The aim of this study is to assess the possibility of the village asset performance measurement i... more The aim of this study is to assess the possibility of the village asset performance measurement implementation that is yet available in Indonesia. The assessment is focused on the regulation perspective and readiness of the village. This study uses qualitative approach that examines the condition of natural objects where the author acts as a key instrument that digs up data, examines data, and interprets data. The research samples were taken by applying purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. The results show that there are at least two challenges and opportunities of asset performance measurement implementations. Firstly, the opportunity for implementation comes from the existing Village Law that enables the government to make lower regulations as a basis to implement asset performance measurement. In addition, the complexity of village natures and autonomies should be adopted by the regulation created by the government. Secondly, village administration readiness is al...
Program Studi Diploma IV Manajemen Aset Publik Reguler Alih Program di PKN STAN diselenggarakan u... more Program Studi Diploma IV Manajemen Aset Publik Reguler Alih Program di PKN STAN diselenggarakan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa, yang sebelumnya merupakan lulusan Program Studi Diploma III PKN STAN, di bidang pengelolaan aset publik (aset negara). Masalah yang terjadi adalah ketiadaan kurikulum yang memadai bagi program studi tersebut, sehingga kelayakan penyelenggaraan program studi ini berpotensi untuk dipertanyakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan menyajikan hal-hal yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam penyusunan kurikulum. Melalui kajian literatur, serta observasi, dokumentasi, analisis dokumen, dan tabulasi data, hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan program studi ini layak untuk diselenggarakan, setelah mempertimbangkan rencana calon mahasiswa, mata kuliah, beban studi, serta waktu penyelenggaraan pendidikan pada program studi tersebut.Kata kunci: Manajemen Aset Publik, PKN STAN
Although the area and production of smallholder plantation tobacco plants cover more than 99% of ... more Although the area and production of smallholder plantation tobacco plants cover more than 99% of the total plantation area and tobacco production in Indonesia, the allocation of Tobacco Excise Production Sharing Funds (Dana Bagi Hasil Cukai Hasil Tembakau/DBHCHT) in 2017-2021 has been approximately Rp. 2.9 trillion per year, and several DBHCHT laws and regulations are adequate, but many tobacco farmers are still in poverty. Based on the statute’s normative method, conceptual, analytical, and case techniques. As the synthesis of several poverty theories affirms that poverty is the scarcity of means of livelihood or the limited level of welfare of a person or a community due to the instability of existing resources and the deprivation of basic capabilities, which results in the inability to achieve their certain functions and goals, it is essential to solving the capability deprivation and digital divide of tobacco farmers by improving the accessibility and connectivity. The Director...
This study aims to develop the management provisions of the springs in the Law on Water Resources... more This study aims to develop the management provisions of the springs in the Law on Water Resources. This study uses secondary data in the form of books, journals, or other legal materials. Data and information gathered were analysed. The result of the research is to build the concept of prohibition in the context of sustainable asset management based on the Villages’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs Desa). One of the pillars of SDGs is Clean Water and Sanitation for Villages. Based on the research, the prevalence of water attractions that utilize springs creates new challenges in managing assets. One of the objectives of village-owned springs management for residents is to get clean water that is decent and can be consumed. The results of this study mainly recommend the government to formulate a policy to separate the springs from the tourist attractions. With these considerations, it is necessary to arrange regulations and provide legal certainty for central government, village g...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisi pelaksanaan lelang dengan menggunakan Risalah lelang ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisi pelaksanaan lelang dengan menggunakan Risalah lelang menjadi Akta Lelang Digital (digital signature) dan aspek-aspek terkait. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui metode wawancara dan studi pustaka. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan model interaktif (interactive model of analysis). Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu adanya urgensi terkait penerapan Akta Lelang Digital untuk bersaing di era global, salah satunya dikarenakan ketidakmampuan Vendu Reglement dalam menghadapi perkembangan zaman. Selain itu berdasarkan aspek keadilan, kemanfaatan, dan kepastian hukum.
