Психологические исследования, 2013, 6(32), 9. | Psikhologicheskie Issledovaniya, 2013, Vol. 6, No. 32, p. 9, Dec 30, 2013
"Исследовалась динамика временной перспективы личности в период экономической нестабильности в Ро... more "Исследовалась динамика временной перспективы личности в период экономической нестабильности в России. Испытуемые разного пола и возраста обследовались в 2007 г. (n = 388, 116 мужчин и 272 женщины в возрасте от 14 до 88 лет) и в 2013 г. (n = 344, 115 мужчин и 229 женщин в возрасте от 14 до 81 года). Проведен сравнительный анализ показателей временной перспективы, субъективного благополучия и толерантности к неопределенности в периоды до и после финансового кризиса 2008 г. По результатам исследования, в период после кризиса происходит адаптация к новой сложившейся ситуации, что проявляется в следующем. По данным о показателях временной перспективы (тест Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory), у женщин в возрасте 40–49 лет возросла ориентация на «Гедонистическое настоящее». В целом снизилась ориентация на «Фаталистическое настоящее», особенно у женщин в период от 30 до 49 лет; снизилась ориентация на «Будущее» и «Позитивное прошлое». Показана связь толерантности к неопределенности и уровня субъективного благополучия. Респонденты, готовые включаться в неопределенные ситуации и более смело реагировать на события будущего, более удовлетворены жизнью (особенно в возрасте 21–39 лет). В пожилом возрасте толерантность к неопределенности снижается, что проявляется в низком уровне выраженности одного из компонентов субъективного благополучия (управление окружающей средой), а также в снижении удовлетворенности жизнью.
Developmental dynamics of time perspective during the period of economic instability in Russia was studied. Subjects of different age and gender were examined in 2007 (n = 388, 116 men and 272 women aged 14-88) and in 2013 (n = 344, 115 men and 229 women aged 14-81). The comparative analysis of indices of time perspective, subjective well-being and tolerance for ambiguity measured before and after the financial crisis of 2008 was performed. The study shows that after crisis adaptation to situation of economic instability take place. Such index of time perspective as Present Hedonistic score increased in 40-49 year old women. In general, Present Fatalistic score decreased especially in women aged 30-49. Future and Positive Past scores decreased. Relationship between tolerance for ambiguity and subjective well-being is shown. Respondents who are more open to the uncertain situations and are ready to bravely react to events of the unknown future are more satisfied with their life (especially those who are 21-39). In older people tolerance for ambiguity decreases which manifests itself in low levels of such component of subjective well-being as Environmental Mastery and in decrease of life satisfaction."
Papers by Anna Sircova
We invite you to a fun, engaging, interactive, cross-disciplinary and frame shifting event. We think that the time has come to reinvent the format of the conferences.
dedicated to multifaceted exploration of the concept of time
cross-disciplinary, cross-media and frame shifting
forum for academia, tech and business people, artists, entrepreneurs, policy makers and general public
applies innovative methods of scientific communication
networking and partnership opportunities
developing ‘hands on’ solutions to present challenges in the areas of innovation, sustainability and well-being
Our mission is to find a way of bringing research beyond a peer-reviewed paper, creating something more tangible and shortening distance between theory and practice. This and the following challenges will be addressed during the Conference in a number of workshops: Ecological Transition/Citizen and Political Engagement using Time Perspective research.
The event is an opportunity to interact and make new partners across the world (our Network includes 40+ countries at the moment) within the fields of social sciences and experts on: social processes that evolve in time, sustainability, user experience design, human development and ageing, career planning, future technologies and urban planning, cross-cultural communications, psychological therapy (working with post-traumatic stress disorder), etc.
Time Perspective Inventory (TTPI; Zimbardo and Boyd 2008) measures a time perspective
or a belief and how it is related to mental health in a highly secular country. The TTPI
adapted into the Estonian language is describe
d. Study 1 reports the results of validation
performed on a large sample of adult students at
different levels of education. Study 2 was
carried out in a clinical sample with people turning to psychotherapy. Females scored
significantly higher on TTPI than males, other
demographic variables (age, level of educa-
tion) were not related. TTPI scores were
not related to mindfulness, self-esteem, well-
being and depression. The TTPI is a reliable scale measuring belief in an afterlife, but not a
time perspective. The TTPI items should ask how often people imagine themselves in a
transcendental future context and if
these thoughts are positive or negative.
Developmental dynamics of time perspective during the period of economic instability in Russia was studied. Subjects of different age and gender were examined in 2007 (n = 388, 116 men and 272 women aged 14-88) and in 2013 (n = 344, 115 men and 229 women aged 14-81). The comparative analysis of indices of time perspective, subjective well-being and tolerance for ambiguity measured before and after the financial crisis of 2008 was performed. The study shows that after crisis adaptation to situation of economic instability take place. Such index of time perspective as Present Hedonistic score increased in 40-49 year old women. In general, Present Fatalistic score decreased especially in women aged 30-49. Future and Positive Past scores decreased. Relationship between tolerance for ambiguity and subjective well-being is shown. Respondents who are more open to the uncertain situations and are ready to bravely react to events of the unknown future are more satisfied with their life (especially those who are 21-39). In older people tolerance for ambiguity decreases which manifests itself in low levels of such component of subjective well-being as Environmental Mastery and in decrease of life satisfaction."
