Papers by Cem O R K U N Kıraç
Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Sep 1, 2004
A regulation on ships navigation was put into force in order to reduce risk of marine accidents a... more A regulation on ships navigation was put into force in order to reduce risk of marine accidents after a ship grounding on Çavuş Island, SW Turkey. Following the regulation established in February 2001, certain type and size ships are obliged to navigate out of ecologically sensitive marine and coastal areas in Ayvalik, Foça and Bodrum Peninsula on the Aegean coasts of Turkey.
Zoology in The Middle East, 1996
Abstract The former occurrence of the Monk Seal (Monachus monachus), the reasons for its decline ... more Abstract The former occurrence of the Monk Seal (Monachus monachus), the reasons for its decline and the recognition of potentially suitable habitats was studied on the western Black Sea coast between Akcakoca and Zonguldak, mainly in 1988 and 1989. The Monk Seal was abundant in the neighbourhood ‘of Eregli in the past but is now extinct, with the last sighting in December 1987. The main reasons for its extinction were hunting and trapping. A fur seal (Arctocephalinae, probably Arcrocephalus pusillus), which had escaped from experimental pools at Anapa, former USSR, lived along the coasts near Eregli for some time in 1988 and 1989.
The occurrence of a total of 61 marine tetrapod species is presented in this paper, including 3 s... more The occurrence of a total of 61 marine tetrapod species is presented in this paper, including 3 sea turtles, 43 sea birds, and 15 marine mammals. Distribution of each reported species along the Black Sea, Sea of Marmara, Aegean, and Levantine coasts of Turkey is mentioned, associated with key references.
Su Ürünleri Dergisi, Sep 1, 2004
Akdeniz keşiş foku, Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779)'un Türkiye kıyılarındaki durumu. Bu çalışma... more Akdeniz keşiş foku, Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779)'un Türkiye kıyılarındaki durumu. Bu çalışmada, Akdeniz keşiş foklarının Türkiye kıyılarındaki dağılımı, durumu, yaşam alanları ve tür üzerindeki tehditler incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçları, yerel balıkçılar ile gerçekleştirilen anket çalışmaları ve karadan ve denizden potansiyel fok mağaralarının tespiti için arazi seferleri sonucunda elde edilmiştir. Makalede 1994 ve 1998 yılları arasında toplanmış olan fok görme verileri kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sırasında elde edilen veriler ışığında türün Türkiye kıyılarında parçalı bir dağılım gösterdiği ortaya çıkmış ve yaklaşık 104 fok bireyinin yaşadığı tahmin edilmiştir. 1994 ve 2002 yılları arasında 17 yavrulama ve 22 ölü fok kaydı elde edilmiştir. Türün üzerindeki ana tehditler, yaşam alanlarının tahribatı, kasti öldürmeler, balıkçı ağlarına takılma, balık stoklarında aşırı ve yasadışı avcılık sonucunda azalma olarak tespit edilmiştir.
Endangered Species Research, 2019
Kıyı ve deniz alanlarının sürdürülebilir kullanımı için kirlenmeye neden olabilecek her türlü etk... more Kıyı ve deniz alanlarının sürdürülebilir kullanımı için kirlenmeye neden olabilecek her türlü etkenin kontrol edilmesi zorunludur. Deniz ve Kıyı Koruma Alanlarında (DKKA), özellikle katı ve sıvı atıkların deniz ortamına geçişi nedeniyle oluşan olumsuz etkilerin önlenebilmesi ve bu alanların sürdürülebilir kullanımı için deniz ortamına geçen katı ve sıvı atıkların kontrol altına alınması önemlidir. DKKA'nda karadan gelen her türlü katı ve sıvı atıkların düzenli biçimde toplanması ve arıtılması konusunda önemli gelişmeler ve başarımlar sağlanmışken, deniz araçlarında biriken atık suların kontrolü, toplanması ve arıtılması konusunda önemli yatırımlar ve yaptırımlar gerekli görülmektedir. Önemli maliyetlere neden olabilecek bu yatırım ve yaptırımlara gerek oluşmaması için DKKA'nda tekne taşıma kapasitesinin belirlenmesi ve taşıma kapasitesi sınırları dikkate alınarak yönetim planlarının oluşturulması gereklidir. DKKA'nda tekne taşıma kapasitelerinin belirlenmesi konusunda ül...
