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Gaal, Ferencz (1860–1906)

also published as "Franz Gaal"...

  • Amour d'un artiste, Serenade, Op.51 (for string orchestra or violin and strings - perhaps in vn/pf reduction. One copy @ Bibliothèque musicale de Touraine, another at FLP.) (published 1891)
  • Rapsodie hongroise no.6, Op.121 (published 1903)
  • Rapsodie " no.5, Op.116 (published 1902 by Rozsavolgyi)
  • Rapsodie for violin and piano (unnumbered), Op.92 (held by BNF) (pub.1899)
  • Rapsodie No.4, Op.108
  • Rapsodie No.3, Op.104 (published 1896) (1897 per HMB)
  • Rapsodie in A minor No.2, Op.91, published 1894 by Rózsavölgyi
  • Akácvirágok (Akacienblüthen). Melodram (ungar. Text) m. Pfte. Op.16. pub.1893 by Rózsavölgyi

Gabler, Christoph August (1767–1839)

  • 3 Piano Sonatas, Op.19 (pub. ca.1801, Breitkopf und Härtel)

Gade, Axel (1860–1921)

  • Quintet for strings in E, Op.14 (ca.1895-1900. ms copy score and parts @DKB)
  • "Venezias Nat : Opera i 3 Akter" (pub.1918 by Pio, Kopenhavn)
  • Violin Concertos (in ms, at DKB, but if digitized maybe?...) (concerto in D minor now digitized)

Gade, Jacob (1879–1963)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Song "Da du kyssed mig" (©1921, text by Johannes Dam (1866-1926))
  • "Sig det engang endnu" (Say It Once) for salon orchestra (©1922)

Gade, Niels (1817–1890)

Gagnebin, Henri (1886–1977)

Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • String Quartet (no.1) in F minor (pub.1920, Zürich: Hug)
  • Psalm 23 (pub.1912)
  • Symphony in F minor (pub.ca.1921)

Gährich, Wenzel (1794–1864)

  • Symphonies 1 in E, 2 in D (Op.3) (Breitkopf, pub.1831) (both? at Danish KB; sym. 2 also @ St Pancras & @ Schwerin) (symphony 1 performed 21 Oct. 1830 in Leipzig; 2nd symphony performed 24 Feb. 1831. According to Leipzig Gewandhaus online archive. 3rd symphony in G minor performed 22 March 1838.)
  • Viola concertino, Op.2 in B (pub.1831) (piano/va red. @ KB.)
  • Piano Quartet in C minor, Op.4 (pub.1833) (@ Dutch Royal Lib. (KB).)
  • "Hunderttausend Taler" "Posse (farce) mit Gesang in 3 Abt[eilung]" (with David Kalisch?, 1847?, premiered 1848) (incomplete manuscript digitized by SLUB?) (the text mentioned positively in several books on Yiddish literature and culture in the 19th century, I see) (this has now been digitized by SLUB Dresden)

Note: something by or relating to Gaehrich- at least the libretto/scenario of a ballet of his? -seems to have been digitized by the Goethe University Frankfurt site.

Gaito, Constantino (1878–1945)

(or maybe 1944).

  • String Quartet No.2, Op.33 (pub. Ricordi, 1927)

Gál, Hans (1890–1987)

Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Serbische Weisen, Op.3 (published 1919)
  • 7 Kinderverse von Paula Dehmel : für 4 stimmigen Frauenchor a cappella oder mit Klavier, Op.14 (published 1921?)
  • Vom Bäumlein, das andere Blätter hat gewollt, Op. 2 (pub. 1916, Universal Edition)
  • Overture to a Puppet Play, Op. 20 (pub. 1925, Tischer & Jagenberg)
  • Zwei geistliche Gesänge : Op.21 für eine Sopranstimme, Gambe (Violoncello) und Orgel (©1926, library only has a 2007 version?)
  • Divertimento, Op. 22 (version for flute, oboe, two clarinets, trumpet, two horns and bassoon) (pub. 1925, Leuckart)
  • Das Lied der Nacht Dramatische Ballade in drei Bildern, Op.23 (Klavierauszug pub. Universal Edition, 1926.)
  • Herbstlieder: Fünf Gesänge für vierstimmigen Frauenchor a cappella, Op.25 (Simrock, [1926]?)
  • Epigramme : fünf Madrigale nach Gedichten von Lessing für gemischten Chor a cappella, Op.27 (pub. 1927, Simrock) - only No.1 has been added
  • Toccata for organ, Op.29 (pub. Simrock, 1928. Plate 15091, ed. 927. Reprinted by Surrey: Lengnick, 1954)

The following items are ineligible to be added due to copyright status:

  • Sinfonietta, Op.30 (Simrock, ©1929)
  • Violin Concerto, Op.39 (Breitkopf, ©1932)

Galenkovs'kij, Arkadìj (1810–fl.1879)

Also "Gallènkowsky, Arkadi de"

  • Fantaisie for violin and piano, Op.4 (Schott, pub. in 1860) (digitized by Polona)
  • Chant sans Paroles. 3me Mélodie p. Violon av. Pfte, Op.7. (Schott, 1860) (Monatsbericht (1860), p.64.)
  • Souvenir de Kieff. Mazurka p. Violine avec Piano, Op.8. Schott, 1879
  • Fantaisie sur une Chanson de petite Russie („ ja neszczastnyj szczo maju dijaty“), Op.10. Schott, 1879

Gallés, Josep (1758–1836)

  • 23 Sonates per a tecla, Bengt Johnsson ed., 1995
  • any keyboard sonata from a Calalonian library

Galuppi, Baldassare (1706–1785)


  • La fornace di Babilonia
  • Debbora profetessa
  • Moyses de Sinai reversus

Instrumental music:

  • Overtura per clavicembalo (London)
  • 3 sonate per tastiera
  • 11 movimenti per clavicembalo
  • circa 130 sonate, toccate, divertimenti e lezioni per clavicembalo
  • Sinfonia a 4
  • Sinfonie e overture varie
  • Concerti vari
  • 6 Sonatas for 2 violins and continuo (see S-Uu Gimo 124-129)

Sacred vocal music:

Gänsbacher, Johann Baptist (1778–1844)

  • Piano Trio, Op.16 (pub.1817, Gombart)

Ganz, Rudolph (1877–1972)

Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Concertpiece for piano and orchestra, Op.2 (pub.1902, AP Schmidt)

Gardiner, Henry Balfour (1877–1950)

  • Prelude (De Profundis) for piano (pub. Forsyth Brothers, c1905)
  • Shepherd Fennel's dance for orchestra (pub. London, Boosey &​ Hawkes, c1912)
  • Evening Hymn (pub. London, Novello, c1902) Latin text at CPDL
  • Mere (for piano)
  • The Joyful Homecoming (for piano)
  • Michaelchurch (for piano)
  • Fantasia (for piano)
  • A Sailor's Piece (for piano)
  • Shenadoah [sic] and other pieces (prob. for piano)

Gariboldi, Giuseppe (1833–1905)

Garth, John (1721–1810)

Gastinel, Léon Gustave Cyprien (1823–1906)

  • 5 violin (or cello) sonatas, Opp.56–60 (pub.1878–1879?) (Op.60 also published as "5e. sonate en mi mineur pour piano et violoncelle" according to BNF)
  • Piano Sextet No.2, Op.34 (pub. Lemoine, 1860. BNF has)

Gatty, Nicholas (1874–1946)

-Nicholas/Nicolas Comyn Gatty.

  • The Three Bears. A Musical Play in two acts; the dialogue, lyrics, and vocal music ... by A.S. Gatty; the dances ... by N.C. Gatty. (with Alfred Scott-Gatty), Boosey & Co, 1896
  • Fly, envious Time. A Setting of Milton's Ode on Time, for Chorus and Orchestra - with Organ, Op.13. Forsyth Bros., (1905).
  • Duke or Devil. A Farcical Opera in One Act, libretto by I. Gatty. Novello & Co., 1912.

Gaubert, Philippe (1879–1941)

  • Symphony
  • Naïla (conte lyrique, premiered 1927)
  • Poème pastorale : suite symphonique pour orchestre (published 1913) (dedicated to Xavier Leroux)

Gaul, Alfred Robert (1837–1913)

  • Presto alla Tarantella for piano (pub.ca.1879, Novello)

Gebel, Georg (I) (1685–1750)

  • Oratorio
  • Organ and Clavichord pieces
  • Cantatas

Gebel the Younger, Georg (1709–1753)

  • 144 cantatas
  • 4 Kyrie
  • Passionsmusik in 6 parts for soloist, chorus and orchestra (HKR 976)
  • Weihnachtsoratorium (HKR 843)
  • Neujahrsoratorium (HKR 827)
  • two Passions
  • two Christmas Cantatas
  • Keyboard music
  • Organ music
  • Partitas, Concertos, and Symphonies for Orchestra
  • Trio sonatas (2, in F and b, published 1926 in Max Seiffert's realizations, by Kistner & Siegel)

Gédalge, André (1856–1926)

  • Symphony no.1 in D(?) (ms, 1893)
  • Symphony no.2 (1899-1912) (ms, ""2e Symphonie en ut mineur Composée en 1899-1902, instrumentée et achevée en 1910-1912. André Gédalge."")
  • Symphony no.4 sketches ("[4e] Symphonie en la." Version préorchestrale des 1er-3e mouvements, esquisses du 4e") (ms., "1918-1919, 1926.")
  • Opera Chérubin

Gedike, Aleksandr (1877–1957)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Symphony No.1 in F minor, Op.15 (pub.1905, Jurgenson) (Worldcat lists a copy of the score at the British Library)
  • String Quartet, Op.33 (pub.1926. PD-CA only until 2022) (FLP, British libraries)
  • Symphony No.3 (C minor), Op.30 (1925, pub. in reduction in 1927 - this and Op.35 PD-CA only until 2023?) (reduction is in the Newberry Library stacks)
  • Concerto for Organ and Strings in D, Op.35 (pub.1927) (held at: Eastman School Rochester, Smith Libraries, British Library)
  • At War, Op.26 (as this, Op.7, Op.40 and Op.41 have been recorded (in 2008), it would be nice to have them in some form of score :) )
  • Bach: Fugue in C minor, BWV 575 (arrangement)

Gehot, Joseph (1756–1820)


Geijer, Erik Gustaf (1783–1847)

  • Piano Sonata (4-hands) (Müller, ca.1820)
  • String Quartet no.2 in B-flat (ms, though pub.1974)

Geiser, Walther (1897–1993)

Works by this person are under copyright (unless some exception applies).

  • String Quartet, Op.6 (pub.1927 (from HMB) by Hug, but n.d. or n.d.[1926] on all copies found out about, so - ... possible.!? PD-US as of 2022 (or 2023) in any event. Dedicated to Hermann Suter.)
  • String Trio, Op.8 (pub.1924?)

Geist, Christian (1650–1711)

  • Any Sacred Vocal works
  • Any funeral music
  • Organ works

Re: Organ works - I believe the 3 chorale preludes (considered spurious by some sources) comprise his total output for organ. The only edition I've come across was edited by Bo Lundgren (1914-2005) and published by Gehrmans in 1944. DC

Gelli, Ettore (1835–1894)

  • Quartet in D major (1888) - Parts uploaded
  • Appassionato for cello and piano (Durand, 1881)

Gemmingen, Eberhard Friedrich von (1726–1791)

(Eberhard Friedrich (von) Gemmingen)

Genss, Hermann (1856–1940)

  • Hamlet: symphonische Dichtung für grosses Orchester
  • Symphony No.2 (ms?) (1936)
  • Tragic Overture
  • Waldeinsamkeit (Solitude in the forest): symphonisches Stimmungsbild für orchester (ms?)
  • Der Rattenfänger von Hameln: romantische Volksoper in vier Akten
(all five items available in full score at the San Francisco Public Library)
  • Zwei Lieder aus "Der Rattenfänger von Hameln" (pub.1878) (@Württemberg, British Lib)
  • 2 Lieder, Op.16 (pub.1900s?)

Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633–1694)

  • Manuscript of Keyboard works

Gerber, Julius (1831–1883)

(VIAF has Ûlij Gustavovič Gerber)

  • String Quartet No.2, Op.19 (CF Kahnt, 1883)

Gerhard, Roberto (1896–1970)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

Gerhardt, Paul Friedrich Ernst (1867–1946)

  • Fantasie for organ with ad libitum wind orchestra, Op.15 (published 1917 by Leuckart)
  • Requiem, Op.18 for winds, harp and organ (published 1917)

Gerlach, Theodor (1861–1940)

  • Serenade, Op.3 (pub.1886) (at FLP main library. In B-flat. In 6 movements.)
  • Opera Matteo Falcone (pub. 1898)
  • Miniatur-Suite for string quartet Op.23 (pub.1901)
  • Variationen über ein eigenes Thema für Violoncell und Pianoforte, Op.1 (ca.1885)
  • Luther's Lob der Musika (chor & orch., ca. 1883) (BSB)

Gerlt, Richard (1875–1935)

  • Piano Suite in A major (Moll Dur Verlag, 1923) (@ NUKAT, possibly © LoC)
  • Variationen und symphonischer Epilog über ein Thema von Franz Schubert : für Klavier : (Ein Schubert = Roman in Tönen) (Hildeshein: Moldur/Moll Dur Verlag, 1923) (@ NUKAT)
  • Einleitung, Variationen und Epilog über ein Thema von W. A. v. Mozart : für Klavier (Moldur, 1923) (@ NUKAT)
  • I. Klaviersymphonie C-Moll : ein Sang von der Sehnsucht und vom Kampfe (Moll Dur Verlag, 1924) (@ NUKAT)
  • Arrangements (for modern piano?) of portions of Bach's Wohltempierte Klavier
  • II. Klaviersymphonie (location unknown - private collections?) (mentioned in Internationale moderne klaviermusik: ein wegweiser und berater in 1927 as published by Moll-Dur)
  • Heroische Rhapsodie (same and same)

Gernsheim, Friedrich (1839–1916)

  • Divertimento for flute and string quintet or flute and string orchestra Op.53 (pub.1888)

Gershwin, George (1898–1937)

While PD in Canada and the EU, the majority of works are copyright in the USA.

  • Rhapsody in Blue (original version, full orchestral score)
  • Piano Concerto in F (full orchestral score)
  • Second Rhapsody
  • Cuban Overture
  • Catfish Row Suite from Porgy and Bess (full orchestral score)
  • An American in Paris (full orchestral score)
  • Blue Monday (vocal score or selections)
  • 2 Waltzes in C; originally intended for the musical Pardon my English.

Compositions by Gershwin are in the public domain in Canada, but most are under copyright in the USA

My copy says "Copyright 1927 (Renewed)". I don't know that would imply, but I think it means that a US copy won't be in Public Domain untill 2027. Am I right? -Grandpianist

No. Duration in the US for renewed copyrights is +95years, so in 2022. However, if the editor is unknown, the copyright in Canada extends +50years: 1977.--Peter 18:32, 5 November 2006 (EST)

As far as Rhapsody in Blue goes, I don't believe the "full orchestral" version was even made until 1948 or so -- but I've been looking for the REAL original (found on a few recordings, like the two with Tilson-Thomas), but unable to even find it on Worldcat. ♫ Melodia Chaconne ♫ 15:44, 6 February 2007 (EST)

Gerster, Ottmar (1897–1969)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

Gesius, Bartholomäus (1562–1613)

  • Geistliche Deutsche Lieder. D. Mart. Lutheri: Und anderer frommen Christen: Welche durchs gantze Jahr in der Christlichen Kirchen zusingen gebreuchlich/ mit vier und fünff Stimmen … * Frankfurt an der Oder: Hartman, 1601
  • Enchiridium etlicher deutscher und lateinischer Gesänge. Frankfurt an der Oder: Hartman, 1603
  • Hymni Patrum Cum Canticis Sacris, Latinis Et Germanicis, De Praecipuis Festis Anniversariis: Quibus Additi Suntet Hymni Scholastici Ad Duodecim Modos Musicos in utroq[ue] cantu, Regulari scilicet ac Transposito, singulis horis per totam septimanam decantandi, cum cantionibus Gregorianis … Frankfurt an der Oder: Hartman, 1609
  • Passion settings

Gevaert, François-Auguste (1828–1908)

  • Trumpet concerto in C (1903, ms only? Score @ Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool)

Giannini, Vittorio (1903–1966)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • IBM Symphony
  • Piano Concerto
  • Stabat Mater
  • Symphony No.1
  • Symphony No.4
  • Symphony No.5
  • Trumpet Concerto (full score)

Gibbons, Orlando (1583–1625)

  • Vocal works: Kalmus has published the Short Service, I think from P.C. Buck's 1925 edition in Tudor Church Music iv. If the whole series is pd it would be great to have it online! Richard Mix 01:00, 14 January 2011 (UTC)

Gibbs, Cecil Armstrong (1889–1960)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Song "To one who passed whistling through the night", ©1921 Schirmer
  • Miniature Quartet Op.74 ©1934 Winthrop Rogers
  • Suite for flute and strings (©1957)
  • A Lyric Sonata for Violin and Piano, Op.63 (Curwen, ©1929. @Royal Conservatory of Music)
  • Odysseus. Symphony in four movements for soprano and baritone soli, mixed chorus and orchestra. (Winthrop Rogers Edition, ©1939)

Gigout, Eugène (1844–1925)

  • Organ Works
  • L'Orgue d'Eglise: 52 Pieces
  • Piece Jubilaire (en forme de Prelude et Fugue)

Gilles, Joseph (1903–1942)

  • Symphonie en Mi majeur pour Orgue (published 1937 by Bornemann)

Gilse, Jan van (1881–1944)

  • Symphonies Nos. 1-5

see category for breakdown of sym. pub-dates?...

    • in particular symphony no.4, @1916; symphony no.3, pub.1907?
  • Eine Lebensmesse (1904, ©1909)
  • Variaties over een St. Nicolaasliedje for small orch. (©1910)

Gilson, Paul (1865–1942)

  • Par les plaines, fantaisie (pour harmonie ou fanfare) (pub.1902)
  • String Quartet (no.1, 2 or 3) (pub.Cranz, ca.1923 but n.d. it seems)

Giorgetti, Ferdinando (1796–1867)

  • piano sextet no.2 in E major, Op.20 (pub.1841 by Ricordi acc. to HMB, but 1840 per SBN. plate 11625 acc. to library.) (ded. to Liszt.)
  • String Sextet (2 violins, 2 violas, cello, cbass) No.3 in A, Op.25 (published by Guidi sometime 19th century, ded.Rossini, recorded on LP?- reissued on Melodram CD 1989)
  • Piano sextet no.1, Op.23 (pub.1843 by Ricordi. plate 13930.)
  • Piano sextet no.3, Op.25 (early 1900s? Guidi, Firenze)
  • Gran concerto drammatico per violino con accompagnamento di pianoforte Op.26 (pub. Lorenzi, late 1800s)
  • string quartet no.1 in E minor, Op.29 (Ricordi, 1849)
  • string quartet no.2 in D minor, Op.30 (Ricordi, 1851) (Dedicated to Spohr)
  • string quartet no.4 in E major (ded. to Bazzini), op.32 (pub. Morandi, Firenze?) (new publication 2015 exists ed. by Claudio Paradiso- please upload early edition only of course)
  • String Quartet No.7, Op.39 (if published. Carnegie Mellon has this in a 1862 manuscript. Published in 2013 edited by Franco Sciannameo - "Roma : Società Editrice di Musicologia, ©2013")

Gläser, Paul Richard (1871–1937)

  • "Tröstung" for violin and organ (pub.1919)
  • Oratorium Jesus (premiered 1917 in Dresden, published 1918)
  • Die Meisterkur : Volkstümliche Oper in drei Aufzügen (pub.1907)
  • Requiem (words by Hebbel), Op.16 (pub.1896)

Glass, Louis (1864–1936)

  • Symphony No. 3, Op. 10 "Skovsymfoni" (pub.1906 in arr., 1926 in full score, both by Samfundet)
  • 3 other string quartets as published?
  • Sommerleben suite, Op.27 (pub.1899, 1901)
  • Piano Sonata, Op.6 (pub.1892)
  • Piano Sonata, Op.25 (@ DKB online)
  • Symphony No. 6, Op.60 "Skjoldungeæt" (may be non-PD-US depending on renewal - composed 1924, maybe published 1926?, it seems. Also, DKB has a digitized version (ms full score). They do have the instrumental parts, etc., according to Worldcat, in storage.) (DK-Kk has digitized "open access" they say, though of course local © laws apply...) (became PD-everywhere in 2022, I believe?)
  • Impromptu and Capriccio for piano, Op.52. Leipzig: Hansen, 1919.

