
upstairs. c. One of the least known American
a. Having thrilled presidents
b. Thrilling d. That he was one of the least American
c. Thrilled president
d. Thrill
17. Soekarno, … one of the strongest Indonesian
13. Caecilians, … , are the only amphibians that President, served from 1945 to 1965.
are blind. a. Considered
a. Live underground b. Is consider
b. Live underground which c. Was considered
c. Which live underground d. Considering
d. Live which underground
18. We had our house…….…two weeks ago.
14. Mars, …, has two satellites. a. renovate
a. Which the fourth planet from the sun b. to renovate
b. It is the fourth planet from the sun c. renovated
c. The fourth planet from the sun d. had renovate
d. Is the fourth planet from the sun

1. Conditional Sentence  I would have told him the truth if they

Conditional Sentence adalah kalimat had arrived here.
pengandaian. Terdapat tiga jenis Conditional
Sentence: Penghilangan “IF”

a. Open Conditional (Type 1) – Future IF + S + had + V3, S + would + have + V3 + O

Merupakan bentuk pengandaian masa yang = HAD + S + V3 , S + would + have + V3 + O
akan datang.
IF + S + V1 , S + will + V1 + O  If Keith had finished it, he would have
left us.
e.g: Had Keith finished it, he would have
 If he studies seriously, he will pass the left us.
 He will pass the test if he studies 2. Reported Speech
seriously. Indirect speech/Reported speech
Kalimat tidak langsung
b. Present Conditional (Type-2) – Present Syarat:
Merupakan bentuk pengandaian saat ini. 1. Ada perubahan Tenses
Direct. speech Indirect.speech
IF + S + V2/ were , S + would + V1 + O S.Present.Tense S.Past.Tense
Pr.Cont.Tense Past.Cont.Tense
e.g: Pr.Perfect.Tense Past.Perfect.tense
 If she gave it to me, I would share it to Pr.Future.Tense Past.Future.tense
others. S.Past.Tense Past. Perfect.Tense
 I would share it to others if she gave it
to me. 2 . Ada perubahan Adverb of Time
 If Hendra were not absent yesterday, Direct speech Indirect speech
he would get the grand prize. Now Then
 Hendra would get the grand prize if he Today That day
were not absent yesterday. Tonight That night
Tomorrow The following day,
Penghilangan “IF” the day after
IF + S + were, S + would + V1 + O Next Week The following week,
= WERE + S , S + would + V1 + O The week after
Last week The previous week,
The week before
 If I were you, I wouldn’t take it.
Yesterday The previous day,
Were I you, I wouldn’t take it.
The day before
Here There
c. Past Conditional (Type 3)
Merupakan bentuk pengandaian masa This That
lampau. These Those

IF + S + had + V3, S + would + have + V3 + O 3. Ada perubahan Pronoun

Direct speech Indirect speech
e.g: I/ me/ my/ mine He/ him/ his/ his, atau
 If they had arrived here, I would have She/ her/ her/ hers
told him the truth. You Tergantung konteks
Jenis – Jenis Reported Speech - With Q.Word
a. Affirmative What, where,who,how,etc
Bentuk pernyataan
Pola : Pola :
S+ asked/wondered + Q.word + Rep.word
S + Said / explained + that + Rep.words
Eg :
Eg :  Joni asked, “ Where did you go last
 Amat said. “ I will go abroad next night ?”
week”.  Joni asked where I had gone the
 Amat said that he would go abroad previous night.
the following week.
 Yanti said ,” I bought a car last week”. c. Imperative
 Yanti said that she had bought a car Bentuk perintah
the previous week - Perintah positive
Pola :
b. Interrogative
Bentuk pertanyaan S + Told/Ordered/Warned + O+ to V1
- With auxiliary
Tobe, modals, do, does. Did, have, has, Eg :
had  She told me, “ Open the door!”
Pola :  She told me to open the door.

S + asked/wondered/ if/whether + Rep.words - Perintah Negative

Pola :
Eg :
 My father asked, “Did you take my S+Told/Ordered/Warned + O+not+to V1
 My father asked whether I had Eg :
taken his money  They told me, “ Don’t speak English !”
 She asked, “ Do you love me?”  They told me not to speak English.
 She asked if I loved her

