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Zur historischen Analyse von Deutungs-und Handlungsmacht jenseits des Staates 1. Krise der Souveränität? Gegenwartsdiagnose und historische Analyse Seit gut einem Vierteljahrhundert konstatieren Beobachter des politischen Geschehens eine... more
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    • Political Science
Arenen und Akteure regionaler Weltbeziehungen seit dem 19.Jahrhundert von Johannes Paulmann Wenn Landes-und Regionalgeschichtsschreibung auf Globalgeschichte treffen, ergeben sich bedenkenswerte methodisch-theoretische Probleme: Während... more
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      HistoryHumanitiesHistorical Studies
Night on Earth is a broad-ranging account of international humanitarian programs in Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Near East from 1918 to 1930. Davide Rodogno shows that international "relief" and "development" were... more
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      Human RightsPolitical ScienceHistory WorkshopHistorical Studies
Conjunctures in the History of International Humanitarian Aid during the Twentieth Century Humanity Summer 2013 foreign policy interests inherent in development projects. 3 The need to legitimize aid becomes apparent when aid is framed in... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyApplied EthicsHumanitarian Intervention
Ab 1933 wurden jene rund 50.000 Gewerbebetriebe, die in Berlin als jüdisch betrachtet wurden, systematisch von den lokalen Verwaltungsinstanzen vom Geschäftsverkehr ausgeschlossen sowie von Teilen der Kundschaft und Geschäftswelt... more
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Montreal 1967: Als das Ausstellungsgelände für die Weltausstellung in Montreal, das auf zwei künstlich vergrößerten Inseln im St.-Lawrence-Strom lag, sich noch im Aufbau befand, fuhr ein deutsches Handelsschiff vorbei. Sein Dritter... more
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    • Political Science
This introductory article discusses methodological challenges for and perspectives related to a field of study that has only recently gained importance in historical research: transnational lives. For a long time, methodological... more
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      SociologyBiographyDe Gruyter
Jerusalem im August 2015: Warum wir warten müssen, bis wir als Touristen über die Holzbrücke auf den Haram al-Sharif oder Tempelberg gelassen werden, erschließt sich uns erst, als wir oben ankommen und die schwarzgekleidete... more
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Global humanitarianism seems self-evident against the current backdrop of refugee crises, civil wars and man-made or natural disasters, on which the media report from near and far. "Global Humanitarianism" is a ubiquitous term. 1 We hear... more
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      PhilosophyEnvironmental EthicsHumanity
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    • Nat
The Government accept as one of their primary aims and responsibilities the maintenance of a high and stable level of employment after the war.'") Dieser Satz in der Regierungserklärung zur Beschäftigungspolitik aus dem Jahr 1944 stellte... more
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      HistoryPolitical ScienceArticle
25 years, sovereignty has nonetheless retained its decisionist, authoritative, exclusive and even lethal edge. Yet, there is more to sovereignty than the control of borders and mobilities. One of the major mobilising factors for Brexit... more
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      SovereigntyPolitical SciencePoliticsNation State
'Media' is indeed a broad term. Understood very widely, it also covers food parcels or money transfers as media of exchange and power relations between donors and recipients. 4 Th e present investigations follow a more limited defi nition... more
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    • Political Science
During the Second World War, the American Red Cross produced a poster entitled "Volunteer for Victory". Showing a woman in uniform posing in front of two Red Cross flags, the poster was aimed at mobilizing American women to volunteer for... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesNarrativePolitics
Crusading and Warfare in the Middle Ages: Realities and Representations. Essays in Honour of John France. Edited by Simon John and Nicholas Morton. Routledge. 2014. xxv + 231pp. £85.00. This Festschrift for John France is a worthy and... more
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      Political ScienceHumanitarian InterventionEnglish historical linguisticsHistorical Studies
Cultural sovereignty-A conclusion in four theses 1 "Cultural sovereignty": Staking claims in the twentieth century Cultural Sovereignty is not a fashionable term invented recently by academics, although our utilization may be regarded as... more
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    • Sovereignty
This Memorandum of Understanding by NFDI initiatives from the humanities and cultural studies defines the responsibilities and modes of cooperation between the undersigned partners with the aim to best address the diverse needs of the... more
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      Political ScienceMemorandum
Presentation slides of the NFDI4Memory consortium from the 2nd NFDI Conference, 8 and 9 July 2020
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Introduction: Cultural sovereigntyclaims, forms and contexts beyond the modern state Crisis? What crisis? Sovereignty, its proponents and discontents Open Access.
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      SovereigntyPolitical Science
Social differentiations and human categorizationsa re subject to historical change: this applies to the arrangement into estates,c lasses or strata as well as to the division into large social fields such as politics, religion or society... more
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    • Categorization