IIT Kharagpur
G.S.Sanyal School of Telecommunication
This paper presents an improved particle swarm optimizer (PSO) for solving multimodal optimization problems with problem-specific constraints and mixed variables. The standard PSO is extended by employing a comprehensive learning... more
One of the main attractions of a fuzzy rule-based system is its interpretability which is hindered severely with an increase in the dimensionality of the data. For high-dimensional data, the identification of fuzzy rules also possesses a... more
In this paper we examine the effect of relay (R) placement on the energy efficiency of a wireless sensor network (WSN) operating over a η-μ fading channel. We consider η-μ statistics for modeling the small scale fading affected wireless... more
IEEE 802.15.4 has emerged as a popular standard for short range wireless sensor networks used in industrial, military, health, and environmental sectors. The limited lifetime of such networks is one of the critical design challenges. This... more
Objectives: This paper presents the design aspects and simulation of a right-hand circularly polarized, dual-band, two layer stacked micro-strip antenna for IRNSS receiver front-end operating at L5 band (1176.45 MHz) and S band (2492.028... more
In order to observe severe weather conditions during cyclones, thunderstorms, etc., IMAGER instruments on-board INSAT3D/3DR have been built with a flexible scanning feature known as 'rapid scan mode'. Using this feature, the number of... more