1. That machine … if you fixed it immediately. b. Had she overcome
a. Would work c. If she overcome
b. Would be worked d. If she would overcome
c. Would have worked
d. Would have been worked 4. You … the job if you were not late to the
a. Would get
2. If you put a wet towel directly under the sun, it b. Would be gotten
… momentarily. c. Would have gotten
a. Will dry d. Would have been gotten
b. Will dries
c. Dry
d. Dried 5. If the students … late to submit the scholarship
application to the board, they will not be listed
3. … her shyness, she would have become a great as candidates.
teacher. a. Be
a. She had overcome b. Are
c. Were b. Whether he has finished his homework
d. Have c. If he finished his homework
6. If I … you, I’d just go for dessert. d. If he had finished his homework
a. Was
b. Am
c. Were 9. … the announcement, I would have participated
d. Had been in the Balinese painting workshop.
a. If I knew
7. Mrs. Evi … if she had been delayed. b. I had known
a. Would call c. Had I known
b. Would have called d. If I have known
c. Will call
d. Will be calling 10. If you drop the egg from the third floor, it … to
8. Kiranti said to Tono,”Did you finish a. Shatter
homework?” b. Shattered
Kiranti asked Tono …….. c. Will shatter
a. Whether he finished his homework d. Would shatter

Subjunctive adalah bentuk kalimat yang berfungsi 3. Past Subjunctive

untuk menyatakan tentang pengharapan pada Pengharapan yang tidak terwujud pada masa
masa yang akan datang atau pengharapan yang lampau. Untuk menyatakannya kita dapat
tidak terwujud pada masa lampau dan masa menggunakan adverb of time seperti:
sekarang. yesterday, last …, …ago, etc.

Subjunctive menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan Wish

seperti: Would rather
+that + S + had + V3
- Wish If only
- If only As if/ as though
- As if/ as though
- Would rather e.g:
 Indra wished he had gone to bed last
Jenis-jenis Subjunctive: night.
1. Future Subjunctive  Anton spoke as though they had been
Pengharapan pada masa yang akan datang. a great speaker.

Dalam Future Subjunctive ini, kita dapat 4. Supplementary

menggunakan adverb of time seperti: tonight, a. Subjunctive Verb
tomorrow, next.., soon, later. Etc.
S + Subj. Verb + that + S + infinitive (V1)
Would rather
+that + S + would + inf Demand, Insist, Advise, Suggest, Urge,
If only
ProposE, Request/Require/Recommend,
As if/ as though
e.g: e.g:
 We wish he could come here  I recommended that you take this
tomorrow. offer.
 I wish you would tell us soon.  She suggests that Jihan buy the
2. Present Subjunctive
Pengharapan yang tidak terwujud pada masa b. Subjunctive Adjective
sekarang. Untuk menyatakannya kita dapat
It + tobe + Subj. Adj+ that + S + infinitive (V1)
menggunakan adverb of time seperti: today,
now, rightnow, at this time, at this moment.
Necessary, Important, Advised, Suggested,
Urged, ProposEd,
Would rather
+that + S + V2/ were Requested/Required/Recommended,
If only
As if/ as though

e.g: e.g:
 Nawi sings as though he were Maher  It is important that we go from
Zein. here now.
 Everyone wishes they passed the final  It was suggested that Reza meet
test now. Yuda yesterday.
1. The executives demanded that a trained 6. I would rather they … their obligation right now.
A B a. Pays
Technician repaired the copier. b. Has paying
C D c. Paid
d. Pay

2. It is necessary that the Department of Military 7. Aziz wishes he … to Ikranegara’s play on the 30th
… the 20th annual State Veterans Homes Week. of November last year.
a. Celebrated a. Had gone
b. Celebrate b. Went
c. Celebrates c. Has gone
d. To celebrate d. Were going

3. The class teacher insist that the students … the 8. I’d rather you … anything about it for the time
assignment on time. being.
a. Hand in a. Do
b. Handed in b. Didn’t do
c. To hand in c. Don’t
d. Handing in d. Didn’t

4. When a patient’s blood pressure is much 9. Rust can deteriorate a steel pipe to such an
A extent that it will snap easily … it were a twig.
higherthan itshould be, a doctor usually a. If
B C b. Unless
Insists that he will not smoke. c. As though
D d. Although

5. Efi was shocked as though … 10. Last night, a boy screamed and ran as if he … a
a. She saw a ghost ghost.
b. She has seen a ghost a. Saw
c. She had seen a ghost b. Has seen
d. She was seeing a ghost c. Had seen
d. Was seeing
TBI 10