Rubicon Vakfı ve SAD-AFAG 2008 senesinde ortaklasa bir çalısma ile Gökova Özel Çevre Koruma Bölge... more Rubicon Vakfı ve SAD-AFAG 2008 senesinde ortaklasa bir çalısma ile Gökova Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları Bütünlesik Yönetim Planlaması projesini gelistirdi ve BBI Matra fonuna basvuruldu. Gökova ÖÇKB yönetiminde en önemli karar vericiler durumunda olan ÖÇKK Baskanlıgı ile Tarım ve Köyisleri Bakanlıgı Koruma Kontrol Genel Müdürlügü’nün görüs ve projeye destekleri alınmıstır. Proje Ocak 2009’da baslamıs olup, 22 aylık süreç sonunda Kasım 2010’da tamamlanması planlanmaktadır. Toplam bütçesi 219.000 avro olan proje tüm Gökova ÖÇK Bölgesinin deniz ve kıyı alanlarını kapsamaktadır ancak -projenin adından da anlasılacagı üzere- bölgede iç kesimler ve karasal ekosistem projeye dâhil degildir. Projenin temel hedefi, Gökova Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi'nin "Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları Bütünlesik Yönetim Planı" taslagının hazırlanması ve ülkemizde benzer uygulamalarda örnek olabilecek bir “Yönetim Modeli” olusturulmasıdır. Bu hedefe ulasılması ile beklenen sonuç Gökova ...
Zoology in the Middle East, 1996
Status of the monk seal(Monachus monachus) in the neighbourhood of Eregli, Black Sea coast of Tur... more Status of the monk seal(Monachus monachus) in the neighbourhood of Eregli, Black Sea coast of Turkey. ... The Monk Seal was abundant in the neighbourhood of Eregli in the past but is now extinct, with the last sighting in December 1987. ...
This study presents the Mediterranean Monk Seal Information and Rescue Network (AFBIKA geo-databa... more This study presents the Mediterranean Monk Seal Information and Rescue Network (AFBIKA geo-database), which has been designed and constructed to improve the monitoring of the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779) in Turkey. Sighting data gathered by SAD-AFAG through various projects and expeditions are entered to the system using Geographic Information System (GIS) and a linked database in order to gather information about distribution and habitat use of the species. With proceeding modifications to the network in the following years, it will probably serve as an effective management tool that may contribute to continuation of species survival.
Mammal Review, 2015
1. The Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus is the most endangered seal species. In this rev... more 1. The Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus is the most endangered seal species. In this review we summarize the status, ecology, and behaviour of the Mediterranean monk seal, and identify the main threats that currently affect the species and the conservation priorities for securing its survival. 2. Once abundant throughout the Black Sea and Mediterranean, as well as off the Atlantic coasts of northwestern Africa and Macaronesia, the Mediterranean monk seal has recently suffered dramatic declines, both in abundance and geographical range. It is now estimated that fewer than 700 individuals survive in three or four isolated subpopulations in the eastern and western Mediterranean, the archipelago of Madeira and the Cabo Blanco area in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. 3. Mediterranean monk seals are coastal marine mammals. When resting and pupping on land, individuals generally seek refuge in inaccessible marine caves; this behaviour is, in part, believed to be an adaptation to increased disturbance by humans. Larger aggregations or colonies of the species can now be found only at Cabo Blanco in the Atlantic Ocean and on the island of Gyaros in the eastern Mediterranean. 4. The main threats to the survival of the Mediterranean monk seal are habitat deterioration; deliberate killing, mainly by fishermen; and accidental entanglement and drowning in fishing gear. Limited availability of food sources and stochastic and unusual events have occasionally also contributed to Mediterranean monk seal mortality. 5. Based on a common consensus among scientists and conservationists, the main conservation priorities for the monk seal are: habitat protection; mitigating negative interactions between seals and fisheries; scientific research and monitoring of local seal populations; education and public awareness campaigns; and rescue and rehabilitation of wounded, sick, and orphaned seals.
