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p-ISSN 0854-4263

Vol. 23, No. 3, July 2017 e-ISSN 4277-4685



Majalah Patologi Klinik Indonesia dan Laboratorium Medik


Puspa Wardhani

Editor-in-chief Emeritus:

Editorial Boards:
Maimun Zulhaidah Arthamin, Rahayuningsih Dharma, Mansyur Arif, July Kumalawati,
Nurhayana Sennang Andi Nanggung, Aryati, Purwanto AP, Jusak Nugraha, Sidarti Soehita,
Endang Retnowati Kusumowidagdo, Edi Widjajanto, Budi Mulyono, Adi Koesoema Aman,
Uleng Bahrun, Ninik Sukartini, Kusworini Handono, Rismawati Yaswir, Osman Sianipar

Editorial Assistant:
Dian Wahyu Utami

Language Editors:
Yolanda Probohoesodo, Nurul Fitri Hapsari

Layout Editor:
Akbar Fahmi

Editorial Adress:
d/a Laboratorium Patologi Klinik RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Gedung Diagnostik Center Lt. IV
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Accredited No. 36a/E/KPT/2016, Tanggal 23 Mei 2016

p-ISSN 0854-4263
Vol. 23, No. 3, July 2017 e-ISSN 4277-4685



Majalah Patologi Klinik Indonesia dan Laboratorium Medik


Leukocyte Interference on Hemoglobin Examination in Hematology Malignancy
(Pengaruh Jumlah Leukosit terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin pada Keganasan Hematologi)
Trinil Sulamit, Fery H. Soedewo, Arifoel Hajat ........................................................................................................ 203–207
The Analysis of Calcium Level in Stored Packed Red Cells
(Analisa Kadar Kalsium Darah Simpan Packed Red Cells)
Suryani Jamal, Rachmawati Muhiddin, Mansyur Arif ........................................................................................... 208–210
Correlation between Matrix Metalloproteinase 1 Serum Levels and Model of End Stage Liver Disease
Score in Patients with Hepatic Cirrhosis
(Kenasaban Kadar Matrix Metalloproteinase 1 Serum Terhadap Skor Model End Stage Liver Disease di
Pasien Sirosis Hati)
Stephanus Yoanito, Siti Muchayat ............................................................................................................................... 211–215
Relationship between D-Dimer Level and Clinical Severity of Sepsis
(Hubungan antara Kadar D-dimer dan Tingkat Keparahan Klinis di Sepsis)
Yessy Puspitasari, Aryati, Arifoel Hajat, Bambang Pujo Semedi......................................................................... 216–220
Comparison of Factor VIII Activity in O and Non-O Blood Types
(Perbandingan Aktivitas Faktor VIII Antara Golongan Darah O dan Non-O)
Adil Dinata Simangunsong, Yetti Hernaningsih ...................................................................................................... 221–224
Apo B/Apo A-I Ratio in Patients with Stenosis Coronary Heart Disease Greater or Less than 70%
(Rasio Apo B/Apo A-I di Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner dengan Stenosis Lebih Besar Atau Kecil 70%)
Dedi Ansyari, Tapisari Tambunan, Harris Hasan .................................................................................................... 225–229
Analysis of Dengue Specific Immune Response Based on Serotype, Type and Severity of Dengue
(Analisis Respons Imun Spesifik Dengue terhadap Serotipe, Jenis dan Derajat Infeksi Virus Dengue)
Ade Rochaeni, Aryati Puspa Wardhani, Usman Hadi ............................................................................................. 230–233
Neutrophil/Lymphocyte Count Ratio on Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
(Rasio Netrofil/Limfosit Pada Demam Berdarah Dengue)
Irmayanti, Asvin Nurulita, Nurhayana Sennang ..................................................................................................... 234–239
Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio and High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein as Ischemic Stroke Outcome
(Rasio Neutrofil–Limfosit dan High Sensitivity C–Reactive Protein sebagai Peramal Hasilan Strok
Iskemik Akut)
Tissi Liskawini Putri, Ratna Akbari Ganie, Aldy S. Rambe ................................................................................... 240–245
Analysis of Rhesus and Kell Genotype in Patients with Transfusion Reaction
(Analisis Genotipe Rhesus dan Kell Pasien dengan Reaksi Transfusi)
Sukmawaty, Rachmawati Muhiddin, Mansyur Arif................................................................................................. 246–250