1. Concordance b. Parallel Structure

Concordance adalah persesuaian antara tiap
unsur kata dalam suatu kallimat. Not only Adj But also Adj
Not only N But N As well
a. Persesuaian antara Subjek dan Predikat Neither Adv Nor Adv
(Subject – Verb Agreement) Either V Or V
Jika suatu subjek dalam sebuah kaliamat Both And
berbentuk tunggal, maka predikatnya
juga tunggal dan begitu sebaliknya. e.g:
Neither + N + nor + N + V + O/C  Tintin is not only smart but also
Either + N + or + N + V + O/ C energic.
 It can be both increased and
e.g: decreased.
 Neither the participants nor she was
able to answer the questions. 2. Phrase
 Neither she nor the participants Susunan kata
were able to answer the questions. a. Noun Phrase
Susunan kata benda
Neither of + N + V (singular) + O/C Pola:
Either of + N + V(singular) + O/ C Adj + Noun
Every/ each (of) + N + V (singular) + O/C Adv + Adj + Noun
Adj+ly V3/Ving
e.g: e.g:
 Either of the participants has been  Beautiful girl
selected. Adj N
 Each participant tries hard to reach  Beautifully decorated room
it. Adv Adj N
The number of + N + V (singular) + O/C
b. Verb phrase
A number of + N + V(plural) + O/ C
Susunan kata kerja
e.g: Pola :
 The number of participants feels Verb + Adv
interested in it. Adv + Verb
 A number of participants feel e.g:
interested in it.  She slowly walked
Adv verb
As well as  She walked slowly
Together with Verb Adv
S1 + + S2 + V + O/C
Along with
Accompanied by c. Adjective phrase
Pola :
e.g: Adj – Adj – Adj + N
 Sandra, together with Dona and e.g:
Fauzi, goes to school today.  smart-five-year–old boy
 My brothers, together with my
mom, go to the market today. Note:
- Jika terdapat phrase bergaris di choice
maka jawaban bergaris.
- Phrase bergaris tidak boleh memakai “s”
kecuali kata benda.
- Sebelum kata benda tidak boleh bergaris. Kecuali:
- Kata keterangan tidak boleh bergaris. Fast high late
Near hard long
Pembentukan Adv of Manner Good ≠ well (Adj ≠ Adv)
Adj + ly = Adv
Slow + ly = slowly
Quick + ly = quickly
Adj = Adv

1. The Araceae are a family of herbaceous b. Themselves
A B c. By theirselves
monocots with 109 genus including the d. By themselves
Lemnaceae. 8. Ana likes to wear … when going to the party.
a. Jewelry
2. In the movie, the actor has showed a fiercely, b. Jewelries
A B C D c. A jewelry
dreamy, and brave character. d. Some jewelries

9. Promoting … goods and services, the company

3. I had so few job offers that its was not difficult salesmen also bid a opportunity to earn some
A B C profit.
to select one. a. They
D b. Their
c. Its
4. After his parents passed away, Sam lived … d. It
a. His self
b. Himself 10. The little girls is taking care of the puppy with
c. By hisself …, affection, and kindness.
d. By himself a. Patient
b. Patience
5. The role of a geologist varies not only with his c. Patiently
area of specialization, but also … d. Patients
a. It varies with experience earned on the
occupational specialties 11. In the meeting, we gave the clients our
b. With experience earned on the A B
occupational specialties telephone number, and they gave their.
c. Varies with experience earned on the C D
occupational specialties
d. Its experience earned on the occupational
specialties 12. The Venice Film Festival is … which was
founded by Count Giuseppe Volpi in 1932.
6. Both Agung as well as Wawan eat all the time a. Year festival
A B b. A year festival
but they never get fat. c. Years festival
C D d. Yearly festival

7. Now that their children are grown up, Mr. and 13. The officially reason for the delay of their
Mrs. Grayson live… A B C
a. Their selves flight to Singapore is the bad weather.
D a. Two seater aircraft
b. Two-seater aircraft
14. The test materials were developed by the c. Two seaters aircraft
A B C d. Two-seaters aircraft
Centrally government and tasted to all
D 22. The bills are folded in an origami style in a …
schools In Indonesia. a. Three-dimensionals frame
b. Three-dimensional frame
15. The man was released after the police c. Three-dimensional-frame
A d. Three-frame dimensionals

