Shoulder Health

This board is all about keeping your client's shoulders healthy, mobile, and strong!
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This may contain: the 3 best rotator curl exercises you're not doing - banded cross 2x2
3 Must Try Rotator Cuff Exercises
🔑Rotator cuff exercises are much more than basic band rotations. They should be challenging and help build overall strength in multiple planes of motion around the shoulder. —— ➡️Many people end up neglecting shoulder warmups and accessory work because the standard rotator cuff exercises you see aren’t optimized for what they need. ---- ✅If you need an upgrade to your rotator cuff exercises, and need to improve your shoulder stability… these are great ones to try! —— 📢Find this helpful? Save for later and SHARE with a friend!
This may contain: a man with knee braces standing in front of a sign that says shoulder pain with front raises?
Shoulder pain with front raises?
😬Do you have pain in your shoulder doing front (or side) dumbbell raises? I want to show you some things to try today to improve on this. —— ➡️Even though most people use relatively light weights when doing front or lateral raises, the fact that the weight is being lifted far from your shoulder joint (long lever arm) it feel like more weight to your shoulder muscles. ---- 🎯I find that if you have impaired movement mechanics around the scapula and rotator cuff, this exercise can become painful. —— ✅The 3 exercises I’m showing today are things you can do to improve your shoulder strength and movement patterns so you can get back to dumbbell raises again pain free! 📢Find this helpful? Save for later and SHARE with a friend!
➡️One common complaint I hear from my shoulder clients is feeling stiff, painful, and clunky when doing any overhead movements.
😫The truth is many people don’t have the adequate mobility at (and around) the shoulder joint to get into a good overhead position. Then you add load to the movement and you may start to develop some issues in the shoulders.
✅In this post I’m showing you two of my favorite movements to help fix those stiff, rounded shoulders… hint the key is opening up the thoracic spine!
🔥If you need to work on your shoulder and mobility and are having trouble with overhead movements, give these a try!
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🛠Fix Your Overhead Shoulder Mobility
. . . ➡️One common complaint I hear from my shoulder clients is feeling stiff, painful, and clunky when doing any overhead movements. ——- 😫The truth is many people don’t have the adequate mobility at (and around) the shoulder joint to get into a good overhead position. Then you add load to the movement and you may start to develop some issues in the shoulders. —— ✅In this post I’m showing you two of my favorite movements to help fix those stiff, rounded shoulders… hint the key is opening up the thoracic spine! —— 🔥If you need to work on your shoulder and mobility and are having trouble with overhead movements, give these a try! —— 📢Find this helpful? Save for later and SHARE with a friend!
This may contain: a man standing on top of a black mat in front of a wall with the words shoulder blade winging out
💥Does your Shoulder Blade Wing Out?💥
🎯Before we talk exercises, I think it’s important to discuss what scapular winging is, and how to think about it. — 🔑It’s not a diagnosis in itself. It’s an objective finding that may indicate a need for more strength and stability around the shoulder. — ➡️This is similar to anterior pelvic tilt or rounded shoulders. None are actually pathologies, just a positioning or movement tendency that may point to other issues. — 💪🏽With that being said... here are some ways you can improve how stable your shoulder is! — 🎯The focus on many of these is the Serratus Anterior as well as the mid and lower traps. All important in optimizing shoulder blade movement! — 📢Like this? Please share it for anyone else it might help!
This may contain: a man is doing an exercise on the floor with his hands up in the air
🔥Rotator Cuff Strength!🔥 (try all 3!...)
🙋🏽‍♂️First you tweak your shoulder working out. You rest it a few days and wait for the pain to go away. You jump back in where you left off, and feel the pain come back a few weeks later. Rinse and repeat. —— ➡️So many people just come to the conclusion that either their workouts are bad for their bodies, or they push through and accept pain as a part of the process. ---- 🙌🏽The rest and re-injure cycle isn't your only option! ---- ✅If you hurt your shoulder working out, give 100% to figuring out a likely cause, and following a clear plan to help you get back! —- 💪🏽With rotator cuff strains and tendinopathies, the type of exercises you choose are critical, and can impact the speed of your recovery. ---- 💡The biggest pitfall in most people's shoulder rehab is not knowing when and how
➡️One common complaint I hear from my shoulder clients is feeling stiff, painful, and clunky when doing any overhead movements.