Printed by Airlangga University Press. (OC 252/08.17/AUP-A1E). E-mail:

Kesalahan penulisan (isi) di luar tanggung jawab AUP
Diagnostic Value of Fastsure TB DNA Rapid Test for Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
(Nilai Diagnostik dari Uji Cepat Fastsure TB DNA untuk Diagnosis Tuberkulosis Paru)
Diyan Wahyu Kurniasari, Jusak Nugraha, Aryati .................................................................................................... 251–256
Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Count Ratio in Bacterial Sepsis
(Rasio Neutrofil-Limfosit Pada Sepsis Bakterial)
Danny Luhulima, Marwito, Eva O ................................................................................................................................ 257–262
Comparison of Percentage Peripheral Blood Lymphoblast Proliferation and Apoptosis in Pediatric
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Before and After Chemotherapy Induction Phase
(Perbandingan Persentase Proliferasi dan Apoptosis Limfoblas di Darah Tepi di Pasien Leukemia
Limfoblastik Akut Anak Sebelum dan Sesudah Kemoterapi Tahap Induksi)
Farida Nur’Aini, Endang Retnowati, Yetti Hernaningsih, Mia Ratwita A ......................................................... 263–268
Analysis of Erythrocyte Indices in Stored Packed Red Cells at The Blood Bank of Dr. Wahidin
Sudirohusodo Hospital
(Analisis Indeks Eritrosit Darah Simpan Packed Red Cells di Bank Darah RSUP Dr. Wahidin
Sudirohusodo Makassar)
Fitrie Octavia, Rachmawati Muhiddin, Mansyur Arif ............................................................................................. 269–274
Correlation of Urine N-Acetyl-Beta-D-Glucosaminidase Activity with Urine Albumin Creatinine Ratio
in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
(Kenasaban Aktivitas N-Asetil-Beta-D-Glukosaminidase Air Kemih dengan Air Kemih Albumin Kreatinin
Rasio di Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2)
Melly Ariyanti, Lillah, Ellyza Nasrul, Husni .............................................................................................................. 275–280
Agreement of Simplified Fencl-Stewart with Figge-Stewart Method in Diagnosing Metabolic Acidosis
in Critically Ill Patients
(Kesesuaian Metode Fencl-Stewart yang Disederhanakan dengan Figge-Stewart dalam Mendiagnosis
Asidosis Metabolik di Pasien Critically Ill)
Reni Lenggogeni, Rismawati Yaswir, Efrida, Desywar ........................................................................................... 281–286
Comparison of Peripheral Blood Activated NK Cell Percentage Before and After Induction Phase
Chemotherapy in Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
(Perbandingan Persentase Sel NK Teraktivasi Darah Tepi Sebelum dan Sesudah Kemoterapi Tahap
Induksi di Pasien Leukemia Limfoblastik Akut Anak)
Syntia TJ, Endang Retnowati, Yetti Hernaningsih, I Dewa Gede Ugrasena, Soeprapto Ma’at ................... 287–293

Quality of Stored Red Blood Cells
(Kualitas Sel Darah Merah Simpan)
Anak Agung Wiradewi Lestari, Teguh Triyono, Usi Sukoroni .............................................................................. 294–302

A Thirty-One-Years-Old Female with SLE and Systemic Scleroderma
(Perempuan Usia 31 Tahun dengan SLE dan Skleroderma Sistemik)
Rahardjo, Rachmawati ................................................................................................................................................... 303–309

Thanks to editors in duty of IJCP & ML Vol 23 No. 3 July 2017

Rismawati Yaswir, Nurhayana Sennang Andi Nanggung, Adi Koesoema Aman, Osman sianipar,
Purwanto AP, Budi Mulyono, Jusak Nugraha, Rahajuningsih Dharma
2017 July; 23(3): 257–262
p-ISSN 0854-4263 | e-ISSN 4277-4685
Available at



