Papers by Fitriyati Agustina
This papers aims at providing flood prediction in tidal areas in Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia for ... more This papers aims at providing flood prediction in tidal areas in Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia for the next ten years. The prediction based on measurement and survey flooding in selected areas then analyzed statistically to provide the flooding prediction for the coming ten years. The statistical method was multiple linear regression analysis of the data changes of the function of land elevation roads and water. The result shows that the Highest High Water Level (HHWL) of tidal condition is 1.791 m. The highest predicted standing water surface level can reach as high as 37.4 cm in Niaga area. Others are in the range of 0.8 cm in Derawan Island road to 36.7cm in Tendean road area. This paper provides a prediction of tidal flood for the next 10 years that can be used for the development of urban and community areas.
Fondasi: Jurnal Teknik Sipil, May 24, 2023
Rainwater was acidic water and had a pH generally ranging from pH 5.2 to 6.5. In this research us... more Rainwater was acidic water and had a pH generally ranging from pH 5.2 to 6.5. In this research using quantitative research types, where the data was obtained by conducting research in the laboratory. The sample used a cylindrical concrete with a size of 15 x 30 cm with a total of 30 specimens that will be tested for compressive strength with a Machine Compression testing machine to determine the compressive strength of concrete. The results of this study were the compressive strength of concrete using rainwater pH 5.8 and normal PDAM water pH 7.0 as a comparison. The results showed of compressive strength with water pH 7.0 at the age of 3
JMTS: Jurnal Mitra Teknik Sipil
The role of roads in regulating traffic flow is crucial in human life. One road segment that play... more The role of roads in regulating traffic flow is crucial in human life. One road segment that plays an important role in facilitating the distribution of goods and services in Kutai Barat Regency, East Kalimantan, is the Barong Tongkok-Sendawar (Mentiwan) road section. This study aims to identify various types of damage that occur on that road section and find appropriate solutions to address the issues. The objective of road preservation and rehabilitation is to enhance the role and function of the road in regional development by connecting growth centers. This effort is carried out through improvements to the road network system, including routine road maintenance, minor road rehabilitation, and regular bridge maintenance. The data used in this research consist of primary data obtained through interviews and observations, and secondary data obtained from road preservation contract activities. The research findings on the Barong Tongkok-Sendawar (Mentiwan) road section indicate crac...
Fondasi : Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Rainwater was acidic water and had a pH generally ranging from pH 5.2 to 6.5. In this research us... more Rainwater was acidic water and had a pH generally ranging from pH 5.2 to 6.5. In this research using quantitative research types, where the data was obtained by conducting research in the laboratory. The sample used a cylindrical concrete with a size of 15 x 30 cm with a total of 30 specimens that will be tested for compressive strength with a Machine Compression testing machine to determine the compressive strength of concrete. The results of this study were the compressive strength of concrete using rainwater pH 5.8 and normal PDAM water pH 7.0 as a comparison. The results showed of compressive strength with water pH 7.0 at the age of 3
Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux
The clean water intake building was built along with a service bridge that functions as accessibi... more The clean water intake building was built along with a service bridge that functions as accessibility. This bridge is made using reinforced concrete structures and piles. The concrete casting uses traditional formwork with wood materials. This study aims to determine the strength of the formwork and the sequence of installation. The stages of the study include field data observation, drawing into technical structural drawings, strength analysis, and drawing conclusions. The results obtained are in the form of a formwork structure load flow scheme that works on construction. Then obtained the cross-sectional capacity of the retaining beam (galam wood) which is can withstand the bending moment, shear force, and deflection of the casting load. Likewise, the girders (ironwood) and steel hangers withstand the construction load on them. In addition, the size of the ironwood used can be reduced to a smaller size of 8x8 cm, resulting in savings in implementation costs.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia, Feb 8, 2023