Ketentuan pengumuman lelang melalui media surat kabar harian pada lelang noneksekusi sukarela mem... more Ketentuan pengumuman lelang melalui media surat kabar harian pada lelang noneksekusi sukarela memiliki beberapa kelemahan dan permasalahan. Ketentuan tersebut mengindikasikan adanya hak istimewa yang diberikan pemerintah pada satu pelaku usaha yang menciderai konsep demokrasi dalam persaingan usaha yang sehat. Selain itu, kedudukan peraturan terkait kententuan tersebut masih abu-abu dalam hierarki peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia. Peraturan tertinggi yang mengatur lelang sendiri pun sudah tidak relevan dengan tujuan Indonesia yang terdapat dalam Undang-undang Dasar 1945. Dalam pelaksanaan ketentuan tersebut, penjual lelang dihadapkan pada masalah bahwa media surat kabar harian sudah tidak efektif dan efisien untuk mencapai tujuan utama pengumuman lelang. Kelemahan dan permasalah tersebut mendorong kebutuhan hukum baru dalam masyarakat. Pemerintah sebagai regulator perlu melakukan rekonstruksi hukum untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hukum tersebut. Undang-undang menjadi bentuk yang p...
This paper aims to describe the direction of public service policy, in accordance with the direct... more This paper aims to describe the direction of public service policy, in accordance with the direction of constitutional law politics in Indonesia, especially related to the problem of public services. The analysis is based in a juridical-normative basis, namely by reviewing or analyzing primary data in the form of primary legal materials. The results of the study show that the regulation of public services in the futaure should pay attention to the value of substance justice and justice, not the certainty of formal law.Based on the results of this study it is suggested that the lawmakers immediately make amendments to Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services specifically related to the purpose of the law on public services, the obligations of the community that must be in accordance with the legislation and the principle of legal certainty as well as the previous explanation only formal legal certainty in the future of substantial justice and formal legal certainty.
This Community Service Activity has been conducted in the Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDesa) Kem... more This Community Service Activity has been conducted in the Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDesa) Kemudo Makmur, Kemudo Village, and Klaten Regency. The purposes of these community service activities are to provide alternative solutions to the BUMDesa’s financial reporting problem and to enhance the awareness toward BUMDesa’s potential risks. “Aplikasi UKM“is offered as an alternative solution to the financial statement problems. Introducing the risks matrix that may provide simple information about the potential raised by BUMDes become the following activity in these community service activities. The community service activities consist of preliminary survey, focused interview, training and consultation.
The massive number of corporate corruption in Indonesia seems to question again why auditors cann... more The massive number of corporate corruption in Indonesia seems to question again why auditors cannot or do not stop it or even report after it is discovered, and how corporate accountants can be actively or passively involved in corporate corruption activities, whereas the efforts to the mental formation of an anti-corruption accounting student has been realized in the form of a compulsory curriculum in the form of Religion, Pancasila, Citizenship, Character Education, and Anti-Corruption Education. Based on the normative juridical study using agency theory in striving that das sollen can produce accounting education in higher education that is have integrity to prevent corporate corruption, two conclusions are produced. First, accounting education arrangements in relation to corporate corruption are still limited to soft skills. This does not meet the qualifications of corruption prevention considering accounting education is a process for accounting students to obtain spiritual st...
This research uses principal negotiation theory to identify further a dispute emerging between th... more This research uses principal negotiation theory to identify further a dispute emerging between the state asset manager, the central government, and the special local government, the sultanate government. This study examines the dispute resolution and the implementation of the dispute resolution between applying the Yogyakarta Privileges Act to the management of State Property. This research uses study literature, secondary data and then is analyzed qualitatively. This study explains that dispute resolution outside the court is more effective and efficient in managing state property. The costs incurred are enormous, and the time required is extensive. Therefore, it is better to immediately design policies, breakthroughs, and arrangements for resolving disputes between state property and sultanate ground. This study was conducted in the Indonesian context. However, the study's findings may not be generalizable to State Asset Management in other countries, especially the Western on...
Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 prinsip desentralisasi dan otonomi luas yang tentan... more Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 prinsip desentralisasi dan otonomi luas yang tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, khususnya Bab XI dianut oleh Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun yang mengatur mengenai Desa, telah berhasil 2004, Pemerintah hanya menjalankan lima menyempurnakan berbagai aturan tentang Desa kewenangan, dan diluar lima kewenangan itu yang sebelumnya diatur dalam Undang-Undang menjadi kewenangan daerah. Nomor 22 Tahun 1999. Namun dalam Namun, otonomi berhenti di kabupaten/ pelaksanaan selama beberapa tahun ini ternyata kota. Dampaknya, pengaturan lebih jauh tentang muncul beberapa lapis permasalahan yang perlu Desa dilakukan oleh kabupaten/kota, dimana segera dicermati. Pertama, Undang-Undang kewenangan Desa adalah kewenangan Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 belum secara jelas kabupaten/kota yang diserahkan kepada Desa. mengatur tata kewenangan antara Pemerintah Sehingga terlihat bahwa desa tidak sebagai
Korupsi politik memiliki kaitan dengan penyalahgunaan wewenang/kekuasaan. Tulisan ini menggunakan... more Korupsi politik memiliki kaitan dengan penyalahgunaan wewenang/kekuasaan. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian socio legal, bertujuan untuk mengkaji penegakan korupsi politik, dalam perspektif hukum dan kriminologi. Penegakan korupsi politik dalam perspektif hukum, dapat ditempuh oleh hakim dengan memaksimalkan pidana penjara serta penjatuhan pidana tambahan, berupa pembayaran ganti rugi dan pencabutan hak politik. Upaya tersebut, perlu diperkuat pula dengan pendekatan nilai, yang berkelanjutan dan integral. Dalam perspektif kriminologi, korupsi politik berkaitan dengan teori pertukaran sosial. Pejabat atau penyelenggara negara mempertukarkan nilai-nilai moral, integritas, profesionalisme, jabatan, kekuasaan, maupun pengaruh dengan uang, barang, rabat (diskon), komisi, pinjaman tanpa bunga, pengobatan gratis, perjalanan wisata, dan kemudahan fasilitas lainnya secara tidak sah. Bahkan juga mempertinggi persahabatan, kepuasan, dan meningkatkan harga diri atau status sosial dengan...
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2019
Kampung Tanjung Anom merupakan sebuah desa yang berada di Kecamatan Terusan Nunyai, Kabupaten Lam... more Kampung Tanjung Anom merupakan sebuah desa yang berada di Kecamatan Terusan Nunyai, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Provinsi Lampung. Kampung ini telah menjadikan embung desa sebagai lokasi wisata yang dikelola oleh Badan Usaha Milik Kampung (BUMK) Tanjung Anom, dengan harapan mampu mendatangkan Pendapatan Asli Desa dan mampu mensejahterakan masyarakat. Usaha ini berjalan lancar, namun lambat laun usaha ini mulai meredup. Sehingga kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mencari akar masalah yang menjadi kendala perkembangan usaha BUMK dan mencari solusi atas masalah tersebut. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan dua tahapan, yaitu Focus Group Discussion dan pendampingan. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa permasalahan dan solusi keterpurukan BUMK Tanjung Anom adalah: 1) Sumber Daya Manusia merupakan masalah mendasar yang menjadi kendala perkembangan BUMK Tanjung Anom ini. Permasalahan ini mulai terkikis setelah adanya komitmen penuh dari para pengelola BUMK. 2) Masalah...
... kritikan dan saran dari pembaca demi kesempurnaan untuk penulisan yang akan datang. Mudah-mud... more ... kritikan dan saran dari pembaca demi kesempurnaan untuk penulisan yang akan datang. Mudah-mudahan apa yang penulis lakukan saat ini mendapat ridha Allah SWT. Wassalam Mualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Semarang, Mei 2008 Penulis Aditya Wirawan, SH ...
The lack of handling corporate corruption even though the involvement of the private sector in co... more The lack of handling corporate corruption even though the involvement of the private sector in corruption cases in Indonesia is very massive. However, the existence of several studies that justify corporate corruption raises two main problems whose solutions are reviewed based on normative juridical methods by inventorying adequate legal materials. This study aims to analyze the reconstruction of management of confiscation of assets from corporate corruption in Indonesia. This study produces two conclusions. First, the reconstruction of Article 273 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Procedure Code is an urgent matter to be carried out immediately. This is because the formulation of Article 273 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Procedure Code is not in accordance with the development of the community. A sense of justice of benefit and legal certainty for the community is not optimal in the implementation of booty management. Secondly, it is necessary to reconstruct booty management in Indones...
The waqf land certification is free charged whereas the general land is not. The research analyze... more The waqf land certification is free charged whereas the general land is not. The research analyzes the article 22 from the government regulation Number 13 Year 2010 concerning the government policy of tax exemption of waqf land certification based on public administration law. The purpose of the research is to understand and to analyze the reasons of government publishing this kind of policy in the perspective of Administrative Law. The kind of research is library research, it needs secondary data, which consists of the material of primary, secondary and tertiary laws. The approach is juridical normative and the analysis is qualitative. The result of the research explains that the government publish the policy of tax exemption with the objective to make Waqf land useful for the society, to accelerate of Waqf land legalization, to protect and to optimize the function of Waqf land. This policy is one effort to understand the waqf action that having a sense of religious service as well...