Glazunov, Aleksandr (1865–1936)

  • "Arab Melody" for cello and piano - on site under 5 Romances, Op.4 No.4 Arabian Melody
  • Mazurka-oberek
  • Albumblatt for trumpet and piano
  • Prelude and Fugue in E minor (1926)
  • Fantasy, Op.53 (Orchestral Part Scores)
  • Piano Concerto No.2, Op.100 (Orchestral Part Scores)
  • Concerto Ballata, Op.108 (Full Score and Orchestral Part Scores)
  • Overture No.2 on Greek Themes, Op.6 (Orchestral Part Scores)

Gleason, Frederic Grant (1848–1903)

  • Piano Trios Opp.9 (C minor) & 13 (A major)

Glière, Reinhold (1875–1956)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Concerto for harp and orchestra in E flat major, Op. 74 (1938, published 1940. Arrangement uploaded)
  • Cello Concerto Op 87

Glinka, Mikhail (1804–1857)

  • Jota Aragonese - full orch. score

Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714–1787)

  • Don Juan The Breitkopf parts lack a full score and don't quite agree with ms. material

Gnesin, Mikhail (1883–1957)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Vrubel', Op.8 (pub. 192x. Sibley Library has a non-circulating copy.)

Gobbaerts, Louis (1835–1886)

Godard, Benjamin (1849–1895)

  • 4 Pièces symphoniques for orchestra or piano 4-hands, Op.28
  • Les Contes de Perrault, Op.9
  • Lanterne magique II, Op.55 - Nos. 1-3, 5
  • Romance without words, Op.120
  • Les Papillons, Op.15
  • 5 Lieder, Op.30

Goepfart, Karl Eduard (1859–1942)

  • Operas incl. Sarastro (1891) and "Beerenlieschen" (performed 1894- incidental music, partially digitized already and downloadable?)
  • Organ Sonata in D minor, Op.46 (some libraries have this as by Carl Andreas Goepfert (1768-1818) but Basel has this, based on the Licht edition of 1890, as by Karl Goepfart. may require further study to eliminate former poss.??)
  • Wieland der Schmied for harp concertante and orchestra (1906 autograph @ Weimar archives)
  • "The circle of the seasons : a juvenile cantata with connective declamation" (English version of "Die Jahreszeiten : 4 Kinder-Festspiele mit verbindender Declamation" published by Hug, ca.1886. Curwen, ca.1889)
  • Engelwacht, Op.34a for soprano, tenor, alto and piano (Licht, 1889 / Kistner, 1912)
  • 3 Songs for men's chorus, Op.32 (Hug, 1889)
  • Frühlingsblick, Op.38 for men's chorus (Hug, 1889)
  • 2 Choruses, Op.34 (Hug, 1889)
  • Los von Rom, Op.84 (version B. Lehmann's Verlag, 1902. Or any version.)
  • Geistliches Lied, Op.87 (Plothow, 1905)
  • Seelentrost, Op.89 (Plothow, 1905)

Goetz, Hermann (1840–1876)

  • Piano Concerto No. 1 in E flat major (1861), Two Piano Reduction or full Orchestral score - a photocopy made in the 1980s is at Zentralbibliothek Zürich, it seems otherwise unpublished as of 2022? Otherwise only available for parts rental from Siegel, see WorldCat.

Gold, Artur (1897–1943)

  • Przyznaj sie, a może ci przebaczę, any scores
  • Any [other] scores

Goldbeck, Robert (1839–1908)

  • Piano concertante works (w/orchestra) (a couple are mentioned -also I think a symphony?- and hopefully still exist in some form?)
  • The Surprise, or Clara & Valentine (opéra-comique in one act) (see BNF)

Goldmark, Rubin (1872–1936)

  • Piano Trio, Op.1 (pub.1896 by Breitkopf & Härtel) (at least 10 libraries have a copy of this...)

Goldner, Wilhelm (1839–1907)

  • Little piano trio in G, Op.46 (pub.1885 by Schuberth & by Lemoine)
  • Suite hébraïque sur des vieux chants hébreux de synagogue pour piano a 4 mains
  • Piano trio in D minor (premiered in Leipzig in 1857)
  • Suite romantique, Op.61 (published 1901 by Schuberth)

Goller, Vinzenz (1873–1953)

  • Missa pro defunctis (Requiem), Op.13 (pub.1901)
  • Missa simplex, Op.91 (pub.1923, Augsburg: Böhm)
  • 6 Communion-lieder, Op.11 (pub.1901, Coppenrath)

Goltermann, Georg (1824–1898)

  • 2 Pieces for Cello and Harmonium or Piano (or arranged for cello quartet), Op.119 (part of no.2 uploaded)
  • Symphony op.20 in A (Breitkopf & Härtel, 1852) (@ U. Edinburgh Main Library apparently?)
  • Cello concerto N° 8 Op 130 in A major

(one library that has both nos.7&8 including poss. a ms of no.8 is Middelburg, Netherlands. Fleisher has both in full score & parts for these.)

  • Notturno, Op.108 - is in collections (band II, pp.2-7)
  • Ballade, Op.81 (has now been recorded)
  • Romance et tarentelle, Op.60 (no.1 recorded with orchestral accompaniment)

Gomes, Carlos (1836–1896)

Gorczycki, Grzegorz Gerwazy (1665–1734)

  • Laetatus sum (recently broadcast on Euroclassic Notturno)

Goss-Custard, Reginald (1877–1956)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

Gossec, François Joseph (1734–1829)

Gottschalk, Louis Moreau (1829–1869)

  • Fiesta criolla
(An exceptionally large number of requests for works by Gottschalk, Louis Moreau were removed to: elsewhere. Please read the wishlist guidelines on what constitutes unreasonable requests.)

These works under copyright worldwide:

  • A Night in the Tropics (full score pub. 1965)
  • Grande Tarantelle (full score pub. 1964)
  • Chanson de Gitano RO 35 (pub. 1976)
  • Mazurka RO 276 (pub. 1976)
  • Romance in E (pub. 1976)
  • Polka in A RO 275 (pub. 1976)
  • Ballade RO 271 (pub. 1976)
  • Polka in B RO 273 (pub. 1976)
  • Ynès RO 277 (pub. 1976)

Gounod, Charles (1818–1893)

  • Among other gaps in the songs, I'm seeking O ma belle rebelle (Jean-Antoine de Baïf), the second of the 6 Mélodies (Gounod, Charles) Richard Mix 07:56, 18 December 2011 (UTC) — now uploaded here. Thanks!
  • The Masses are getting close to complete; I'm keeping track at cpdl where some interesting gaps are listed.
  • The complete 1882 oratorio La rédemption—both full score and vocal/piano score, if possible.
  • Douze chœurs et une cantate isn't available as a 'complete score' although most (all?) pieces are individually available. The Stabat mater (Gounod, Charles) seems to have been part of an Office pour la Semaine Sainte, which included 2 Passions (Matthew & John) I'm searching for. Richard Mix 22:15, 12 February 2019 (CET)
The complete score for that collection is available now at 12 Choeurs et une cantate. Pnorcks 18:10, 21 August 2023 (UTC)

Gouvy, Louis Théodore (1819–1898)

  • Piano Trio No.5, Op.33
  • String quartets nos. 3 & 4 Op.56 (published ca.1876 by Richault) (@ Newberry, Blumenthal (New England Conservatory), elsewhere)
  • Messe brève op.72 (Breitkopf & Härtel 1883)

Grabert, Martin (1868–1951)

  • Oboe Sonata, Op.52 — oboe part needed
  • Piano Suite, Op.15 (pub.1896)
  • Piano capriccio, Op.9 (pub.1896)
  • Variations and fugue for organ, Op.40 (pub.1911)
  • Fest-Hymnus, for 2-part chorus and piano (published 1910. @ BSB - not currently digitized?.)
  • 3 geistliche Gesänge, Op.38 (Junne, 1911)

Grabner, Hermann (1886–1969)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Concerto in the old style for 3 violins, Op.1 (pub.1915?)
  • 2 pieces for viola and piano, op.4 (pub. 1904-08?)
  • Perkeo, Op.15 (suite for winds), pub. 1925 by Kahnt

Grädener, Carl Georg Peter (1812–1883)

  • Symphony, Op.25 (p.1872)
  • Piano Concerto in A minor, Op.20 (p.1868/69) (parts @ DKB)

Grädener, Hermann (1844–1929)

  • String Quintet, Op.23 (p.1883)
  • Violin Concerto No.1 in D, Op.22 (ca.1883?)
  • Cello Concerto in E minor, Op.45 (p.1908) - full score/orch. parts
  • Sinfonietta, Op.14 (1876, p.1881)
  • Piano Trio No.1, Op.1 (p.1867)
  • Piano Quintet No.1, Op.6 (p.1872)
  • Capriccio, Op.4 (first orchestral work) (p.1872)

Graener, Paul (1872–1944)

  • Opera Don Juans letztes Abenteuer Op.42 (pub.1913/14 acc. Lib. Congress, 1914 acc Syracuse. Librettist died 1954.)
  • Schirin und Gertraude ; heitere Oper in vier Akten, Op.51
  • Byzanz, Oper Op.48 (libretto, opera may be otherwise lost??)
  • Piano Trio Suite Op.19
  • Symphony in D minor, Op.39 (Orchestral Part Scores)
  • Violin Concerto, Op.104 (Orchestral Part Scores)
  • Wiener Sinfonie, Op.110 (Orchestral Part Scores)
  • Piano Concerto, Op.72 (Full Score and Orchestral Part Scores)
  • Comedietta, Op.82 (Orchestral Part Scores)

Graf, Christian Ernst (1723–1804)

  • 5 cello concertos
  • Duo Economique, for 1 violin, 2 bows, 2 players

Grainger, Percy (1882–1961)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Country Gardens (in a version written before 1923)
  • In Dahomey
  • Blithe Bells
  • Bridal Lullaby
  • Mock Morris, No. 1 and No. 2
  • Shepherd's Hey
  • The Warriors (Music to an Imaginary Ballet) - now on site, but unfortunately resolution is so low it's very hard to read, so higher-resolution copy would be good
  • Lincolnshire Posy (Score and Baritone Part)
  • Scotch Strathspey and Reel
  • In a Nutshell Suite, Mvts. 1, 2, 3 and 4
  • The Sussex Mummers' Christmas Carol
  • The Lads of Wamphray March
  • Marching Song of Democracy
  • Green Bushes, Passacaglia on an English Folksong
  • Children's March 'Over the Hills and Far Away'
  • Piano II part for choral version of The Hunter in His Career
  • Spoon River (full-length orchestral score)
  • Danish Folk Music Suite (orchestral score)
  • Youthful Suite (orchestral score)
  • The Power of Rome and the Christian Heart (full band score)
(An exceptionally large number of requests for works by Grainger, Percy were removed to: the composer’s discussion page. Please read the wishlist guidelines on what constitutes unreasonable requests.)

Gram, Peder (1881–1956)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Violin Concerto, Op.20 (pub. Hansen, 1922) (reduction is @ Hathitrust)

Grammann, Carl (1842–1897)

  • Thusnelda, Op.29 (1882, Klemm, or of course other pubs.)
  • Notturno, Op.34 (cello & piano. 1881, Erler)
  • Aventiure, symphony, Op.31 (1880, Erler)
  • Romance, Op.46, violin/piano (1884, Schuberth)
  • Ingrid, Op.57 (Schuberth, 1897)
  • Das Irrlicht, Op.58 (Schuberth, 1897)
  • Romance & Scherzo for orchestra, Op.17

Grammont, Augustine de (1788–1878)

really -fl.1878...

  • Suite des anciens airs français mis à deux voix et variés avec les accompagnemens faciles pour piano ou harpe, 3e livraison (self-published, 1830)
  • Printemps, réveil de la nature! Romance tirée du "Solitaire" (pub. Lemoine)

Granados, Enrique (1867–1916)

  • Intermedio (Goyescas)
  • Danza Lenta
  • Escenas Poéticas II
  • Valses Poéticos
  • Oriental. Canción variada, intermedio y final
  • Piano Trio -- first published in 2013, so -- unlikely!!
  • Violin Sonata

Grandjany, Lucien (1862–1891)

(Not to be confused with Marcel Grandjany (1891–1975), who was his nephew.)

  • 2 Waltzes for piano
  • Menuet de Mademoiselle, Op.42
  • Impromptu for piano in C
  • Prière for violin and piano, Op.39 (pub. 1895)

Grandval, Clémence de (1828–1907)

  • Violin Concertino D-dur (1874)

Graun, Johann Gottlieb (1703–1771)

  • Ouvertüren
  • Sinfonien
  • Concerti grossi
  • Violin concerti
  • Oboe concerti
  • Double concerti
  • Viola da gamba concerti
  • Keyboard concerti
  • Cantatas
  • Viola da braccio concerto in E (GraunWV Av:XIII:28)

Graun, Karl Heinrich (1704–1759)

  • Passion pastiche "Wer ist der, so von Edom kömmt"

Graupner, Christoph (1683–1760)

  • Flute sonata in G major GWV 707 manuscript
  • Partita in a major GWV 149 printed edition
  • Fürwahr er trug unsre Krankheit, GWV 1125/41 typeset parts
  • Die Wasserwogen im Meer sind gross, GWV 1115/35 typeset parts

Gray, Alan (1855–1935)

  • Fantasia in D minor for organ - same as the fantasia on Christmas Carols??

Grechaninov, Aleksandr (1864–1956)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Symphony No.1 Full score
  • Symphony No.3 Full score (pub.1931 in full score)
  • Symphony No.4 Full score (mss score & parts at Fleisher & NYPL, possibly unpublished?)
  • Symphony No.5 Full score (mss score & parts at Fleisher & NYPL, possibly unpublished)
  • Cello Concerto (1895)
  • Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom No.2, Op.29 (1902, partially pub. 1919)
  • Cello Sonata, Op.113 in E minor ((c) about 1930 - 1930 per Fleisher?)
  • String Quartet No.1 Op.2 in G (pub. 1894 by Belaieff.) - Imported from Sibley Aldona 02:32, 31 August 2012 (EDT)
  • Sister Beatrice, opera, Op.50 (vocal score pub.1910 by Zimmermann. At Sibley, again restr.stacks.) (Vocal score uploaded)
  • String Quartet No.3, Op.75 in C minor (pub. B&H 1923. At Sibley)
  • Passion Week, Op.58 (1911)

Greef, Arthur de (1862–1940)

  • Piano Concerto 1 in C (1914), Full Score
  • Piano Concerto 2 in B minor (1930), Full Published Score (if extant)
  • Ballade in the form of variations on a Flemish tune for string orchestra (p.1890)
  • Concertino in G for piano and orchestra (London: Chester, pub. 1932)
  • Sonata for 2 pianos (pub. ca.1928?)
  • Etudes for solo piano (pub.1920)
  • Varied minuet for 2 pianos or piano and strings (pub.1913)
  • Chants d'amour, poésies de Charles Fuster (pub.1903)
  • Souvenirs for piano (pub.1913)
  • Piano Trio in F minor (a 1935 ms. is at KBR)

Greene, Maurice (1696–1755)

Gregori, Giovanni Lorenzo (1663–1745)

  • Concerti Grossi a più Stromenti, Op.2

Gregorian Chant

Printed collections before c1900 are underrepresented. In particular:

  • Graduale de tempore or Editio Medicea 1614 is only a pair of fragments at present
  • Graduale Pataviense (Wien 1511)
  • Antiphonale Pataviense (Wien 1519)
  • The revised ‘neo-Gallican’ breviary (Paris, 1680), antiphoner (1681), missal (1684, indispensable to organists!), and gradual (1689)

Grell, Eduard (1800–1886)

  • Motette: "Ach Herr von grosser Güte" für 4 Stimmen (Sopran, Alto, Tenor und Bass), Op. 20. Berlin: Trautwein u. Co., 1843. (Monatsbericht (1843), p.8) (or earlier)

Grieg, Edvard (1843–1907)

Many of Grieg's compositions are available in PDF on the webpage of Bergen Public Library

  • Grieg songs (ca.200+) (it might be more useful to start blue- and redlinking List of works by Edvard Grieg)
  • Op. 39 Nr.1 Fra Monte Pincio, version for voice and orchestra as prepared by Grieg in 1894.
  • Ganger and Trolltog Op54 No 2&3 Orchestral versions. (Full score and parts) Complete Scores of Nos. 1/2/3/4/6 in manuscript have been uploaded: Lyric Pieces, Op.54 (Grieg, Edvard)
  • Symphony in C minor, EG 119 (Orchestral Part Scores)

Griffes, Charles Tomlinson (1884 - 1920)

  • String quartet movement (Allegretto scherzando) in B-flat major (1903) - Manuscript score is in New York Public Library.
  • String quartet movement (Vivace: Allegro assai quasi presto) in A minor (1917) - Manuscript score is in New York Public Library.
  • De Profundis - for piano
  • Winter Landscape - for piano
  • Rhapsody in B minor - for piano
  • The Pleasure Dome of Kubla Khan - original piano version

Grill, Leo (1846–1919)

  • Overture in A minor, Op.8 (pub.1873) (score and parts at DKB- request?)
  • String Quartet No.2, Op.11 (pub.1887) (score and/or parts @ LoC e.g.)

Gromis, Charles (1865–1939)

(dates are guessed-at from websearches. Am assuming that Charles and Carlo Gromis are the same composer...)
(It is possible though that the first two are by a Charles Gromis and the last two are (youthful works) by a Carlo Gromis, conte di Trana, b.1939?

