Papers by Domenico Depalo
University of Rome Tor …, 2006
This paper analyzes the evidence provided by the European Community Household Panel (ECHP), a lon... more This paper analyzes the evidence provided by the European Community Household Panel (ECHP), a longitudinal household survey which covers a wide range of topics, giving comparable information across the member states of the European Union before the 2004 ...

This paper investigates whether a public sector premium exists even after controlling for observa... more This paper investigates whether a public sector premium exists even after controlling for observable characteristics and for additional motivations, other than monetary, that may induce workers to prefer employment in the public sector. We do this by studying the entire conditional wage distribution on Italian micro data, covering the period 1998-2008. The evidence under random sampling shows the existence of a wage differential averaging at about 14% for women and 4% for men, generally lower at the high tail of the wage distribution and in the Northern regions. The premium significantly increases when possible sorting is considered; the correction is particularly large above the median of the wage distribution, therefore suggesting that the additional motivations may play an important role above all at higher wage levels. When we restrict our comparison to large private firms, a differential is confirmed for women but not for men.
We investigate the public-private wage differentials in ten euro area countries (Austria, Belgium... more We investigate the public-private wage differentials in ten euro area countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain). To account for differences in employment characteristics between the two sectors, we focus on micro data taken from EU-SILC. The results point to a conditional pay differential in favor of the public sector that is generally higher for women, at the low tail of the wage distribution, in the Education and the Public administration sectors rather than in the Health sector. Notable differences emerge across countries, with Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain exhibiting higher public sector premia than other countries.

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
ABSTRACT Over the last decades spatial econometrics models have represented a common tool for mea... more ABSTRACT Over the last decades spatial econometrics models have represented a common tool for measuring spillover effects across different geographical entities (counties, provinces, regions or nations). Unfortunately, no one has considered that when these entities share common borders but obey to different institutional settings, ignoring this feature may induce misleading conclusions. In fact, under these circumstances, and if institutions do play a role, we expect to find spatial effects mainly "within" entities belonging to the same institutional setting, while the "between" effect across different institutional settings should be attenuated or totally absent, even if the entities share a common border. In this case, relying only on geographical proximity will then produce biased estimates, due to the composition of two distinct effects. To avoid these problems, we derive a methodology that partitions the standard contiguity matrix into within and between contiguity matrices, allowing to separately estimate these spatial correlation coefficients and to easily test for the existence of institutional constraints. In our empirical analysis we apply this methodology to Italian Local Health Authority expenditures, using spatial panel techniques. Results show a strong and significant spatial coefficient only for the within effect, thus confirming the importance and validity of our approach.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Business and Management Research, 2014
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
In this paper we analyze the process of integration into the European societies of the cohorts of... more In this paper we analyze the process of integration into the European societies of the cohorts of immigrants that reached Western Europe before the mid-1990s using a longitudinal dataset.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
This paper studies the unemployment spell in Italy with a mincerian equation, taking a quantile a... more This paper studies the unemployment spell in Italy with a mincerian equation, taking a quantile approach. Because all the data are discrete, usual methodologies cannot be employed. Therefore we first present a new estimator, prove that it is consitent and asymptotically normal, and then we use it in the empirical application. * I would like to thank . . . Data for empirical application are from PLUS 2005/357. The usual disclaimers apply.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Many economic time series exhibit important systematic fluctuations within the year, i.e. seasona... more Many economic time series exhibit important systematic fluctuations within the year, i.e. seasonality. Differently from usual practice, we argue that using original data should always be considered, although their process is more complicated than that of seasonally adjusted data. Motivations to use not adjusted data come from the information contained in their peak and trough and from economic theory. One major complication is instead the unit root at seasonal frequencies. In this paper we tackle the issue implementing a test to identify the source of seasonality. In particular we follow for quarterly data.
Using survey data from rural Tanzania, this paper investigates the well-being of head of househol... more Using survey data from rural Tanzania, this paper investigates the well-being of head of household across several child development outcomes. The measures of well-being of each head of household include total income and the level of education. The child development measures cover three issues: academic achievement, the probability for a child to survive after reaching its first birthday and parents'
This paper analyses the Japanese economic growth since 1970 with particular attention for the las... more This paper analyses the Japanese economic growth since 1970 with particular attention for the last decade. After a brief discussion on the qualitative behaviour of macroeconomic variables, a survey of literature presents the ideas of various models. This is useful for the econometric analysis applied here, which consists in a smooth transition model, such as LSTAR. For the last decade a deeper analysis is carried out with a VAR model to test if lending view is necessary in explaining the business cycle. These models suggest that both fiscal and monetary policies were not very efficient. Total lending also accelerated the crisis.
... Are Public Sector Workers Paid too Much? Domenico Depalo & Raffaela Giordano Bank of ... more ... Are Public Sector Workers Paid too Much? Domenico Depalo & Raffaela Giordano Bank of Italy ∗ ... seek employment in the public sector. For example, Bellante and Link (1981) find that workers employed in the public sector are more risk averse than private sector employees. ...
Papers by Domenico Depalo