(Rasio Neutrofil-Limfosit Pada Sepsis Bakterial)

Danny Luhulima1-3, Marwito2, Eva O1

Sepsis akibat infeksi bakteri merupakan masalah kegawatdaruratan medik yang serius sehingga memerlukan penanganan cepat dan
tepat. Saat ini C-RP (C- reactive protein) dan PCT (procalcitonin) sering digunakan sebagai petanda sepsis bakterial. Sepsis adalah infeksi
yang disertai inflamasi sistemik. Respons fisiologis terhadap inflamasi sistemik adalah peningkatan jumlah neutrofil dan penurunan
jumlah limfosit, sehingga gabungan perbandingan neutrofil dan limfosit Neutrophil Lymphocyte Count Ratio (NLCR)) dapat digunakan
sebagai petanda sepsis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepekaan dan kekhasana dari uji NLCR di pasien sepsis akibat
infeksi bakteri. Terdapat 70 pasien SIRS dengan rentang usia 14–70 tahun di RS Mitra Keluarga Bekasi Timur dan RS FK - UKI Jakarta
masa waktu bulan Juli–September 2015. Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional komparatif dan potong lintang. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan uji NLCR terhadap sepsis bakterial berdasarkan kurva ROC memiliki kepekaan 97,8% dan kekhasan 84,0% pada cut
off ≥6,4 (AUC: 0,94, nilai p<0,05). Neutrophil lymphocyte count ratio dapat diandalkan sebagai petanda sepsis bakterial dengan uji
kepekaan dan kekhasan yang baik.

Kata kunci: Sepsis, neutrofil, limfosit

Sepsis due to bacterial infection is a matter of very serious medical emergency and requires prompt and proper handling. Various
parameters such as CRP (C-reactive protein) and PCT (procalcitonin) levels are used as a marker of sepsis due to bacterial infection.
Sepsis is a condition of systemic inflammation with infection. Physiological response to systemic inflammation determines increased
the level of neutrophil and reduction of lymphocyte count, therefore combining both of parameters could be a marker in predicting
sepsis. The aim of this research was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the NLCR test in patient with sepsis due to bacterial
infection. This research was conducted by observing 70 SIRS patients aged 14–70 years, at Mitra Keluarga Bekasi Timur Hospital
and Faculty of Medicine Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI) Hospital in July-September 2015. This research was an observational
comparative study with cross-sectional design. Based on ROC curve showed that NLCR test has a sensitivity of 97.8% and specificity
of 84.0%, with cut off ≥6.4 (AUC: 0.94, p value <0.05). In conclusion, the NLCR is an ideal and efficient marker to diagnose sepsis
due to bacterial infection with good sensitivity and specificity.

Key words: Sepsis, neutrophil, lymphocyte

INTRODUCTION to use; fast and cheap; and directly proportional to

Sepsis has been a problem in the medical world, Culture is the gold standard, but takes a long
often leading to death due to late diagnosis. Therefore, time. As a result, it often causes a delay in diagnosis.
there should be a marker of sepsis that aims to detect Currently, there have been some ideal sepsis markers,
sepsis as early as possible. The ideal sepsis diagnostic such as Procalcitonin (PCT) and C-Reactive Protein
markers must be: very specific and sensitive; easy (CRP), but they are still limited, especially in

1 Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI), Jakarta, Indonesia.
2 Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI), Jakarta, Indonesia
3 Laboratory of Mitra Keluarga Bekasi Timur Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia

developing countries due to high cost of examination. certain criteria for receiving bacterial sepsis samples.
Consequently, a good and cheap sepsis marker that is Firstly, the samples had to meet criteria of the SIRS
easy to use is still needed.1 sample required. Secondly, positive culture result
Systemic Inflammation Response Syndrome (SIRS) had to indicate infectious bacteria or clinically had to
is a collection of symptoms that can be triggered by support bacterial sepsis.
ischemia, inflammatory processes, trauma, infection, On the other hand, there were certain criteria for
or a combination of some of them, as a result, SIRS receiving non-bacterial sepsis samples of SIRS. Firstly,
may not always be correlated with infection.2 Infection they had to meet SIRS criteria. Secondly, culture
is an inflammatory response due to microorganisms or results had to show no bacterial growth. Thirdly, there
microorganism invasion to tissues that are supposed was a definite diagnosis of non-bacterial infection.
to be sterile. Bacteremia is the discovery of bacteria NLCR is a neutrophil and lymphocyte count ratio
in blood. Thus, sepsis can be considered as SIRS obtained by the following formula:
caused by microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses
and parasites. Of all these microorganisms, the most NLCR = neutrophil (rod, segment) + immature granule
common cause of sepsis is bacteria.2-3 Lymphocytes
De Jager et al.4 in a retrospective study stated
that neutrophil lymphocyte count ratio (NLCR) was a
Culture could be considered to be positive if there
simple and good examination in diagnosing sepsis due
were causative bacteria. Next, the percentages of
to bacterial infection compared to routine parameters,
neutrophils and lymphocytes were calculated based on
such as total leukocytes and CRP.4 Similarly, Holub
manual differential on peripheral blood smear using
et al.5 explained that NLCR diagnostic test on sepsis
Wright staining and then the results were analyzed
had a sensitivity of 91% and a specificity of 96% due
using a hematoanalyzer since the hematoanalyzer
to bacterial infection. Other studies also suggest that
instrument cannot excrete neutrophil stem, immature
C-RP has a sensitivity of 98.5% and a specificity of
granule, or young granule cells.
75.0%, while PCT has a sensitivity of 85.0% and a
specificity of 91.0%.5–7
Patients aged
Therefore, it can be said that NLCR can be 14 – 70 years
Without SIRS
considered as a fast and cheap sepsis marker that has With SIRS symtomps Excluded
good sensitivity and specificity. Thus, this research
aimed to investigate whether NLCR can be relied upon
to diagnose sepsis due to bacterial infection in adults. CBC, blood
smear, NLCR
Bacterial culture

METHODS Reading the results

This research was conducted at Mitra Keluarga

Bekasi Timur Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Complete and valid Not complete

Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI) Hospital, Jakarta.

Samples of the research were SIRS patients with With fixed diagnosis
Negative Without fixed
bacterial culture diagnosis
certain criteria. Firstly, they had to be at the age of
14 to 70 years. Secondly, they had to have two or Note:
Data analysis
more clinical manifestation criteria of SIRS, such as SIRS : Systemic Inflammatory Response
body temperature of >38˚C or <36˚C, pulse of >90 CBC : Complete Blood Count
BS : Peripheral Blood Smear
beats/min, respiratory frequency of > 20 times/min Report of NLCR : Neutrophil Lymphocyte Count Ratio
or PaCO2 of <32 mmHg, leukocyte count of >12,000/ research results

mm3 or <4,000/mm3, or immature cell formation of

>10%. They also had to be sterile from steroids as well Figure 1. Research flow
as beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers. They did
not undergo cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The research flow can be seen in Figure 1. Data
Sepsis, based on the American College of Chest then were collected at two different hospitals, namely
Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine Consensus FK UKI Hospital Jakarta and Mitra Keluarga Bekasi
in 1992, is defined as an infection, involving two or Timur Hospital. Consequently, this research had to
more manifestations of SIRS.3 Therefore, there were receive approval from local agencies first. The last, data

258 Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory, 2017 July; 23(3): 257–262
analysis was performed using Receiver Operator Curve the inclusion criteria of non-bacterial sepsis. It means
(ROC) found on the IBM SPSS Statistic 22 application that there were 6 samples excluded.
to determine the diagnostic test point in the form of a Figure 1 illustrates the distribution of the samples’
graph illustrating a bargain between sensitivity and age. Most of the samples were in the age ranges of
specificity. 26–31 years, 50–55 years and 62–67 years.
Figure 2 illustrates the distribution of the causative
bacteria in the research samples. Of the 64 samples,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION there were 46 samples with positive bacterial cultures,
namely Klebsiella pneumonia (17.39%), Escherichia
There were 70 samples collected successfully. coli (17.39%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (10.87%),
However, there were only 50 samples included in the Staphylococcus aureus (10.87%) and Streptococcus
criteria of bacterial sepsis, while only 14 samples met pneumonia (6.52%). Meanwhile, there were 4 samples


