Exploitation of mining everywhere including gold mining in Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi ba... more Exploitation of mining everywhere including gold mining in Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi basically always showed two dilemmatic things. On the one hand, it was expected to have a positive contribution in increasing social welfare. On the other hand, it also aroused the risk society. This research aimed to express a variety of risks that happened as the effect of gold mining exploitation in Bombana Regency. This research used qualitative research, a variant case study that was meant to describe profoundly and holistically the effect caused by the mining exploitation. These findings showed that the exploitation of gold mining in Bombana Regency has an impact on the aspect of human and environmental life, namely ecological and socioeconomic effects. The above-mentioned complexity of effect constructed a condition called risk society, covering the risk of socioeconomic and natural material structures.
Papers by Darmawan Salman
The development of the maize agribusiness system is highly dependent on the role of social capita... more The development of the maize agribusiness system is highly dependent on the role of social capital in facilitating interaction among actors in the chain of activities ranging from the provision of farm supplies to marketing. Therefore, this research aimed to characterize the key elements of social capital specifically bonding, bridging, and linking, as well as to demonstrate their respective roles. Data were collected from farmers and non-farmers actors engaged in various activities in the maize agribusiness system. The data obtained were processed using ATLAS Ti, applying open, axial, and selective coding techniques. The results showed the roles played by bonding, bridging, and linking social capital in the interaction between farmers and multiple actors in activities such as providing farm supplies, farming production, harvesting, post-harvest, and marketing. The combination of these social capital forms acted as the glue and wires that facilitated access to resources, collective decisionmaking, and reduced transaction costs. These results have theoretical implications, suggesting that bonding, bridging, and linking should be combined with the appropriate role composition for each activity in the agribusiness system.
International Journal of Trade and Global Markets
Farmers’ satisfaction with new superior varieties (NSVs) is a critical strategy for boosting thei... more Farmers’ satisfaction with new superior varieties (NSVs) is a critical strategy for boosting their adoption. Out of 48 national NSV hybrids produced, only three, including Nasa-29, JH-37, and Bima-10, have been widely distributed at the farmer level. However, no studies have been carried out to establish farmers’ satisfaction of any of the three hybrid maize varieties. As a result, the main aim of this study is to establish farmers’ satisfaction of three-hybrid maize. The survey was conducted in three South Sulawesi maize production districts: Bone, Gowa, and North Luwu, representing the east, west, and transitional zones. A total of 150 farmers from three districts were then deliberately chosen as respondents. Variables such as seed availability, cultivation technology, post-harvest, and product marketing were monitored during our assessment. The data were then analyzed using the importance performance analysis (IPA) method. The findings indicate that seed quality and quantity, dis...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Government of Indonesia has implemented various programs to increase cattle population and beef p... more Government of Indonesia has implemented various programs to increase cattle population and beef production. In 2020, Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Services, Ministry of Agriculture has introduced Cattle Corporation Village Program (CCVP). The study aims to identify the capability of small-scale farmer group empowered by CCVP on good farming practices, availability of forage, utilization of infrastructure and colony cages, and corporate institution formed by farmers. The study was located at Cianjur District in 2022. The primary and secondary data were obtained by survey and interview that analyzed by qualitative descriptive. The results of the study indicate: (1) capability of farmer is encouraged to develop good farming practices with business scale; (2) the productivity of cattle should be supported by the sufficiency of forages and additional concentrate; (3) facilities has been provided by CCVP utilized by farmers, however the improvement of some facilities ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Climate change and variability have affected people, especially in developing countries whose liv... more Climate change and variability have affected people, especially in developing countries whose livelihood depends upon agriculture. Smallholder farmers in South Sulawesi are identified as particularly vulnerable with climate change impact and have limited knowledge on how to make production decisions in uncertain environment. The farmer’s perception and the impact of climate change are crucial factors that affect farm productivity and adaptation strategy. This study investigates the perceptions of farmers towards climate change and the impacts. Therefore, a cross-sectional survey was conducted with a random sample of 120 smallholders’ farmers that were distributed into 4 districts in South Sulawesi. It was discovered that the majority of the respondents believed that climate change is real and about 83 percent of them acclaimed this phenomenon had caused negative effect on their livelihood. Some indications of the impact of climate change include increasing temperatures, and long dry...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Urban agriculture is multifunctional. The environmental function is one of the agricultural funct... more Urban agriculture is multifunctional. The environmental function is one of the agricultural functions. This research focuses on the level of carbon sequestration in food crops and vegetables. Furthermore, we estimate carbon sequestration differences in farming and non-farming land. This study calculates carbon sequestration using destructive methods. Furthermore, food crops carbon sequestration better than vegetable crops. In the same crop, there is more carbon sequestration in farming land when compared to non-farming land. Economically, this carbon sequestration can provide substantial economic value if it is better managed by considering urban spatial planning.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Indonesia is one of the cocoa producing countries, where most of it is exported to foreign countr... more Indonesia is one of the cocoa producing countries, where most of it is exported to foreign countries and the rest is marketed domestically. Indonesia cocoa export performance in the world market certainly opens up many opportunities. It is necessary to optimize the potency and competitiveness of its cocoa if Indonesia would make the cocoa exports as the driving of national economy. The objectives of this paper are to (1) analyze Indonesian cocoa performance in the global market compared to its competitors and (2) analyze the competitiveness and market position of Indonesian cocoa in global market and analyze the potency to develop market in 10 main trading partners. The data analysis methods used are the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Trade Specialization Index (TSI) and Export Product Dynamics (EDP). The result shows that the comparative competitiveness of Indonesian cocoa beans and processed cocoa is lower than that of other producing countries. However, Indonesia still has...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