realized that he was wrong convicted of drug

B C D 23. Jhonatan’s … daughter has been selected
smuggling. student of the year.
a. Beautiful twelve – year – old
16. We made the juice from freshly … orange. b. Beautiful twelve – years – old
a. Squeeze c. Beautiful twelve – year – olds
b. Squeezed d. Beautifully twelve – years – old
c. Squeezing
d. Squeezing up 24. The man received … tie as a gift from his wife.
a. A maroon elegant silk
17. The regional government in Kalimantan tried b. A maroon silk elegant
to eradicated a … few years ago. c. An elegant maroon silk
a. Boundary fire haze d. An elegant silk maroon
b. Boundary haze fire
c. Haze fire boundary 25. The quality of water varies not only with local
d. Fire haze boundary land use but also …
a. its geologic history of the earth
18. She woke up … this morning because of b. with the geologic history of the earth
studying hard in the previous night. c. varies with the geologic history of the earth
a. Late d. it varies with the geologic history of the
b. Lately earth
c. Latest
d. Later
26. Johan likes to talk to his dogs, takes them for a
19. In the developing world, where the possession A B C
of money can literally mean the difference walk twice a day, and feeding them expensive
between life and death, and often does, D
people … in their attitude towards money. dog food.
a. Are refreshingly, unequivocal
b. Are refreshingly and unequivocal 27. The materials I got from this English course is
c. Are refreshingly but unequivocal A B
d. Are refreshingly unequivocal different with the material I learned from
20. I found the mathematic problem to be …
a. Exceedingly difficult 28. Rani seems very mature for a ….
b. Real difficult a. Twenty – year – old girl
c. Rather difficulty b. Girl with twenty years
d. Very much difficult c. Girl of twenty year
d. Twenty – years – old girl
21. The Whitney Boomerang is the first … which
exceed all crash testing requirements.
b. A five-hundred-words-composition
29. The assignment for Friday is to write … about c. A five-hundreds-words-composition
World Cup 2002. d. A five hundreds-word-composition
a. A five-hundred-word-composition
TBI 11

1. Adjective Clause e.g:

Adective Clause digunakan untuk  The man looks familiar.
menggantikan satu atau dua frase benda yang His hair is curly.
identic dan menghubungkan klausa satu = The man whose hair is curly looks
dengan lainnya, dimana nantinya kalimat/ familiar.
klausa yang satu akan menerangkan bagian  The dog barked me last night.
kalimat lainnya. Its fur is black.
= The dog, the fur of which is black,
a. Adjective Clause sebagai Subjek barked me last night.

Who d. Time and Place

Which + V/ tobe/ aux/ modals
Where/ in which
That + noun/pronoun + V
When/ on which
 Cindy likes going shopping every
 Today is 10th November.
We commemorate the Hero’s day.
She is my best friend.
= today is 10th November when we
= Cindy who is my best friend likes
commemorate the Hero’s day.
going shopping every weekend.
 The house has been sold.
 I like Mr. Tom.
I lived there when I was young.
He teaches us patiently.
= The house where/ in which I lived
= I like Mr. Tom who teaches us
when I was young has been sold.
2. Noun Clause
b. Adjective Clause sebagai Objek
Noun Clause adalah anak kalimat yang
berfungsi sebagai kata benda dengan
Which +noun/ pronoun + V
- That
- What
- Who
 Indonesia is one of the largest country.
- Which
Many people likes it.
- Where
= Indonesia is one of the largest
- When + S + V/Predicate
countrywhich many people like.
- Why
- If/ whether
 We all know Kurnia.
- How
Mr. Watson was talking about him.
- Whom
= We all know Kurnia whomMr.
Watson was talking about.
a. Sebagai Subjek
About whom Mr.
Terletak di awal kalimat
Watson was talking.
 That he is clever makes Angelina
c. Adjective Clause sebagai Possession
interested in him.
 What he told has made us angry.
+ noun + V/tobe/aux/modals
Of which
b. Sebagai Objek
Terletak setelah kata kerja e.g:
e.g:  He had studied hard; therefore he
 I only want to know why you were could pass the examination.
absent yesterday.  They run so fast that she can’t reach
 They want to tell us how Indra did his them.
work.  She has such many problems that she
feels bored.
c. Sebagai Pelengkap (Complement)
e.g: c. Adverb of Purpose
 This is what we need. Anak kalimat yang berfungsi untuk
 I have no idea why he leaves me alone. menerangkan tujuan dari suatu pekerjaan.