  • 4 string quartets (in A, pub.1902, in G major, pub.1949, in G minor, pub.1950, in F major, pub.1951)

Grøndahl, Launy (1886-1960)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Violin Concerto in D (1916, pub.1935)
  • Symphony Op.9 ("Fuldført 18. Maj 1919. Noget ændret: Nov. 1939") (unpublished? ms. material at libraries)
  • String Quartet No.1 (pub.1957)

Gross, Johann Benjamin (1809–1848)

  • String Quartets 3 & 4
  • (Would suggest the remaining cello concertos, but SBB has most digitized, and the others are, I think, in their manuscript section and published too recently to be out-of-copyright, so they did not digitize them completely)

Grosz, Wilhelm (1894-1939)

  • Fünf Gedichte aus dem "Japanischen Frühling" von Hans Bethge, op. 3 (pub. 1919)
  • Kinderlieder, op. 13 (pub. 1923)
  • Liebeslieder, op. 10 (pub. 1922)
  • Rondels, op. 11 (pub. 1922)
  • Symphonische Variationen über ein eigenes Thema für Klavier zu zwei Händen, op. 9 (pub. 1921)
  • String Quartet in D (ca.1917)

Gruber, Josef (1855–1933)

  • Second Mass in honor of St. Caecilia "Zweite Caecilienmesse", op. 186 Complete score or vocal score with piano reduction or organ

Gruenberg, Louis (1884–1964)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Poem, Op.19 for cello and piano (Pub. 1925 by Universal Edition)

Grünberger, Ludwig (1839–1896)

  • (str.) Quartet No.1, Op.31 (pub.1881)
  • Quartet No.2, Op.37 (pub.1884)

Grund, Eduard (1802–1871)

Also Eduard.

  • Violin Concerto, Op.3 in D (p.1831)
  • Violin Concertino, Op.4

Grunholzer, Konrad (1838–1909)

  • Danket dem Herrn, denn er ist freundlich for mixed Choir

Guarnieri, Francesco de (1867–1927)

  • Violin Sonata in A (major?) (published 1911 by Hug. Possibly (probably?) the same as the sonata in same key by him published by 1907 by Sanzin of Venice (copub. by Eschig).)
  • String quartet in F (pub. Pizzi, 1922)
  • Cello sonata (pub. Ricordi, 1929)

Guerrero, Francisco (1522–1599)

Alvarez' site leaves very little to desire! The indexing of these editions on CPDL is not quite complete. Missing on IMSLP are:

  • All hymns, specially Vexilla Regis, Conditor Alme siderum and Pange Lingua
  • Ascendens Christum, Cantate Domino - Iubilate Deo omnis terra, Dum complerentur dies Penthecostes, O altitudo divitiarum, O crux benedicta, O Domine Iesu Christe (both), Veni Domine et noli tardare, 5 Passions

Gui, Vittorio (1885–1975)

Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Canti di Soldati for voice and piano (pub. 1919, Sonzogno)
  • 5 Liriche for voice and piano (pub. 1913, Hornwald)
  • 4 songs after Mallarmé (Renoveau, Brise marine, Rondel, O si chère) (all pub. 1920, Pizzi)
  • 4 Canti della Morte for voice and piano (pub. 1921, Pizzi)
  • Vespero for voice and piano (pub. 1910, A. Margiotta)

Guilmant, Alexandre (1837–1911)

  • Symphony No.2 in A, Op.91 (Orchestral version of the Organ Sonata No. 8 in A)
  • Ariane, Op.53 (Complete Score in the original orchestral version) - Durand 1907

Gulbins, Max (1862–1932)

  • Organ Sonatas (no.4 in C op.28 "Paulus: ein Charakterbild" © 1904 - the 2001 Bärenreiter edition is probably a bad idea for uploading, 1904 ed. in preference) ; no.5 in E-flat, Op.98, Kriegs-Sonate, "mit Trompeten, Posaunen, Pauken u. Knabenchor nach Belieben" (Leuckart, ca.1916?, FECL 7595)
  • Fest-Fantaisie, Op.101, published in 1917
  • Suite, Op.71 for organ (published 1915? by Robert Forberg)

Gurlitt, Cornelius (1820–1901)

  • Sinfonietta, Op.60 (pub. 1877)
  • Bagatelles, Op. 131
  • Aquarellen, Op. 154
  • Siesta, Op. 226

Gurney, Ivor (1890–1937)

  • Ludlow and Teme (Stainer & Bell, 1923)
  • The Western Playland (Stainer & Bell, 1926)
  • Seven Sappho Songs (Wilhelm Hansen, 1932)
  • A First Volume of Ten Songs (OUP, 1938)
  • A Second Volume of Ten Songs (OUP, 1938)

Gyrowetz, Adalbert (1763–1850)

  • Piano Concerto, Op.39 (pub.1802, Gombart of Augsb[o]urg) (Bayer. Bibliothek and Augsburg may have the orchestral parts (14 stimme); Senckenburg has a 19-page piano part.) (piano concerto op.49 also published in 1802 with a 19-page piano part, though by André. Could these be the same work?)
  • Tre quartetti per due violini, viola, e violoncello : opera 29 (pub. by Artaria ca.1801)
  • String Quintet, Op.45 (pub. André, 1802)

Haan, Willem de (1849–1930)

  • Harpa, ballad after Dahn for soloists, chorus and orchestra, Op.10 (pub.1884?) (Fleisher has this...)
  • Die Inkasöhne, opera in 4 acts, Op.19 (©1895) (libretto @ SBB library and Goethe U. Published vocal score is in the holdings of Technische Universität Darmstadt.)
  • Der Königssohn, cantata Op.8 (79 pp vocal score, 219 pp full score, vocal score available several places. Full score possibly at NMI or somewhere?) (published 1887 by Bölling, per HMB.)
  • Das Grab im Busento für Männerchor und Orchester, Op.11 (@ Darmstadt)
  • Fantasiestücke : für Violine und Klavier, Op.15 (NMI library)
  • String Quartet in E minor (@Zeeuwse Bibliotheek Middelburg?)
  • Das Märchen und das Leben : eine Kantate in vier Abteilungen für Soli, Chor, Orchester und Orgel, Op.23 (pub. by Darmstadt : Herszberg, 1912; libretto is @ SBB, digitized version may be at Dutch libraries (under title Het sprookje en het Leven); vocal score @ libraries in the Hague, Amsterdam, etc.)
  • 2 Idylls (or "Zwei Idyllen und ein Intermezzo"), Op.24 (published © 1916 by Breitkopf) (Darmstadt, Danish and Dutch libraries)
  • Das Lied von Werden und Vergehen, Op.22 (score @ OB Amsterdam)

Haarklou, Johannes (1847–1925)

(Wikipedia (Nynorsk))

  • Piano Concerto op.47 in D minor (pub. Leipzig: Gebrüder Reinecke) (published score and parts at Free Library of Philadelphia) (pub.1922 iirc.)
  • Violin Concerto op.50 (published 1922) (pub. Leipzig: Gebrüder Reinecke) (manuscript at FLP)
  • Organ symphony op.53 (published by 1922 by Leipzig: Gebrüder Reinecke)
  • Symphony No.3 in C major, Op.49 (pub. Gebrüder Reinecke in 1922, I think- will check. At FLP score and parts) (Op.110 according to SNL.NO; composed 1918.)
  • Requiem uden ord, orchestra, op. 46 (for the memory of Svendsen. pub. Reinecke, in 1922, I think. at FLP, score and parts.)
  • Organ Symphony No.2 Op.60 (original Norsk Musikforlag edition, not 2010 reprint?)

Haas, Joseph (1879–1960)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Horn Sonata, Op.29 (composed, pub.1910)
  • String Quartet, Op.50 – parts wanted

Hába, Alois (1893–1973)

Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • 2 pieces (Fantasie and Musik) in Vierteltonsystem for violin solo, Op.9[a&b] (©1923 by Universal Edition) (published separately)
  • 3rd (originally 2nd) quartet, op.12 (published 1924) (dedicated to Paul Hindemith on republication in 1994)
  • Suite No.3 for quarter-tone piano, Op.16 (published in 1925, U.E.)

Habert, Johannes Evangelista (1833–1896)

  • String Quartets Op.77 (E minor), 80 (E), 81 (D) (pub.posth. 1908, in Werke. Series IX.)

Hadley, Henry Kimball (1871–1937)

  • String Quartets (opp.24, 132 (Op.132 uploaded)) (op24 v.early - 1887- just in ms? and preceded by an earlier 1884 quartet in G minor)
  • Symphonies (nos.2 and 4 uploaded) (NYPL has material for symphonies 1 (1896-7?) & 5 (premiered 1935). Fleisher has material for symphony 3 (Op.60 in B minor) (1906) & 5.) NYPL has some 500 works by Hadley, Fleisher about 50, incidentally...
  • Violin Sonatas
  • Piano Concerto, op.131 (@ Fleisher, if not elsewhere)

Hafgren, Lill Erik (1881–1959)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Violin Sonata in A (©1916 Odeon-V.)

Hägg, Jacob Adolf (1850–1928)

  • Cello Sonata, Op.1 (pub. 1874, B&H)
  • Piano sonata in D minor (pub.1898)
  • Suite sentimentale, Op.22 (pub. by 1904)
  • 24 Preludes for Organ or Piano (" " ")

Haller, Michael (1840–1915)

  • Missa decima ad II voces comitante (Mass No.10), Op.23 (published 1909 by Pustet) (poss. pub.1881?)
  • Litaniae Lauretanae BMV, Op.100 (published 1909 by Pustet)
  • Missa "Ave Maria", Op.101 (published 1909 by Pustet)
  • Die heilige Caecilia : Oratorium für Soli und Chor mit Klavierbegleitung und verbindendem Text mit oder ohne lebende Bilder, Op.57 (published 1894)
  • Mass No.6, Op.13c (published 1893)
  • Mass No.7, Op.19 (published 1879)
  • Mass No.8, Op.20 (" ")
  • Mass No.9, Op.22 (published 1880)
  • Mass No.11, Op.24 (published 1881)
  • Mass No.15, Op.53 (published 1892)
  • Mass No.21 in honorem Sancti Aloysii Gonzagae, Op.87 (pub.1904)
  • Missa Solemnis, Op.25 (published 1883)
  • Eucharistische Gesänge (Cantus eucharistici), Op.89 (published 1905, Coppenrath)

Halm, Anton (1789–1872)

  • String Quartet No.2, Op.39
  • Piano Trio No.2 in D, Op.58

Halm, August (1869–1929)

  • Symphony in F major (pub.1911, Zumsteeg) (@Royal Danish Lib.)
  • String Quartets in G minor, F major, A major, serenade in C (prob. non-PD-US - poss. first published around 1931-1933 - not sure about A major.--- A major quartet published 1923 by Zwissler of Wolfenbüttel and so is PD-US.)
  • Symphony in D minor for strings (pub.1907 from manuscript, premiered 1907) (Fleisher Collection@FLP has a copy, with parts, (c) 1910, but comes out to the same- assuming it is the same work! though attributed to "August Helm". HMB does list it again in 1911 though so maybe a 2nd edition??)
  • Concerto in C major for orchestra with obligato piano (pub.1913) (repub. by MPH, 2017)
  • 2 violin sonatas (pub.1922)
  • 3 solo violin sonatas (pub.1920)
  • Serenade for string trio (pub.1919)
  • Concerto in C minor for string orchestra (pub. 1915, Zumsteeg)
  • Prelude and Fugue in F minor for string orchestra (published by Bärenreiter, ?) (at FLP. date not estimated by FLP. clearly PD-CA and PD-EU, though.) (?)
  • 3 Duets for violin and viola (pub. in "Kammermusik IV. Heft" in 1935 by Bärenreiter which seems to have published a whole series of his music which can be seen in various issues of HMB...)

Halsey, Ernest (1867–1939)

  • Toccata for Organ

Halvorsen, Johan (1864–1935)

  • Symphony No.1 in C minor (1923) (now uploaded)
  • Entry March of the Boyars (1895) (Percussion parts) (see Bojarenes inntogsmarsj)
  • Symphony no.2 in D minor
  • Symphony no.3 in C major

Hamerik, Ebbe (1898–1951)

  • Fantasie and Fuge for piano, Op.3. Hansen, 1919.

Hammerstein, Oscar (I) (1846–1919)

Grandfather of Oscar Hammerstein II. (1895-1960).

  • Mia cara (arrangement published 1909)

Handel, George Frideric (1685–1759)

  • Saeviat tellus ante rigores, HWV 240 (full score and parts)
  • Brockes-Passion, HWV 48 in version by JS Bach (VBN I/H/1) (full score/manuscript)
  • Suites de Pièces, HWV 434-442 (edition by Peter Northway for the Hallische Händel-Ausgabe)
  • Suite in D Minor, HWV 437 (Sarabande movement)
  • Oboe Concerto No. 3 in G minor, HWV 287
  • "Il trionfo del tempo e del disinganno"
  • "Tra la Fiamme", HWV 170 (full score and parts)
  • Chandos Anthems from No. 1 to No. 11 - HWV 246 to 257
  • Coronation Anthems No. 2 and No. 3 - HWV 259 and 260 orchestral parts

Handl, Jacob (1550-1591)

  • DTÖ 12, 24, 30, 40, 47 & 51-2 (the six installments of Opus musicum) is eagerly awaited!

Hanff, Johann Nicolaus (1663–1711)

  • Cantatas (3) (Typeset of complete chorale preludes uploaded)

Hanisch, Joseph (1812–1892)

  • Op.16 - 81 Cadenzen in allen Dur- u. Moll-Tonarten (jede Tonart in 3 Lagen) u. 7 drei-, vier- u. fünfstimm. Praeludien f. Org.Einsiedeln, Benziger(1876).
  • Op.32 - 100 (3- und 4 st.) Orgelpräludien über Origi- und Choral-Motive.
  • Organum comitans ad Hymnos vesperarum. Regensburg Fr. Pustet (1879).
  • 14 Präludien in den gebräuchlichsten Tonarten für die Orgel. Regensburg, Bössenecker (1894).
  • Organum comitans ad Responsoria Missæ. Ed. II Regensburg, Pustet.(1897)

Hannikainen, Ilmari (1892–1955)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Piano Concerto, op.7 (1917) (two-piano arrangement)
  • Piano Quartet in F minor, Op.2
  • Gavotte : ur balletmusiken til Askungen (published 1917)
  • Vater Unser, Op.24 (pub. 1934 or 1935. Monatsbericht (1935), p.9 (under "I"...) )

Hänsel, Peter (1770–1831)

  • 3 String Trios, Op.30 (Schott, ca.1810?)
  • Flute Quartet in G, Op.21 (RISM 550505110)

Hanson, Howard (1896–1981)

Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Vermeland (1918) (published by White-Smith, ©1926)
  • Lux aeterna, symphonic poem with viola obligato, op. 24. Schirmer, cop.1927.

Hanssens, Charles-Louis (1802–1871)

  • String Quartet no.2 (pub. Katto)
  • Symphony no.1 (composed and premiered 1841. 161 p autograph ms score @ Belgian R lib Brussels)
  • Symphony no.2 in A minor (composed and premiered 1845) (at least 5 symphonies + unnumbered)
  • Fantaisie [pour orchestre] sur des Airs Populaires (@ Belgian Royal Lib)
  • Symphony (unnumbered early) in C minor (1827, ms @ BR)

Harris, William Henry (1883–1973)

Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

*"The Hound of Heaven" 1919 
  • Faire is the Heaven 1925

Harsányi, Tibor (1898–1954)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Sonata (1926) for piano (published 1928 by Universal Edition)
  • 5 Etudes Rhythmiques (1933) for piano
  • Symphony in C (1952?)
  • L'histoire du petit tailleur
  • String Quartet (@1928, Sirène musicale)

Hartmann, Emil (1836–1898)

  • Piano Quintet (1865), Op. 5
  • 3 String Quartets (opp. 14, 37, 38 - c.1873, p.1887, c.1886?)
  • Symphony No.3, Op.42 - full score
  • Nordische Volkstänze, set 2 (Alte Erinnerungen, Op.6a; Die Elfenmädchen und die Jäger (Scherzo), Op.6b) for orchestra, pub. 1878 by Simon
  • Arabesque & caprice, Op.16 (dedicated to Ferdinand Hiller)

Hartmann, Johan Peter Emilius (1805–1900)

  • Dante-Ouverture, Op.85 (Ouverture til Chr. K.F. Molbech's Drama "Dante") (pub.1889)
  • Fantasy-Allegro for violin and piano (Fog 5), published in 1900 by Hansen

Hartog, Eduard (1829–1909)

  • Ein Märchen, character-sketch for orchestra, Op.62 (pub.1889)
  • Suite for string quartet, Op.46 (pub.1860s by Jacques Maho of Paris; also Seitz, 1868, and Leuckart, 1883)
  • Waldscène for soprano, chorus and orchestra, Op.38 (ms copy at Open Library of Amsterdam?)
  • Portia. Ouverture dramatique à gr. Orch. Op.32 (pub.1858)
  • L'Esclave, poésie de Théophile Gautier, ballade pour voix de soprano & orchestre, Op.33, pub.1862 (Brandus & Dufour)
  • Chant de Mai (Mailied). Choeur bacchique p. Sopr., Mezzo-Sopr., Alto, Tén. et Basse av. Orchestre, Op.31 (pub.1858 by Brandus acc. to both BNF and HMB. Text by Emile Augier)
  • Pensée de minuit : méditation d'après une poésie de Lamartine, Op.52 (pub.1884 or earlier; as Op.26 by Escudier in 1855 if the same work? - "Méditation poétique" @ BNF catalog, for chamber ens. rather than orchestra.)
  • Psalm 43, Op.43 (pub.1868)
  • Le Mariage de don Lope, opéra comique in 1 act (Gambogi, 1865)

Harty, Hamilton (1879–1941)

  • String Quartet, Op.5 (1902?)
  • Piano Concerto in B minor (1922)
  • Suite from Handel's Water Music
  • Symphony (Irish. (c) 1927, Boosey; pd-us as of 2023.)

Harwood, Basil (1859–1949)

Works by Harwood are for organ unless otherwise specified.

  • from Six Pieces, Op.15 - No.1, Communion in F major and No.2, Interlude in D major

The following items are ineligible to be added due to copyright status:

  • Reverie (composed 1926, revised 1931, not published until the complete Harwood edition from Stainer, 1991)

Hasse, Johann Adolph (1699–1783)

  • Le Virtù appié della Croce (Stefano Benedotto Pallavicino; Dresden 1737) Full Score
  • I pellegrini al Sepolcro (Stefano Benedetto Pallavicino; Dresden 1742) Full score
  • La Deposizione della Croce (Stefano Benedetto Pallavicino; Dresden 1744) Full score
  • S. Elena al Calvario (Pietro Metastasio; Dresden 1747, rev. Wien 1772) (complete works) Full scores of both versions
  • Cello concerto in D, full score, parts

Hasse, Johannes (?–?)