West Java Province is one of the centers of rice production in Indonesia. The use of improved var... more West Java Province is one of the centers of rice production in Indonesia. The use of improved varieties continues to be pursued to support the increase in production. This study aims to analyze the performance and problems of distribution and the use of improved varieties in rice farming. The study was conducted in Majalengka and Cianjur Districts in 2020. The study sample consisted of 60 rice farmers and research-related institutions. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively by calculating the percentage of the distribution area and qualitatively descriptive. The results of the study show that in Cianjur District, from a total distribution area of 154,075 ha (in 2019), the distribution area of Ciherang and Mekongga varieties is 36.46% and 35.88%, respectively. While in Majalengka District, on the contrary, from the total area of 127,957 ha, the distribution of new improved varieties was more dominant, namely for Inpari 32 and Inpari 43 at 67.25% and 7.28%, respectively. Problem...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Business activities of torani fish eggs as an integral part of the rural economic system influenc... more Business activities of torani fish eggs as an integral part of the rural economic system influenced by the presence of the capitalist system. The values of capitalism are absorbed and practiced by some people in their economic activities so as to give birth to more than one mode of production. The presence of more than one mode of production makes one dominate the other. This collision of production modes encourages the articulation of production modes, resulting in a new social formation. This study aims to describe the structure and articulation mode of production that takes place in the Patorani community in Takalar district. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a case study strategy. The results of this study indicate that the mode of production structure that takes place is more characteristic of the capitalist mode of production. The capitalist mode of production dominates the non-capitalist mode of production, resulting in articulation of the means of...
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2020
Agricultural competitiveness is mentioned in various definitions, including the ability of agricu... more Agricultural competitiveness is mentioned in various definitions, including the ability of agricultural products to dominate the market and as a form of healthy competition and life among agricultural actors. Factors driving agricultural competitiveness come from land ownership, and capital owned by farmers, both fixed capital or human capital. The study was conducted by measuring the competitiveness of agriculture between regions in South Sulawesi through 3 pillars, Infrastructure, capital and technology. The research objective is to compile an agricultural competitiveness index and map regions in South Sulawesi based on the pillars of infrastructure, capital and technology. The study uses a quantitative approach with composite index measurements and is designed using descriptive verification research type. The data comes from secondary data in 5 (five) years (2014-2018). South Sulawesi's agricultural competitiveness of the 3 pillars of infrastructure, capital and technology, h...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Agricultural sector plays a very important and strategic part in national development, which one ... more Agricultural sector plays a very important and strategic part in national development, which one of them is to achieve food security. Farmer’s need for irrigation water keeps growing, along with inclining demand on qualified agricultural products. Participation of water user farmers association (P3A) member in managing irrigation tertiary network will help boosting amount of produces product. This study aims to analyze the level of participation of P3A members in managing the Bantimurung irrigation system in Maros Regency. The result shows that: level of farmer’s participation in managing irrigation system at P3A Karya Bersama (upstream), P3A Samaturu (middle stream), and P3A Sare Te’ne (downstream) categorized as moderate.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
One of the impacts of climate change is the different of seasonal rainfall characteristics from y... more One of the impacts of climate change is the different of seasonal rainfall characteristics from year to year, thus the conditions for planting schedules and potential planting areas will also differ from year to year. At the beginning of the Dry Season 2020, the competent authority published that 30% of the season forecast zone in Indonesia was predicted to experience Below-Normal rainfall. This paper aims to analyze areas that have the potential to experience drought and recommend crop management in paddy fields in the Dry Season 2020. The methods are to identify the rainfall condition at rice field area, overlay the rainfall condition with the cropping calendar information, recommend planting management, and balance the needs and fulfillment of rice. The results of the analysis showed that the area of rice, maize, and soybean plants in paddy fields that had the potential to experience drought were 1,087,937 hectares, 1,996,156 hectares, and 786,849 hectares. The potential area of ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
This study aims to determine the competitiveness of the Mandar coconut oil industry in Polewali M... more This study aims to determine the competitiveness of the Mandar coconut oil industry in Polewali Mandar Regency. Research methods with descriptive qualitative and quantitative approaches. Industry competitiveness analyzes by the LQ method, Klassen Typology, and Shift Share Analysis (SSA), also the Porter Five Force Model. While the determinants of competitiveness are analyzed with the Porter Diamond Model. The results showed the Mandar coconut oil industry in Polewali Mandar had competitive power based on competition among rival companies, supplier bargaining power, and consumer bargaining power. Also, the comparative advantage of the processing industry is a leading base sector in the area, which is potential and can still develop and be competitive. Factors that determine the competitiveness of the Mandar coconut oil industry are human resources, natural resources and the environment, technology, number of buyers, and the growth rate of demand, and suppliers. Need efforts to improv...