3. Adverbial Clause Kata penghubung yang digunakan:

Adverbial Clause adalah anak kalimat yang - So that
berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan. Kebanyakan - In order that
adverbial clause dibentuk oleh kata - In order to + V1
Jenis-jenis:  He plans to visit the village so that he
a. Adverb of Reason can meet his uncle.
Anak kalimat yang berfungsi untuk  We work hard in order to finish it on
menerangkan alasan. time.
Kata penghubung yang biasa digunakan:
- Because d. Adverb of Contrast
- As Anak kalimat yang berfungsi untuk
- Since + S + V/Predicate menunjukkan pertentangan.
- For
Kata penghubung yang biasa digunakan
- Because of adalah:
- Due to + Noun/ Noun Phrase - Although,
- Owing to though, even
e.g: - However,
 He couldn’t come yesterday because nevertheless, + S + V/ Predicate
he got ill. whereas, still
 I like English because it is fun and easy - On the other
to learn. hand, but, yet
- While
b. Adverb of Result
Anak kalimat yang berfungsi untuk - Despite + Noun/ Noun Phrase
menyatakan hasil dari suatu perbuatan/ - In spite of
Kata penghubung yang biasa digunakan e.g:
adalah:  Despite your poorness, you can send
- So/ hence/ thus/ therefore/ your children to university.
consequently  He had tried hard but he still failed in
- So + adj + that (sangat ……sehingga…) his test.
- Such + noun + that (…..sehingga)
- S + V + so +many/few + count noun
(plural) + that
much/ little + uncount noun + e. Adverb of Place
Anak kalimat yang berfungsi untuk - Since
menyatakan tempat.
Kata penghubung yang biasa digunakan  Today is the day when we met him last
adalah: month.
- Where  I had told him before I left for
- Wherever Bandung.

e.g: g. Adverb Clause yang memberikan

 This is the house where I was born. informasi tambahan
 I want to visit Medan where Mr. Fauzan Kata penghubung yang digunakan adalah:
lives. - Moreover
- In addition
f. Adverb of time - Besides
Anak kalimat yang berfungsi untuk - Furthermore
menyatakan waktu. - In addition to + V1

Kata penghubung yang biasa digunakan e.g:

adalah:  He is handsome. Moreover, he is
- When clever and awesome.
- After  Indonesia is a large country. In
- Before addition, it is beautiful.
- While

1. The patient who the phsycian diagnosed with 5. … the citizen must obey.
A B C a. That the result and the outcomes of the
cancer left suddenly. selection
D b. Which the result and the outcomes of the
2. Coral reefs areas … small fish live and take c. Whatever the result and the outcomes of
shelter are damaged now. the selection
a. Which d. When the result and the outcomes of the
b. Of whose selection
c. In where
d. In which 6. … Taufik Hidayat won the Sudirman Cup is the
pride of Indonesia.
3. Ozokerite is a mineral wax occurring in the a. That c. Thus
vicinity of petroleum deposits. It is the crude, b. As d. However
dark colored … ceresin is refined.
a. Wax which is for
b. Wax that which 7. It is generally considered unwise to give a child
c. Wax from which … he or she wants.
d. Wax for which a. Whatever is it
b. Whatever
4. The people which cheated in the examination c. That
had to leave the room. d. Whatever that
a. The people
b. Which 8. I didn’t hear … because there was too much
c. Had to noise when I was sitting.
d. Leave a. What said
b. What he said
c. What did he say b. It is possible to gain a good idea of whether
d. What was he saying goods will be paid for in the year 2010
c. It is possible to gain a good idea of which
9. Could you please tell me … goods will be paid for the year 2010
a. Where is the STAN secretariat? d. It is possible to gain a good idea of how
b. Where the STAN secretariat? goods will be paid for in the year 2010
c. Where the STAN secretariat is?
d. Where did the STAN secretariat? 12. John met many beautiful girls at the dinner
( party last night, the most beautiful girl … was
10. No one seems to know when will the bus a. Of that
A B b. Of them
c. Of which
arrive at the bus stop. d. Of whom
13. There are many good people in the world … you
11. Predicting the future is never easy, but by can trust to take care of your children.
extrapolating certain present-day trends in a. Which
retail payment technology, … , and what b. Whom
consumer attitudes towards payment methods c. Whose
are likely to be. d. Of which
a. It is possible to gain a good idea of how
goods will be paid for in the year 2010
TBI 12

1. Inverted Sentence - (-) So… KS … As

Inverted Sentence adalah bentuk kalimat - The same …KB… As
dimana predicate mendahului subject. - Twice as …KS…. as
Predicate yang dimaksud adalah: - S + Like
 Auxiliary : Tobe, Modals, do, does, did, - S + V + O + Like
have,has,had - S + V + alike

Penggunaan: e.g:
a. Setelah Ungkapan “ Negative”  Haikal is as old as we are
Pola:  Haikal isn’t so old as she is
Neither Hardly  Haikal is the same age as we are
Never Rarely  My car and that one are alike
Not only Scarcely + Aux+ S +V
Not until Barely b. Comperative Degree
No Sooner Seldom Perbandingan lebih
Nor Not just Pola I :
Adj + er + Than
E.g: (KS yang terdiri dari 1 atau 2 suku kata)
 Hardly can she understand me. e.g:
clever => cleverer than
b. Setelah ungkapan “ only” smart => smarter than
Only Recently Pola II :
Only Then More + Adj + Than
Only If + Aux + S + V (KS yg terdiri dari lebih 2 suku kata)
Only With e.g:
Only After diligent => more diligent than
Only ….. expensive => more expensive than

e.g: c. Superlative Degree

 Only with did he watch tv Perbandingan paling
Pola I :
c. Setelah keterangan tempat. The + Adj + est + OF/In/Among
Pola: e.g:
Adv of place + Verb + S clever => the cleverest student in the
Adv of place + Aux + verb + S class
Adv of place + Aux + S Pola II :
E.g: The + Most + Adj + Of/In/Among
 The boy is sleeping under the table. e.g:
 Under the table is sleeping the boy expensive => the most expensive car in
 The woman sleeps on the table. the world
 On the table sleeps the woman

