Atas Žvirblys
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Papers by Atas Žvirblys
Reikšminiai žodžiai: vaistiniai buteliukai, farmacija, farmacijos istorija, Užupio vaistinė.
Medicine Bottles (1919-1939) found at 15A Užupio Street, Vilnius: Results of the Research and Interpretation of their Contents Abstract. Archaeological investigation was carried out in the first half of 2022 on the site Užupio g. 15A, which falls within the territory of the Vilnius St. Bartholomew's Church building complex. During the research it was expected to find cultural layer horizons associated with the church and the cemetery next to it. Although archaeological finds and disturbed graves were discovered during the excavation, the most intriguing finds were collected in recessed structures dating from the first half of the XX century. As many as 69 bottles and vials were collected, most of which were used to store medicines. Four individual fragments with inscriptions were also found. Among the finds above, three bottles were found with preserved contents inside. This article, which is an interdisciplinary collaboration between archaeologists, historians, and chemists, analyses the archaeological and historical context of the mentioned finds, the places of manufacture of the discovered medicine bottles, the results of analyses of the contents found in the bottles, and interpretations of the possible uses of the recovered medicinal substances.
Vilnius Lower Castle territory in the late 20th–early 21st centuries,
a collection of over 500 clay pipes from the 17th–19th centuries was
found. The earliest among them date to the second quarter of the
17th century. Some of the pipes were decorated with various ornaments and bore the marks of their master craftsmen.
This article is about those pipes that feature the image of
the Prophet Jonah and the great fish swallowing him.
three trenches, a total of 52.9 m²) and survey
(74 m²) were conducted in Žiežmariai
(Kaišiadorys district, Lithuania).
an excavation on the grounds of the Church of
the Epiphany of Christ in Prienai, Lithuania.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: vaistiniai buteliukai, farmacija, farmacijos istorija, Užupio vaistinė.
Medicine Bottles (1919-1939) found at 15A Užupio Street, Vilnius: Results of the Research and Interpretation of their Contents Abstract. Archaeological investigation was carried out in the first half of 2022 on the site Užupio g. 15A, which falls within the territory of the Vilnius St. Bartholomew's Church building complex. During the research it was expected to find cultural layer horizons associated with the church and the cemetery next to it. Although archaeological finds and disturbed graves were discovered during the excavation, the most intriguing finds were collected in recessed structures dating from the first half of the XX century. As many as 69 bottles and vials were collected, most of which were used to store medicines. Four individual fragments with inscriptions were also found. Among the finds above, three bottles were found with preserved contents inside. This article, which is an interdisciplinary collaboration between archaeologists, historians, and chemists, analyses the archaeological and historical context of the mentioned finds, the places of manufacture of the discovered medicine bottles, the results of analyses of the contents found in the bottles, and interpretations of the possible uses of the recovered medicinal substances.
Vilnius Lower Castle territory in the late 20th–early 21st centuries,
a collection of over 500 clay pipes from the 17th–19th centuries was
found. The earliest among them date to the second quarter of the
17th century. Some of the pipes were decorated with various ornaments and bore the marks of their master craftsmen.
This article is about those pipes that feature the image of
the Prophet Jonah and the great fish swallowing him.
three trenches, a total of 52.9 m²) and survey
(74 m²) were conducted in Žiežmariai
(Kaišiadorys district, Lithuania).
an excavation on the grounds of the Church of
the Epiphany of Christ in Prienai, Lithuania.