The aim of this study is to assess the possibility of the village asset performance measurement i... more The aim of this study is to assess the possibility of the village asset performance measurement implementation that is yet available in Indonesia. The assessment is focused on the regulation perspective and readiness of the village. This study uses qualitative approach that examines the condition of natural objects where the author acts as a key instrument that digs up data, examines data, and interprets data. The research samples were taken by applying purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. The results show that there are at least two challenges and opportunities of asset performance measurement implementations. Firstly, the opportunity for implementation comes from the existing Village Law that enables the government to make lower regulations as a basis to implement asset performance measurement. In addition, the complexity of village natures and autonomies should be adopted by the regulation created by the government. Secondly, village administration readiness is al...
Program Studi Diploma IV Manajemen Aset Publik Reguler Alih Program di PKN STAN diselenggarakan u... more Program Studi Diploma IV Manajemen Aset Publik Reguler Alih Program di PKN STAN diselenggarakan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa, yang sebelumnya merupakan lulusan Program Studi Diploma III PKN STAN, di bidang pengelolaan aset publik (aset negara). Masalah yang terjadi adalah ketiadaan kurikulum yang memadai bagi program studi tersebut, sehingga kelayakan penyelenggaraan program studi ini berpotensi untuk dipertanyakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan menyajikan hal-hal yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam penyusunan kurikulum. Melalui kajian literatur, serta observasi, dokumentasi, analisis dokumen, dan tabulasi data, hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan program studi ini layak untuk diselenggarakan, setelah mempertimbangkan rencana calon mahasiswa, mata kuliah, beban studi, serta waktu penyelenggaraan pendidikan pada program studi tersebut.Kata kunci: Manajemen Aset Publik, PKN STAN
Although the area and production of smallholder plantation tobacco plants cover more than 99% of ... more Although the area and production of smallholder plantation tobacco plants cover more than 99% of the total plantation area and tobacco production in Indonesia, the allocation of Tobacco Excise Production Sharing Funds (Dana Bagi Hasil Cukai Hasil Tembakau/DBHCHT) in 2017-2021 has been approximately Rp. 2.9 trillion per year, and several DBHCHT laws and regulations are adequate, but many tobacco farmers are still in poverty. Based on the statute’s normative method, conceptual, analytical, and case techniques. As the synthesis of several poverty theories affirms that poverty is the scarcity of means of livelihood or the limited level of welfare of a person or a community due to the instability of existing resources and the deprivation of basic capabilities, which results in the inability to achieve their certain functions and goals, it is essential to solving the capability deprivation and digital divide of tobacco farmers by improving the accessibility and connectivity. The Director...
This study aims to develop the management provisions of the springs in the Law on Water Resources... more This study aims to develop the management provisions of the springs in the Law on Water Resources. This study uses secondary data in the form of books, journals, or other legal materials. Data and information gathered were analysed. The result of the research is to build the concept of prohibition in the context of sustainable asset management based on the Villages’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs Desa). One of the pillars of SDGs is Clean Water and Sanitation for Villages. Based on the research, the prevalence of water attractions that utilize springs creates new challenges in managing assets. One of the objectives of village-owned springs management for residents is to get clean water that is decent and can be consumed. The results of this study mainly recommend the government to formulate a policy to separate the springs from the tourist attractions. With these considerations, it is necessary to arrange regulations and provide legal certainty for central government, village g...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisi pelaksanaan lelang dengan menggunakan Risalah lelang ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisi pelaksanaan lelang dengan menggunakan Risalah lelang menjadi Akta Lelang Digital (digital signature) dan aspek-aspek terkait. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui metode wawancara dan studi pustaka. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan model interaktif (interactive model of analysis). Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu adanya urgensi terkait penerapan Akta Lelang Digital untuk bersaing di era global, salah satunya dikarenakan ketidakmampuan Vendu Reglement dalam menghadapi perkembangan zaman. Selain itu berdasarkan aspek keadilan, kemanfaatan, dan kepastian hukum.