Note :
2. Degree of Comparison Ada beberapa kata sifat yang tidak
a. Positive Degree beraturan perubahannya (Irregular of
Perbandingan yang setara comparison):
Pola: Positive D Comp D Super D
- (+) As… KS… As Good Better The Best
Bad Worse The Worst d. Double Comperative
Little Less The Least Pola :
Many/much More The most The + Comperative D , The + Comparative D
Far Farther Farthest
Further Furthest e.g:
 The faster you run, the harder they
Kata sifat yang berakhiran huruf y, er, ow reach you.
menggunakan pola I
e. Of the two , The + Comparative D
Positive D Comp D Super D e.g:
Happy Happier The happiest  Of the two girls, the more beautiful
Narrow Narrower The narrowest one is Fanni.
Clever Cleverer The cleverest

1. Hardly ever … the same word twice alike. 6. Of the three dresses she has just bought, the
a. The little boy spelled dark blue one is …
b. Did spell the little boy a. More expensive
c. Did the little boy spell b. The more expensive
d. Spelled the little boy c. Most expensive
d. The most expensive
2. Not only … the best student in his school, but he
also receives a scholarship. 7. The biggest mistake people can make with
a. Markus becomes their dogs is to treat them alike humans.
b. Did Markus become A B C D
c. Does Markus become
d. Markus becoming
8. The blueberry muffins made by your mother
3. Not only … a good thing he did the right thing. A
a. Sam did are as delicious with what the chef made.
b. Sam do B C D
c. Did Sam do
d. Will Sam do
9. Our first tour destination in Asia is … our next
4. Not until a monkey is several years old … to destination.
exhibit signs of independence from its mother. a. Farther than
a. It begins b. The farther than
b. Does it begin c. Farthest than
c. And begins d. The farthest than
d. Beginning
10. The Sony camcorder demo was fun and
5. Only after has been dried and canned … impressive, but it is not as better as
a. That it should be stored for later B C
consumption.noisy Microsoft’s.
b. Should be stored for later consumption. D
c. Should it be stored for later consumption.
d. It should be stored for later consumption.
11. The more I think about philosophy, …. 15. The results of the third experiment are even
a. The less I understand it better as the results of the second one.
b. I like it less a. Results
c. Better I like it b. Third
d. It likes better c. Better
d. As
12. The art of singing is … humanity.
a. As old 16. Alike an orange, a kiwi has a deserved
b. Old as A B C
c. As old as reputation as valuable sources of vitamin C.
d. As old D

13. The view from your house is … from mine.

a. Better 17. At the end of this road … which is confiscated
b. The better by the state court.
c. Better than a. a dark house
d. The best b. is a dark house
c. a dark house is
14. Of the two cars, my father bought … d. it is a dark house
a. The most expensive
b. The least expensive
c. The less expensive
d. The one most expensive
TBI 13

1. Bentuk Umum : b. It is called the bass

- V-ing c. Called the bass
- V3 d. Calls the bass
- Being + Adj or Noun ……. , S Past Tense  Many communities are dependent on
- Having + V3, S Past Tense ground water……. from wells to their water
- Having + been + V3, S Past Tense supply.
a. That obtained
Means : b. Obtained
- Because/As/Since/for + S.Past.T c. Is obtained
- When/While + Past.Cont.T d. Obtain it
- Because/As/Since/for + S.Past(pasif)
- Because/As/Since/for +S.Present T or S.past.T - Subjek……Ving……+ Verb/ Aux
- After + Past.Perfect.T (aktif) - Verb /Aux + noun ……Ving……
- After + Past Perfect.T (Pasif)
e.g:  Those applicants…..their completed forms
 ………. Sleepy, She went to bed. at the earliest date have the highest
a. Because priority.
b. Feeling a. return c. to return
c. She felt b. returns d.returning
d. Felt
Means:  Every computer consists of a number of
Because She Felt Sleepy, or Because She systems….together.
was Feeling Sleepy a. By working
b. Working
 ……… the works, he went home. c. That works
a. He had finished d. They work
b. After he had finished
c. Having finished - Subjek………………+ Verb /Aux
d. He finished V-3 , V-ing (yang)
Means : - Verb /Aux + noun ………………….
After he had finished the works. V-3, V-ing (yang)

