Papers by Carla De Pascale
Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana, 1975
Ricerca sulla valenza e il significato del termine 'idealismo' negli scritti di Labriola,... more Ricerca sulla valenza e il significato del termine 'idealismo' negli scritti di Labriola, nell'intero arco della sua produzione intellettual
Pólemos. Materiali di filosofia e critica sociale, 2016
![Research paper thumbnail of Claudio Cesa e la filosofia tedesca](
As much as philosophy, also history, politics and social science interested Claudio Cesa when, af... more As much as philosophy, also history, politics and social science interested Claudio Cesa when, after graduating at the Scuola Normale of Pisa, he was a young research fellow in Paris and in Germany. His work on the Hegelians - Feuerbach, Bauer, Stirner and Zeller - is based on a comparison between their doctrines and Hegel’s philosophy. His political philosophy is the subject of studies by Cesa during the 1970s, when he nonetheless also started to work on the political thinking of Schelling, Fichte and the Romantics. The core of his work is a comparison of their positions on single relevant aspects, taking also into account Kant as their common antecedent. From the middle of the 1970s Cesa began to question the terms "idealism" and "transcendental", in which he saw the key for investigating the entire theoretical philosophy of that age. His last investigations concern Hegel’s philosophy of religion and of art.
![Research paper thumbnail of From Received Pronunciation to Estuary English: a shift from diastratic variation](
Universita degli studi di Salerno, Apr 26, 2013
George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, portrays the linguistic situation of the United Kingdom at the b... more George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, portrays the linguistic situation of the United Kingdom at the beginning of the 20 th century. The male protagonist, phonetician Professor Higgins, as a supporter of the Received Pronunciation as the highest expression of the English language, runs into Eliza Doolittle, a Covent Garden flower girl, who has no idea of what RP is and represents, on the contrary, a non standard speaker of the 'worst rank', a Cockney. In the whole play the 'fight' between standard and non standard accents recurs, and the social stigmatization to which Cockney is subject fills it. 9 The notions of overt and covert prestige and stigma will be examined in § 1.2.3. This quite pessimistic point of view by Wells could refer to either what he named Mainstream RP or Estuary Englishthat Wells does not mention in his Accents of Englishwhich has repeatedly been referred to as the new RP. What Wells observed and described was a continuum sloping from Received Pronunciation to Cockney, passing through London Regional Standard and Popular London English. As it is now well-established among scholars as well as laymen that between Received Pronunciation and either Popular London English or Cockney many subvarieties can be identifiedsome of which have been deeply studied and fully describedthese varieties have been categorised in order to catch the prospective changes of Received Pronunciation and the presumable similarities among them. This is the reason why Wells (1982) distinguished U-RP (Upper-Crust RP), Mainstream RP and Adoptive RP, Gimson (1989:88) referred to these varieties as Conservative RP, General RP and Advanced RP, and Cruttenden (2001) listed Refined RP, General RP and Regional RP. To this former tripartite distinction, Wells (1982) added a further variety which he defined Near-RP The term Near-RP refers to any accent which, while not falling within the definition of RP, nevertheless includes very little in the way of regionalisms which would enable the provenance of the speaker to be localized within England (Wells 1982:297).
Raison pratique et normativité chez Kant, 2010
Issu d'un colloque organise en Sorbonne a l'occasion du bicentenaire de la mort de Kant (... more Issu d'un colloque organise en Sorbonne a l'occasion du bicentenaire de la mort de Kant (2004), ce volume rassemble un ensemble de contributions, dues a specialistes reputes, sur la philosophie pratique de Kant, en particulier sur les concepts fondamentaux de raison pratique, de liberte et de normativite, sur sa philosophie du droit (y compris dans la perspective " cosmopolitique ") et sa philosophie de l'histoire.
Istituto Italiano Per Gli Studi Filosofici, 2007
A partire dal proposito kantiano di elaborazione di un sistema - e prima ancora dalla nozione kan... more A partire dal proposito kantiano di elaborazione di un sistema - e prima ancora dalla nozione kantiana di 'sistema della filosofia' -, il testo esamina i primi tentativi di costruzione del 'sistema' da parte di Fichte e di Schelling. Il risultato \ue8, da una parte, una considerazione ravvicinata del rispettivo atteggiamento dei due filosofi nei confronti della posizione kantiana e, dall'altro, una messa in luce delle analogie e soprattutto delle differenze nell'approccio di Fichte e in quello di Schelling al problema della "forma" della filosofia
Iride, vol. XIX (2006), pp. 181-206, 2006
Iride Filosofia e discussione pubblica ISSN : 1122-7893. Numero: 1, aprile 2006, Indice. DOI: 10.... more Iride Filosofia e discussione pubblica ISSN : 1122-7893. Numero: 1, aprile 2006, Indice. DOI: 10.1414/22315. La Scienza della Legislazione di Gaetano Filangierii Pietro Costa, Carla De Pascale, Mario Ricciardi, pp. 181-202 6 ...
La collana rappresenta una storia enciclopedica in 22 volumi della civilt\ue0 europea diretta da ... more La collana rappresenta una storia enciclopedica in 22 volumi della civilt\ue0 europea diretta da Umberto Eco e a cui hanno partecipato i massimi studiosi nazionali e internazionali delle discipline storico, scientifiche e umanistich
Papers by Carla De Pascale