Ketentuan pengumuman lelang melalui media surat kabar harian pada lelang noneksekusi sukarela mem... more Ketentuan pengumuman lelang melalui media surat kabar harian pada lelang noneksekusi sukarela memiliki beberapa kelemahan dan permasalahan. Ketentuan tersebut mengindikasikan adanya hak istimewa yang diberikan pemerintah pada satu pelaku usaha yang menciderai konsep demokrasi dalam persaingan usaha yang sehat. Selain itu, kedudukan peraturan terkait kententuan tersebut masih abu-abu dalam hierarki peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia. Peraturan tertinggi yang mengatur lelang sendiri pun sudah tidak relevan dengan tujuan Indonesia yang terdapat dalam Undang-undang Dasar 1945. Dalam pelaksanaan ketentuan tersebut, penjual lelang dihadapkan pada masalah bahwa media surat kabar harian sudah tidak efektif dan efisien untuk mencapai tujuan utama pengumuman lelang. Kelemahan dan permasalah tersebut mendorong kebutuhan hukum baru dalam masyarakat. Pemerintah sebagai regulator perlu melakukan rekonstruksi hukum untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hukum tersebut. Undang-undang menjadi bentuk yang p...
This paper aims to describe the direction of public service policy, in accordance with the direct... more This paper aims to describe the direction of public service policy, in accordance with the direction of constitutional law politics in Indonesia, especially related to the problem of public services. The analysis is based in a juridical-normative basis, namely by reviewing or analyzing primary data in the form of primary legal materials. The results of the study show that the regulation of public services in the futaure should pay attention to the value of substance justice and justice, not the certainty of formal law.Based on the results of this study it is suggested that the lawmakers immediately make amendments to Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services specifically related to the purpose of the law on public services, the obligations of the community that must be in accordance with the legislation and the principle of legal certainty as well as the previous explanation only formal legal certainty in the future of substantial justice and formal legal certainty.
This Community Service Activity has been conducted in the Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDesa) Kem... more This Community Service Activity has been conducted in the Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDesa) Kemudo Makmur, Kemudo Village, and Klaten Regency. The purposes of these community service activities are to provide alternative solutions to the BUMDesa’s financial reporting problem and to enhance the awareness toward BUMDesa’s potential risks. “Aplikasi UKM“is offered as an alternative solution to the financial statement problems. Introducing the risks matrix that may provide simple information about the potential raised by BUMDes become the following activity in these community service activities. The community service activities consist of preliminary survey, focused interview, training and consultation.
The massive number of corporate corruption in Indonesia seems to question again why auditors cann... more The massive number of corporate corruption in Indonesia seems to question again why auditors cannot or do not stop it or even report after it is discovered, and how corporate accountants can be actively or passively involved in corporate corruption activities, whereas the efforts to the mental formation of an anti-corruption accounting student has been realized in the form of a compulsory curriculum in the form of Religion, Pancasila, Citizenship, Character Education, and Anti-Corruption Education. Based on the normative juridical study using agency theory in striving that das sollen can produce accounting education in higher education that is have integrity to prevent corporate corruption, two conclusions are produced. First, accounting education arrangements in relation to corporate corruption are still limited to soft skills. This does not meet the qualifications of corruption prevention considering accounting education is a process for accounting students to obtain spiritual st...
This research uses principal negotiation theory to identify further a dispute emerging between th... more This research uses principal negotiation theory to identify further a dispute emerging between the state asset manager, the central government, and the special local government, the sultanate government. This study examines the dispute resolution and the implementation of the dispute resolution between applying the Yogyakarta Privileges Act to the management of State Property. This research uses study literature, secondary data and then is analyzed qualitatively. This study explains that dispute resolution outside the court is more effective and efficient in managing state property. The costs incurred are enormous, and the time required is extensive. Therefore, it is better to immediately design policies, breakthroughs, and arrangements for resolving disputes between state property and sultanate ground. This study was conducted in the Indonesian context. However, the study's findings may not be generalizable to State Asset Management in other countries, especially the Western on...
Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 prinsip desentralisasi dan otonomi luas yang tentan... more Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 prinsip desentralisasi dan otonomi luas yang tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, khususnya Bab XI dianut oleh Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun yang mengatur mengenai Desa, telah berhasil 2004, Pemerintah hanya menjalankan lima menyempurnakan berbagai aturan tentang Desa kewenangan, dan diluar lima kewenangan itu yang sebelumnya diatur dalam Undang-Undang menjadi kewenangan daerah. Nomor 22 Tahun 1999. Namun dalam Namun, otonomi berhenti di kabupaten/ pelaksanaan selama beberapa tahun ini ternyata kota. Dampaknya, pengaturan lebih jauh tentang muncul beberapa lapis permasalahan yang perlu Desa dilakukan oleh kabupaten/kota, dimana segera dicermati. Pertama, Undang-Undang kewenangan Desa adalah kewenangan Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 belum secara jelas kabupaten/kota yang diserahkan kepada Desa. mengatur tata kewenangan antara Pemerintah Sehingga terlihat bahwa desa tidak sebagai
Korupsi politik memiliki kaitan dengan penyalahgunaan wewenang/kekuasaan. Tulisan ini menggunakan... more Korupsi politik memiliki kaitan dengan penyalahgunaan wewenang/kekuasaan. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian socio legal, bertujuan untuk mengkaji penegakan korupsi politik, dalam perspektif hukum dan kriminologi. Penegakan korupsi politik dalam perspektif hukum, dapat ditempuh oleh hakim dengan memaksimalkan pidana penjara serta penjatuhan pidana tambahan, berupa pembayaran ganti rugi dan pencabutan hak politik. Upaya tersebut, perlu diperkuat pula dengan pendekatan nilai, yang berkelanjutan dan integral. Dalam perspektif kriminologi, korupsi politik berkaitan dengan teori pertukaran sosial. Pejabat atau penyelenggara negara mempertukarkan nilai-nilai moral, integritas, profesionalisme, jabatan, kekuasaan, maupun pengaruh dengan uang, barang, rabat (diskon), komisi, pinjaman tanpa bunga, pengobatan gratis, perjalanan wisata, dan kemudahan fasilitas lainnya secara tidak sah. Bahkan juga mempertinggi persahabatan, kepuasan, dan meningkatkan harga diri atau status sosial dengan...
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2019
Kampung Tanjung Anom merupakan sebuah desa yang berada di Kecamatan Terusan Nunyai, Kabupaten Lam... more Kampung Tanjung Anom merupakan sebuah desa yang berada di Kecamatan Terusan Nunyai, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Provinsi Lampung. Kampung ini telah menjadikan embung desa sebagai lokasi wisata yang dikelola oleh Badan Usaha Milik Kampung (BUMK) Tanjung Anom, dengan harapan mampu mendatangkan Pendapatan Asli Desa dan mampu mensejahterakan masyarakat. Usaha ini berjalan lancar, namun lambat laun usaha ini mulai meredup. Sehingga kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mencari akar masalah yang menjadi kendala perkembangan usaha BUMK dan mencari solusi atas masalah tersebut. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan dua tahapan, yaitu Focus Group Discussion dan pendampingan. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa permasalahan dan solusi keterpurukan BUMK Tanjung Anom adalah: 1) Sumber Daya Manusia merupakan masalah mendasar yang menjadi kendala perkembangan BUMK Tanjung Anom ini. Permasalahan ini mulai terkikis setelah adanya komitmen penuh dari para pengelola BUMK. 2) Masalah...
... kritikan dan saran dari pembaca demi kesempurnaan untuk penulisan yang akan datang. Mudah-mud... more ... kritikan dan saran dari pembaca demi kesempurnaan untuk penulisan yang akan datang. Mudah-mudahan apa yang penulis lakukan saat ini mendapat ridha Allah SWT. Wassalam Mualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Semarang, Mei 2008 Penulis Aditya Wirawan, SH ...
The lack of handling corporate corruption even though the involvement of the private sector in co... more The lack of handling corporate corruption even though the involvement of the private sector in corruption cases in Indonesia is very massive. However, the existence of several studies that justify corporate corruption raises two main problems whose solutions are reviewed based on normative juridical methods by inventorying adequate legal materials. This study aims to analyze the reconstruction of management of confiscation of assets from corporate corruption in Indonesia. This study produces two conclusions. First, the reconstruction of Article 273 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Procedure Code is an urgent matter to be carried out immediately. This is because the formulation of Article 273 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Procedure Code is not in accordance with the development of the community. A sense of justice of benefit and legal certainty for the community is not optimal in the implementation of booty management. Secondly, it is necessary to reconstruct booty management in Indones...
The waqf land certification is free charged whereas the general land is not. The research analyze... more The waqf land certification is free charged whereas the general land is not. The research analyzes the article 22 from the government regulation Number 13 Year 2010 concerning the government policy of tax exemption of waqf land certification based on public administration law. The purpose of the research is to understand and to analyze the reasons of government publishing this kind of policy in the perspective of Administrative Law. The kind of research is library research, it needs secondary data, which consists of the material of primary, secondary and tertiary laws. The approach is juridical normative and the analysis is qualitative. The result of the research explains that the government publish the policy of tax exemption with the objective to make Waqf land useful for the society, to accelerate of Waqf land legalization, to protect and to optimize the function of Waqf land. This policy is one effort to understand the waqf action that having a sense of religious service as well...
Papers by Aditya Wirawan