Books by Philippe Canguilhem
Villa I Tatti Series, 2022
This book investigates the transit of texts, music, images, rituals, and ideas related to the con... more This book investigates the transit of texts, music, images, rituals, and ideas related to the concepts of sacrifice and conversion across the early modern Atlantic. When Europeans arrived on the American continent in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, they were confronted with what they perceived as sacrificial practices. Representations of Tupinamba cannibals, Aztecs slicing human hearts out, and idolatrous Incas flooded the early modern European imagination. But what Europe was experiencing within its borders was the cause of no lesser horror: during the early modern period no European region was left untouched by the disasters of war. This volume seeks to illumine a particular aspect of the mutual influences between the European invasions of the American continent and the crisis of Christianity during the Reformation and its aftermath: the conceptualization and repre- sentation of sacrifice. Because of its centrality in religious practices and systems, sacrifice becomes a crucial way to understand not only cultural exchange, but also the power struggle between American and European societies in colonial times. How do different cultures interpret sacrificial practices other than their own, and what is the role of these interpreta- tions in conversion processes? From the central perspective of sacrifice, the various articles in this book examine the encounter between European and American sacrificial conceptions — expressed in texts, music, rituals, or images — and their intellectual, cultural, religious, ideological, and artistic derivations.
Articles by Philippe Canguilhem
Histoire et littérature de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, 2009
Urban History, 2010
When on 9 January 1537, the 48 senators of the city of Florence elected the 18-year old Cosimo de... more When on 9 January 1537, the 48 senators of the city of Florence elected the 18-year old Cosimo de' Medici as 'head and leader of the city of Florence', perhaps some of these elder patricians thought they could control the young man in political affairs, at least during the first years ...
Nachdem Juan Martin de Riscos das Amt des maestro di capilla an der Kathedrale von Jaén in Andalu... more Nachdem Juan Martin de Riscos das Amt des maestro di capilla an der Kathedrale von Jaén in Andalusien von 1598 an bis zu seinem Tod bekleidet hatte, war die dortige Stelle im Jahr 1637 zunächst vakant. Um das Kapitel im Zuge der anstehenden Neubesetzung zu unterstützen, bat man den erst kurz zuvor als Organist der Kathedrale eingestellten, in Spanien weithin bekannten Francisco Correa de Arrauxo darum, eine Abhandlung über die Art des Verfahrens zu verfassen, das die Bewerber durchlaufen sollten. In dem daraufhin entstandenen Dokument beschreibt Correa zunächst die zu jener Zeit gängige Vorgehensweise an spanischen Kathedralen im Detail und ergänzt diese um eigene Vorschläge zur Modifizierung des Verfahrens. Es ist daher ein eindrückliches Zeugnis für die Ansprüche, die gegen Ende der Renaissance an die Kapellmeister von Kathedralen gestellt wurden.1 Correa beginnt mit der Beschreibung dreier Fertigkeiten, deren Beherrschung für einen guten Kapellmeister unabdingbar war und daher un...
La performance della memoria, ed. F. Bortoletti and A. Sacchi (Bologna : Baskerville, 2018), pp. 179-207, 2018
« Singing upon the book according to Vicente Lusitano », Early Music History (2011), pp. 55-103.
... more « Singing upon the book according to Vicente Lusitano », Early Music History (2011), pp. 55-103.
Downloadable on my institutional webpage, see URL above
« Pratique et contexte du faux-bourdon et du chant sur le livre en France (XVIe – XIXe siècles) »... more « Pratique et contexte du faux-bourdon et du chant sur le livre en France (XVIe – XIXe siècles) », Études grégoriennes 38 (2011), pp. 181-99
The Cambridge History of Fifteenth-Century Music, ed. Anna Maria Busse Berger and Jesse Rodin (Ca... more The Cambridge History of Fifteenth-Century Music, ed. Anna Maria Busse Berger and Jesse Rodin (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015), pp. 149-63.
Multipart music: a specific mode of musical thinking, expressive behaviour and sound, ed. Ignazio... more Multipart music: a specific mode of musical thinking, expressive behaviour and sound, ed. Ignazio Macchiarella (Udine : Nota, 2012), pp. 355-59.
Early Music History, 2006
... 40 Flor D 4. I would like to thank Lorenzo Fabbri, the cathedral archivist, for his kind assi... more ... 40 Flor D 4. I would like to thank Lorenzo Fabbri, the cathedral archivist, for his kind assistance. ... and along with Francesco Corteccia, Costanzo Festa and Baccio Moschini he was involved in the composition of the music per-formed for the wedding of Grand Duke Cosimo to ...
Cappelle musicali fra corte, stato e chiesa nell’Italia del Rinascimento, ed. F. Piperno, G. Biagi-Ravenni and A. Chegai (Florence : Olschki, 2007), pp. 231-44
È un fatto ben noto della geografia musicale dell'Italia cinquecentesca che il duca di Firenze no... more È un fatto ben noto della geografia musicale dell'Italia cinquecentesca che il duca di Firenze non manteneva una cappella musicale, almeno nel senso più stretto della parola. In effetti i conti della corte, se attestano pagamenti a singoli musicisti, non fanno menzione di una qualsiasi struttura amministrativa o artistica che li raggruppasse. 1 Questa situazione piuttosto inconsueta è resa ancora più complicata dal fatto che il maestro di cappella del battistero di S. Giovanni, Francesco Corteccia, si presenta sui frontespizi dei suoi libri di madrigali stampati come «maestro di cappella del duca» . 2 Il caso fiorentino si presenta dunque come abbastanza misterioso, e merita di essere esaminato attentamente: in effetti, esso sembra aderire perfettamente al titolo di questo volume, in quanto la cappella fiorentina sembra davvero situarsi «fra corte, stato e chiesa».
La monodia in Toscana alle soglie del XVII secolo, ed. F. Menchelli-Buttini (Pisa : ETS, 2007), pp. 25-42.
Conferences organized by Philippe Canguilhem
Series of two panels at the RSA, Berlin, March 26-28 2015, with Philippe Canguilhem (Université J... more Series of two panels at the RSA, Berlin, March 26-28 2015, with Philippe Canguilhem (Université Jean Jaurès, Toulouse) and Philippe Morel (Université Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris)
Reviews by Philippe Canguilhem
Revue de musicologie, 1999
Books by Philippe Canguilhem
Articles by Philippe Canguilhem
Downloadable on my institutional webpage, see URL above
Conferences organized by Philippe Canguilhem
Reviews by Philippe Canguilhem
Downloadable on my institutional webpage, see URL above