Papers by Christopher VanSlambrouck
The overall demeaning tone that was used to describe these ill-trained fencers is very obvious th... more The overall demeaning tone that was used to describe these ill-trained fencers is very obvious throughout the written works of those fencers who were Royally approved. However, from an overview of the history of central Europe during the 16th century and beyond, the word Winkelfechter, appears to have evolved and changed along side the constant state of flux of the fencing Arts. So that, what Winkelfechten meant in the 15th -17th centuries, would not pertain as much to the later classic and modern uses of the word.
To be ever more proficient physically and mentally is the goal and few things outside of (histori... more To be ever more proficient physically and mentally is the goal and few things outside of (historical) study and sweat bear such fruit. In search of this goal, as martialists we know the need to harness and improve our Fingerspitzengefühl, as it is an improvable skill (Richards, 2010), not some kind of third eye or an equally unattainable sixth sense. More topically specific, we also know not to go into the fight with plans to utilize particular techniques since, no plan survives first contact. A self created catalogue of pre-conceived or pre-constructed tactics or maneuvers clutters the mind and slows or stalls not only the mental processing of the battlefield environment but the physical application of violence as well. As such, it (a busy mind) effectively shortens the Reactionary Gap and degrades combat effectiveness.
This TC is organized into three chapters and four appendixes. Each chapter addresses a major aspe... more This TC is organized into three chapters and four appendixes. Each chapter addresses a major aspect of fundamental IL MFFG Study Group knowledge, while the appendixes address aspects that support and complement the information presented in the chapters in greater detail.
I believe we can become better students of our historical masters by diving into their lives and ... more I believe we can become better students of our historical masters by diving into their lives and times. If we study and gain
understanding of the places they lived and worked, the wars and battles they fought, the Art and books they looked upon and
their morals and religion would we not be more liken to the students they instructed within their lifetimes?
Teaching Documents by Christopher VanSlambrouck
Papers by Christopher VanSlambrouck
understanding of the places they lived and worked, the wars and battles they fought, the Art and books they looked upon and
their morals and religion would we not be more liken to the students they instructed within their lifetimes?
Teaching Documents by Christopher VanSlambrouck
understanding of the places they lived and worked, the wars and battles they fought, the Art and books they looked upon and
their morals and religion would we not be more liken to the students they instructed within their lifetimes?