Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine, Mar 1, 2019
The appendix is a worm-like, blind-ending tube, with its base on the caecum and its tip in multip... more The appendix is a worm-like, blind-ending tube, with its base on the caecum and its tip in multiple locations. Against all odds, it plays a key role in the digestive immune system and appendectomy should therefore be cautiously considered and indicated. We report the case of a 45-year-old male with a known history of Fragile-X syndrome who presented to the emergency department with intense abdominal pain and was suspected of acute appendicitis, after a positive Dieulafoy's triad was confirmed. The laparoscopic exploration showed no signs of inflammation of the appendix; nonetheless, its removal was carried out. Rising inflammatory laboratory parameters led to a focused identification of a pleural empyema due to a tooth inlay aspiration. Our objective is to emphasize the importance of a thorough anamnesis, even in cases of mentally impaired patients, as well as to highlight a rare differential diagnosis for appendicitis. Acute appendicitis is an emergency condition that requires a thorough assessment and appropriate therapy. Clinical examinations are important, but in this particular case, imaging methods had a much more important role in establishing the right treatment approach. Furthermore, the signs of acute appendicitis are mimicked by several medical conditions including respiratory tract infections.
Surgery associated with lymphadenectomy may sometimes result in a lymphorrhagia, which usually re... more Surgery associated with lymphadenectomy may sometimes result in a lymphorrhagia, which usually resolves spontaneously within a few days, sometimes becoming a refractory complication to the treatment. In the case of large flows, particular attention should be paid to hydroelectrolytic and protein losses. We present the case of a patient with persistent lymphorrhagia after a cephalic duodenopancreatectomy for a pancreatic head tumor. From the 5th postoperative day, the patient had a milky-like secretion on the subhepatic drainage tube. The discharge rate was variable, between 500 and 1500 ml per day, requiring parenteral administration of amino acids, plasma and electrolyte solutions. The postoperative progression was slowly favorable, with the patient discharge on the 25th day following surgery. There are several treatment options for a lymphorrhagia following an extended lymphadenectomy, from intensive parenteral therapy to peritoneal-venous shunt or ligation of the lymphatic vessel responsible for the production of lymphorrhagia. In this case the conservative treatment had a favorable result.
The authors have read the CARE Checklist (2016), and the manuscript was prepared and revised acco... more The authors have read the CARE Checklist (2016), and the manuscript was prepared and revised according to the CARE Checklist (2016).
Az epehólyag-agenesia ritka, a biliaris rendszer embriológiai hibája miatt kialakult veleszületet... more Az epehólyag-agenesia ritka, a biliaris rendszer embriológiai hibája miatt kialakult veleszületett elváltozás. Az esetek többségében tünetmentes, más esetekben az epekólika tüneteit utánozza. Betegünk 72 éves kaukázusi nő. Anamnézisében magasvérnyomás-betegség, illetve magas koleszterinszint szerepelt, melyekre vérnyomáscsökkentő, illetve koleszterinszint-csökkentő kezelést kapott. Felvételére az epekólika tüneteinek megjelenése miatt került sor. Laparoszkópos műtéten esett át, mely alátámasztotta a végleges diagnózist. E ritka eset kapcsán bemutatjuk megközelítésünket, valamint az orvosi szakirodalom rövid áttekintését. A sebésznek intraoperatívan el kell döntenie, hogy egy lehetséges ectopiás epehólyagot keres, vagy tovább vizsgálja az esetet képalkotó eljárások segítségével. Az epehólyagagenesia ritka állapot, mellyel a sebésznek számolnia kell. Azokban az esetekben, amikor az epekövesség tünetei nem meggyőzőek, a műtét elkerülése végett a legjobb kiegészítő képalkotó eljárás a mágnesesrezonancia-kolangiopankreatográfia.
The appendix is a worm-like, blind-ending tube, with its base on the caecum and its tip in multip... more The appendix is a worm-like, blind-ending tube, with its base on the caecum and its tip in multiple locations. Against all odds, it plays a key role in the digestive immune system and appendectomy should therefore be cautiously considered and indicated. We report the case of a 45-year-old male with a known history of Fragile-X syndrome who presented to the emergency department with intense abdominal pain and was suspected of acute appendicitis, after a positive Dieulafoy’s triad was confirmed. The laparoscopic exploration showed no signs of inflammation of the appendix; nonetheless, its removal was carried out. Rising inflammatory laboratory parameters led to a focused identification of a pleural empyema due to a tooth inlay aspiration. Our objective is to emphasize the importance of a thorough anamnesis, even in cases of mentally impaired patients, as well as to highlight a rare differential diagnosis for appendicitis. Acute appendicitis is an emergency condition that requires a th...