 Having been treated badly by her own e.g:

father ,………  The motorcycle………yesterday will be sold
a. The man found the girl crying in front next week.
his house a, Repaired b, was repaired
b. Escaping from her house was the best c, Repairing d. was repairing
decision for the girl
c. The girl escaped from her house  Completed in 1756, Nassau Hall is the
d. The house was left by the girl oldest building now….. on the campus of
Princeton University
2. Bentuk Khusus a, Standing b. has stood
- Subjek…V3……+ Verb/ Aux c, it stands d. stood
- Verb/ Aux + noun……V3…..

 The musical instrument………. is six feet
a. Is called the bass
Note :
Leave + O + V-ing

 My father found the boy …….. his money
a. steal b. stolen
c. to steal d. stealing

1. … with the consequence of his attitude, Michel 6. Completed in 1980, the G Hall is the oldest
signed his resign letter. building now … on our campus.
a. Embarrassed a. It stands c. Stood
b. Embarrassing b. Has stood d. Standing
c. Embarrass
d. Embarrasses
7. Candles … from beeswax burn with a very clean
2. … to buy a house, she rented a small room near a. Are made
her office. b. Which make
a. Being unable c. Making
b. Be unable d. Made
c. Having unable
d. Because unable 8. Ever since the information technology
revolution of the late 1980’s, … of Personal
3. The artificial flower … from paper was sold in Computers and the Microchip, the Company,
the market. from the Managing Director down to the man in
a. Which made the mailroom, has been striving for a constant
b. Was made policy of Excellence.
c. Made a. Occasions, and the use of
d. It was made b. Occasioned by the use
c. Occasionally in the use
4. While travelling to Mexico, the newlyweds … d. Occasional use
the site of the Aztec.
a. Has visited 9. Most of books … for Accounting today are
b. Had visited supplement with CD-ROMs.
c. Visited a. Using
d. Visiting b. In use
c. Is use
5. While … to buy the correct ticket, the man with d. Are used
the beard stole the young lady’s purse.
a. He queuing 10. After seeing the movie Jurassic Park,…
b. He queues a. The book was read by many people
c. Queuing b. The book made many people want to read
d. Queued it
c. Many people wanted to read the book
d. The reading of the book interested many
11. Of the three dresses she has just bought, the
dark blue one is …
a. More expensive
b. The more expensive
c. Most expensive
d. The most expensive

12. Several people have been arrested by the local

police for … smuggling three tons of fuel.
a. allege
b. alleged
c. alleging
d. allegedly

13. … by many researchers and scientists

throughout the world, robotics is employed in
automobile manufacturing.
a. Supported
b. Supporting
c. It supported
d. Have been supported
TBI 14

1. Noun Suffix b. Sebelum kata benda

Pembentukan kata benda dengan menambah Pola :
akhiran. Adj + Noun
Pembentukan : e.g:
….. ion  Active Girl
….. ment c. Setelah Linking Verb
…. ness Pola:
…. ity Become
…. ence Look
…. hood Appear
…. ship Seem + ADJ
…. dom Feel
Penggunaan : Turn
a. Setelah artikel Taste
Pola: smell
A/an/the + Noun
e.g: e.g:
 The government  He looks childish
b. Setelah kata sifat
Pola: b. Verb prefix / suffix
Adj + Noun Pembentukan kata kerja dengan menambah
e.g: awalan/akhiran .
 Good action Pembentukan :
c. Setelah possessive adjective en…….
Pola ……. en
My Their its …….. ize
Your his A’s +Noun ……. .ify
Our her dis …….
e.g: mis…….
 My kindness
Penggunaan :
a. Adjective Suffix a. Setelah modals
Pembentukan kata sifat dengan menambah Pola :
akhiran. Modals + V-1
Pembentukan : e.g:
…. ful …. able  She should sweeten my tea
…. less …. ous b. To + V-1
…. y …. ive Eg :
…. ic ….ish  To enlarge
…. al ….ent
…. like c. Adverb suffix
Penggunaan : Adjective + ly
a. Setelah tobe e.g:
Pola :  He runs slowly.
S + tobe + Adj  He spoke clearly.
 She is powerful
1. Ali manufactures produced designs that were 9. A company will not … if its employees are?
A a. Prosper
coherence with both layoutand navigational b. Prosperous
B C D c. Prosperity
elements. d. Prospering

2. Even with the nomination out of reach, he

Appeared unwillingness to concede.