Is this Johannes Hasse (1616–1675)?
Or possibly Johannes Hasse (fl.1614–1617)? (This is why dates are important)

Eldest son of Petrus Hasse (I) and hence brother of Nicolaus Hasse. Dates unknown.Dgljr5121973 17:22, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
  • any works

Hasse, Karl (1883–1960)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Suite in D for violin and piano, Op.29 (published 1933 by Litolff)
  • Suite in a-moll : 5 Stücke für Violine (oder Flöte) und Klavier, Violoncello ad libitum, Op.36a (pub. 1934)
  • Missa brevis, Op.8 (published 1912)

Hasse, Nikolaus (ca.1617–ca.1670)

  • Any vocal works and Keyboard works

Hasse, Peter (I) (ca.1585–1640)

  • two Chorale preludes
  • Praeludium for Organ
  • 8-voice motet
  • 7-voice Mass

Hasse, Peter (II) (1659–1708)

  • any works

Hassler, Hans Leo (1564–1612)

  • Lustgarten neuer teutscher Gesäng, Balletti, Gaillarden und Intraden (Nürnberg 1601) Full score complete work
  • Keyboard works
  • His opus 1, the Canzonette of 1590 (Nurnberg)

Hassler, Jacob (1569–1622)

  • Complete Keyboard works (3 ricercars, 1 toccata, 1 fugue, 1 fantasia, and 1 canzona)

Hässler, Johann Wilhelm (1747–1822)

  • Fantasia for Keyboard in C minor (formerly attributed to W F Bach)
  • „50 Stücke für Anfänger“ op.38
  • „Etudes en Vingt-quatre Valses“ op.49
  • Charakterstück op.27 Nr.2
  • Kantate „Erfurt“
  • Sonate für Cembalo Nr.3 d-Moll

Hasslinger-Hassingen, Johann von (1822–1898)

Also Johann[es] Hager, other names, as on some of these works.

  • Piano Trio, Op.20 in F minor (1849/50) pub.1865
  • Variirtes Thema, Op.44 for orchestra pub.1890
  • Violin Concerto in D minor, Op.6 (1846, ms at Goethe-Institut)

Hatton, John Liptrot (1808–1886)

  • 6 Impromptus for the Piano (Ashdown&Parry, ca.1866)
  • Rondo à l'espagnole , and Introduction & Rondo (pub. by Boieldieu of Paris, 1835 or 1836)

Hauer, Josef Matthias (1883–1959)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Orchestral Suite No.1, Op.31 (©1925, Lienau/Schlesinger)
  • Orchestral Suite No.2, Op.33 (pub.1925, Lienau/Schlesinger, Haslinger)
  • Hölderlin Lieder, Op.21 (pub. 1924, Lienau/Schlesinger)
  • Hölderlin Lieder Band II, Op.23 (pub.1929)
  • Suite No.7 for orchestra, Op.48 (©1927, Universal Edition)
  • Nomos, Op.1 (self-published around 1912)
  • 5 Stücke für Quartett (string quartet), Op.30 (Lienau/Schlesinger, ©1924)
  • Sinfonietta in drei Sätzen, Op.50 (Universal Edition UE 9759 (score), ©1929)
  • 4 Pieces for Violin and Piano, Op.28 (Lienau, ©1924)
  • Hölderlin-Lieder Bd. II, Op.23 (pub. 1929, Universal Edition)

Hauptmann, Moritz (1792–1868)

  • Concertino/Light Concerto for piano in E major, Op.20

Hauptner, Thuiskon (1821–1889)

  • Singvögelchen, Liederspiel (pub.1887)

Hausegger, Siegmund von (1872–1948)

  • Aufklänge, variations for orchestra (1910)
  • Barbarossa, symphonic poem (1900)
  • Dionysische Phantasie for orchestra (1898)
  • Natur Symphonie for large orchestra with final chorus to words from Goethe's poem Proömium (1911)
  • Todtenmarsch (published 1903) for baritone solo, men's chorus and orchestra
  • 2 songs for tenor and orchestra (Der Nachtschwärmer, Sturmabend) (published 1909, D. Rahter)
  • Lieder und Gesänge für 1 Singstimme mit Pianoforte (pub. 1899)

Hay, Edward Norman (1889–1943)

  • String Quartet in A (pub.1920) (@Sibley)

Haydn, Joseph (1732–1809)

See Icking Music Archive: [1] Andrewt 14:11, 24 October 2008 (EDT)
  • Many of Haydn's duos and trios are only in parts. Could it be possible to upload a full score, or at least create one using a scorewriter if no editions are available?

Can we just get all the complete works of Haydn uploaded???? - unlikely? unlike Mozart and Bach's works (known to that point), Haydn's complete works (or even complete-ish works) were not published in the late 19th century but have taken substantially longer.

Haydn, Michael (1737–1806)

  • Concerto for viola, organ (or harpsichord), and strings
  • Cello Concerto in B-Major (The cello concerto in B-flat major attributed to Michael Haydn, edited by Mark Starr, is published by Edition Max Eschig, Paris, and is under copyright.)
  • Alto Trombone Concerto in D-major
  • Requiem in C minor full score
  • Trumpet Concertino C major (=Trumpet Concerto Nr. 1)
  • Ipsa Virgo virginum in D major (K IIb:49), MH 670 (pub.1829, Diabelli)
  • Instrumental Works, volume 1, ed. Perger (digitized by Hathitrust, published 1907. Several symphonies.)
  • Graduale am Maria-Verkündigungsfeste (Ecce ancilla Domini) : für Sopran, Alt, Tenor, Bass, 2 Violinen, 2 Trompeten, Pauken, Contrabass und Orgel (MH 653. Published by Diabelli in 1843.)
  • Graduale am Feste der sieben Schmerzen Mariä (Dolorosa et lacrimabilis es) : für Sopran, Alt, Tenor, Bass, 2 Violinen, 2 Hörner, Contrabass und Orgel (MH 360. Published by Diabelli in 1843 per HMB, 1835 estimated per plate table per entry in Senckenberg Library Catalog.)
  • Collection "Ecclesiasticon" from Diabelli to which the former two belong

Haynes, Battison (1859–1900)

Hegar, Friedrich (1841–1927)

  • Violin Sonata, Op.6 (the violin sonata we have uploaded may be this)
  • Ahasvers Erwachen, Op.34 (pub. 1904)
  • Todtenvolk, ballade for chorus, Op.17 (published 1888)

Heger, Robert (1886–1978)

Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Piano Trio, Op.14 (published 1910 by Leuckart)
  • Ein Fest zu Haderslev : Oper in 3 Akten (1916, ©1920)

Hegner, Anton (1861–1915)

  • Cello Concerto No.1, Op.17 (Hansen, 1899. Performed 1903 by New York Philharmonic)

Heidrich, Maximilian (1864–1909)

  • Violin sonata, Op.12 (pub.1899, CF Schmidt)
  • String Quartet, Op.24 (p1911 also by Heilbronn: Schmidt)
  • String Quartet, Op.29 (p1911)

Heilman, William Clifford (1877–1946)

  • 2 pieces for piano, Op.6 (©1907)

Heinichen, Johann David (1683–1729)

(An exceptionally large number of requests for works by Heinichen, Johann David were removed to: the composer’s discussion page. Please read the wishlist guidelines on what constitutes unreasonable requests.)

Heins, Donald (1878–1949)

  • Country Dance for Violin and Piano (score and part)

Heinze, Gustav Adolf (1820–1904)

  • 2-piano concerto
  • Laudate Dominum, Op.98 (pub.1903)
  • Sancta Caecilia : für Soli, Chor und Orchester : Op.49 (pub.1871, Roothaan)

Heller, Stephen (1813–1888)

  • Fifty Selected Studies -- be specific (Schissel)
  • (together with H. W. Ernst) Pensées fugitives for violin and piano, transcribed for violoncello and piano by Friedrich Grützmacher, Leipzig: Kistner (VN 3848/50)

Helsted, Bodil (1880–1950)

  • To sange : Dit gyldne Haar; Merry (composed 1909)
  • Fest-praeludium for organ (published 1915)

Helsted, Carl (1818–1904)

  • Piano Quartet, Op.2 (published 1842) (manuscript @ DKB)
  • Symphony no.1 in D (composed 1841-2)
  • Symphony no.2 in F "Idyllisk" (ms @ DKB)
  • Overture in D minor (composed 1841)
  • String Quartet (manuscript, DKB, "Wien i Sommeren 1841")
  • String Quartet in E-flat major (1837 March 8. Manuscript, DKB)

Helsted, Gustav (1857–1924)

  • Piano Trio, Op.6 (ca.1888)
  • String Quintet, Op.21 (ms copy @ DKB)
  • Symphony in D minor, Op.2 (ms. @ DKB)
  • Symphony No.2 in E, Op.22 (ms piano reduction and ms score @ DKB)
  • Violin Concerto (No.2?) in C (ms. reduction @ DKB)
  • Cello Concerto in C major, Op.35 (ms score @ DKB)
  • Stormklokken (1911), opera (ms)
  • String Quartet no.1 in B minor (score) and quartet no. 5 in F Op.24 (parts) (ms @ DKB)

Hemmerlein, Joseph (1761–1843)

  • Keyboard sonatas (and concerto, Op.7) (possibly not by the same J. Hemmerlein)

Henkel, Andreas (1805–1871)

  • Festmesse in C minor Op.26 (there's a recording on YouTube? Possibly not published though...)

Henkel, Heinrich (1822–1899)

(brother of Andreas Henkel ; Heinrich Henkel)

  • Piano Trio Op.22 (pub.1860) (violin/viola/piano version published 1897 also acceptable)
  • String Quartets No.1 in D minor Op.13 (autograph 1847-49?), No.2 in D major Op.26 (autograph 1890)

Henkel, Michael (1780–1851)

  • Sonata for Flute and Guitar, Op.24 (pub.ca.1815)
  • Violin-or-flute sonatas (e.g. Op.74, pub.ca.1825)

Henning, Max (1906–1954)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
(flourishing dates, approximately. Seems not to be the same person as Max Henning.)

  • Op.22. 12 Two-part Fughettas and Fugues for the Pianoforte. (A.P. Schmidt, 1909.) (@ÖNB, British Lib, also Brigham Young.)
  • Op.89. String Quartet No.12 in B minor (hmoll). Published 1938 by Westend-Verlag. (HMB, 1938, p.243.)
  • Op.60. Präludium und Fuge C moll für Orgel (Westend-Verlag, 1939.) (@ Berner-Fachhochschule.)
  • Atahuallpa : grosse Oper in drei Akten. Westend-Verlag (again), ©1913.
  • Op.7. Zwei Vortragsstücke für Violine mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. Westend // Carl Fleischer, 1906.

Henriques, Fini (1867–1940)

  • Suite for Oboe and Strings, Op.13 (pub.1896)
  • Kammerkvartet (flute, violin, cello and piano) (1937) (PD-CA?)
  • Petite polonaise, Op.32 (published 1910 - Monatsbericht (1910), p.32.)

Henschel, George (1850–1934)

  • Ballade in F minor for Violin and Orchestra (or piano), Op.39 (pub.1885)

Hepworth, George (1825–1918)

  • Sinfonia (for orchestra, in one movement?) in A minor

Herbeck, Johann von (1831–1877)

  • Symphony No.4 "Orgelsinfonie" in D minor, Op.20 (pub.1878 in arrangement ; recorded)

Herbert, Victor (1859–1924)

Herman, Adolphe (1823–1903)

  • Violin Sonata (pub.1886 by Grus)

Herman, Reinhold L. (1849–1919)

  • Piano Trio, Op.56
  • Violin Sonata, Op.57 (pub.1904 by Steingräber. Both held by D-Hs (Hamburg) but not digitized (2020).)
  • Violin Sonata in D minor, Op.42 (performed 1893 in NYC)
  • Suite in C minor, Op.10 for violin and piano

Hermann, Robert (1869–1912)

  • Piano Trio in D minor, Op.6 (pub.1895 by Hofmeister)
  • Symphony No.1 in C major, Op.7 (pub.1896 by Hofmeister)
  • Symphony No.2 in B minor, Op.11 (Andante published 1903 in full score by Hofmeister. Entire work possibly still in manuscript?)
  • Piano Quartet in F minor, Op.9 (pub.ca.1905 by Hofmeister)
  • Concert overture in D minor, Op.4 (NYPL has this but not circulating. Hamburg has this but hasn't digitized. Hofmeister. Special? plate 8.)
  • 39 Violin Etudes for the Systematic Study of Double-Stops volume 1

Hérold, Ferdinand (1791–1833)

  • Fortepiano Sonatas, Op.5 (published in 1813 by Lemoine)
  • Rondo for piano four hands, Op.17

Herrmann, Eduard (1850–1937)

  • Walzer-Fantasie, Op.29 (for string quartet or string orchestra) (p.1909)
  • String Quintet (2 cellos), Op.31 (©1911)
  • String Quintet No.2 (2 violas), Op.42 (p.1931)
  • Violin Concerto in C minor, Op.25 (©1904, W. Schmid)
  • String Quartet, Op.32 (©1913 (and again ©1916? and HMB lists it in 1919 too))
  • String Quartet No.2, Op.36 in C (published 1923 by Raabe & Plothow)

Herrmann, Hugo (1896–1967)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • 2 Madrigals after old German Dances, Op.28 (pub. 1928 by Eulenburg)
  • 5 Stücke für Kammerorgel, Op.25 (©1928, renewed 1955) (available at NYPL, elsewhere)
  • Chinesische Suite, nach gedichten aus Hans Bethges Chinesischer flöte, Op.38 (soprano and cello. piano?), Op.38. ©1928, Breitkopf & Härtel. (CCE 1928, p.1200 (24 Oct.); CCE 1956-renewal, p.15. (22/12/1955))
  • String Quartet No.3 "Der Frühling", Op.101 (PD-CA only. ©1956, Sikorski)
  • Zweite Acappella-Chorliedsuite : für 4 stimm. Männerchor nach alten deutschen Texten komp. : op. 35b (pub.1927 (!?))
  • Violin Concerto, Op.75 (pub. 1931, Bote & Bock)
  • Harpsichord concerto, Op.76 (pub. 1931, Bote & Bock)
  • A cappella-Chorliedsuite : (für 8-stimmigen Doppelmännerchor nach alten deutschen Texten), Op.29c (Hochstein, 1927)
  • Madrigale : 3 Gesänge aus dem Mittelhochdt. für vierstimm. Männerchor : op. 18c ("rechte... 28b") (Böhm, ca.1932 from our plate table? Plate 7887.)

Herschel, William (1738–1822)

  • Symphonies
  • Organ pieces
  • Concertos
  • Any other works

Hertel, Johann Christian (1697–1754)

  • any works

Hertel, Johann Wilhelm (1727–1789)

  • Symphonies
  • Cello concertos (A-dur & a-moll)
  • Concertos
  • Keyboard sonatas (Sechs Sonaten Fur Orgel, Cembalo oder Klavier, Pro organo 1052)
  • Oratorios
  • Cantatas (especially Passion cantatas and Christmas cantatas)
  • Johann Wilhelm Hertel (Hrsg.): Sammlung Musikalischer Schriften größtenteils aus den Werken der Italiäner und Franzosen übersetzt und mit Kommentaren versehen von Johann Wilhelm Hertel, Leipzig 1757/1758, 2 St. in 1 Bd.

Herz, Henri (1803–1888)

  • Etudes
  • Orchestral parts to concertos

Op.76 - Variations brillantes di bravura sur le Trio favori du Pré aux clercs de Hérold

Herzogenberg, Heinrich von (1843–1900)

  • Odysseus, Op.16. Symphonie für grosses Orchester 1. Die Irrfahrten 2. Penelope 3. Die Gärten der Circe 4. Das Gastmahl der Freier (ÖNB has a copy of Horn's 1876 arrangement)
  • Variationen über ein Thema von Johannes Brahms, Op.23 for piano 4 hands (pub.1876)
  • Piano Trio No.2, Op.36 in D minor (pub.1884)
  • 5 Klavierstücke, Op.37 (pub.1883)
  • Phantasie "Nun komm der Heiden Heiland," Op.39
  • Phantasie "Nun danket alle Gott," Op.46
  • Symphony No.1, Op.50 in C minor (pub.1885)
  • Symphony No.2, Op.70 in B major (pub.1890)
  • Todtenfeier, Op.80. Cantate für Soli, Chor, Orchester und Orgel (geschrieben auf den ersten Todestag seiner Frau Elisabeth geb. von Stockhausen)
  • Thema und Variationen in E major for piano 4 hands (pub.1896)
  • Mass in E minor, Op.87 für Soli, Chor und Orchester (Orgel ad libitum) (Dem Andenken Philipp Spitta's)
  • Die Geburt Christi, Op.90. Full score and parts.
  • Die Passion, Op.93. Kirchen-Oratorium für Gründonnerstag und Charfreitag, für Solostimmen, Chor, Streichorchester, Harmonium, Gemeindegesang und Orgel 1896

Hess, Karl (1859–1912)

  • Cello Sonata, Op.6
  • Organ Sonata, Op.23 (pub.1902)

Hesse, Adolf Friedrich (1809–1863)

  • Piano Concerto (manuscript, ca.1835)
  • Symphony no.1 in E-flat, Op.20 (published 1830 by Förster of Breslau)
  • Fantasia for organ, Op.22 (")
  • Symphony no.2 in D, Op.28 (ded. to Spohr) (published 1833 by Hofmeister)
  • Piano Trio, Op.36 (pub. 1835, Weinhold) (same opus no. as an organ set- ?.)
  • Symphony no.5 in C minor, Op.64 (publ. 1840. Performed 1 December 1842 in Leipzig.)

Hessen, Alexander Friedrich von (1863–1945)

(also known as Alexander Friedrich, Landgraf von Hessen) (there is a str qt no.2, pub. in 1968 it seems.)
(brief Wikipedia article: Wikipedia (does not mention composing))

  • String Quartet No.1, Op.1 (pub.1890)
  • 2 Pieces for String Trio, Op.27 (pub.1931 by Breitkopf&Härtel) (©1931; see WorldCat) (PD-CA-only for now)
  • Violin Sonata Op.31 (E minor) (©1936) (also PD-CA-only for now and awhile)
  • Quintet, Op.25 (©1939) (etc.)
  • Passacaglia for Piano, Op.7 (pub.ca.1900?)
  • Cello Sonata, Op.12 (pub.1911)

Heubner, Konrad (1860–1905)

  • String Quartet No.1 in A minor, Op.1 (p.1883)
  • Piano Quintet in G minor (p.1904)
  • Violin Sonata in G, Op.8 (pub.1895)
  • Psalmi. "Wohl dem, der nicht wandelt im Rathe der Gottlosen," für Sopran-Solo, Chor und Orchester, Op.5 (pub.1886)

Heuser, Ernst (1863–1942)

  • Piano Trio in D minor, Op.37 (pub.1901, Hainauer. Copy e.g. at Hochschule für Musik Köln lib.)
  • Psalm 23, Op.78 (pub.1912)
  • 3 Piano Pieces, Op.67 (published 1910 by AP Schmidt)
  • Leichte Variationen über ein amerikanisches Volkslied, Op.68 for 2 pianos (©1909, Kistner)
  • Piano Duet Pieces "Ein Ausflug in's bergische Land", Op.74 (published 1911 by Hainauer)
  • Stimmungsbilder, Op.9 (dedicated to Franz Wüllner)
  • Bismarcks Wiederkehr : Gedicht von Waldemar Weber für Baritonsolo und Männerchor mit Begleitung des Orchesters oder des Pianoforte, Op.83 (pub.1914, piano reduction by (Robert?) Forberg)
  • 4 Lieder, Op.52 (Hainauer, 1905) (HMB 1905, p.705)

Heydorn, Petrus (1660–1720)

  • any works

Heydrich, Richard Bruno (1865–1938)

(father of Nazi Reinhard Heydrich)

  • Novelette
  • Opera "Amen"
  • Des Liebsten Grab, Op.64
  • Soldatentreu, Op.62 (Hothan, 1916)

Heyerdahl, Anders (1832–1918)

  • String Quartets ("#1" and (#2?) in D minor)
  • Violin Sonata (Op.11, ca.1882)
  • Piano Quintet (premiered 1883)

Hill, Edward Burlingame (1872–1960)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • 2-piano concerto
  • Sinfonietta, Op.40a (pub. n.d.?, 1935)
  • Concerto for 2 flutes and small orchestra

Hiller, Ferdinand (1811–1885)

  • Conzertstück for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 113. Leipzig: Aug. Cranz, [ca. 1865] (scores in the British Library, Cambridge University libraries, Danish National Library)
  • Violin Concerto, Op. 152. Mainz: B. Schott's Söhnen, [1875?] (scores in Free Library of Philadelphia, and MIT libraries. Fantasiestück Op.152 not the same work but maybe related??)