Figure 2. Distribution of the samples’ age

Culture result

Figure 3. Culture results of the research samples

Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Count Ratio in Bacterial Sepsis - Luhulima, et al. 259

with negative culture results. Nevertheless, based on There were 50 out of 70 research samples that
the data and clinical diagnosis, they could be included matched the inclusion criteria of bacterial sepsis.
in bacterial sepsis. Thus, they were considered as Among 70 samples of sepsis research, 46 samples
inclusion samples. (65%) were obtained with positive culture result,
Furthermore, the greatest Klebsiella pneumonia while 4 patients (5.7%) with negative culture result.
culture was found in the age range of 14–43 years Nevertheless, the clinical data of those four patients
with a percentage of 75%, whereas Escherichia coli supported the diagnosis of bacterial sepsis. Thus,
were dominant in the age range of 41–70 years with they still were included in bacterial sepsis. On the
a percentage as much as 75%. Both of these bacteria other hand, there were 14 sepsis patients (20%) with
are Gram negative bacteria. This is in accordance with non-bacterial infections. These data suggest that the
previous researches explaining that bacterial infection greatest etiology of sepsis in this research was the
in sepsis is mostly due to Gram-negative bacteria with presence of bacterial infection.
a percentage of 60% to 70%.2 Similarly, Guntur2 stated that Gram negative
However, there were 14 samples (20%) classified as bacteria was the largest etiology of sepsis, about
negative controls, i.e. non-bacterial sepsis with certain 6 0 –70 % . 2 T h i s cond it ion wa s c au se d by
diagnoses, such as Hemorrhagic Fever Dengue (DHF), lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Gram negative bacterial
Herpes Simplex Virus and Hepatitis B. There were also endotoxin that can directly activate cellular and
6 samples excluded (8.57%) since given no bacterial humoral immune system, resulting in the development
culture examination or without unsupported clinical of septicemia symptoms. Lipopolysaccharide of Gram-
data. negative bacterial endotoxin also played a role in
The diagnostic test of sensitivity and specificity of stimulating release of proinflammatory mediators
NLCR in this research was performed based on the responsible for sepsis.2
ROC curve. In graph 1, the best NLCR for patients In addition, results of the NLCR diagnostic test
with bacterial sepsis had a sensitivity of 97.8% and a in this research also indicated that the best cut off
specificity of 84.0% with an Area Under Curve (AUC) of NLCR was ≥6.4 with a sensitivity of 97.8% and
of 0.94 and a NLCR cut off of ≥6.4, p<0.05. a specificity of 84.0%. Like this result, a previous
research on bacterial infection conducted by Holub
et al.5 revealed that the cut-off of NLCR was ≥6.2
with a sensitivity of 91.0% and a specificity of 96.0%.
Similarly, another previous research on bacterial
infection in sepsis conducted by Okashah et al.8 showed
that the cut-off of NLCR was ≥6.2 with a sensitivity
of 88.0% and a specificity of 75.0%.8 However, the
different cut-off of NLCR between this research and the
two previous researches might be due to differences in
sample characteristics, location and sample total.
The increased number of neutrophils in sepsis
patients is due to proinflammatory cytokines, such as
IL-6, IL-1 and TNF- produced by macrophages.1,9 On
the other hand, the decreased number of lymphocytes
in bacterial sepsis is caused by increased secretion
of the hormone glucocorticoids that suppress the
production of lymphocytes in the Lymphocytopenia
gland.10 Another theory suggests that the mechanisms
responsible for the lymphocytopenia process in sepsis
Graph 4. Curve of ROC NLCR in sepsis patients involve marginalitation and redistribution processes
of lymphocytes in the lymphatic system as well as
Sepsis is an inf lammatory response that is the acceleration of apoptotic process.4 In sepsis, the
systemic due to infection (bacteria, viruses, parasites). apoptotic process has occurred since the onset of sepsis,
Bacterial infection is the most common cause. Sepsis when bacteria or products stimulate macrophages
is also considered as one of the medical emergency to release proapoptotic substances, such as TNF-,
problems, so it needs a quick, precise, and inexpensive Nitrite Oxide (NO) and glucocorticoids. This condition
diagnosis.1–2 then will suppress the production of lymphocytes.