2000 merupakan salah satu program yang populer digunakan untuk menganalisa struktur secara cepat.... more 2000 merupakan salah satu program yang populer digunakan untuk menganalisa struktur secara cepat. Program ini tergolong praktis karena pembuatan model sesuai keinginan, analisis ulang struktur secara cepat, pengolahan hasil output secara lengkap dan fleksibel. Sehingga penggunaan SAP 2000 ini sangat penting dikuasai oleh lulusan Teknik Sipil untuk merencanakan desain struktur yang aman. Kemampuan lulusan yang masih kurang dalam penguasaan softwere khususnya SAP 2000 mendorong di adakannya pelatihan penggunaan SAP untuk meningkatkan daya saing lulusan di dunia kerja. Peningkatan kemampuan mengunakan aplikasi softwere SAP 2000 untuk melakukan analisis struktur merupakan tujuan hasil yang di peroleh dari kegiatan ini. Dari hasil praktek pengunaan SAP 2000 hampir semua alumni bisa dan lancar mengoperasikan SAP 2000 dengan cepat yang dapat dilihat dari hasil output running program SAP 2000 dengan benar.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Apr 25, 2020
The city of Samarinda is the capital of East Kalimantan Province, as well as the largest city in ... more The city of Samarinda is the capital of East Kalimantan Province, as well as the largest city in all Kalimantan Island with a population of 812.597 inhabitants. Samarinda has an area of 718 km² divided into 10 sub regions. The increase in population reaches 1.95% per year of industrial progress as well as trading directly impacts on the state itself, resulting in social impacts that are not easily resolved completely, such as The garbage transport problem caused by community activities. Garbage collecting and transporting operations are complex and complicated, high traffic congestion and distant mileage cause the transport of waste to become obstructed. The purpose of this research is to know the number of waste time and estimate the need of garbage transport until 2028 in Samarinda. In this study used the time series method with hauled container system as a reference in formulate problems in the garbage transport system. Sampling at the research in the garbage disposal in Samarinda Ulu district of Samarinda city. The data used is population data, area density, number of heads of family, travel time of garbage transportation, mileage, growth rate in each sub-district in Samarinda. The district with many inhabitants is the district of Samarinda Ulu 143,908 inhabitants, 28,781 family head and the closest area of Bukit Pinang landfill with a mileage of about 3.2 km. The need for garbage transport vehicles from 2019 to 2028 is increasing due to the development of population in Samarinda. The analysis gained the need for the city of Samarinda in 2028 a number of 49 and the need for Samarinda Ulu Sub-district as the point of research, 16 cargo/day Truck required 4 units with estimated Timmoon garbage 508,948 m3/day with a distance 3.2 km with service level 78%.
Garbage collecting and transporting operations are complex and complicated, high traffic congesti... more Garbage collecting and transporting operations are complex and complicated, high traffic congestion and distant mileage cause the transport of waste to become obstructed. The purpose of this research is to know the number of waste time and estimate the need of garbage transport until 2028 in Samarinda. In this study used the time series method with hauled container system as a reference in formulate problems in the garbage transport system. Sampling at the research in the garbage disposal in Samarinda Ulu district of Samarinda city. The data used is population data, area density, number of heads of family, travel time of garbage transportation, mileage, growth rate in each sub-district in Samarinda. The district with many inhabitants is the district of Samarinda Ulu 143,908 inhabitants, 28,781 family head and the closest area of Bukit Pinang landfill with a mileage of about 3.2 km. The need for garbage transport vehicles from 2019 to 2028 is increasing due to the development of popu...