😫The truth is many people don’t have the adequate mobility at (and around) the shoulder joint to get into a good overhead position. Then you add load to the movement and you may start to develop some issues in the shoulders.
✅In this post I’m showing you two of my favorite movements to help fix those stiff, rounded shoulders… hint the key is opening up the thoracic spine!
🔥If you need to work on your shoulder and mobility and are having trouble with overhead movements, give these a try!
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🛠Fix Your Overhead Shoulder Mobility
. . . ➡️One common complaint I hear from my shoulder clients is feeling stiff, painful, and clunky when doing any overhead movements. ——- 😫The truth is many people don’t have the adequate mobility at (and around) the shoulder joint to get into a good overhead position. Then you add load to the movement and you may start to develop some issues in the shoulders. —— ✅In this post I’m showing you two of my favorite movements to help fix those stiff, rounded shoulders… hint the key is opening up the thoracic spine! —— 🔥If you need to work on your shoulder and mobility and are having trouble with overhead movements, give these a try! —— 📢Find this helpful? Save for later and SHARE with a friend!
This may contain: a man kneeling down on the ground with a frisbee
🛠Fix Your Overhead Shoulder Mobility🔥 (3 Part Progression!...)
➡️One common complaint I hear from my shoulder clients is feeling stiff, painful, and clunky when doing any overhead movements. ——- 😫The truth is many people don’t have the adequate mobility at (and around) the shoulder joint to get into a good overhead position. Then you add load to the movement and you may start to develop some issues in the shoulders. —— ✅This post is broken down in to 3 levels: Easiest, Intermediate, Advanced. 👍🏼If you are new to mobility work, I recommend starting at the first option and building your way up. —— 🔥If you need to work on your shoulder mobility and are having trouble with overhead movements, give these a try and let me know which one you liked best!
This may contain: a man doing exercises on a bench with the caption, you start doing these everyday and now your biceps tendititis is finally going away
🚨Dealing with Biceps Tendinitis?.
🚨Dealing with Biceps Tendinitis?... . . 🔑If you are dealing with anterior shoulder pain, especially when lifting overhead or bench pressing, save this post and give this exercise a try! —- ❌Rest alone won’t fix your shoulder issues. —— ✅This exercise helps improve your scapular mechanics and shoulder strength the help decrease the irritation and overloading of the biceps tendon at the front of the shoulder. — 📝Roll the shoulders back, slightly depress the shoulder blades, then push out into the band. ➡️A progression is to add a light lift, but make sure to only progress here when ready. — 💪🏼Start with 3 sets of 8 for 3-4x per week! — 😎You or someone you know dealing with anterior shoulder pain? Save and share!
This may contain: a man in blue shirt and white shorts doing exercises on an exercise machine with the words try this shoulder mobility challenge
🔥Shoulder Mobility Challenge! (Give it a try!!)
. . . 😎The shoulder is designed to allow for plenty of motion in several different planes of motion --- 😳To make things even more interesting you need to account for how the shoulder joint, shoulder blade, and thoracic spine move… when assessing your overall shoulder mobility —— ✅In the video I’m demonstrating a great movement to try so you can get a good idea of how well your shoulders move —- 🔑When the hands are on the back of the head, we are testing external rotation, and when we are reaching behind the back, out internal rotation is being tested. —- 👋Ready to see how your should mobility stacks up? Give this move a try! --- 📢Save for later and share with a friend who needs to try these!
This may contain: a man standing in front of a gym machine holding a dumbble bar with both hands
💥Shoulder Pain with Lateral Raises and Front Raises?💥 (Try These!)
😫One of the more commonly troublesome shoulder exercises I see with my clients is lateral raises! ---- ➡️They either feel pain in the shoulder when lifting, or get a lot of upper trap/neck tension when doing them. —— 🔑One thing that can be a big contributing factor is decreased posterior shoulder activation. By this I just mean issues with mid/lower trap, and rotator cuff stability. —- ✅So... I’m demonstrating a few of my favorite exercises to work on these things! ----- 🎯Give these 3 exercises a try and then see how those shoulders feel! —- 📢🔥Give this routine a try, and share with a friend who also needs this!