Hindemith, Paul (1895–1963)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Drei Opern-Einakter (Librettos for Mörder, Hoffnung der Frauen ; Das Nusch-Nuschi ; Sancta Susanna) - Mainz: B. Schott Söhne, 1921
  • Neues vom Tage (full score)
  • Sing und Spielmusik für Liebhaber und Musikfreunde, Op.45 (parts and choral scores)
  • Plöner Musiktag
B. Tafelmusik (Parts)
C. Kantate (Parts and Choral Score)
D/1. Einleitungsstück für Orchester: (Parts)
D/2. Flötensolo mit Streichern: (Parts)
D/4. Variationen für Klarinette und Streicher: (Parts)
D/5. Trio für Blockflöten (Parts, Original 1932 edition with recorders in A and D)
D/6. Quodlibet für Orchester: (Parts)

These works under copyright worldwide:

  • Sonata for Solo Viola, Op.31 No.4 (First edition edited by Hermann Danuser (1946-))
  • Sonata for Solo Viola (1937) (First edition edited by Hermann Danuser (1946-))
  • Trautonium Works (trio pieces, concertpiece with strings)

Hinton, Arthur (1869–1941)

  • Piano Concerto, Op.24 in D m. (prem.1905, pub.1920)
  • Saint Elizabeth's Roses (operetta)
  • Scenes from Endymion, suite for orchestra
  • Symphony no.1 in B (ms?)
  • Symphony no.2 in C minor (ms?)

Hintz, Ewaldt (1613–1668)

  • any works

Hirschbach, Herrmann (1812–1888)

  • Symphony No.1 in C minor w/o op. (published in arr. in 1848), Symphony no.2 "Lebenskämpfe", Op.46; Symphony no.3 "Erinnerung an die Alpen", Op.47 (both published in arrangements in 1859) (arrangements by Enke for piano duet)
  • String Quartet No.1 "Lebensbilder in einem Cyclus von Quartetten" Op.1 (published 1840) (as noted in the title, part of a cycle/series?- no.4 published in 1848, see Monatsbericht (1848), p.22)
  • String Quartets Nos.6 and 11
  • 2 Quintets for string trio, clarinet and horn (Op.40, published 1856; Op.48, published 1859)
  • Ouvertüre No.3, Op.36 zum Schauspiel Götz von Berlichingen — full score needed

Hochberg, Hans Heinrich Bolko von (1843–1926)

(real name of "J.H. Franz" - we do have a category J. Franz but may not be the same person)

  • Symphony in E (premiered? ca.1884 in Dresden.) (possibly the Op.28 "in E" published 1892 by Raabe & Plothow. Schwerin lib. has score & parts to op.28. Harvard Loeb has arrangement of it.)
  • Piano Trio in A, Op.34 (LoC has.)
  • Piano Trio in B major, Op.35 (pub.1904)
  • Opera "Wärwolf", Op.21 (LoC has libretto. BSB has vocal score)
  • Piano Concerto Op.42 (pub.1906 and full score. Fleisher has full score etc. as do Boston Public Library and others. )

Høeberg, Georg (1872–1950)

  • Legend for string orchestra, Op.15 (published 1934 by Hansen) (HMB 1934, p.106)

Høffding, Finn (1899–1997)

Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Romance for violin og strygeorkester (1918 - not sure etc.?)
  • String Quartet No.1 Op.2 (1920- not sure when published?) (Quartet Op.6 was published 1930 acc.HMB (1930, p.164)- Worldcat sources differ on n.d. status, would have to see score)

The following items are ineligible to be added due to copyright status:

  • Symphony No.3 Op.12 (©1931)

Hoffmeister, Franz Anton (1754–1812)

  • Cello Concerto in D
  • Symphony in G minor, HicH g1 (possibly by Leopold Hoffmann. See RISM 650003207.)

Hofmann, Heinrich (1842–1902)

  • Ungarische Suite, Op.16

Hofmann, Leopold (1738–1793)

  • 7 Cello Concertos

Hofmann, Richard (1844–1918)

  • Acht Übungs- u. Vortrags-Stücke for Violin and viola
  • Leichtes instruktives Trio in C and Em for piano trio Op.67 and Op.68
  • Acht Charakterstücke for Clarinet and Piano Op.100
  • Light String Quartet, Op.116 (pub.1901, Zimmermann)

Hohmann, Christian Heinrich (1811–1861)

Hol, Richard (1825–1904)

  • Concert Overture for orchestra (held at Dutch Royal Library) (arr., 1873?)
  • 2 Romances for oboe Op.116 (pub.1890)
  • Sonatinas Op.118 (pub.1890s)
  • Voudel-Kantate (performed 1878)

Holbrooke, Joseph (1878–1958)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Cello Concerto in E flat major, Op.103 - The Cambrian
  • Piano Concerto No. 1 "The Song of Gwyn ap Nudd", Op. 52 (1908) full Orchestral score
  • Violin Sonata No. 2 "Romantic" Op. 59 = violin/piano reduction of the "Grasshopper" violin concerto Op.59
  • Clair de Lune, Op. 17, No. 1
  • Le Crepuscule, Op. 17, No. 2
  • Pianoforte Quartet in D minor, "Byron", Op. 31
  • Symphony No.4 ("Homage to Schubert) in B-minor, Op. 95
  • Horn Quintet "Fate" (1904, reworked into Clarinet Quintet in G Op. 27)

Hollaender, Gustav (1855–1915)

  • Violin Concerto No.3 (D minor), Op.66 (pub.1911)

Hollander, Benoit (1853–1942)

  • String Quartet No.1, Op.20 (parts, score @Cornell lib.?)
  • Fantaisie pastorale (vn/orch), Op.26 (1899) (orchestral score and parts if they exist, piano reduction at least)
  • Piano Trio, Op.27
  • Septet for String Quartet, Piano and 2 Horns in E-flat, Op.28
  • Characteristic Pieces Op.12 for 2 Violins and Viola (pub.1895) (parts @Cornell Lib.?)
  • Suite in D for violin and piano-or-orchestra, Op.6
  • Violin Sonata No.1, Op.19
  • Violin Sonata No.2, Op.35 (pub.ca.1905?)
  • Fantasie de Nöel. For String Orchestra and Pianoforte. (©1924)

Hollins, Alfred (1865–1942)

Holmès, Augusta Mary Anne (1847–1903)

  • Ludus pro Patria (ode, pub.1888 by Grus)
  • Irlande (full score)
  • Ouverture pour une comédie (full score)

Holst, Gustav (1874–1934)

  • Invocation for cello and piano or orchestra, Op. 19/2 (1911)
  • The Evening Watch, Op.43, No.1
  • The Cloud Messenger, Op.30 (full score)
  • The Lure
  • The Morning of the Year Op. 45
  • The Planets, arrangement of Mars and Jupiter for symphonic band by Holst
  • Choral Fantasia op. 51
  • Walt Whitman Overture, Op 7 (1899) (is this score even published yet?- Schissel)
  • At the Boar's Head, Op.42
  • The Wandering Scholar, Op.50 (first published in 1968 in an edition by Imogen Holst and Benjamin Britten, so not sure if this could be hosted by IMSLP)
  • Symphony in F major "The Cotswolds", Op.8 H.47

These works copyright WORLDWIDE.

  • The Planets (arr. solo piano) No arrangement of this exists in the public domain.
  • The Mystic Trumpeter (app. not published until 1989)
  • Invocation for cello and piano or orchestra H75, Op. 19/2 (1911) (pub.1983?- is there an earlier than 1960 edition of this?)

Holstein, Franz von (1826–1878)

  • String Quartet in E minor (op.posth. , 40) (pub.1899)
  • Piano Trio (performed in a memorial concert in 1878) (possibly Op.18?)

Holter, Iver (1850–1941)

  • String Quartets, Opp. 1 (p.1879) and 18 (op18 p1917)
  • Kantate til indvielsen af Kristiania Handelsstands Forenings nye hus 11. februar 1912. Op 19.

Holý, Alfred (1866–1948)

  • Das Märchen vom Glück : Volksstück in 4 Akten (opera - ms material - possibly published also?)
  • Konzertwalzer, Op.6 in F (1897, Simon. Also exists in someone's? arrangement for harp and string trio, see CZ-Bu RKPMus-0546.542)

Hölzl, Franz Seraphin (1808–1884)

  • String Quartet, Op.24 (by 1859)
  • Violin Sonata in E, Op.20 (pub.1856)

(VIAF: VIAF) and see Musiklexikon for a brief bio in German)

Homilius, Gottfried August (1714–1785)

Honegger, Arthur (1892–1955)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Jeanne d'Arc au bûcher
  • Skating Rink
  • Sonatina for violin and cello (H. 80) (1932)
  • Prelude and Blues for harp quartet
  • Cantate de Noel, esp. Laudate Dominum from this

Hoof, Jef van (1886–1959)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Kleines quartett in C (©1927. PD-CA)
  • Sonata voor beiaard (©1925. PD-CA)
  • Zes driestemmige Dietsce liederen (©1920)
  • Symphony in A (No.4?) (©1951. PD-CA)

("no.4" from library catalog note possibly? anyway, may be his sym.1 in A, as recorded, and as published by Musikproduktion Höflich in 2009? Hoof's sym. 4 (as recorded) is either in B-flat or B.)

Hook, James (1746–1827)

Hopffer, Bernhard (1840–1877)

  • String Quintet in B minor, Op.7 (pub.1871) (@FLP)
  • Romance for Cello & Orch., Op.20 (pub.1877)
  • Violin Sonata No.1 in G minor, Op.2 (ca.1876?)
  • Symphony (if it still exists, premiered ca.1860?)

Horn, Kamillo (1860–1941)

  • Trio-Fantasie, Op.73 (published 1935)
  • Symphony No.1 in F minor, Op.40 (pub. by Kahnt in 1908)
  • Horn Sonata, Op.58 (pub.1910)
  • Violin Fantasia, Op.42 (pub.1908)
  • Heimat erwachen, Op.71 (for male chorus, orchestral acc.; pub.1928 reduced, 1929 with full orchestra. ÖNB lists as n.d.) (the 1928 version is I think not in CCE 1928, nor renewed in 1956 CCE, and given that ÖNB lists its copies as without proper copyright (ohne Jahresangabe), and apparent failure to register or renew, may be PD-US.
  • Lieder, Op.44

Horsley, Charles Edward (1822–1876)

  • Cello Sonata, Op.3 (early edition, not 2011 pub.)
  • Piano Trio, Op.7 (likewise) (is at Hamburg library)
  • Violin Sonata, Op.14 (dedicated to Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst)
  • Piano Impromptus (Op.12 & w/o Op.)
  • 6 Lieder, Op.9 (uploaded by BSB?)
  • Comus: Cantata for solo and chorus after Milton (dedicated to Julius Benedict) (vocal score, copy. 1874 by Schirmer, digitized by Google)

Horváth, Géza (1868–1925)

  • Sonatina, Op.96 (published 1908 by W. Hansen)
  • 6 Light piano pieces, Op.99 (published 1908 by W. Hansen)

Hotteterre, Jacques (1673–1763)

  • Le Fargis Sur Les Délices

Howe, Mary (1882–1964)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Andante douloureux for pf (Schirmer, 1912)
  • Cossack Cradle Song (pub.1922)

Hoyer, Karl (1891–1936)

  • Viola Sonata, Op.30 (©1923)
  • Variationen über ein Thema von Henry Purcell, Op.25 (©1922, Klemm)
  • Flute Sonata, Op.40 (©1929) (PD-CA I hope)
  • Sonata Op.45 for violin and organ (©1932)
  • Clarinet sonata Op.55 (pub.1934?)
  • Introduction and chaconne for organ and orchestra (pub. 1916, B&Härtel)
  • Serenade for 5 winds Op.29 (©1924)
  • Variations for orchestra Op.33 (pub.1926)

Hřímalý, Jan (1844–1915)

Hubay, Jenő (1858–1937)

  • Symphony No.2 "1914" in C minor, Op.93 (published 1917 by B&H. Has recently (2018) been reprinted.)

Huber, Hans (1852–1921)

  • Piano Trio No.2 op.65 (p.1883): piano score
  • Symphony No.5 in F (dedicated to Henri Marteau) (unpublished?)
  • Piano Sonata "Zu Maler Nolten", Op.47 (p1879)
  • Romantic opera "Die schöne Bellinda" (Hug, pub.ca.1916)
  • 24 Preludes and Fugues for Piano four hands

Huber, Joseph (1837–1886)


  • 4 1-mvt Symphonies (nos. 1,2 pub.1865)

(there was also a Joseph Huber, comp., b.1816.)

  • Opera "Irene" (premiered 1881, published 1895 or earlier)
  • Die Rose von Libanon for soloists, chorus and orchestra (Stuttgart: Stürmer, 1870)

Hugot, Antoine (1761–1803)

  • Méthode de Flûte (1804)
  • 4 Duets for 2 flutes

Hugues, Luigi (1836–1913)

Hummel, Ferdinand (1855–1928)

  • Symphony in D, Op.105 (©1908, Harmonie) (@ÖNB and SLUB)
  • Cello Sonata No.2, Op.9 (A major?) (pub.1877)
  • Cello Sonata No.3, Op.12 (A major?) (pub.1879) (there are copies at Zurich Central Library and the British Library.)
  • Cello (or Viola) Sonata No.4 (E minor?) Op.38/38a (pub.1885) (seems hard to find?)
  • Piano Concerto in B-flat minor, Op.35 (pub.ca.1884?)
  • Angla (opera), Op.60 (pub.1894) - we have vocal score
  • Horn or viola Sonata, Op.117 (pub.1916? - Monatsbericht (1916), p.52)
  • Cello sonata no.1, Op.2 in A minor

Hummel, Johann Nepomuk (1778–1837)

  • Piano transcription of Symphony No. 40 by Mozart - as with symphony no.41 we seem to have piano parts of his flute/piano/violin arrangements but not piano arrangements yet. Should keep looking :)
  • Piano School (1828)
  • Hummel arrangements of Mozart Piano concertos - flute, violin, cello parts (some uploaded :) )
  • All Piano Trios - we lack only trio no.1 Op.3a now (assuming the other pages are complete, but take that to those pages.) Anyone?
  • Mandolin Concerto in G Major S.28
  • Fantasy for Viola & Orchestra in G minor, Op.94 - (1821) (Potpourri; fantasie or potpourri mit fantasie is a very modern term it seems. We have this under Potpourri.)
  • Piano Concerto B Minor, Full Score
  • Mass (Missa) in D minor (S.67, 1805), Full Score & Vocal Score

Hummel, Josef Friedrich (1841–1919)

  • Mandolinata for str.sextet, op.61 (p1910)

Humperdinck, Engelbert (1854–1921)

  • Königskinder (first version; Brockhaus, 1897)
  • Königskinder (full score)
  • String Quartet in D minor, EHWV 15 (comp.1872, pub.?) (One quartet of his (or work described as a Humperdinck Quartet?) was published in 1937 by Schott, not sure which of the 3, assuming authenticity - see WorldCat.)
  • Other two string quartets? if possible (these may have been published before 1960s and PD-CA- none so sure about the D minor above)

Hünten, François (1793–1878)

  • Grand duo for piano 4 hands, Op.164 (Meissonier et fils, 1849)
  • Charme des jeunes pianistes, Op.70 (Heu, 1834)

Hünten, Wilhelm (1791–1858)

Listed in HMB as Guillaume (Gu.) Hünten, or sometimes as (W.) ... a brother of Franz/François Hünten.

  • Air allemand, varié pour pianoforte et violoncelle ou violon concertants, Op.19 (first pub. ca.1830)
  • Nouvelle méthode facile et progressive pour le piano, Op.50 (pub. Paté, ca.1843; Schott, 1844)
  • Rondo brillant, Op.30

Hurlstone, William Yeates (1876–1906)

  • Variations on a Hungarian Air (alt. "Hungarian Air with Variations;" originally for piano, later orchestrated; either version to be greatly appreciated if legitimately available) (BMIC apparently rents and lists as "NO SCORE". May not have ever been published.)

Hus-Desforges, Pierre Louis (1773–1838)

  • 8 (plus?) string quintets with bass (some are at various libraries. We now have all but no.7 uploaded.)
  • Grand String Trio No.3 (pub. Naderman, 1822)
  • Cello Concerto No.4, Op.23 (pub.1814, Frey. BNF has. See here.)
  • Symphonie concertante no.1 (pub. by Nadermann, by 1802)

Huss, Henry Holden (1862–1953)

  • Violin Concerto, Op.12
  • Festival Sanctus (premiered(?) 1889, published by E. Schuberth in the same year)

Huszka, Jenő (1875–1960)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • vocal scores to operettas in Hungarian, of which Bob herceg (1902) seems to be the most famous Richard Mix 10:31, 17 January 2012 (UTC)

Hutschenruyter, Wouter (1859–1943)

  • Violin Sonata in D, Op.3
  • Cello Sonata in C minor, Op.4
  • Romance for horn, Op.12

Indy, Vincent d' (1851–1931)

  • Vive Henry IV for mixed voices and other instrumentations
  • Ouverture d'Antoine et Cléopatre d'après la Tragédie de Shakespeare (Op.6. Digitized by Gallica)

Indy, Wilfred d' (1821–1891)

  • String Quartet (pub. Paris: Challot?, 1842) (19 Feb. 1842 BdlF)
  • Les deux princesses, opera-comique (pub.1859)
  • Sérénade pour piano (pub.Maeyens-Couvreur, 1859)
  • 2 Sonatas for piano, Op.17 (pub. Maeyens-Couvreur, 1860)

Ingenhoven, Jan (1876–1951)

  • String Quartet No.3 (pub. 1914)
  • String Quartet in one movement (pub. 1912)
  • String Trio (pub.1928, T&J)
  • Sonatina for violin and clarinet in A (or viola) (T&J, 1927)

Inghelbrecht, Désiré Émile (1880–1965)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Original-Quadrille pour piano (pub.1897/98 by Paris: Paulus) - maybe by his father?
  • Rêverie pour violon, et piano (pub.ca.1888 by Vve. Girod) - by his father, not him (same first name: D. Inghelbrecht on the cover- confusion.)
  • Automne : esquisses symphoniques (pub.betw. 1904 and 1909? by Mathot)
  • Nocturne pour violoncelle et piano (pub.ca.1906 by Mathot; with orchestra, 1911)

Ippisch, Franz (1883–1958)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Cello Sonata in D (Doblinger, 1923)
  • Serenade for strings (Doblinger, 1924 and/or 1925 (maybe score/parts))
  • String Trio in F minor (Doblinger, 1924)
  • At least 5 symphonies (1926/30? in D minor, 1934 in C minor, and "Sinfonia guatemalteca" 1941, etc) (first 3 in ms @ Fleisher)
  • Violin concerto (ms@Fleisher) and another (according to German Wikipedia)

Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail (1859–1935)

  • Romantic Ballad - Suite for violin and piano (1898), Op.20
  • Op. 45: Ten Shakespeare Sonnets for voice and piano (1913)

Ireland, John (1879–1962)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Sea Fever (1913), included in Stainer & Bell The Complete Works for Voice & Piano vol.ii.
  • Epic March for orchestra
  • of many PD-US works, a few are already at CPDL.
  • Piano Concerto in E major, 1930, ©1932 (or 1930?) so PD-CA (and eventually PD-US).
  • Legend for piano and orchestra (preferably full score).

