21st bday

21 Pins
Custom bedazzled sunglasses!! artist or name or initial!!
The cutest custom pair of bedazzled sunglasses for any event a concert coming up, a birthday, spirt week, weddings, parties, anything
Ultimate Dinner Party Themes for 21st Birthday Party
Elevate your 21st birthday with these sophisticated dinner party themes. Impress your guests with style and flavor. Unlock endless inspiration on our blog for your perfect 21st birthday celebration!
BIDDAY convidados 1. isadora 2. joão gabriel 3. jg 4. ísis 5. malu 6. mel 7. isa 8. didigo 9. tijuro 10. pcd 11. annacleto 12. fofuxo 13. bia 14. joão vitor 15. pro 16. lucas 17. pedro lucas 18. camarão 19. yara ————————- 1. mamãe 2. papai 3. titia 4. titio 5. titia 6. titio 7. madrinha 8. padrinho 9. vovó 10. vovô 11. rack 12. laura 13. maria ————————— ENTRADA • empada • torrada/pate • salgadinho ———————- PRATO PRINCIPAL • strogonoff (frango e carne) • arroz • batata palha • salada (alface) —————————— DOCINHOS     ———————————————————————— BOLO  (15 nick’s version) —————————————————————- DECORAÇÃO