IIT Kharagpur
Computer Sc and Engg
We describe a datapath-scalable, minimalist cryptographic processor, called PAX, for mobile environments where the communication with the outside world is done on wireless connections. PAX is designed to fully utilize the high data rates... more
In our proposed scheme, the data owner outsources huge volume of data to a cloud storage provider and the end users request data to the data owner. The data owner encrypts the data before sending it to the cloud service provider and does... more
Language usage over computer mediated discourses, like chats, emails and SMS texts, significantly differs from the standard form of the language. An urge towards shorter message length facilitating faster typing and the need for semantic... more
This paper describes our work on Bengali Part of Speech (POS) tagging using a corpus-based approach. There are several approaches for part of speech tagging. This paper deals with a model that uses a combination of supervised and... more
In this paper we discuss a technique for web site personalization. Connectivity analysis has been shown to be useful in identifying high quality web pages within a topic or domain specific graph of hyper linked documents. We have... more
Schwa deletion is an important issue in grapheme-to-phoneme conversion for Indo-Aryan languages (IAL). In this paper, we describe a syllable minimization based algorithm for dealing with this that outperforms the existing methods in terms... more
We investigate the role of learning in search-based systems for solving optimization problems. Many AI problem solving systems solve problems repeatedly from the same domain. If the problems come from the same distribution in the learning... more
We describe our effort in developing a Named Entity Recognition (NER) system for Hindi using Maximum Entropy (Max-Ent) approach. We developed a NER annotated corpora for the purpose. We have tried to identify the most relevant features... more
Named entity recognition is an extremely important and fundamental task of biomedical text mining. Biomedical named entities include mentions of proteins, genes, DNA, RNA, etc which often have complex structures, but it is challenging to... more
Annotating learning material with metadata allows easy reusability by different learning/tutoring systems. Several metadata standards have been developed to represent learning objects and courses. A learning system needs to use pedagogic... more
The population with severe speech and motor impairments (SSMI) depend solely on the Augmentative and Alternative Communication Techniques (AAC) for their education and communication needs. Unfortunately, the AAC tools are expensive with... more
This paper describes our work on building Part-of-Speech (POS) tagger for Bengali. We have use Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and Maximum Entropy (ME) based stochastic taggers. Bengali is a morphologically rich language and our taggers make... more
Page 1. 1 Shikshak: An Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Tool for Rural Education Sunandan Chakraborty, Tamali Bhattacharya, Plaban K. Bhowmick, Anupam Basu and Sudeshna Sarkar AbstractLow literacy scenario ...
In this paper we describe a hybrid system that applies Maximum Entropy model (Max-Ent), language specific rules and gazetteers to the task of Named Entity Recognition (NER) in Indian languages designed for the IJCNLP NERSSEAL shared task.... more
In this paper, we propose a novel kernel function for support vector machines (SVM) that can be used for sequential labeling tasks like named entity recognition (NER). Machine learning methods like support vector machines, maximum... more
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Morphological synthesis is an essential part of any natural language generation system. bengali is a highly inflectional language with more than 160 different inflected forms for verbs and 36 different forms for nouns, and 24 different... more
This paper presents a cross-language retrieval system for the retrieval of English documents in response to queries in Bengali and Hindi, as part of our participation in CLEF 1 2007 Ad-hoc bilingual track. We followed the dictionary-based... more
This report describes our work on Bengali Part-of-speech tagging (POS) for the NLPAI Machine Learning contest 2006. We use a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based stochastic tagger. The tagger makes use of morphological and contextual... more
We report results of stylistic differences in blogging for gender and age group variation. The results are based on two mutually independent features. The first feature is the use of slang words which is a new concept proposed by us for... more