Isaac, Heinrich (1450–1517)

  • Webern's edition (Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich|DTÖ 32) of Choralis constantinus II is PD US, and the 1550 print would be very welcome too. (Not sure why CC2 was linked, we don’t have it -either-.)
  • Officium Nativitatis Domini : für vierstimmigen gemischten Chor (Bärenreiter, 1948 or an earlier edition

Iversen, Bernhard (1881–1947)

  • Der deutschen Frau, Op.3 für Männerchor. Dresden: Günther, 1914.

Ives, Charles (1874–1954)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Variations on 'America'
  • Largo (for Clarinet, Violin and Piano) (pub.1953)
  • String Quartet No. 1, From the Salvation Army (1897–1900) (pub.1954)
  • String Quartet No. 2 (1913–15) (pub.1954)
  • Symphony No. 1 in D minor (1898–1901) (pub.1971...)
  • Symphony No. 4 (1912–18; rev. 1924–26. Pub. 1965 in facsimile, notes/edition/... by John Kirkpatrick)
  • A Symphony: New England Holidays (1911–19) (pub.1930s in individual movements)
  • Orchestral Set No. 2 (1919)
  • Universe Symphony (sketched)

Jacobi, Frederick (1891–1952)

  • Cello Concerto (©1933; revised orchestration pub.1951 , both by UE)
  • Three songs for a high voice with piano accompaniment (Schirmer, 1915. Includes songs by Koch, Teasdale & Brome.)
  • String Quartet No.3 (Arrow Music Press, ©1949)
  • " No.2 (J. Fischer, 1935)
  • Symphonies in A and in C (in manuscript)

Jadassohn, Salomon (1831–1902)

  • Serenade No.2, Op.46 (Full Orchestral Score) (pub.ca.1875.)
  • Cavatina for Violin and Orchestra, Op.69 (Parts for Orchestra and Soloist) -- note: complete parts are at Biblioteca musicale governativa del Conservatorio di musica S. Cecilia - Roma.
  • Serenade for String orchestra and Flute, Op. 80 (Full Orchestral Score & Parts)
  • Piano Concerto No.1 in C minor, Op.89 (Full Orchestral Score & Parts)
  • Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor, Op.90 (Full Orchestral Score & Parts)
  • Symphony No.1, Op.24 (orchestra parts)
  • Symphony No.3, Op.50 (orchestra parts)
  • Symphony No.4, Op.101 (Full score and Orchestra parts)
  • Cavatine for Cello and Orchestra, Op.120 (Full Orchestral Score & Parts)
  • 3 Pieces for Piano 4-Hands Op.83
  • 2 Pieces for Piano 4-Hands Op.105

Jadin, Hyacinthe (1776–1800)

  • Piano Sonatas (we have opp.4 & 5)
  • String Quartets (we have opp.1 & 4)
  • Piano Concertos

Jadin, Valentin-François (1763–1841)

(after 1841, but death date not known. AKA "Valentin Jadin (fils)". A few works at Gallica, e.g. his 3 potpourris for piano.)

  • Fantaisie avec 8 variations sur le Marche des Rois de France, pour le piano-forte dédiée à S. M. Louis XVIII (pub.1815)

Jaëll, Marie (1846–1925)

  • Sonata for Piano in C major (dedicated to Liszt) (F. Lucca, ca.1860s?)
  • Psalm LXV (in manuscript at WorldCat, possibly published?)
  • Cello Concerto

Jámbor, Eugen (1853–1914)

  • Ungarische Fantasiestücke, Opp.43-44, for piano. Rózsavölgyi, 1904.

Janáček, Leoš (1854–1928)

  • Any organ works
  • Suite, Op.3 (published 1931)
  • Glagolitic Mass (1926, published 1929) - vocal score (full score, parts uploaded)
  • Z mrtvého domu (From the house of the dead) (1930, opera, orchestra parts)
  • Šárka (1919 revision of the opera, vocal score)
  • Počátek románu (Beginning of a Romance) (1891, vocal score)
  • Osud (Fate) (vocal score)

Jansa, Leopold (1795–1875)

  • String Quartet, Op.68 (p.1845)
  • Piano Trio, Op.73 (p.1851)

Jaques-Dalcroze, Emile (1865–1950)

  • String Quartet (pub.ca.1904? by Enoch) (not same as Op.61, and there are other suites for quartet by him) (in E?) (held by several libraries, NYPL (score and parts), FLP, Yale, Harvard, Interlochen, Royal College of Music (parts), British Library) - is this different from the quartet we have uploaded first published 1899 by Enoch?
  • 6 Jugendblätter für Klavier, pub.1905 by Suddeutscher Musikverlag (and presumably - but possibly not - the same set, pub.1921 by Wilhelm Schmid.)

Jarnach, Philipp (1892–1982)

Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • String Quintet, Op.10 (1918, published 1920)
  • Sonata No.1 for violin solo, Op.8 (Op.11 is also for solo violin, though also attached to a Sinfonia brevis)
  • Les Heures claires, chant et piano. Poème de Émile Verhaeren (Durand, 1913)
  • Feuilles d'album : pour le piano & Nocturne : Mélodie (Durand, 1912)
  • 4 Humoresques for piano solo (Durand, 1914.)
  • 2 Lieder, Op.7 (Zierfuss, 1913)
  • Arpège, text by Samain (d.1900) & Sonnet de Pierre Ronsard (published 1912)
  • Rondel de Charles d'Orléans (Durand, 1914)

Jemain, Joseph (1864–1950)

1950 or 1954, really, but one keeps the line as-simple-as-poss.

  • Cello Sonata, Op.20 (1898, p.1903) (ded. to Joseph Hollman)

Jemnitz, Sándor (1890–1963)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Violin Sonata (with piano), Op.22 (pub.1926 by Kistner & Siegel)
  • Trio for flute, violin and viola, Op.19 (pub. 1926? by Zimmermann)

Jeremiáš, Otakar (1892–1962)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Bratři Karamazovi (The Brothers Karamazov, 1927), vocal score (pub. Hudební matice Umělecká beseda 1930)

Jiránek, Alois (1858–1950)

  • 2 Impromptus for string quartet (published 1909)
  • 3 Pieces for Piano, Op.15
  • Piano Trio, Op.11 (pub.1896)

Jiránek Sr., J.?

  • Piano Sonatas Op.9 (pub.1863), Op.10 (pub.1865), Op.11 (pub.1867)
  • Practical school (pub.1847)

The Practical school is not by Josef Jiránek, 1855-1940, Alois' brother, and the piano sonatas probably aren't. (They are listed so at the Clementinum library since their date is given as "18--" where the difficulty is less clear.)

Jiránek, Josef (1855–1940)

Joachim, Joseph (1831–1907)

  • Hamlet Overture, Op. 4 (Parts + Piano reduction, if any)
  • Demetrius Overture, Op. 6 (Full score and/or parts + Piano reduction, if any)
  • Henry IV Overture, Op. 7 (Full score and/or parts)
  • Von Kleist Overture, Op. 13 (Parts + Piano reduction, if any)
  • String Quartet Movement in C minor (Full score and/or Parts)
  • Violin Concerto No. 3 (Full score and/or Parts)
  • Cadenza to Mozart's Violin Concerto No. 3
  • Symphony in C major (Arrangement of Sonata for Piano Duet, D.812 (Schubert, Franz)) - timpani part needed

Jommelli, Niccolò (1714–1774)

  • La Passione di Nostro Signore Gesu Cristo (Oratorio)
  • Other Oratorios
  • 20 Masses
  • Concerti
  • Orchestral works
  • Keyboard works

Jonas, Emile (1827–1905)

  • Concertino pour le cornet à pistons (pub.1894)
  • Fantasy No.2 (pub.1896)
  • Parisiana, fantaisie ouverture (for harmonie-band) (pub. E&Schaeffer, 1891)

Jongen, Joseph (1873–1953)

  • Piano Preludes Opp. 69 & 116
  • Organ Works -> several additions 08/2013
  • 2 pièces en trio (flute, cello and harp) 1924
  • Aria and Polonaise for Trombone and Piano
  • Fantaisie : pour orchestre : sur deux Noëls populaires Wallons, Op.24 (pub.1911)
  • String Quartet No.3, Op.67 (©1923. PD-US&CA)

Jongen, Léon (1884–1969)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • 7 piano mélodies, c 1913

Joplin, Scott (1868–1917)

  • Songs

Jordan, Sverre (1889–1972)

Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

Josephson, Jacob Axel (1818–1880)

  • Symphony in E, Op.4
  • Quando Corpus for soprano, chorus and orchestra, Op.20 (HMB gives 1868)

Josten, Werner Erich (1885–1963)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Other early songs and motets (some are PD-CA-only, but some published by 1922)
  • Concerto Sacro (No.1), (pub. unk.?) ©1926 (so, PD-CA) (see e.g. WorldCat. His two concerti sacri for piano and strings - both published by C.C. Birchard, ©1931- have been recorded.)

Jullien, Gilles (1650–1703)

Junk, Victor (1875–1948)

  • Book "Max Reger als Orchesterkomponist u.s. Symphonischer Prolog zu e. Tragödie Op. 108 f. großes Orchester" (Hesse, 1910. 22? 44? pages)

Juon, Paul (1872–1940)

  • 5 Lieder, Op. 13 for voice nad piano (pub. 1903)
  • 5 Stucke, Op. 72 for violin and piano (pub. 1922)
  • Kindertraume, Op. 74 (pub. 1927)
  • Kakteen, Op. 76 for piano (pub. 1923)
  • 2 Pieces, Op.25 for clarinet and piano (1902?)

Kabalevsky, Dmitry (1904–1987)

Works by this person are under copyright (unless some exception applies).

The earliest that scores by Kabalevsky can be hosted by IMSLP (Canada) is 2038, or 2024 for works that are PD in the US only.
Please do not bother adding any items to this wishlist until 2022 at the earliest; they will simply be deleted without comment.

Even his early op.4 wasn’t published until 1929 (nor was his Op.6 piano sonata...) (per HMB…), so very few of his works are likely to be PD-US until - 2025 or so, perhaps.

Kahl, Oskar (1872–1915)

  • Piano Trio in F minor, Op.3 (pub.1914) (LoC, one or two other libraries)
  • Violin Sonata in A, pub. 1903

Kahn, Robert (1865–1951)

  • Vier Lieder für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. Op. 3
  • Sieben Lieder für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, Op. 6
  • Fünf Lieder für gemischten Chor. Op. 7.
  • Fünf Clavierstücke, Op. 13
  • Mahomet's Gesang für gemischten Chor mit Orchester, Op. 24
  • Zweite Sonate (A moll) für Violine und Clavier, Op. 26
  • Sommerabend. Ein Liederkreis für gemischten Chor, Soli, und Clavier. Op. 28
  • Tonbilder, for Violine und Klavier, Op. 36
  • Zwei Gedichte von Friedrich Schiller, für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, Op. 44
  • Clarinet Trio Op. 45 (Cello Part)
  • Lieder im Volkston für eine Singstimme und Klavier, Op. 47
  • Piano Trio in E minor (No.4), Op.72 (published 1922 by Berlin: Simrock)
  • Konzertstück, for Piano and Orchestra, op. 74

Kajanus, Robert (1856–1933)

  • Sinfonietta, Op.16 (published 1924 and dedicated to Jean Sibelius)

Kalachevsky, Mikhail (1851–1910)

(well, betw. 1910 and 1912?) (also Kolachevsky)

  • Symphony "Ukrainian" (composed 1876 - mentioned in Mason's 1917 book/Baker 1919; mayb. recorded in 1950s and pub. in 1966?- so not sure if PD.)
  • String Quartet in E

Kalafati, Vasily (1869–1942)

  • Polonaise for orchestra, Op.14 (published 1913)
  • Quartet for Piano and Strings

Kalinnikov, Vasily (1866–1901)

  • Fugue in D minor (1889) (when first published? we may not be able to host it)
  • Bylina (Epic Poem) Overture (ca.1892)
  • Nymphs, Symphonic Picture after Turgenev (1889)

Kalkbrenner, Christian (1755–1806)

  • Histoire de la musique (1802)
  • 3 Sonatas, Op.3 (ca.1783) - same as the sonatinas op.3?

Kalkbrenner, Friedrich Wilhelm (1784–1849)

  • Piano Sextet in G, Op.58 (pub.1821 by Pleyel)

Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel (1801–1866)

  • Scores & Parts to Symphonies 3-6 (and to the G minor sym.?) and to the other overtures and concertinos/concertos for violin?

Kálmán, Emmerich (1882–1953)

I wonder if any of the pd-US operettas might have been printed with Hungarian texts? Richard Mix 01:01, 24 July 2012 (EDT)

Kaminski, Heinrich (1886–1946)

  • Choralsonate for organ (©1926 by Universal Edition)

Kämpf, Karl (1874–1950)

  • Humoreskes for piano, Op.29 (pub. Kaun, 1907)

Kaňka Jr., Johann Nepomuk (1772–1865)

(or Jan Kaňka. Lawyer and composer, early Romantic) (not to be confused with Jan Kaňka (b.1977))

  • In lacrymam fontem salutis (pub.ca.1860)

Kapp, Charles (1772–1808)

  • 3 Piano Sonatas, Op.1
  • Piano Quartet, Op. 6

Karel, Rudolf (1880–1945)

  • "Renaissance" Symphony No.1 in E Op.15 (1921?)
  • Démon, symphonic poem op.23 (Simrock, 1922)
  • Notturno Op.9 in F minor for piano (Simrock, 1913?)
  • Nonet Op. 43 (1945)

Karg-Elert, Sigfrid (1877–1933)

  • Organ Works
    • Rondo alla campanella Op.156 (Arthur P. Schmidt, 1933)
    • 3 New Impressions op.142(II) (Carl Simon, 1936)
    • 7 Silhouettes for Harmonium and Piano (1906), Op.29
    • Poesien, 5 Duos for Harmonium and Piano (1906/07), Op.35 (No.4 available)
  • Piano Sonata No.2??

Karges, Wilhelm (1613/14–1699)

  • Any works (consisting of 4 or 6 Organ works)

Karłowicz, Mieczysław (1876–1909)

Karr, Henri (1784–1842)

  • Rondeau brillant (Op.90) for piano trio and "Trio pour piano, violon et violoncelle... par Henri Karr,..., extrait de l'opéra de "Jean de Paris" (de Boïeldieu)" (Op.91) both published 1822 by Boieldieu (see BdlF 1822 p 661; BNF)
  • Fantaisie pour le piano sur des airs de Moïse de Rossini, Op.104 (pub. Vve Dufaut et Dubois, 1823)
  • Rondo du solitaire "Je suis un diable à quatre" (after Carafa) arranged for piano duet, opp.97&98, published 1823 (1822?) by Meysenberg of Paris
  • Grande sonate Op.9 for piano
  • Trois sonates, dont deux faciles pour le piano, Op.34 (published 1818 by Mlles. Erard)
  • Variations on "Ranz des vaches" (Chants montagnards suisses variées), Op.201 (published 1828 by Joly)
  • Chants montagnards écossais variés pour le piano-forte. op. 200 (pub. ca.1828 by Joly, plate 301)
  • 6 Nocturnes for piano duet, Op.67 (pub.1821 by Janet et Cotelle)
  • Hommage à l'amitié, 2 nocturnes for piano, Op.77 (pub. 1821 by Richault)

Kaski, Heino (1885–1957)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Flute sonata, Op.51 (if there's a publication that's PD-CA. May have been first published in 1986, however...)

Kässmayer, Moritz (1831–1884)

  • 5 String Quartets (p1853 to no.5 op.35 p1880) (#s 1-3 @ ÖNB)
  • Mass in B-flat (manuscript @ ÖNB)
  • Symphony in C minor (ditto)

Kauder, Hugo (1888–1972)

Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

Kauffmann, Fritz (1855–1934)

  • Piano Concerto (op.25, pub.1893)
  • Variations on an Original Theme for String Quartet, Op.8 (pub.1882)
  • Piano Trio No.1 (op.9, pub.1881)
  • Piano Trio No.2 (in E-flat?) (op.20, pub.1887)
  • Piano Sonata No.1 (in A?) (Op.7, pub.1882)
  • Piano Sonata No.2 (in B minor?) (Op.11, pub.1883)
  • Opera Die Herzkrankheit. (komische Oper in einem Aufzuge von Julius Jost) (Op.13, vs and overture pub. 1884, vocal score at Mecklenburg)
  • Symphony in A minor Op.18 (pub.1886) (ÖNB has, misfiled.) (pf4h red. @ British Lib, Münster)
  • Abendmusik (serenade for string quartet, Op.51) (published 1910)
  • Dramatic Overture, Op.23 (published 1893) (©Fleisher)

Kauffmann, Georg Friedrich (1679–1735)

  • Organ music

Kaun, Hugo (1863–1932)

  • String quintet, Op.28 (original version of the piano quintet in F minor, Op.39)
  • Symphony no.2 in c, Op.85 (performed by the Vienna Philharmonic under Weingartner 19-2-1911)
  • Earlier operas (Der Pietist ; Sappho ; Der Fremde)

Kefer, Louis (1842–1926)

  • Symphony in D (1889, pub.1893, Breitkopf)

Keiser, Reinhard (1674–1739)

  • Lukas-Passion Full Score and Manuscript
  • Passion music Full Scores and Manuscripts
  • Der blutige und sterbende Jesus Full Score and Manuscript
  • Thränen unter dem Kreutze Jesu Full Score and Manuscript
  • Der zum Tode verurtheilte und gekreutzigte Jesus Full Score and Manuscript
  • Seelige Erlösungs-Gedancken Full Score and Manuscript
  • Ich liege und schlafe ganz mit Frieden, motet for 4 voices, 2 violins, 2 violas, cello & continuo
  • Wir gingen alle in der Irre, for 6 voices, 2 oboes, 2 violins, 2 violas & continuo (Frament of a St. Luke Passion)
  • Dialogus von der Geburt Christi (Weihnachtsoratorium) in drei Teilen (Hamburg, 29 December 1707)

Keldorfer, Viktor (1873–1959)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Metamorphose, Op.59 für Männerchor (pub. 1906 by Bosworth.)
  • Deutschland, mein Vaterland, Op.143 for Männerchor (pub. 1926 by Heidelberg: Hochstein)
  • Die Erweckung, Op.95 für Männerchor. Robitschek, 1914.
  • A, E, I, O, U. ("In einem alten Götterhain"). Worte von Franz Keldorfer. Heiteres Männerquartett mit Clavierbegleitung. (Männerchor, Klavier.), Op.30. Pub. Robitschek, 1900 (per HMB.) @ ÖNB.