Planlaması projesini geliştirdi ve BBI Matra fonuna başvuruldu. Gökova ÖÇKB yönetiminde en önemli... more Planlaması projesini geliştirdi ve BBI Matra fonuna başvuruldu. Gökova ÖÇKB yönetiminde en önemli karar vericiler durumunda olan ÖÇKK Başkanlığı ile Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Koruma Kontrol Genel Müdürlüğü'nün görüş ve projeye destekleri alınmıştır. Proje Ocak 2009'da başlamış olup, 22 aylık süreç sonunda Kasım 2010'da tamamlanması planlanmaktadır. Toplam bütçesi 219.000 avro olan proje tüm Gökova ÖÇK Bölgesinin deniz ve kıyı alanlarını kapsamaktadır ancak-projenin adından da anlaşılacağı üzere-bölgede iç kesimler ve karasal ekosistem projeye dâhil değildir.
Bu bildirinin amacı, nesli kritik derecede tehlike altında olan Akdeniz keşiş fokunun ülkemizde d... more Bu bildirinin amacı, nesli kritik derecede tehlike altında olan Akdeniz keşiş fokunun ülkemizde daha etkili bir şekilde izlenmesi ve korunabilmesi için kurulan Akdeniz Foku Bilgi ve Kurtarma Ağı (AFBİKA)’nı tanıtmaktır. Bu makale ile kıyılarımızda bulunan konu ile alakalı tüm ilgili kişi ve kurumlar bu haber ağını desteklemeye davet edilmekte ve bu ağın Nisan 2005 ve Mayıs 2006 tarihleri arasındaki kuruluş çalışmaları sırasında toplanmış güncel Akdeniz keşiş foku gözlem verileri değerlendirilmektedir. Bu kısa süre içinde AFBİKA üye sayısı 186’ya ulaşmış ve 83 fok gözlem kaydı toplanmıştır. Türün Türkiye kıyılarında hala geniş bir dağılım gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. AFBİKA, üye sayısı ve etkinliğinin artmasıyla birlikte türün takibi açısından oldukça önemli bir izleme işlevini yerine getirmiş olacaktır.
ABSTRACT Bu bildirinin amacı, nesli kritik derecede tehlike altında olan Akdeniz keşiş fokunun ül... more ABSTRACT Bu bildirinin amacı, nesli kritik derecede tehlike altında olan Akdeniz keşiş fokunun ülkemizde daha etkili bir şekilde izlenmesi ve korunabilmesi için kurulan Akdeniz Foku Bilgi ve Kurtarma Ağı (AFBİKA)’nı tanıtmaktır. Bu makale ile kıyılarımızda bulunan konu ile alakalı tüm ilgili kişi ve kurumlar bu haber ağını desteklemeye davet edilmekte ve bu ağın Nisan 2005 ve Mayıs 2006 tarihleri arasındaki kuruluş çalışmaları sırasında toplanmış güncel Akdeniz keşiş foku gözlem verileri değerlendirilmektedir. Bu kısa süre içinde AFBİKA üye sayısı 186’ya ulaşmış ve 83 fok gözlem kaydı toplanmıştır. Türün Türkiye kıyılarında hala geniş bir dağılım gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. AFBİKA, üye sayısı ve etkinliğinin artmasıyla birlikte türün takibi açısından oldukça önemli bir izleme işlevini yerine getirmiş olacaktır.
The former occurrence of the monk seal (Monachus monachus), the reasons for its decline and the r... more The former occurrence of the monk seal (Monachus monachus), the reasons for its decline and the recognition of potentially suitable habitats was studied on the western Black Sea coast between Akçakoca and Zonguldak, mainly in 1988 and 1989. The monk seal was abundant in the neighbourhood of Ereğli in the past but is now extinct, with the last sighting in December 1987. The main reasons for its extinction were hunting and trapping. A fur seal (Arctocephaline, probably Arctocephalus pusillus), which had escaped from experimental pools at Anapa, former USSR, lived along the coasts near Ereğli for some time in 1988 and 1989.
The occurrence of a total of 61 marine tetrapod species is presented in this paper, including 3 s... more The occurrence of a total of 61 marine tetrapod species is presented in this paper, including 3 sea turtles, 43 sea birds, and 15 marine mammals. Distribution of each reported species along the Black Sea, Sea of Marmara, Aegean, and Levantine coasts of Turkey is mentioned, associated with key references.