One's preference for certain time orientations is influenced by many factors including culture. The aim of this research was to describe the phenomenon of time perspective in different cultures. The authors carried out reﰀevaluation of reliability and validity of the Russian version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) scale and compared the findings with the original scale as well as with its adapted versions (French and others). The sample consisted of 1136 people aged 14 to 81 from eighteen Russian cities and was divided into seven age groups. As a result, the fiveﰀfactor structure of the ZTPI was replicated on the Russian sample (reliability and validity proved to be quite high), although certain changes had been made to the test keys because of cultural differences. The five factors of the ZTPI that are similar both in Russian and French samples make it possible to carry out crossﰀcultural comparisons using this scale. It was also found that women have higher orientation to Past Positive and Present Fatalistic that men. People living in large cities score higher on Present Hedonistic and lower on Future that people living in small towns."
We invite you to a fun, engaging, interactive, cross-disciplinary and frame shifting event. We think that the time has come to reinvent the format of the conferences.
dedicated to multifaceted exploration of the concept of time
cross-disciplinary, cross-media and frame shifting
forum for academia, tech and business people, artists, entrepreneurs, policy makers and general public
applies innovative methods of scientific communication
networking and partnership opportunities
developing ‘hands on’ solutions to present challenges in the areas of innovation, sustainability and well-being
Our mission is to find a way of bringing research beyond a peer-reviewed paper, creating something more tangible and shortening distance between theory and practice. This and the following challenges will be addressed during the Conference in a number of workshops: Ecological Transition/Citizen and Political Engagement using Time Perspective research.
The event is an opportunity to interact and make new partners across the world (our Network includes 40+ countries at the moment) within the fields of social sciences and experts on: social processes that evolve in time, sustainability, user experience design, human development and ageing, career planning, future technologies and urban planning, cross-cultural communications, psychological therapy (working with post-traumatic stress disorder), etc.
Time Perspective Inventory (TTPI; Zimbardo and Boyd 2008) measures a time perspective
or a belief and how it is related to mental health in a highly secular country. The TTPI
adapted into the Estonian language is describe
d. Study 1 reports the results of validation
performed on a large sample of adult students at
different levels of education. Study 2 was
carried out in a clinical sample with people turning to psychotherapy. Females scored
significantly higher on TTPI than males, other
demographic variables (age, level of educa-
tion) were not related. TTPI scores were
not related to mindfulness, self-esteem, well-
being and depression. The TTPI is a reliable scale measuring belief in an afterlife, but not a
time perspective. The TTPI items should ask how often people imagine themselves in a
transcendental future context and if
these thoughts are positive or negative.
Developmental dynamics of time perspective during the period of economic instability in Russia was studied. Subjects of different age and gender were examined in 2007 (n = 388, 116 men and 272 women aged 14-88) and in 2013 (n = 344, 115 men and 229 women aged 14-81). The comparative analysis of indices of time perspective, subjective well-being and tolerance for ambiguity measured before and after the financial crisis of 2008 was performed. The study shows that after crisis adaptation to situation of economic instability take place. Such index of time perspective as Present Hedonistic score increased in 40-49 year old women. In general, Present Fatalistic score decreased especially in women aged 30-49. Future and Positive Past scores decreased. Relationship between tolerance for ambiguity and subjective well-being is shown. Respondents who are more open to the uncertain situations and are ready to bravely react to events of the unknown future are more satisfied with their life (especially those who are 21-39). In older people tolerance for ambiguity decreases which manifests itself in low levels of such component of subjective well-being as Environmental Mastery and in decrease of life satisfaction."
One's preference for certain time orientations is influenced by many factors including culture. The aim of this research was to describe the phenomenon of time perspective in different cultures. The authors carried out reﰀevaluation of reliability and validity of the Russian version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) scale and compared the findings with the original scale as well as with its adapted versions (French and others). The sample consisted of 1136 people aged 14 to 81 from eighteen Russian cities and was divided into seven age groups. As a result, the fiveﰀfactor structure of the ZTPI was replicated on the Russian sample (reliability and validity proved to be quite high), although certain changes had been made to the test keys because of cultural differences. The five factors of the ZTPI that are similar both in Russian and French samples make it possible to carry out crossﰀcultural comparisons using this scale. It was also found that women have higher orientation to Past Positive and Present Fatalistic that men. People living in large cities score higher on Present Hedonistic and lower on Future that people living in small towns."