Kéler, Béla (1820–1882)

  • Ungarische Lustspiel Ouverture, Op.108 (pub.1874 in red.)

Keller, Ludwig (1847–1930)

  • String Quartets No.1 in G minor, 2 in E major, 3 in D major, piano quintet (autographs at Badische Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung, Karlsruhe)
  • 2 cello concertos (likewise) (apparently 173 works by him in their collection?) (oh. many of these are in fact scanned in- e.g. the quartets.)

Kelley, Edgar Stillman (1857–1944)

  • Symphony No.1 in F, "Gulliver"

Kellner, Johann Christoph (1736–1803)

  • Concertos for piano or harpsichord:
  • Published in Frankfurt:
  • op. 4: 1 concerto
  • op. 5: 3 concertos
  • op. 7: 3 concertos
  • op. 11: 1 concerto
  • Organ and piano:
  • 3 Vor- oder vielmehr Nachspiele, 3 Fugen, 3 Choral-Vorspiele, im Trio mit dem Canto-firmo, op. 14 pt. 1, for organ (Kassel)
  • Orgel-Stücke von verschiedener Art, op. 14 pt. 2, for organ (Kassel)
  • Mein trautes Röschen, rondo for piano (Speyer, 1782)
  • Menuett, Fantasie, Fuge, Marche, Quartetto, for piano (Speyer, 1789)
  • Sinfonia, for piano (Speyer, 1789)
  • Neue Orgelstücke, op. 17 pt. 2, for organ (Darmstadt, 1793)
  • 14 Orgelstücke, bestehend in leichten Vor- und Nachspielen, zwischen neuen Choral-Vorspielen, op. 20 pt. 1, for organ (Brunswick)
  • Serenade, for piano, 2 violins, flute, 2 horns, bass; 2 sonatas, for piano with violin; concerto, for piano with 2 violins, op. 13 (Kassel)
  • Sonata, for piano with violin and viola ad libitum, op. 18 (Offenbach)

Kellner, Johann Peter (1705–1772)

(An exceptionally large number of requests for works by Kellner, Johann Peter were removed to: the composer’s discussion page. Please read the wishlist guidelines on what constitutes unreasonable requests.)

Kelterborn, Louis (1891–1933)

Great-cousin of Rudolf Kelterborn.

  • String quartet in G minor (pub.1916)

Kelz, Johann Friedrich (1786–1862)

  • String Quartet, Op.158 (1832)
  • String Quintet No.2, Op.124 (Lischke, 1829)

Kempter, Lothar (1844–1918)

  • Romanze for piano quartet (or string trio and harp), Op.43 (pub.1905, Zimmermann)

Kerle, Herculan Johann (1871–1914)

  • Cantica sacra ad chorum duarum vocum inaequalium concinente org., Op.7 (pub. Coppenrath, 1901)

Kerle, Jacobus de (1531–1591)

  • Volumes from Trésor musical (Brussels 1865–1893)
    • xxii–xxviii (6 missae, a 4, 5vv, Venice, 1562)
    • i (1865) & xvii (1881) (Selectae quaedam cantiones sacrae, Nuremberg, 1571).
  • Preces speciales pro salubri generalis Concilii successu a 4vv (Venice, 1562); ed. in DTB, xxxiv, Jg.xvi (1926)— Richard Mix

Kerll, Johann Caspar (1627–1693)

(An exceptionally large number of requests for works by Kerll, Johann Caspar were removed to: the composer’s discussion page. Please read the wishlist guidelines on what constitutes unreasonable requests.)

Kersbergen, Jan (1857–1937)

  • Violin Sonata in D minor, Op.4 (pub. Noske, 1901)
  • Cello Sonata, Op.7 (published 1928 or n.d.[1928] but may be copyright in the US. PD in CA and EU, though.)

Kessel, Franz (1862–1931)

  • Symphonic Poems The Corsair (performed Köln 1897), Cain (pub.ca.1910)
  • Symphony in F (produced 1889 according to Baker's)

Kiel, Friedrich (1821–1885)

  • Piano Concerto in B flat major, Op. 30 Two Piano Reduction or full Orchestral score
  • Flute concerto in G major
  • Violin Sonatas 2-4?

Kienzl, Wilhelm (1857–1941)

  • Zur Trauung, Op.26 (1895-published original and 1905-published voice and piano version arranged by Schultz?)

Kilpinen, Yrjö Henrik (1892–1959)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • songs Op.19 (see WorldCat - pub.1922.)
  • Das Herz, Opp.30-32 (published 1925 by Hansen)
  • Reflexe, Opp.34-35 (published 1925 by Hansen)
  • 6 sånger till dikter av Thor Cnattingius Op.47 (Fazer, 1929 (Monatsbericht (1929), p.65))
  • Lieder after V.E. Tormänen, Opp.52-54 (pub.1927) (HMB 1928, p.10)

Kindermann, Johann Erasmus (1616–1655)

  • Cantiones pathetika, 1639;
  • 3 Motetten, in: Friedens-Clag, 1640;
  • Deliciae studiosorum, 4 Tle., 1640, 1642, 1643 (Instrumentalstücke, nur teilw. erhalten);
  • Concentus Saomonis, 1642; Dialogus, Mosis Plag, Sünders Klag, Christi Abtrag, 1642;
  • Mus. Friedens Seuffzer, 1642;
  • Opitianischer Orpheus, 1642;
  • Dess Erlösers Christi und sündigen Menschens heylsames Gespräch, 1643;
  • 1 Lied, in: Intermedium Musico-Politicum, 1643;
  • Musica Catechetica, 1643;
  • Mus. Felder- und Wälderfreund, 1643;
  • Mus. Herzentrost-Blümlein, 1643;
  • Frühlings und Sommer freud, 1645;
  • Lobgesang. Über den Freudenreichen Geb. unseres Herrn und Heylandes Jesu Christi, 1647;
  • Weihnachtsgesang, 1647;
  • 14 Lieder, in: Mus. Friedens Freud, 1650;
  • 22 Lieder, in: Göttliche Liebesflamme, 1651;
  • 64 Lieder, in: Erster Teil Herrn J. M. Dilherrns Evangelischer Schlußreimen der Predigen, 1652;
  • 56 Lieder, in: Zweiter Teil ... der Predigen, 1652;
  • 57 Lieder, in: Dritter Teil ... der Predigen, 1652;
  • Neu-verstimmte Violen Lust, 1652; Canzoni. Sonatae, 2 Tle., 1653;
  • 3 Stücke, in: Mus. Zeitvertreiber, 1655;
  • Sinfonia a cinque,r.
  • Zahlr. Gelegenheitskompositionen.
  • Note: DTB (Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Bayern) Vols. 13 & 21-24 contain selected works by Kindermann as does Wilhelm Dupont, Werkausgaben Nürnberger Komponisten in Vergangenheit und Ggw., 1971, 126-136

King, Robert (1660–1726)

  • Songs for one, two and three voices composed to a through basse for ye organ and harpsichord. (pub.1690)
  • A Second Booke of Songs... (pub.1698)

King, Robert A. (1862–1932)

  • Flowers and Ferns (published under the pseudonym Mary Earl)
  • German Airs: Medley Two-Step (published under the pseudonym Mary Earl)

Kinkel, Johanna (1810–1858)

Works published up through 1847 were under the name J. Mathieux.

  • Die Vogel-Kantate, Op.1 (Berlin: Trautwein, 1839)
  • 3 Duets, Op.12 (Berlin: Trautwein, 1840)
  • Anleitung zum Singen. Uebungen und Liedchen für Kinder von 3–7 Jahren, Op.20 (Mainz: Schott, 1849)

Kint, Cor (1890–1944)

  • Hymn for violin and organ, Op.8 (published by Seyffardt in 1918?)
  • Andante Op.17 for organ (pub. J.L.W. Seyffardt, 1922)
  • Pieces (4?) for piano, Op.21 (pub. Seyffardt, 1920)
  • Editions of works by Telemann, Graupner, Joseph Fuchs, others (in "Meisterwerk für Viola d'Amore" volume)

Kirchhoff, Gottfried (1685–1746)

  • L'A.B.C. Musical: Contenant des Preludes et des Fugues de tous les Tons pour l'Orgue, ou le Clavecin, fort utile aux disciples pour aprendre à accompagner de la Basse continue et à faire des Preludes et des Fugues. Opera Prima. Amsterdam (c.1734).
  • Gott fähret auf gen Himmel. Kantate zum Himmelfahrtfest für Sopran, Baß und Instrumente.
  • Wie ist doch unsre Zeit so kurtz. Kantate zum Neujahrstag für Sopran, Alt, Baß, 2 Violinen und Continuo.
  • 12 Sonaten für Violine und Basso continuo, alle 5-sätzige Sonata da camera.
  • Prelude and fugue for organ from the manuscript Mus. ms. 11605: first edition.
  • Prelude and fugue for organ from the Mylau manuscript (MS H 3a).

Kirchner, Theodor (1823–1903)

  • Clavierstücke zu vier Händen, (1878) arrangements of op. 2, 7, 9, 13, 14, 24

Kirnberger, Johann Philipp (1721–1783)

(An exceptionally large number of requests for works by Kirnberger, Johann Philipp were removed to: the composer’s discussion page. Please read the wishlist guidelines on what constitutes unreasonable requests.)

Kistler, Cyrill (1848–1905)

  • Baldurs Tod, opera

Kittel, Johann Christian (1732–1809)

  • Piano:
  • 6 Sonaten ... nebst einer Fantasie (Gera, 1789)
  • 6 Veränderungen, über ... Nicht so traurig (St Petersburg, 1797)
  • Organ:

Kittl, Jan Bedřich (1806–1868)

  • Symphony in D minor, Op.19 (publ. Brietkopf, 1845)
  • Symphony No.3 in D major, Op.24 (publ. Schott, 1844)
  • Concert Overture, Op.22 in D major (publ. Kistner, 1842)

Kjerulf, Axel (1884–1964)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Den lille Rødhætte og andre Eventyr-Sange : for klaver med underlagt tekst (pub.1915)

Kjerulf, Halfdan (1815–1868)

  • XXV udvalgte norske Folkedandse (25 Selected Norwegian Folk Dances) (pub. A. Hirsch, Stockholm 1861)
  • Norske Folkeviser (Norwegian Folktunes) (pub. C. Warmuth, 1867)
  • Notturno for piano solo HK 44
  • Barcarolle for piano solo HK 43

Klauwell, Otto (1851–1917)

  • Traumbild, Op.19 for strings (pub.1880)
  • Musical Execution (available at On Musical Execution via Stanford U. There are several other books of his at IArch also.)
  • Violin Sonata in C minor, Op.6 (published by Begas, copy at Toronto)

Kleffel, Arno (1840–1913)

  • 6 Lieder (for mixed chorus), Op.13 (published 1873 by Breitkopf).

Klein, Bruno Oscar (1858–1911)

  • Suite for Cello and Orchestra, Op.28 (pub.1904; 1908 (piano red.))
  • Violin Sonata No.2, Op.31 in B minor (pub.1908)
  • Le secret d'amour, Op.32 No.1 in organ arrangement by either James H. Rogers (G. Schirmer, 1885) or Clarence Eddy (J. Fischer & Bro., 1913)

Klein, Dagmar (fl.1919-45?)

(Would be great to have better information/dates/... :) )

  • Op.1. Etude brillante für pianoforte (C.M. Rothe, Leipzig, 1923)
  • Op.2. Valse für pianoforte (C.M. Rothe, Leipzig, 1923)
  • (with Erhard Klein) Fredssang (Hansen, 1919) (assuming this is the same Dagmar Klein)
  • Hvorfor Ringer Alle Klokker (Hansen, 1945) (assuming etc.)

Klein, Karl August von (1794–1870)

  • Piano Trio, Op.5 (acc. to RISM 403008999) (possibly also Op.3? pub. Schott, 1835.)

Kleinheinz, Franz Xaver (1765–1832)

  • Harald der Kronenräuber : eine historische Oper in drey Aufzügen (premiered 1814)
  • Der Kampf (after Schiller), Op.14

Kleinmichel, Richard (1846–1901)

  • Fantasie-Ouverture in A major for orch., Op.25 (pub. Breitkopf&Härtel ca.1888. Free Library of Philadelphia has score and parts.)
  • Cello Sonata in D, Op.36 (pub.1881, Voigt of Kassel, Leipzig. Bavarian State Library has this, not scanned yet as of Dec. 2010?)
  • Symphony No. 2

Klemm, Johann (c.1595 –c.1659)

  • Partitura seu Tabulatura Italica für Orgel oder andere Instrumente (Dresden, 1631) (I've been quite impressed by an anthologized excerpt by Schütz' organist)

Klenau, Paul von (1883–1946)

  • Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke (Baritone solo, chorus, orchestra) - vocal score arranged by Alois Hàba (1893-1973) (PD-US-only until 2044). Universal Edition, 1921.

Klengel, Julius (1859–1933)

  • Op.56, Suite for Cello in D minor (published in 1923 so now PD everywhere. Ded. to Emanuel Feuermann.)
  • 2 pieces for 4 cellos, Op.5 (ca.1884 according to HMB. other op.5 is ca.1864, interestingly)
  • Variations for 4 cellos, Op.15 (pub.1886)
  • Impromptu for 4 cellos, Op.30 (pub.1892)
  • 4 pieces for 4 cellos, Op.33 (pub.1894) (Sibley has 1960 edition)
  • Small Suite for 3 cellos, Op.59 ("[©1924]") (Sibley has?)
  • 3 pieces for 2 cellos and piano (organ), Op.62 (pub.1931 - see May 1931 HMB)
  • Suite for cello and organ, Op.54 (©1924 I think)
  • String Quartet No.2, Op.34 (p.1894)

Klengel, Paul (1854–1935)

  • Schumann 6 Stucke aus den "Waldszenen" : Op. 82 arr. Fur Violine, Bratsche u. Klavier Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, Nr 1923
  • Bach,CPE Violoncell-Konzert : B-dur: W171 arr. Fur Viola u. Pfte Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, Nr 1931
  • Brahms Walzer Op. 39 / Fur Pianoforte u. Viola bearb. von Paul Klengel Leipzig : J. Rieter-Biedermann, 1911
  • Brahms Intermezzi Op 116 nr 4 arr. cl or va p
  • Brahms Intermezzi Op 117 no 1 arr. va p
  • Busoni Albumblatt arr. va or vc p
  • Old Italian songs Simrock 1923 va p
  • Op 39 6 Stücke Va p BH 1910 (book 2, nos.4-6 still not uploaded)
  • Op 44 2 Charakterstücke va p; BH Volksausgabe 3390 1910
  • Op 46 3 Romanzen Va p Kistner 1912
  • Op 48 4 Fantasiestücke Va p Kistner 1912 (no.2 uploaded)
  • Handel Album Fur Bratsche (oder Violine) u.Klavier gesetzt von P Klengel Berlin Leipzig: N. Simrock, 1923

Kletzki, Paul (1900–1973)

Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Lieder aus einer kleinen Stadt: von W. Wolfensberger, Op.5 (may be n.d.(1923) judging from BSB catalogue entry. Possibly renewed, though even so. Anyway, pd-us as of 2019.)
  • 3 preludes for piano, Op.4 (published 1923)
  • 3 Gesänge, Op.6 (published 1923) (all 3 by Simrock)
  • String Quartet No.1, Op.1 (©1923 so PD-US)
  • Sinfonietta for strings, Op.7 (published 1924)
  • Symphony no.1, Op.17 (published 1927 by Simrock, so PD-US) (copies at Newberry Library and two libraries in Pennsylvania)

Kleven, Arvid (1899–1929)

  • Lotus Land, symphonic poem for orchestra, Op.5 (©1923, PD)
  • Canzonetta for violin and piano (©1923)

Klosé, Hyacinthe Eléonore (1808–1880)

  • Clarinet concertino (with piano) (posthumous publication, 1890, by Alphonse Leduc. One copy at BNF.)

Klughardt, August (1847–1902)

  • Violin Concerto, Op.68 (pub.1895)
  • Lenore (sym.2?), Op.27 (ded. to Wagner)

Knecht, Justin Heinrich (1752–1817)

(An exceptionally large number of requests for works by Knecht, Justin Heinrich were removed to: the composer’s discussion page. Please read the wishlist guidelines on what constitutes unreasonable requests.)

Kneller, Andreas (1649–1724)

  • Praeludium in D minor
  • Organ Works

Koch, Friedrich Ernst (1862–1927)

  • Symphony No.1, Op.4 'Von der Nordsee' (B&H, 1891)
  • Deutsche Motette, Op.34 (Kahnt, 1912)
  • Jubilate, Op.35 (Vieweg, 1912)
  • Violin Sonata in A minor, Op.47 (Kahnt, 1925)

Koch, Hermann Ernst (1885–1963)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
Not the same composer as Johannes Hermann Ernst Koch (*1918).

  • Partite und Doppelfuge uber "Jesu meine Freude" für Orgel, Op.10 (©1910, Leuckart)
  • Pastorale for organ, Op.2
  • Partita im Alten Stile for piano trio, Op.4 (published 1911 by Leuckart)

Kocher-Klein, Hilda (1894–1975)

(also Hilda Klein, Hilde Klein, Hilde Kocher-Klein. Death year also 1974.)
Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Scherzo in E minor for piano (Grüninger, 1918, 1922) (as Hilda Klein)
  • Zur Freud : etwas zum Singen, Spielen und Springen - Op.24 (pub.1920?)
  • "Kobolde" : neun kleine Stücke für Klavier zu zwei Händen : op.1 (pub.1922, again 1949)

Koczalski, Raoul (1884–1948)

  • Opera "Ante lucem" (Avant l'aube) (©1904, Janin frères, Lyon) (composed under alias, available @ Polona)
  • Die Sühne : ein Trauerspiel in einem Aufzuge (pub.1907)

Kodály, Zoltán (1882–1967)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Psalmus Hungaricus (1923, pub. 1924)
  • Stabat mater, said to be composed 1892
  • Concerto for Orchestra - full score
  • Children's Dances (Gyermektáncok) - 12 piano pieces on the black keys only
  • String Quartet no. 2, Op. 10 - score (only parts present on the site so far)

Koechlin, Charles (1867–1950)

  • Le buisson ardent (The Burning Bush) symphonic poem Op.203, Op.171

Kögler, Hermann (1885–1966)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

Köhler, Bernhard (1847–1919)

  • Scherzo for orchestra (p1896.)
  • String Sextet in A major (p1897) (copy of this and of scherzo at F.Lib.Phil.)

Köhler, Ernesto (1849–1907)

  • Flute Concerto, Op.97 (pub.1907)

Köhler, Gottlieb Heinrich (1765–1833)

  • 3 Flute Quartets, Op.150 (1826)

Köhler, Louis (1820–1886)

  • 12 Easy Studies, Op. 157

Kolb, Carlmann (1703–1765)

  • Certamen aonium (Augsburg, 1733)

Koninck, Servaas de (1653/54 – c.1701)

  • Zwei leichte Sonaten für Altblockflöte in f' (Querflöte, Oboe, Violine) und Cembalo (Pianoforte), Gambe (Violoncello ad lib.). Edited by Wilhelm Friedrich (1898 — 1952). Schott, 1965.