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2019
The exploding demand for palm oil in the world market makes oil palm expansion in several tropica... more The exploding demand for palm oil in the world market makes oil palm expansion in several tropical countries increasingly increasing, especially in Indonesia. The phenomenon of land conversion that occurred in Wajo Regency was caused by the entry of plantation companies which resulted in the shifting of livelihood systems and livelihood strategies. Changing agricultural land into an oil palm plantation area with a partnership system has an impact on the limited community in managing and accessing their land. Farming activities for both rice and other commodities such as cashew and others as well as cattle grazing activities cannot be done on agricultural lands that have been partnered for oil palm plantations. This condition triggered shocks to the farmer's household livelihood system. So that in the process the community carries out various adaptation of livelihood strategies. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the livelihood strategy of the community in meeting household ne...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
This paper is based on the proposition that individual behavior is related to the ecological syst... more This paper is based on the proposition that individual behavior is related to the ecological system in which they live. Depart from this proposition, this paper aims to analyze gender behavior of households in three different agrosystems namely highland, lowland and coastal agrosystems. The study conducted in Pangkajene Kepuluan District (Pangkep) where the three agrosystems can be found. For this purpose, Lanne Village of Tondong Tallasa Sub-District represents highland agrosystem; Kelurahan Mangngalekana Sub-district of Labakkang represents lowland agrosystem and Bawasalo Vilage of Sub-District Segeri as the representation of coastal agrosystem. The total respondent of the study are 220 households which consist of 55 respondents in highland agrosystem, 80 respondents in lowland agrosystem and 85 respondents in coastal agrosystem. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study indicated that the role of wife and husband in the consumption, production and social activities vary in all three agrosystems. In public affairs such as government activities, community activities, and market activities, the involvement of husband and wife are not the same in the three agroecosystems studied. It was concluded that gender behavior both in the domestic and the public level is related to the agrosystem in which a family or household live.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The development of oil palm plantations has pushed for massive land-use change in Indonesia. As i... more The development of oil palm plantations has pushed for massive land-use change in Indonesia. As is the case in Penrang District, Wajo Regency. There is approximately 1,700 ha of agricultural land converted to oil palm plantations of 18,000 ha of land to be developed. The transformation of agricultural land into a palm oil plantation area with a partnership system has an impact on the limitations of the community in managing and accessing land owned by it. Farming activities for both rice and other commodities such as cashew and others and cattle grazing activities cannot be done on agricultural areas that have been planted for oil palm plantation. This condition triggers a shock to the livelihood system of farm households. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the vulnerability process and how communities conduct livelihood strategies to restore economic conditions and household livelihoods. This study used snowball sampling and in-depth interviews in two villages namely Temmabarang Village and Taddangpalie Village, Penrang District. The results of the research indicate that some farmers' households are vulnerable due to land conversion in the form of work accidents when they become oil palm laborers (shock), decreasing activities to access, process and take yield after conversion of land, and vulnerability due to loss of livelihoods in certain seasons (seasonality). Vulnerability in the form of shock, trend, and seasonality is overcome by two types of strategies, namely survival strategy and consolidation strategy by relying on human capital, social capital, natural capital, and financial capital.
MIMBAR : Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan, 2021
This research uses a qualitative approach to explore inter-Island mobility and social change in T... more This research uses a qualitative approach to explore inter-Island mobility and social change in Tidore Island, North Maluku. Data obtained from observations and interviews show that social change in Tidore occurred due to the dynamic factors of cross-island population mobility in recent years. Data were divided into groups of those who are working semi-permanently and those who are commuting to work (commuters). The main factors triggering inter-island population interactions in Tidore City are the need for labor supply, basic commodities in the food and logistic sector, as well as support services from several groups. Conversely, this town is the center of government services with labor suppliers in the formal sector (government) and service economy. It also depends on certain commodities that can only be supplied from the surrounding Island (Halmahera). The research analysis shows that infrastructure (transportation) availability contributes to the intention of local government an...
Journal of Advanced Zoology
Several actors with their powers and interests play important roles in national and regional plan... more Several actors with their powers and interests play important roles in national and regional planning in the agricultural sector. This study aims at analysing the dynamism of the actor relationship and the interaction of their interests in connection to the national and regional planning of the agriculture sector. The study method applied is descriptive qualitative with the analysis of the stakeholders. The results, each actor with his relations and power plays a strong role in the planning process. In the case of aspiration funds, parliament members are very dominant in allocating aid. In the case of co-administration funds: district heads and heads of services, and from central funds: technical director generals. No matter how democratic the concept of planning is made, there is always a distortion in making planning and policy formulations, which in the end the results of the planning that are born are the political preferences of the contesting elites. It is necessary for the M...
Papers by Darmawan Salman