This may contain: a man is doing an exercise on the floor with his hands up in the air
🔥Rotator Cuff Strength!🔥 (try all 3!...)
🙋🏽‍♂️First you tweak your shoulder working out. You rest it a few days and wait for the pain to go away. You jump back in where you left off and feel the pain come back a few weeks later. Rinse and repeat. ➡️So many people just come to the conclusion that either their workouts are bad for their bodies, or they push through and accept pain as a part of the process. 🙌🏽The rest and re-injure cycle isn't your only option! If you hurt your shoulder working out, give 100% to figuring out a likely cause, and following a clear plan to help you get back! 💡The biggest pitfall in most people's shoulder rehab is not knowing when and how to progress the exercises. 🏋️If you are training in overhead positions, light band exercises with your arms by your side WON'T prepare you for that.
This may contain: a man sitting on the ground in front of a gym equipment rack with his arms up
🎯Unlock Your Overhead Shoulder Mobility
🎯Unlock Your Overhead Shoulder Mobility . . 🔒If your shoulders feel locked up trying to reach them all the way overhead, this post is for you! - 🔑One of the key elements most people miss when trying to improve their overhead shoulder mobility is Thoracic Spine Mobility! - ➡️If your thoracic spine won’t extend, your shoulder blades can’t upwardly rotate enough, and your shoulder will feel jammed at the top of your range of motion. - ✌🏽These 2 dynamic mobility exercises focus on thoracic extension and rotation to help you finally unlock your shoulder mobility. - 🔥🔥Need a detailed plan to unlock your shoulder mobility and eliminate your shoulder pain for good? Head to the link in my bio to get started on my Shoulder Blueprint Program.
This may contain: a man standing on top of a gym floor next to a red ball and exercise equipment
🔥Pain with Reaching Overhead? Try These🔥!
. . . 🔑Having pain with overhead reaching or pressing can come from many different sources! ➡️Mobility limitations, strength deficits, structural injuries, etc… —- 💎The shoulder complex is very intricate and functions by the coordinated effort of several muscles at once. —- 🔥Today I want to show a few ideas to strengthen your shoulders to get you back to reaching overhead pain free. —— 😎If the shoulder hurts overhead, it can be helpful to strengthen in a lower, pain free range. —— 👍🏽this reel shows a few of my favorites for working on this! —— 📢Find this helpful? Save for later and SHARE with a friend!
This may contain: a man standing on top of a gym floor next to a red ball and exercise equipment
🔥Try This 5 Minute Shoulder Warmup🔥!
. . . 👋Looking for a quick routine to prep your shoulders for a workout? Grab a band and give these a try! —- 💎The shoulder complex is very intricate and functions by the coordinated effort of several muscles at once. —- 👉🏼Mobility restrictions and weakness in one area or muscle group can have an impact on how the shoulder moves as a whole. —— ✅This quick shoulder warmup series will address all the primary motions of the shoulder and activate the rotator cuff and scapular stabilizers. —— 👍🏽Start with 1-2 sets of 10-12 each exercise and you can notice a big difference in a just a few minutes. Remember efficient AND effective is the goal here! —- ➡️This may not be ideal for your shoulders if you are injured.
This may contain: a man standing in front of a wall with the words step 1 arms by your side
💡How to Structure Your Rotator Cuff Training!
🔑Most people know how important the 4 muscles of the Rotator Cuff are to shoulder health. —- ✅Today’s video outlines 4 main categories and progressions to use: ➡️Arms by the side as first because this is easiest, and a great starting point. Most classic RTC exercises fit here. ➡️Step 2 shows an exercise called resisted scaption. This can be modified to only lift as high as you can control/tolerate. Focus on the back of the shoulders here! ➡️Step 3 demos a great closed chain exercise, meaning you are supporting your body weight on your hands. For some these can be tolerated earlier than step 2 but the exercise shown is more difficult ➡️Step 4 is a modified overhead press that has a bias towards engaging the rotator cuff with the weight being upside down.