Introduction: Carcinoma of the transverse colon is usually rare and accounts for 10% of all color... more Introduction: Carcinoma of the transverse colon is usually rare and accounts for 10% of all colorectal cancer. Diagnosis is often delayed with the progression of symptoms that are often insidious and tumors may be voluminous with locoregional involvement by the time of diagnosis. Material and Methods: This study aims to present the surgical management and challenges of advanced cancer of the transverse colon.Results: We present a 43-year-old with no personal history of gastroenterological pathology. After SARS-COVID 19 infection he developed mild gastrointestinal symptomatology. Routine checkups revealed an advanced tumor of the transverse colon with multiorgan involvement: stomach and small intestine (CT-scan). We performed a multi-visceral resection with extended right hemicolectomy, gastric antrectomy with gastro-jejunal isoperistaltic anastomosis (Lucke Rockwitz procedure), and ileocolic telescopic anastomosis. The postoperative evolution was favorable. Conclusion: Complex surgical therapy for colon cancer can be undertaken in selected patients. The procedures are often extensive requiring an experienced team to assure a good postoperative outcome and proper continuation of the oncological treatment.
Duplicarea venei cave inferioare este o malformaţie congenitală rară de extremă importanţă pentru... more Duplicarea venei cave inferioare este o malformaţie congenitală rară de extremă importanţă pentru chirurgii vasculari, urologii şi radiologii intervenţionişti. Deseori trece neobservată şi este diagnosticată incidental la o scanare CT de rutină sau de urgenţă atunci când apar complicaţii din cauza malformaţiilor congenitale asociate. Vă prezentăm cazul unui pacient în vârstă de 70 de ani internat de urgenţă acuzând dureri abdominale care a fost diagnosticat cu ocluzie intestinală din cauza unei hernii paraduodenale stângi, asociată cu duplicarea venei cave inferioare. Revizuirea literaturii a condus la concluzia că duplicarea venei cave inferioare nu este cauza hernii paraduodenale stângi. duplicarea venei cave inferioare, hernia paraduodenală stângă, ocluzie intestinală
Surgery associated with lymphadenectomy may sometimes result in a lymphorrhagia, which usually re... more Surgery associated with lymphadenectomy may sometimes result in a lymphorrhagia, which usually resolves spontaneously within a few days, sometimes becoming a refractory complication to the treatment. In the case of large flows, particular attention should be paid to hydro-electrolytic and protein losses. We present the case of a patient with persistent lymphorrhagia after a cephalic duodenopancreatectomy for a pancreatic head tumor. From the 5th postoperative day, the patient had a milky-like secretion on the subhepatic drainage tube. The discharge rate was variable, between 500 and 1500 ml per day, requiring parenteral administration of amino acids, plasma and electrolyte solutions. The postoperative progression was slowly favorable, with the patient discharge on the 25th day following surgery. There are several treatment options for a lymphorrhagia following an extended lymphadenectomy, from intensive parenteral therapy to peritoneal-venous shunt or ligation of the lymphatic vesse...
Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine, Mar 1, 2019
The appendix is a worm-like, blind-ending tube, with its base on the caecum and its tip in multip... more The appendix is a worm-like, blind-ending tube, with its base on the caecum and its tip in multiple locations. Against all odds, it plays a key role in the digestive immune system and appendectomy should therefore be cautiously considered and indicated. We report the case of a 45-year-old male with a known history of Fragile-X syndrome who presented to the emergency department with intense abdominal pain and was suspected of acute appendicitis, after a positive Dieulafoy's triad was confirmed. The laparoscopic exploration showed no signs of inflammation of the appendix; nonetheless, its removal was carried out. Rising inflammatory laboratory parameters led to a focused identification of a pleural empyema due to a tooth inlay aspiration. Our objective is to emphasize the importance of a thorough anamnesis, even in cases of mentally impaired patients, as well as to highlight a rare differential diagnosis for appendicitis. Acute appendicitis is an emergency condition that requires a thorough assessment and appropriate therapy. Clinical examinations are important, but in this particular case, imaging methods had a much more important role in establishing the right treatment approach. Furthermore, the signs of acute appendicitis are mimicked by several medical conditions including respiratory tract infections.