1. The Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus is the most endangered seal species. In this rev... more 1. The Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus is the most endangered seal species. In this review we summarize the status, ecology, and behaviour of the Mediterranean monk seal, and identify the main threats that currently affect the species and the conservation priorities for securing its survival.
2. Once abundant throughout the Black Sea and Mediterranean, as well as off the Atlantic coasts of northwestern Africa and Macaronesia, the Mediterranean monk seal has recently suffered dramatic declines, both in abundance and geographical range. It is now estimated that fewer than 700 individuals survive in three or four isolated subpopulations in the eastern and western Mediterranean, the archipelago of Madeira and the Cabo Blanco area in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean.
3. Mediterranean monk seals are coastal marine mammals. When resting and pupping on land, individuals generally seek refuge in inaccessible marine caves; this behaviour is, in part, believed to be an adaptation to increased disturbance by humans. Larger aggregations or colonies of the species can now be found only at Cabo Blanco in the Atlantic Ocean and on the island of Gyaros in the eastern Mediterranean.
4. The main threats to the survival of the Mediterranean monk seal are habitat deterioration; deliberate killing, mainly by fishermen; and accidental entangle- ment and drowning in fishing gear. Limited availability of food sources and sto- chastic and unusual events have occasionally also contributed to Mediterranean monk seal mortality.
5. Based on a common consensus among scientists and conservationists, the main conservation priorities for the monk seal are: habitat protection; mitigating nega- tive interactions between seals and fisheries; scientific research and monitoring of local seal populations; education and public awareness campaigns; and rescue and rehabilitation of wounded, sick, and orphaned seals.
Conference Presentations by Cem O R K U N Kıraç
A Black Sea Delta Exercise called SULH 2007 was conducted on a regionalscaleon5-7September2007inK... more A Black Sea Delta Exercise called SULH 2007 was conducted on a regionalscaleon5-7September2007inKaradenizEregˇli,located on the western Black Sea coast of Turkey. The exercise composed of all relevant emergency response components including marine pollution preparedness & response, fire fighting, emergency tow- ing and search and rescue (SAR), with a scenario based on col- lision of an oil tanker and a Ro-Ro passenger vessel, 12 nautical miles off the Karadeniz Eregˇli coast. The exercise was hosted by Turkey but planned and realized through the cooperation and participation of all Black Sea littoral States under the umbrella of the Black Sea Commission (established under the 1992 Bucha- rest Convention and based in Istanbul). Russian Federation and Romania contributed the exercise by equipment and trained staff and other Black Sea littoral states participated with observers. A Black Sea Delta Exercise in this scale coordinated by the Under- secretariat for Maritime Affairs (UMA) has been carried out for the first time in the Black Sea region.
This paper outlines the Black Sea Delta Exercise SULH 2007 with its elements and describes the process of implementation and inter-governmental cooperation in the Black Sea region. The re- lated preparatory activities and lessons learned from the Exercise SULH 2007 are also presented. The role of the oil industry and OSPRI (Oil Spill Preparedness Regional Initiative) in supporting this government-led programme is additionally described, repre- senting a positive example of government-industry partnership and cooperation. SULH 2007 was a full test of the Black Sea Con- tingency Plan and the mobilization and deployment of oil pollution combating resources.
Papers by Cem O R K U N Kıraç
2. Once abundant throughout the Black Sea and Mediterranean, as well as off the Atlantic coasts of northwestern Africa and Macaronesia, the Mediterranean monk seal has recently suffered dramatic declines, both in abundance and geographical range. It is now estimated that fewer than 700 individuals survive in three or four isolated subpopulations in the eastern and western Mediterranean, the archipelago of Madeira and the Cabo Blanco area in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean.
3. Mediterranean monk seals are coastal marine mammals. When resting and pupping on land, individuals generally seek refuge in inaccessible marine caves; this behaviour is, in part, believed to be an adaptation to increased disturbance by humans. Larger aggregations or colonies of the species can now be found only at Cabo Blanco in the Atlantic Ocean and on the island of Gyaros in the eastern Mediterranean.
4. The main threats to the survival of the Mediterranean monk seal are habitat deterioration; deliberate killing, mainly by fishermen; and accidental entangle- ment and drowning in fishing gear. Limited availability of food sources and sto- chastic and unusual events have occasionally also contributed to Mediterranean monk seal mortality.
