Papers by Assoc.Prof.Somporn Isvilanonda
Lynne Rienner Publishers eBooks, Dec 31, 1994
Modern Rice Technology and Income Distribution in Asia
... In the case of Nepal, Hari K. Upadhyaya and Ganesh B. Thapa conclude that "This adjustme... more ... In the case of Nepal, Hari K. Upadhyaya and Ganesh B. Thapa conclude that "This adjustment [in the rural labor marketl is ... Ramasamy, Paramasivam, and Kandaswamy show that irrigation is a significant explanatory variable in the adoption of tractors but the introduction of ...
The Kasetsart Journal Social Sciences, 2010
Extension of knowledge on appropriate fertilizer use to farmers is important. Projects on Site-sp... more Extension of knowledge on appropriate fertilizer use to farmers is important. Projects on Site-specific nutrient management for sustainable crop production has transferred the technology to target farmers. An impact assessment of this research project is useful for the policy implication. The objective of the article is to evaluate the benefit of the research. The results demonstrated that an appropriate fertilizer use not only enhances yield but also reduces production costs and increases net incomes to the farmers. An economic evaluation found that investment in this research project is worthwhile. The economic benefit generated from the projects will be higher when there is a wider adoption of this technology among rice farmers in irrigated areas. The study suggests that it is important for conceiving the technology to the national policy.
The Kasetsart Journal Social Sciences, 2009
This study aimed to get general information and production status of giant gouramy farmers in Uth... more This study aimed to get general information and production status of giant gouramy farmers in Uthai Thani Province. The interview data was collected from dealers and culture operating both pond and cage culture. The cost-return analyse showed high average opportunity cost of pond and cage culture at 57.58% and 83.58% of total cost, respectively due to the culture period. Nevertheless, when opportunity cost was excluded, the average profit for pond and cage culture was 10.42 and 4.45 bath per kilogram, respectively. Suggesting that giant gouramy culture should be takes as the secondary profession to decrease the opportunity cost. Average profit the dealers got was 12.37 baht per kilogram. Seventy four point six percent of total production was distributed to another provinces and 25.40% was consumed within Uthai Thani Province. In 2006, the giant gouramy supply of Uthai Thani Province was 809,376.19 kilogram while the market demand was 807,344.95 kilogram. The relatively equal demand ...
Agricultural development policy in Thailand over the past few decades has been geared not only to... more Agricultural development policy in Thailand over the past few decades has been geared not only to the nation's food security, but also to export earnings. Thailand is a food surplus country at the macro level but food accessibility at the household level remains a problem, particularly in remote rural areas. The recent increase in food price and production cost has impacted on the rural poor. With a declining purchasing power, the poor households face the risk of food insecurity as they may reduce their intake of more nutritious food. The impact of rising food prices on agricultural households depends on whether they are net buyers of food commodities whose prices have increased. In rice farming households, the share of net buyer households was higher among households with smaller land holding. Also, the poor rice farmers in Thailand were severely affected by the higher production cost and input prices since the reduction in their net profits was larger. While nearly two-thirds ...
Information on demand patterns for food is needed to determine food and agricultural policies. In... more Information on demand patterns for food is needed to determine food and agricultural policies. In this study, food demand elasticities are estimated for urban Thailand, based on a survey of 500 households in Bangkok and Chiang Mai. We estimate a Linear Almost Ideal Demand System (LAIDS) for 8 aggregate food items and explicitly account for censored data. As one would expect, the demand for higher-value foods such as fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and seafood rises more with increasing incomes than the demand for staple foods, especially rice. Likewise, households are more price responsiveness with respect to higher-value foods. These results suggest that economic developments and policies that foster income growth and
The impact of modern rice varieties (Mvs) adoption over the past few decades has undergone change... more The impact of modern rice varieties (Mvs) adoption over the past few decades has undergone changes in Thailand's rice production. This has led to the increase in average rice yields in both wet and dry seasons. At the present time, the average rice yield per rai nearly reached the maximum point given the current production technology. The findings indicated that the cost of rice production increased to about 85.67 % from those in the last few decades. Machinery, fertilizer and land use costs came out most significant in the outlay. Therefore, even though the paddy price sharply increased in the 2007/08 crop year, production costs went even higher, causing many farmers to suffer from production loss. By estimating the production frontier, it reveals that rice production in general operates in a decreasing return to scale, suggesting the ineffectual yield of the input factor use to rice performance. The technical efficiency score of 88.32 % in 1987/88 crop year and decreasing to ...
... Jasmine differs from other rice grains. These characteristics of cooking quality are preferre... more ... Jasmine differs from other rice grains. These characteristics of cooking quality are preferred among Asian rice consumers and inevitably generate a premium price for the Thai Jasmine rice. Generally -degrees of aroma and grain ...
The planning of mechanization requires the quantitative assessment of a mechanization index and t... more The planning of mechanization requires the quantitative assessment of a mechanization index and the impact of this index on agricultural yield and economic factors. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of the adoption of agricultural mechanization and scale production on labour productivity and the generation of income for farmers. Cross-sectional data for jasmine rice production by 569 households in 1,003 plots in the north eastern part of Thailand in 2017 were employed. The study found that the average rice planting workforce and labour productivity have an inverse relationship with planted area, while large farms have the highest ratio for machine labour to workforce. The rice yield, labour usage and labour productivity of the farmers varied by mechanization level (ML) and farm size while different levels of Machinery Owned labour (MO) have no effect on rice yield. Therefore, there are three main suggestions: 1) performing land consolidations, since applying a p...
