Cesar Nadala
Cesar Nadala was born in Iloilo, Philippines. He finished elementary school education in his hometown of Barotac Nuevo and then moved to Manila for high school at the Philippine Science High School. He then studied Biology (Major in Microbiology) at the University of the Philippines (Los Baños) where he was an INTAPS scholar and graduated cum laude. He taught Biology for two years at his alma mater before accepting an East-West Center scholarship for graduate study at the University of Hawaii (Manoa). He finished his Masters and PhD in Microbiology (Animal Virology) doing research on propagation and detection of Hepatitis A virus. He then did a series of postdocs working on shrimp viruses at the University of Hawaii and Epstein Barr virus at the Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Singapore. Cesar switched gears and started working on diagnostics development as a senior research associate at the University of Cambridge, targeting Chlamydia, HIV, HBV, and HCV for detection. This work led to the establishment of a start-up company in California, USA, called DRW (Diagnostics for the Real World). After working for five years in the company Cesar joined the Institute for Environmental Health and has been working there until now as head of R&D.
Supervisors: Mansour Samadpour
Supervisors: Mansour Samadpour
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