Kontski, Anton de (1817–1899)

  • Symphony in A "Fantastique" (manuscript in Berlin Staatsbibliothek - manuscript-copy parts)
  • Piano trio, Op.152 (manuscript, U Coburg) (Op.152 is in HMB and Pazdirek as a romance for piano Ne m'oubliez pas. These works may be related, don't know.)
  • Piano Sonata No.2, Op.310 (pub.1881)

Kontski, Karol de (1815–1867)

Kopprasch, Georg (1800–1833)

These are transcriptions of the horn etudes. In any case it would still be beneficial to have this here if a public domain edition exists. Horndude77 10:33, 22 October 2006 (EDT)

Kornauth, Egon (1891–1959)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Violin Sonata No.1 (E minor), Op.9 (pub.1920?)
  • String Quartet in G minor, Op.26 (©1924)
  • Ballade (Cello and Orch.) Op.17 (©? 1923)
  • String Quintet, Op.30 (©1925)
  • Symphonic Overture, Op.13 (©1928, Universal Edition)

Korngold, Erich Wolfgang (1897–1957)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Die Kathrin, op. 28 (1939), full score
  • Die stumme Serenade op. 36 (1951)

Kortkamp, Jakob (ca.1615–ca.1665)

  • any Organ works
  • any Choral works

Kovařovic, Karel (1862–1920)

  • Piano Concerto, Op.6
  • Gavotte f. 3 V., Vla, Vcello u. Cb., Op.4 (pub. Urbánek 1884)
  • Romance for violin and piano, Op.2 (Cranz, 1883)
  • 4 Lieder, Op.18 (pub. 1896)

Kozeluch, Leopold (1747–1818)

  • String Quartets, Opp.32 (pub.1791)
  • 3 Keyboard Sonatas, Op.10
  • 3 Keyboard Sonatas, Op.15: Nos. 2-3
  • 3 Keyboard Sonatas, Op.17
  • 3 Keyboard Sonatas, Op.20: Nos 1, 3
  • 3 Keyboard Sonatas, Op.26: Nos 1-2
  • 3 Piano Sonatas, Op.53
  • 2 (?) Keyboard Sonatas WoO
  • Keyboard Concerto in E-flat Major, Complete Score
  • La chasse au sanglier, an edition earlier than the ca. 1870 Ganz-Ashdown

Krakamp, Felix (1861–1937)

  • Festgesang, Op.19 (Köln: Tonger, 1928)

Kralik, Mathilde (1857–1944)

  • Piano Trio in F (pub.1897)
  • Weissblůme : Oper in drei Akten (pub.1909)
  • Lukas der Arzt : eine Erzählung (pub.1895. Melodrama.)
  • Hymnus der Heiligen Hildegardis : für eine Sopranstimme, Frauenchor und Klavier (published 1898 by Gutmann)
  • Violin Concerto (manuscript, 1934, is digitized at ÖNB)

Krása, Hans (1899–1944)

(killed by the Nazis.)

  • String Quartet, Op.2 (pub.1924 by Bote&Bock, 1925 by Eschig)
  • Symphonie für kleines Orchester (pub.1926 by Universal Edition)
  • 5 Lieder, Op.4 (pub.1926, Universal Edition)

Kraus, Joseph Martin (1756–1792)

* Piano Sonata in E major VB 196

  • Requiem in d-moll (1775) VB 1
  • Oratorium Der Tod Jesu (1776) VB 17
  • Sinfonie in cis-moll (1782) VB 140
  • Sinfonie in e-moll (?) VB 141
  • Sinfonie in c-moll (1783) VB 142
  • Sinfonie in c-moll (1792) VB 148 ‘Symphonie funèbre’ (zur Aufbahrung des ermordeten Königs Gustav III.)
  • Etwas von und über Musik: fürs Jahr 1777, Frankfurt am Main 1778
  • Sinfonie in E Flat
  • Concerto for Viola and Cello in G major (?) VB 153a
  • Viola Concerto in C major (?) VB 153b
  • Viola Concerto in E Flat major (?) VB 153c
  • Variations for keyboard in C major VB 193

Krebs, Johann Ludwig (1713–1780)

  • Preludes and Fugues in C minor, D minor, F minor (KrebsWV 407?) (uploaded – Fugalicious)
  • Preludes in C minor and F minor
  • Cantatas KWV 106-113
  • Magnificats KWV 105, KWV 150
  • Mass and fragments KWV 101-104
  • Funeral Oratorio KWV 100

Krehl, Stephan (1864–1924)

  • Cello Concerto, Op.37 (performed 1911-2-2) (orchestra parts at Temporary Leipzig City Library?) (RISM mentions but possibly cello solo part missing - can this be found? more useful if so)

Krein, Grigory (1879–1955)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Piano Sonata No.1, Op.2
  • Piano Sonata No.3, Op.29
  • String Quartet, Op.18
  • "Saul and David", symphonic poem, Op.26

Kreisler, Fritz (1875–1962)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Cadenzas to Beethoven, Brahms, any other major violin concertos
  • Arrangment of Paganini's No. 1 Concerto

Krenek, Ernst (1900–1991)

Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1928 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.

Kretschmer, Edmund (1830–1908)

  • Sextett in vier Sätzen für Flöte, 2 Violinen, Viola, Violoncell u. Contrabass, Op.40 (pub. 1888/9, Luckhardt/Schirmer) ("Dem New York Philharmonic Club zugeeignet.")
  • Melodie (concertpiece for orchestra, op.28, published 1880)

Kretzschmar, Hermann (1848–1924)

  • 3 Motets after Psalms for mixed chorus and organ, Op.7 (dedicated to Carl Piutti, published 1874 by Hoffarth and by Eulenburg. Reviewed in AMZ 1874 Nov. 14, pp.729-32.)

Kreutzer, Conradin (1780–1849)

  • 3 Piano Concertos (Op.42 pub. Peters (plate 1471, ca.1818-1825??), Op.50 pub. Simrock (plate 1611, ca.1820?), Op.65) (no.2 uploaded)
  • Sonate concertante for flute and piano op.35 in G, published by Gombart around 1822 (reviewed in AMZ around 15 May 1822.) (Published in 1819, mentioned in AMZ in June 1819 Intelligenzblatt.)
  • Variations for clarinet and orchestra Op.36 (pub.1819).
  • Divertimento for piano, flute, bassoon, horn, with "basso ad libitum" Op.37 (pub.1819)
  • 12 Lieder und Romanzen, op.70 (pub. ca. 1826, possibly Probst, Leipzig?)

Kreutzer, Léon (1817–1868)

  • Deux Sonates, Op. 2 (Paris; Richault, 1845?]; Sonata No. 1 in B-flat major and Sonata No. 2 in F minor
    • These two sonatas can be found at the library of the Conservatoire Royale de Bruxelles. (We now have an excerpt from sonata no.2; more would be nice...)
  • Symphony in B flat
  • Symphonie Militaire
    • The three orchestral symphonies are held in the Bibliothèque nationale in Paris
  • Symphonie in B flat and Symphonie in F minor, transcribed for piano four-hands by Berthold Damcke, Leipzig, Geissler, 1866 [also appears in an 1865 catalogue of Jules Maho, Paris, an 1868? catalogue of Robert Seitz, Leipzig, and an 1880? catalogue of Editions Hamelle, Paris.]
  • Introduction à la tempête de Shakespeare

Krieger, Adam (1634–1666)

  • any works

Krieger, Johann (1651–1735)

(An exceptionally large number of requests for works by Krieger, Johann were removed to: the composer’s discussion page. Please read the wishlist guidelines on what constitutes unreasonable requests.)

Krieger, Johann Philipp (1649–1725)

(An exceptionally large number of requests for works by Krieger, Johann Philipp were removed to: the composer’s discussion page. Please read the wishlist guidelines on what constitutes unreasonable requests.)

Kriens, Christiaan (1881–1934)

  • Violin Sonata No.2, pub.1912 (Mathot) (possibly by Christiaan Pieter Willem Kriens Sr?)
  • Violin Concerto in D, pub.1908 (Joanin) (possibly by Christiaan Pieter Willem Kriens Sr? Attributed to this latter composer (1851-1925) by the Dutch Wikipedia article on him... and also to his son, which is to say to this Kriens, in Dutch Wikipedia's article on -him-... wait.) (note: both father and son are Christiaan Pieter Willem Kriens, it seems. Sr - 1853-1925, article on Wikipedia-nl. Jr- here.)

Krill, Carl (1846–1927)

  • Suite for Piano, Op.30 - Berlin: Verlag der Freien Musikal. Vereinigung, 1901.
  • Imaginationen, 3 Melodien for piano, Op.35. Berlin: Verl. der. ..., 1901. (Monatsbericht (1901), p.114.)
  • 3 kleine Clavierstücke : zur Bildung des Vortrages, Op.2. Rahr, 1869. (No.1 in A minor @ Nederlands Musik Instituut Library)
  • Piano Quintet "Quintett nach der Prometheussage", F minor, Op.13 (Berlin: Luckhardt, 1877) (downloadable from SBB)
  • Rhapsodie for piano in D, Op.14 (Luckhardt, 1879) ( @ SLUB Dresden, NMI, Württemberg...)
  • Jung Sigurd, Ballade, für Soli, Chor und Orchester, Op.24 (Rahr, 1888) (@ Gröningen, NMI, OB Amsterdam)
  • Piano Trio in A minor, Op.23
  • Piano Trio in D minor, Op.20 (Luckhardt, 1878 per HMB - Cecilia mentions in 1877) (at NMI)

Kroeger, Ernest Richard (1862–1934)

  • Fantaisie polonaise, morçeau de concert (pub.1890, Kunkel Brothers)
  • 12 Concert Etudes for Piano, Op.30
  • Violin Sonata in F-sharp minor, Op.32
  • Suite in F minor for piano, Op.33 (pub.1896, B&H)
  • String Quartet in F (manuscript, Kroeger archive)
  • Piano Concerto (manuscript, Kroeger archive)
  • Piano Quartet in E minor (performed during the National Meeting of the MTNA, July 2-6, 1889. )
  • Piano Quartet in D minor (manuscript, Kroeger archive)
  • String Quartet in F minor (do)
  • String Quartet "No.2" in G minor (do) (and others)
  • Piano Quintet in F minor (do)
  • String Quintet (do)
  • Hiawatha — Symphonic Overture (score & parts, manuscript, Kroeger archive)
  • Symphony in B
  • Nocturne for piano and organ, Op.94 (©1923 J. Fischer)
  • Introduction and Fugue for organ, Op.56 (©1901)

Krogulski, Józef W. (1815–1842)

(a composer/actor/... of the same name, son of this composer's half-brother, lived ca.1840-1926, and we already have a category for him at Józef Władysław Krogulski. Worldcat lists some works and many arrangements by this more recent composer (under Władysław).)

Krommer, Franz (1759–1831)

  • Quartet for Bassoon, 2 violas, and cello Opus 46
  • String Quintet Op.80 (not even an arrangement of the Sinfonia Concertante Op.80 I think- Krommer's opus numbers are a mess, I still think Pdrta's system is preferable as any good system that can be agreed on and actually applies 1-1 to the works described). Pub André, 1817. At Bavarian Lib BSB and at the Peabody Conservatory.) (Note to-possibly myself years ago- Op.80a and Op.80b are arrangements of each other after all. Anyway, we have this.)
  • Symphonies (a few issued during the 20th century in modern scores, e.g. no.1 in F major. Royal Library of the Netherlands has symphonies 1-5, I think, in parts and in some cases, score in their original editions, however. No.8 is missing. Also, there are some unnumbered brief sinfonias- +to wishlist too.
  • Concerto for 2 clarinets, Orchestral parts, please - only a piano reduction available at the moment
  • Violin Concertos (nos.3,4 Opp.42, 43 pub.ca.1804)

All Octet-Partitas (Harmonie)

  • Octet-Partita Op. 57 (First Edition Parts)
  • Octet-Partita Op. 67 (First Edition Parts)
  • Octet-Partita Op. 69 (First Edition Parts), (Musica rara edition score and parts)
  • Octet-Partita Op. 73 (First Edition Parts)
  • Octet-Partita Op. 76 (First Edition Parts)
  • Octet-Partita Op. 78 (Score), (First Edition Parts)
  • Octet-Partita Op. 79 (First Edition Parts), (Musica rara edition score and parts)

Kronke, Emil (1865–1938)

  • Concertstück Op.175 (pub.1923)
  • Konzert-variationen (Sinfonishe Ballade) Op.80 for 2 pianos. Leipzig: Leuckart, ©1912 (NYPL, HKBern, elsewhere)
  • Suite, Op.24 for cello and piano (published in 1908)
  • Suite in B-flat, Op.42 for 2 pianos (published in 1909)

Krug, Arnold (1849–1904)

  • String Quartet in F, Op.96 (pub.1900)

Krzyżanowski, Ignacy (1826–1905)

  • 2 Mazurkas, Op.2 (pub.1850 by Biasion of Cracow)

Kudelski, Carl Matthias (1805–1877)

  • String Quartet in E, Op.30 (pub.1871)

Küchler, Ferdinand (1867–1937)

  • Concertino in Style of Vivaldi in D, Op. 15 (seems not to have been published in the time frame to be PD-US (though PD-CA. Of his works at Sibley, e.g., a Violin Method was published in 1914. Op.15 could be uploaded by someone in Canada or Europe, I suspect- Schissel)

Kücken, Friedrich Wilhelm (1810–1882)

  • Waldleben, Op.79 - parts needed
  • Violin or Cello & piano duo and sonata Op.90 (pub.1870. LoC has Op.90/1 in Cello/piano form)
  • Russisch. Fantasie for orchestra, Op.108 (Kistner, 1878)

Kufferath, Hubert Ferdinand (1818–1896)

  • Capriccio for piano and orchestra in C minor, Op.1 (dedicated to Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy) (published 1841)
  • Lied Op.13 & Etude Op.16 for piano (Schott, 1852)
  • "O Sacrum Convivium", chorus with organ, Op.50 (published 1893)

Kufferath, Johann Hermann (1797–1864)

  • Jubel-Cantate ter Gelegeheid van het tweede Eeuwfeest der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool door M.C. van Hall, Op.1 (published 1839 or earlier)

Küffner, Joseph (1776–1856)

  • Symphonies (no.3 is uploaded. Nos. 2 Op.76 in C major, nos. 4 op.141 in C major score&parts , 6 op.150 in B major, #7 Op.164 in D major, are also digitized by BSB, it seems!)
  • Viola Concerto No. 1 in D, Op.57
  • String Quartets, Opp.52, 90 and 178
  • Polonaise for Keyed Bugle (Trumpet) and Orchestra (Op. 126?)

Kuhlau, Friedrich (1786–1832)

  • Duet in G minor for 2 flutes (... maybe opus 81 no.3?)
  • Op. 47, "Eurydice In Tartarus"; music for drama (By Jens Immanuel Baggesen). Key: ? - Composed in 1816 / Overture published in 1823 (we have the ov. arr. for piano duet)
  • Piano Quartet No.3, Op.108 posth. (pub.1833)
  • Op. 52 piano sonatas (pub.1823)
  • Lulu, romantische Oper op. 65, vocal score (in Danish or in German)

Kühmstedt, Friedrich (1809–1858)

  • Concertstück über den Priestermarsch aus der Zauberflöte, für Orgel, Op.8 (Schott, 1846)

Kuhnau, Johann (1660–1722)

  • Passion pastische "Wer ist der, so von Edom kömmt"
  • Keyboard works not already included in library
  • Motette " Tritis est anima mea"

Kullak, Theodor (1818–1882)

  • Piano trio in E, Op.77 (C.F. Peters, 1853)

Kummer, Kaspar (1795–1870)

  • Trio, Op. 24
  • Flute & Strings Quartet Op.49 (BNF has a copy of this, pub. by A. Farrenc. Senckenberg U. has in their lib. a Simrock/Farrenc copub. with plate 2702.)
  • Flute & Strings Quartet Op.37 (" ") (Coburg has a Simrock-published copy, also, plate 2540.)
  • Flute & Strings Quartet Op.47 (Senckenberg has this - Simrock/Farrenc - ca.1828, plate 2693)
  • Fantasie for flute (or violin) and piano Op.26 (Danish libraries, Libris, Linkoping Stadtsbibliothek)

Kunc, Pierre (1865–1941)

Certain posthumous works may be copyrighted in Canada, and works first published in 1929 or later may be copyrighted in the United States. See public domain.

  • Adagietto (1905) (there's also an Adagietto by Kunc published in 1894, see WorldCat.)
  • Poème funèbre (1911)
  • Communion in Db (1911) (is this a misprint for the communion in A-flat?)
  • Douze pièces sur des noels francais

Kunzen, Johann Paul (1696–1757)

  • Passion setting
  • Instrumental music
  • Church music
  • Cantata cycle
  • Abendmusik

Kurpiński, Karol (1785–1857)

  • Dwie chatki - overture (pub. 1950, but there must be a manuscript)
  • Szarlatan - revived in 1990s, so there should be a complete score somewhere (selections published in 1828)
  • Jadwiga królowa Polska - full score manuscript in Warszawskie Towarzystwo Muzyczne im. Stanisława Moniuszki
  • Zabobon (Nowe Krakowiaki) - full score manuscript in Warszawskie Towarzystwo Muzyczne im. Stanisława Moniuszki
  • Czạromysł książę słowiański - full score manuscript in Warszawskie Towarzystwo Muzyczne im. Stanisława Moniuszki
  • Zamek na Czorsztynie
  • Kalmora - full score manuscript in Warszawskie Towarzystwo Muzyczne im. Stanisława Moniuszki
  • Leśniczy z Kozienickiej Puszczy - manuscript in Warsaw (Biblioteka Narodowa)
  • Mars i Flora - piano arrangement of some selections published in 1820
  • Mass for 3 voices with organ - published by Hösick in 1870s (Chwała na wysokości No.77)
  • Requiem
  • Pieśni do mszy św. for 3 voices - published by Hösick in 1870s (Chwała na wysokości No.63)
  • 4 Pieśni - published by Hösick in 1870s (Chwała na wysokości No.64)
  • Te Deum
  • Elegy in C minor for orchestra
  • Clarinet Concerto
  • Grand Fugue on the Song Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła
  • Nocturne for hn, bn, va, op.16 (pub. Leipzig, 1825)
  • Paysage musical for hn, bn, op.18 (pub. Leipzig, 1825)
  • Fantaisie en quatuor

Kursch, Richard (1879–1949)

  • Early Lieder, Op.5; Op.11
  • Article "Jankoklavier und Harmonium als Lehrfach." in Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, 1906
  • 2 Pieces for Violin and Harmonium, Op.21 (published 1902)
  • 3 Intermezzi, Op.24 (harmonium and piano) (pub.1902 by Berlin: Simon)
  • Romantic Episode for violin and piano (pub.1936 - PD-CA-only most likely)
  • Miniature Suite for violin and piano (pub.1933 in pieces. PD-CA-only most likely)

Kuula, Toivo (1883–1918)

  • Orjan poika
  • Häämarssi (Wedding march) it that's Op3-Nº2, it's already uploaded.

Kuyper, Elisabeth (1877–1953)

  • Serenata ticinese for Piano (pub.1928)

Kuznetsov, Aleksandr (1847–1918)

Kvapil, Jaroslav (1892–1958)

Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.

  • Cyklus písní (published by Brno : Klub přátel umění, 1912.)

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