Surgery associated with lymphadenectomy may sometimes result in a lymphorrhagia, which usually re... more Surgery associated with lymphadenectomy may sometimes result in a lymphorrhagia, which usually resolves spontaneously within a few days, sometimes becoming a refractory complication to the treatment. In the case of large flows, particular attention should be paid to hydroelectrolytic and protein losses. We present the case of a patient with persistent lymphorrhagia after a cephalic duodenopancreatectomy for a pancreatic head tumor. From the 5th postoperative day, the patient had a milky-like secretion on the subhepatic drainage tube. The discharge rate was variable, between 500 and 1500 ml per day, requiring parenteral administration of amino acids, plasma and electrolyte solutions. The postoperative progression was slowly favorable, with the patient discharge on the 25th day following surgery. There are several treatment options for a lymphorrhagia following an extended lymphadenectomy, from intensive parenteral therapy to peritoneal-venous shunt or ligation of the lymphatic vessel responsible for the production of lymphorrhagia. In this case the conservative treatment had a favorable result.
The authors have read the CARE Checklist (2016), and the manuscript was prepared and revised acco... more The authors have read the CARE Checklist (2016), and the manuscript was prepared and revised according to the CARE Checklist (2016).
Az epehólyag-agenesia ritka, a biliaris rendszer embriológiai hibája miatt kialakult veleszületet... more Az epehólyag-agenesia ritka, a biliaris rendszer embriológiai hibája miatt kialakult veleszületett elváltozás. Az esetek többségében tünetmentes, más esetekben az epekólika tüneteit utánozza. Betegünk 72 éves kaukázusi nő. Anamnézisében magasvérnyomás-betegség, illetve magas koleszterinszint szerepelt, melyekre vérnyomáscsökkentő, illetve koleszterinszint-csökkentő kezelést kapott. Felvételére az epekólika tüneteinek megjelenése miatt került sor. Laparoszkópos műtéten esett át, mely alátámasztotta a végleges diagnózist. E ritka eset kapcsán bemutatjuk megközelítésünket, valamint az orvosi szakirodalom rövid áttekintését. A sebésznek intraoperatívan el kell döntenie, hogy egy lehetséges ectopiás epehólyagot keres, vagy tovább vizsgálja az esetet képalkotó eljárások segítségével. Az epehólyagagenesia ritka állapot, mellyel a sebésznek számolnia kell. Azokban az esetekben, amikor az epekövesség tünetei nem meggyőzőek, a műtét elkerülése végett a legjobb kiegészítő képalkotó eljárás a mágnesesrezonancia-kolangiopankreatográfia.
The appendix is a worm-like, blind-ending tube, with its base on the caecum and its tip in multip... more The appendix is a worm-like, blind-ending tube, with its base on the caecum and its tip in multiple locations. Against all odds, it plays a key role in the digestive immune system and appendectomy should therefore be cautiously considered and indicated. We report the case of a 45-year-old male with a known history of Fragile-X syndrome who presented to the emergency department with intense abdominal pain and was suspected of acute appendicitis, after a positive Dieulafoy’s triad was confirmed. The laparoscopic exploration showed no signs of inflammation of the appendix; nonetheless, its removal was carried out. Rising inflammatory laboratory parameters led to a focused identification of a pleural empyema due to a tooth inlay aspiration. Our objective is to emphasize the importance of a thorough anamnesis, even in cases of mentally impaired patients, as well as to highlight a rare differential diagnosis for appendicitis. Acute appendicitis is an emergency condition that requires a th...
Introduction: Carcinoma of the transverse colon is usually rare and accounts for 10% of all color... more Introduction: Carcinoma of the transverse colon is usually rare and accounts for 10% of all colorectal cancer. Diagnosis is often delayed with the progression of symptoms that are often insidious and tumors may be voluminous with locoregional involvement by the time of diagnosis. Material and Methods: This study aims to present the surgical management and challenges of advanced cancer of the transverse colon.Results: We present a 43-year-old with no personal history of gastroenterological pathology. After SARS-COVID 19 infection he developed mild gastrointestinal symptomatology. Routine checkups revealed an advanced tumor of the transverse colon with multiorgan involvement: stomach and small intestine (CT-scan). We performed a multi-visceral resection with extended right hemicolectomy, gastric antrectomy with gastro-jejunal isoperistaltic anastomosis (Lucke Rockwitz procedure), and ileocolic telescopic anastomosis. The postoperative evolution was favorable. Conclusion: Complex surgical therapy for colon cancer can be undertaken in selected patients. The procedures are often extensive requiring an experienced team to assure a good postoperative outcome and proper continuation of the oncological treatment.