Rang Teknik Journal
Permasalahan drainase di daerah Sempaja Utara Kota samarinda saat ini menghadapi problema yang cu... more Permasalahan drainase di daerah Sempaja Utara Kota samarinda saat ini menghadapi problema yang cukup serius. Kondisi drainase yang ada banyak menghadapi berbagai masalah. Sebagai indikator dari permasalahan drainase antara lain adalah berupa banjir/ genangan baik yang bersifat lokal (setempat) atau yang bersifat lebih luas. Hal tersebut yang menimbulkan permasalahan di lingkungan permukiman, sarana prasarana transportasi dan prasarana publik yang lain sehingga dapat menyebabkan teragnggunya kegiatan ekonomi. Evaluasi kinerja sistem drainase dilakukan dengan membandingkan debit yang masuk dan kapasitas tampang saluran. Dalam analisis ini debit rencana diperoleh dengan menggunakan analisis hidrologi debit banjir kala ulang 10 tahunan untuk saluran sub makro sedang untuk saluran drainase mikro menggunakan debit banjir kala ulang 5 tahunan. Analisis hidrolika kapasitas tampang saluran dengan menggunakan persamaan Manning. Debit banjir rancangan ini menggunakan kala ulang 2, 5, 10, 20 da...
Floods are natural disasters that need attention because they threaten people's lives and eco... more Floods are natural disasters that need attention because they threaten people's lives and economies. Samarinda is the capital city of East Kalimantan, one of the cities that is always plagued by flood problems. The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the knowledge and attitudes about the risk of floods have on the preparedness of the head of the family in facing flood disasters. The population in this study was 735 households in the Sempaja Timur village, North Samarinda district, Samarinda city, and the sample was 199 households. This study uses a mixed-method that combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. The data instrument was taken using a questionnaire and analyzed with linear regression statistical analysis, and F-test statistical test. The results showed that there was a significant influence of knowledge and attitudes on the level of family head preparedness in facing floods in East Sempaja Village. This is proven in the multiple linear reg...
Garbage collecting and transporting operations are complex and complicated, high traffic congesti... more Garbage collecting and transporting operations are complex and complicated, high traffic congestion and distant mileage cause the transport of waste to become obstructed. The purpose of this research is to know the number of waste time and estimate the need of garbage transport until 2028 in Samarinda. In this study used the time series method with hauled container system as a reference in formulate problems in the garbage transport system. Sampling at the research in the garbage disposal in Samarinda Ulu district of Samarinda city. The data used is population data, area density, number of heads of family, travel time of garbage transportation, mileage, growth rate in each sub-district in Samarinda. The district with many inhabitants is the district of Samarinda Ulu 143,908 inhabitants, 28,781 family head and the closest area of Bukit Pinang landfill with a mileage of about 3.2 km. The need for garbage transport vehicles from 2019 to 2028 is increasing due to the development of popu...
This papers aims at providing flood prediction in tidal areas in Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia for ... more This papers aims at providing flood prediction in tidal areas in Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia for the next ten years. The prediction based on measurement and survey flooding in selected areas then analyzed statistically to provide the flooding prediction for the coming ten years. The statistical method was multiple linear regression analysis of the data changes of the function of land elevation roads and water. The result shows that the Highest High Water Level (HHWL) of tidal condition is 1.791 m. The highest predicted standing water surface level can reach as high as 37.4 cm in Niaga area. Others are in the range of 0.8 cm in Derawan Island road to 36.7cm in Tendean road area. This paper provides a prediction of tidal flood for the next 10 years that can be used for the development of urban and community areas.
Kesiapsiagaan adalah proses manajemen bencana, yang merupakan salah satu elemen penting dari kegi... more Kesiapsiagaan adalah proses manajemen bencana, yang merupakan salah satu elemen penting dari kegiatan pencegahan pengurangan resiko bencana. Banyaknya korban dan kerugian besar pada bencana banjir menggambarkan kurangnya pengetahuan yang dimiliki seseorang dan sikap yang dilakukan sebagai upaya anstisipasi dan pengurangan resiko bencana. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan dan sikap tentang resiko bencana banjir terhadap kesiapsiagaan kepala keluarga dalam menghadapi bencana banjir di kelurahan Gunung Lingai kecamatan Sungai Pinang kota Samarinda. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perwakilan rumah tangga yang berada didaerah rawan banjir. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling, dan teknik pengambilan data adalah dengan pengisian kuesioner, wawancara dan observasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan mengacu pada kesiapsiagaan dari LIPI-UNESCO (2006) yang terdiri dari...
Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux
Papers by Fitriyati Agustina