3. A financial … evaluates and interprets public

company financial statements.
a. Analysis
b. Analyses
c. Analyze
d. Analyst

4. When entering a Japanese home or restaurant.

It is … to remove shoes.
a. Customary
b. Customs
c. Customer
d. Customy

5. The air turned … when the wind blew.

a. Cold c. Clods
b. Coldly d. Coldest

6. Although Ani speaks softly and appears

timidly, she is the leading expert in her field.

7. A list key beliefs of world class performers is the

important material in coaching mental …
a. Tough c. Toughment
b. Toughful d. Toughness

8. It was very … of you to send me the information

a. Consideration
b. Considerable
c. Considerate
d. Considering
TBI 15

1. Teori “Irregular Noun” Sementara untuk kata Each Other memiliki makna
saling (2 benda) dan kata One Another memiliki
Noun (sg) Noun (pl) makna saling (> 2 benda).
Man Men
Woman Women Eg :
Child Children - I don’t want this book. I want another.
Foot Feet - I have a lot of friends. Ten are American and
Tooth` Teeth others are Australian and Canadian.
Mouse Mice - She bought three novels. Two are from
Goose Geese Indonesia and the other is from Japan.
Deer Deer - There are five cars. Three are Mercedes and
Sheep Sheep the others are Audi.
Stuff Stuff
Furniture Furniture Catatan:
Criterion Criteria Jika terdapat angka, maka jawaban pakai “the”.
Phenomenon Phenomena
4. Teori “Longer”
2. Article” A & An” Pola :
- S + No longer + V1
a. An + Bunyi Vocal / Huruf Vocal - S + is,am,are + No Longer
Eg : Eg :
- An hour  we no longer live here.
- An Honour  we are no longer here.
- An apple

b. A + Bunyi Consonan / Huruf Consonan 5. Analisa Error

Eg : Ada beberapa kata-kata yang perlu di periksa
- A car jika di garis bawahi pada soal analisa Error, yaitu
- A University :
- A house - Tobe
- Ving atau V3
3. Other - Relative Pronoun
Kata other memiliki arti yang lain/ lainnya. Jika - Conjunction
kata other diawali oleh the maka bendanya - Comparative Degree
jelas. Namun jika tidak ada kata the maka - Elliptic
bendanya belum jelas. - Q Tags
- Pronoun
Tunggal (singular) Jamak (plural) - Q. Words
Another Other + N (plu) - Article “A,AN”
Others - Frase Bergaris
The other + N (sing) The other + N (plu) - Noun
The others
1. Former military ruler Pervez Musharraf
has pledged to return back
to Pakistan despite threats to his life from the

2. The unusually rainy weather caused by La Nina

affected Turkey for other two weeks.

3. Calcium is known as an nutrient that will

decrease hypertension and colonic cancer.

4. … is a fleshy fruit produced from a single ovary.

a. Because the botanical definition of a berry
b. The botanical definition of a berry which
c. The botanical definition of a berry
d. That the botanical definition of a berry

5. The newly-built fashion boutique near my

house has more than ten employers.

6. Jakarta, a capital city of Indonesia, is the most

populous city in.

7. The thief who stole my watch was compelled

to restore it back again.

8. … can solve the algoritma test, even Bowo, the cleverest student in our school.
a. Everyone
b. No one
c. Somebody
d. All

9. The Harvard Art Museums have some great … to be displayed.

a. Stuff c. Stuffes
b. Stuffs d. Stuves

10. Some of the shops I wanted to see … no longer in the city.

a. Is c. Have
b. Are d. Were

11. The hammerhead shark is usual found in warm,

temperate waters.

12. Thomas Alfa Edison invented …

a. An electric light
b. Electric light
c. Electric lights
d. The electric lights

13. Response : I used to, but I resigned my membership.

The sentences that could generate the response indicate :
a. Didn’t you use to belong to the English Club?
b. Wouldn’t you belong to the English Club?
c. Won’t you belong to the English Club?
d. Wouldn’t you have belonged to the English Club?

14. … of human resources is interviewing applicants.

a. Director
b. The director
c. A director
d. Directors

15. Consult … for questions about SARS.

a. The two index
b. Second index
c. Index numbering two
d. Index two

16. Please write out the answers to the question at the end of …
a. Fourth page
b. Four page
c. Page four
d. Page the four
17. … is necessary for the development of strong bones and teeth.
a. It is calcium
b. That calcium
c. Calcium
d. Although calcium

18. … arrived at the library, he started to work immediately.

a. When
b. He
c. After the student
d. The student

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