Duplicarea venei cave inferioare este o malformaţie congenitală rară de extremă importanţă pentru... more Duplicarea venei cave inferioare este o malformaţie congenitală rară de extremă importanţă pentru chirurgii vasculari, urologii şi radiologii intervenţionişti. Deseori trece neobservată şi este diagnosticată incidental la o scanare CT de rutină sau de urgenţă atunci când apar complicaţii din cauza malformaţiilor congenitale asociate. Vă prezentăm cazul unui pacient în vârstă de 70 de ani internat de urgenţă acuzând dureri abdominale care a fost diagnosticat cu ocluzie intestinală din cauza unei hernii paraduodenale stângi, asociată cu duplicarea venei cave inferioare. Revizuirea literaturii a condus la concluzia că duplicarea venei cave inferioare nu este cauza hernii paraduodenale stângi. duplicarea venei cave inferioare, hernia paraduodenală stângă, ocluzie intestinală
Surgery associated with lymphadenectomy may sometimes result in a lymphorrhagia, which usually re... more Surgery associated with lymphadenectomy may sometimes result in a lymphorrhagia, which usually resolves spontaneously within a few days, sometimes becoming a refractory complication to the treatment. In the case of large flows, particular attention should be paid to hydro-electrolytic and protein losses. We present the case of a patient with persistent lymphorrhagia after a cephalic duodenopancreatectomy for a pancreatic head tumor. From the 5th postoperative day, the patient had a milky-like secretion on the subhepatic drainage tube. The discharge rate was variable, between 500 and 1500 ml per day, requiring parenteral administration of amino acids, plasma and electrolyte solutions. The postoperative progression was slowly favorable, with the patient discharge on the 25th day following surgery. There are several treatment options for a lymphorrhagia following an extended lymphadenectomy, from intensive parenteral therapy to peritoneal-venous shunt or ligation of the lymphatic vesse...
Papers by Cedric Kwizera
delayed with the progression of symptoms that are often insidious and tumors may be voluminous with locoregional involvement
by the time of diagnosis.
Material and Methods: This study aims to present the surgical management and challenges of advanced cancer of the transverse
colon.Results: We present a 43-year-old with no personal history of gastroenterological pathology. After SARS-COVID 19 infection he
developed mild gastrointestinal symptomatology. Routine checkups revealed an advanced tumor of the transverse colon with
multiorgan involvement: stomach and small intestine (CT-scan). We performed a multi-visceral resection with extended right hemicolectomy,
gastric antrectomy with gastro-jejunal isoperistaltic anastomosis (Lucke Rockwitz procedure), and ileocolic telescopic
anastomosis. The postoperative evolution was favorable.
Conclusion: Complex surgical therapy for colon cancer can be undertaken in selected patients. The procedures are often extensive
requiring an experienced team to assure a good postoperative outcome and proper continuation of the oncological treatment.
delayed with the progression of symptoms that are often insidious and tumors may be voluminous with locoregional involvement
by the time of diagnosis.
Material and Methods: This study aims to present the surgical management and challenges of advanced cancer of the transverse
colon.Results: We present a 43-year-old with no personal history of gastroenterological pathology. After SARS-COVID 19 infection he
developed mild gastrointestinal symptomatology. Routine checkups revealed an advanced tumor of the transverse colon with
multiorgan involvement: stomach and small intestine (CT-scan). We performed a multi-visceral resection with extended right hemicolectomy,
gastric antrectomy with gastro-jejunal isoperistaltic anastomosis (Lucke Rockwitz procedure), and ileocolic telescopic
anastomosis. The postoperative evolution was favorable.
Conclusion: Complex surgical therapy for colon cancer can be undertaken in selected patients. The procedures are often extensive
requiring an experienced team to assure a good postoperative outcome and proper continuation of the oncological treatment.