International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends , 2022
After more than five decades of peace talks, the Philippine government has granted its Muslim pop... more After more than five decades of peace talks, the Philippine government has granted its Muslim population an autonomous government known as the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). As observed, the biggest obstacle in the Bangsamoro peace process is no longer whether the parties can reach an agreement, but whether that agreement can really bring sustainable peace and development. To find workable solutions to the problems of the country's minoritized Muslims, the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) must look beyond their narrow group interests. To accomplish this, it must prioritize programs and initiate sufficient interventions that will sincerely address reconciliation and distributive justice, which is a prerequisite for conflict transformation and an essential component of long-term peacebuilding. However, now that the new government headed by Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. and with less than three years remaining of BARMM's transition, the government raises skepticism and even doubts, if there will be a tangible output by 2025. This study will look at previous efforts in post-conflict reconstruction and will delve into key issues and challenges in the Bangsamoro peace process that can stymie peacebuilding. Finally, to suggest pragmatic studies and interventions that could strengthen BARMM's peacebuilding efforts. This research relied solely on qualitative data gathered from reliable and authentic books, journals, and first-hand sources such as Key Informant Interviews (KII) and Focus Group Discussions (FGD).
International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends , 2022
After more than five decades of peace talks, the Philippine government has granted its Muslim pop... more After more than five decades of peace talks, the Philippine government has granted its Muslim population an autonomous government known as the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). As observed, the biggest obstacle in the Bangsamoro peace process is no longer whether the parties can reach an agreement, but whether that agreement can really bring sustainable peace and development. To find workable solutions to the problems of the country's minoritized Muslims, the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) must look beyond their narrow group interests. To accomplish this, it must prioritize programs and initiate sufficient interventions that will sincerely address reconciliation and distributive justice, which is a prerequisite for conflict transformation and an essential component of long-term peacebuilding. However, now that the new government headed by Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. and with less than three years remaining of BARMM's transition, the government raises skepticism and even doubts, if there will be a tangible output by 2025. This study will look at previous efforts in post-conflict reconstruction and will delve into key issues and challenges in the Bangsamoro peace process that can stymie peacebuilding. Finally, to suggest pragmatic studies and interventions that could strengthen BARMM's peacebuilding efforts. This research relied solely on qualitative data gathered from reliable and authentic books, journals, and first-hand sources such as Key Informant Interviews (KII) and Focus Group Discussions (FGD).
Papers by Abubacar Ali