Applied Economics, 2010
บทคดยอ ระบบสนคาอาหารเปลยนแปลงไปอยางรวดเรวในประเทศกำลงพฒนา โดยเฉพาะอยางยงในดานคณภาพและความปลอดภยขอ... more บทคดยอ ระบบสนคาอาหารเปลยนแปลงไปอยางรวดเรวในประเทศกำลงพฒนา โดยเฉพาะอยางยงในดานคณภาพและความปลอดภยของอาหารสด การเขาใจรปแบบอปสงคการบรโภคและปจจยแฝงนบเปนองคความรสำคญทจะชวยกำหนดนโยบายอาหาร และเปนขอมลสำคญตอผผลตและผจำหนายในประเทศ การศกษาครงนประมาณคาสมประสทธของอปสงคการบรโภคผกและผลไมสด จำแนกตามคณลกษณะของผลผลตและกระบวนการผลต โดยใชกรอบแนวคดการจดสรรงบประมาณแบบสองขนตอน การวเคราะหอาศยขอมลสำรวจครวเรอนในกรงเทพฯ และเขตเมองจงหวดเชยงใหม 300 และ 200 ครวเรอน ตามลำดบในชวง พ.ศ. 2550 แนวโนมการบรโภคผกและผลไมสดในเขตเมองเนนคณภาพ ความปลอดภย และความสะดวกสบายในการบรโภคมากขน แนวโนมนสอดคลองกบฐานะทางเศรษฐกจและรายไดของครวเรอน ตลอดจนระดบการศกษาของผบรโภคทสงขน ปรมาณการบรโภคผกและผลไมสดทมาจากโซอปทานสมยใหมของครวเรอนมการตอบสนองตอราคาคอนขางสง ภาคสวนทเกยวของควรปรบตวตอการเปลยนแปลงความพงพอใจของผบรโภค รานคาปลกแบบดงเดมควรสรางความเชอมนใหกบผบรโภคโดยสรางมาตรฐานคณภาพและความปลอดภยของผลผลต รานคาปลกสมยใหมควรรกษามาตรฐานทมอยและเพมประสทธภาพการผลตโดยนำมาตรฐานขนสงมาปรบใช นโยบายและโครงการตางๆ ทชวยเพมรายไดและระดบการศกษาของครวเรอน จะไปกระตนการบร...
The Kasetsart Journal Social Sciences, 2010
By applying the time-varying Cobb-Douglass production frontier model with unbalanced panel data b... more By applying the time-varying Cobb-Douglass production frontier model with unbalanced panel data between the crop year (CY) 1987/88 and CY 2007/08, it was discovered that the returns to scale from rice production in Thailand have been decreasing. This is a sign that an increase in the amount of inputs may not improve rice yield performance. Even with the adoption of labor-saving technology and machinery over the last two decades, the efficiency of rice production in terms of yield increase has been less than the maximum potential yield. Instead, there has been a declining trend. The empirical study showed that the mean technical efficiency score was 88.32 percent in CY 1987/88 and this decreased to 72.63 percent in CY 2007/08, which indicates that the farmers in CY 1987/88 utilized their resources more effectively than the farmers in CY 2007/08. Moreover, the technical efficiency score of rice production in irrigated areas was higher than that in other areas, which implied that irrig...
Agricultural development policy in Thailand over the past few decades has been geared not only to... more Agricultural development policy in Thailand over the past few decades has been geared not only to the nation’s food security, but also to export earnings. Thailand is a food surplus country at the macro level but food accessibility at the household level remains a problem, particularly in remote rural areas. The recent increase in food price and production cost has impacted on the rural poor. With a declining purchasing power, the poor households face the risk of food insecurity as they may reduce their intake of more nutritious food. The impact of rising food prices on agricultural households depends on whether they are net buyers of food commodities whose prices have increased. In rice farming households, the share of net buyer households was higher among households with smaller land holding. Also, the poor rice farmers in Thailand were severely affected by the higher production cost and input prices since the reduction in their net profits was larger. While nearly two-thirds of t...
The food retail sector in developing countries has started to undergo a restructuring process in ... more The food retail sector in developing countries has started to undergo a restructuring process in recent years because of changes in purchasing habits of consumers, especially those in urban areas. Modern retail outlets have been growing and expanding. This has had an effect on the competitiveness of traditional markets and the production patterns of, particularly, high-value food commodities. This phenomenon is being driven by economic growth, urbanization, increasing consumer attention to and concern with food safety, quality and health attributes of food, and the liberalization of foreign investment regulations. In Thailand, the fresh markets are traditional places for food items and continue to be a major outlet for fresh fruits and vegetables. Their continuing importance is related to the nature of the supply chain for these perishable produce. However, many consumers have begun to patronize modern retail outlets because of convenience, the wide variety of products on offer, and...
Thailand has experienced steady economic growth and structural changes in the economy in the last... more Thailand has experienced steady economic growth and structural changes in the economy in the last four decades that enabled her to gain a position among the newly industrialized nations. The structural changes associated with economic growth reflect the changing role of agriculture in the economy. The share of agriculture in GDP declined from 44% in early 1960s to 10% in recent years (Isvilanonda 1998). Its share in employment has shown similar trend albeit at a slower pace. The share of agriculture in employment has fallen from 83% in 1957 to 57% in 1999. The difference between the shares of agriculture in GDP and employment suggests a huge labour productivity gap between agriculture and manufacturing, and it has serious implications for rural poverty and rural/urban inequality. Although Thailand has been very successful in reducing poverty because of rapid and steady economic growth, rural poverty especially in certain regions is a serious problem. 90% of the poor live in rural ar...
Papers by Assoc.Prof.Somporn Isvilanonda