260 Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory, 2017 July; 23(3): 257–262
SIRS patients

Complete blood test

Calculation of NLCR

NLCR < 6.4 NLCR • 6.4 Bacterial sepsis Culturing

SIRS/Non-bacterial Checking other markers Antibiotic therapy

sepsis (PCT, C-RP, eosinopenia)

Find another cause Positive and supporting

of SIRS bacterial sepsis

Figure 5. The flow of the use of NLCR use in bacterial sepsis

Along with disease progression in sepsis, there will be Another previous research conducted at Tianjin
accumulation of apoptotic lymphocyte products that Medical University General Hospital from 2007 to
act an anti-inflammatory stimulus.11 2008 stated that the percentage of CD3+ and CD4+
Moreover, increased corticosteroids during stress T lymphocyte counts as well as the ratio of CD4+
have an immunosuppressive effect on the lymphe- and CD8+ T lymphocyte in peripheral blood of sepsis
circular system by suppressing the function and patients were lower than in non-sepsis patients.
the number of lymphocytes, ultimately decreasing This suggests that in septic patients, immunologic
the number of lymphocytes.12 Thus, the increased impairment occurs. The percentage of CD4+ T
number of neutrophils and the decreased number of lymphocytes in peripheral blood can illustrate the
lymphocytes can lead to an increase in the absolute severity of the disease and can effectively predict a
ratio of neutrophils and lymphocytes compared with patient’s prognosis of sepsis. The lower the percentage
patients without systemic inflammatory reactions.8 of CD4+ T lymphocytes in peripheral blood is, the more
The increased number of neutrophils in sepsis, severe the sepsis is and the worse the prognosis.15
furthermore, also adversely affects the patients since In addition, a research on lymphocytes (CD4+)
neutrophils previously suspected to be a mechanism for in patients with sepsis conducted by Lestari et al.
eradicating pathogenic germs are also likely to result explained that there was a decrease in the number of
in wider tissue damage due to an increase in excessive lymphocytes (p<0.001). This decrease may be caused
oxidant production together with an increase in by an unbalanced Th2-dominated immune response
proinflammatory mediators, such as TNF-, IL- 1 and suppressing Th1 activity, resulting in excessive
IL-6. This condition will also suppress other leucocyte suppression of immune responses that may affect the
series products.13 prognosis of sepsis patients. Neutrophils will increase
A previous research on patients who died of in the early stages of the inflammatory response,
sepsis and multiple organ failure showed that sepsis usually with lymphocytopenia. This condition may be
could trigger a significant reduction in the number of due to suppressing on innate immunity as supported
lymphocytes through apoptosis. The reduced number by the data that CD4+ will decrease during bacterial
of lymphocytes may be beneficial for the survival of sepsis.16
those patients through a down-regulating mechanism Similarly, a research on 425 patients conducted
of excessive inflammatory responses since lymphocytes by Ljungström et al.17 from University of Gothenburg
also play a role in producing proinflammatory cytokines in Sweden revealed that NLCR was reliable as a
and activating macrophages. Besides, the reduced biomarker for bacteremia by comparing PCT levels
number of lymphocytes is also disadvantageous as with NLCR in bacterial sepsis.17 As a result, to use
impairing the ability of the immune system to fight NLCR properly in hospitals, the following algorithm of
pathogens.14 sepsis diagnosis using NLCR was recommended.

Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Count Ratio in Bacterial Sepsis - Luhulima, et al. 261

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