5. Based on a common consensus among scientists and conservationists, the main conservation priorities for the monk seal are: habitat protection; mitigating nega- tive interactions between seals and fisheries; scientific research and monitoring of local seal populations; education and public awareness campaigns; and rescue and rehabilitation of wounded, sick, and orphaned seals.
Conference Presentations by Cem O R K U N Kıraç
This paper outlines the Black Sea Delta Exercise SULH 2007 with its elements and describes the process of implementation and inter-governmental cooperation in the Black Sea region. The re- lated preparatory activities and lessons learned from the Exercise SULH 2007 are also presented. The role of the oil industry and OSPRI (Oil Spill Preparedness Regional Initiative) in supporting this government-led programme is additionally described, repre- senting a positive example of government-industry partnership and cooperation. SULH 2007 was a full test of the Black Sea Con- tingency Plan and the mobilization and deployment of oil pollution combating resources.
2. Once abundant throughout the Black Sea and Mediterranean, as well as off the Atlantic coasts of northwestern Africa and Macaronesia, the Mediterranean monk seal has recently suffered dramatic declines, both in abundance and geographical range. It is now estimated that fewer than 700 individuals survive in three or four isolated subpopulations in the eastern and western Mediterranean, the archipelago of Madeira and the Cabo Blanco area in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean.
3. Mediterranean monk seals are coastal marine mammals. When resting and pupping on land, individuals generally seek refuge in inaccessible marine caves; this behaviour is, in part, believed to be an adaptation to increased disturbance by humans. Larger aggregations or colonies of the species can now be found only at Cabo Blanco in the Atlantic Ocean and on the island of Gyaros in the eastern Mediterranean.
4. The main threats to the survival of the Mediterranean monk seal are habitat deterioration; deliberate killing, mainly by fishermen; and accidental entangle- ment and drowning in fishing gear. Limited availability of food sources and sto- chastic and unusual events have occasionally also contributed to Mediterranean monk seal mortality.
5. Based on a common consensus among scientists and conservationists, the main conservation priorities for the monk seal are: habitat protection; mitigating nega- tive interactions between seals and fisheries; scientific research and monitoring of local seal populations; education and public awareness campaigns; and rescue and rehabilitation of wounded, sick, and orphaned seals.
This paper outlines the Black Sea Delta Exercise SULH 2007 with its elements and describes the process of implementation and inter-governmental cooperation in the Black Sea region. The re- lated preparatory activities and lessons learned from the Exercise SULH 2007 are also presented. The role of the oil industry and OSPRI (Oil Spill Preparedness Regional Initiative) in supporting this government-led programme is additionally described, repre- senting a positive example of government-industry partnership and cooperation. SULH 2007 was a full test of the Black Sea Con- tingency Plan and the mobilization and deployment of oil pollution combating resources.
Projenin temel hedefi, Gökova Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi'nin "Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları Bütünlesik Yönetim Planı" taslagının hazırlanması ve ülkemizde benzer uygulamalarda örnek olabilecek bir “Yönetim Modeli” olusturulmasıdır. Bu hedefe ulasılması ile beklenen sonuç Gökova Körfezi'nin biyolojik degerleri ile korunması ve alandaki sosyo-ekonomik faaliyetlerle birlikte bölgenin dogal degerleri korunarak sürdürülebilir bir deniz-kıyı alanları bütünlesik yönetim planlaması ve yönetim modeline kavusmasıdır. Projenin uzun vadede faydası ise, Türkiye'de denizel ve kıyı biyolojik çesitliligin korunmasına katkı saglaması ve ülke çapında ilgili ulusal kurum-kuruluslar ile yerelde mülki idare, yerel yönetimler ve STK’lar tarafından etkin uygulanabilecek bir kıyı-deniz alanları yönetim
modelinin olusturulmasıdır.
and constructed to improve the monitoring of the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779)
in Turkey. Sighting data gathered by SAD-AFAG through various projects and expeditions are entered to the system using Geographic
Information System (GIS) and a linked database in order to gather information about distribution and habitat use of the species. With
proceeding modifications to the network in the following years, it will probably serve as an effective management tool that may contribute
to continuation of species survival.