Papers by Dragana Antonijevic
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2016
Povodom knjige Vlado Kotnik. Opera, Power and Ideology. Anthropological Study of a National Art i... more Povodom knjige Vlado Kotnik. Opera, Power and Ideology. Anthropological Study of a National Art in Slovenia. 2010. Peter Lang, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2016
Poraženi od sistema: struktura i zna enje li nih pri a o gubitnicima hibridne tranzicije * Apstra... more Poraženi od sistema: struktura i zna enje li nih pri a o gubitnicima hibridne tranzicije * Apstrakt: U ovom radu analiziram strukturu i interpretiram li ne i porodi ne prie o gubitku imovine, novca, posla i statusa u doba blokirane transformacije ili hibridne tranzicije, kako sam nazvala taj period. Teorijsku osnovu nalazim u višedecenijskom folkloristi kom i antropološkom prou avanju li nih pri a i ivotnih istorija, u analizi narativne strukture legendi, kao i u teorijskim i prakti nim analizama procesa tranzicije. Naglasak u radu je stavljen na razmatranje gubitni kih narativa, kroz referencijalnu i evaluativnu dimenziju, kao životnog iskustva tokom poslednje decenije XX veka u Srbiji. Klju ne re i: li ne i porodi ne pri e o gubitku, legende, narativno-semanti ka struktura, hibridna tranzicija, Srbija Uvod * Tekst je rezultat rada na projektu "Antropologija u XX veku: teorijski i metodološki dometi" (br. 147037) koji u celosti finansira Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2016
Dragana Antonijević Treći pravac u folkloristici: sociološki pristup Gerija Alana Fajna * Apstrak... more Dragana Antonijević Treći pravac u folkloristici: sociološki pristup Gerija Alana Fajna * Apstrakt: U ovoj monografskoj studiji je razmotren teorijsko-metodološki doprinos mikrosociologa i socijalnog psihologa Gerija Alana Fajna nauci o folkloru. Kritički su reinterpretirana značajna ali i sporna mesta njegove metodologije i sociološkog pristupa folkloru, ukazano je na širi folkloristički okvir njegovih interpretacija, i na kraju je predloženo poboljšanje Fajnovog analitičkog okvira za tumačenje folklornih narativa koji je on nazvao folklorni dijamant.
Issues in ethnology and anthropology, Feb 29, 2016
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2016
Public Lecture at the Kolarac University: Anthropology and Ethnology in Serbia Today
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2009
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2006
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2016
Povodom zbornika radova: Devijacije i promašaji. Etnografija domaćeg socijalizma, ur. Lada Čale-F... more Povodom zbornika radova: Devijacije i promašaji. Etnografija domaćeg socijalizma, ur. Lada Čale-Feldman i Ines Prica, biblioteka Etnografija, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb 2006, 267 str.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2016
Prikaz knjige Danijela Sinanija, "Opsednutost i egzorcizam u Srbiji. Antropološki pristup.&q... more Prikaz knjige Danijela Sinanija, "Opsednutost i egzorcizam u Srbiji. Antropološki pristup." Srpski genealoški centar i Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, knj. 31, Beograd, 2007, str. 190.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2016
Legends and rumors of organ theft became a global phenomenon in the beginning of the 80s, with th... more Legends and rumors of organ theft became a global phenomenon in the beginning of the 80s, with the information originating from the "Third world" countries. Victims where poor and powerless, typically children. The rumor engaged a series of actions from anthropologists, NGO’s and media trying to ascertain their validity. Before long, the world was divided into two camps: on the one hand where those who believed the rumors, condemning the West for its exploitation of the underdeveloped and the poor that lead to organ theft from healthy individuals, to satisfy the needs of the rich white patients; and the other faction that, through the data, tried to negate these assertions as unfounded and illogical. At the beginning of the 90s, similar reports surfaced in the highly developed societies of Europe and the USA. Unlike the rumors, these where developed, structured narratives with specific content – legends of kidney theft, whose victims were left alive. Internet has brought about the expansion of such stories. None the less, they remained the under-analyzed, not attracting the attention of the politically minded and militant anthropologists who, in the Third world rumors, recognized material for their anti-colonial and mediatory theories. Few have tried to explain the legend and folklore origins of the First world narratives and to ascertain their function without insightful analysis. That is why I engaged in a semantic analysis of the legend in the context of the highly developed societies, with the intent of exposing their message of a deep moral dilemma concerning organ donation. I found that their hidden meaning is "revolutionary", not an inversion that I thought previously, but in accordance with the public discourse that encourages voluntary and legal donations, from cadaver as from living donors, wich is real disadaptive problem for those soceties. I proposed such a meaning by analysing the most unusual and astonishing element in the story. On the other side, the legend- rumors of Third and Second World, in my view, sent an opposite message, showing the reverse side of the transplantation issue, medical progress and a deeper, existential dilemma of life and death, sickness and health, exposing the doubts intertwined with organ transplantation. Interestingly the legends of organ theft that appeared in Serbia during 2007 had more in common with the legends of the Third world, than with the narratives of the developed societies. In the essay, the interposition of the legends from Serbia, that were instigated by the transitional nature of its socioeconomic reality, are elaborated. That has inspired me to put forward a scheme of narrative, geographical and social transformation of the organ theft legends, thus showing their development intertwined with motifs and spatial markers disperses a system of performances around the world.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2016
Prateći perspektivu "sociološkog minijaturizma" koju su predložili Stoult, Fajn i Kuk (... more Prateći perspektivu "sociološkog minijaturizma" koju su predložili Stoult, Fajn i Kuk (Stolte, Fine, and Cook 2001), istražujemo značenje prašine u društvenom životu da bismo ispitali odjeke mikrokarakteristika svakodnevnog života na socijalne strukture. Kroz proučavanje rutine, neispitanog i uobičajenog, nadamo se da ćemo steći neki uvid u to kako se aspekti proživljenog iskustva, koje uzimamo zdravo za gotovo, uklapaju u širi društveni poredak. Prašina, zbog osobine svoje "majušnosti", nudi način na koji možemo da sagledamo probleme socijalne strukture koristeći se mikrosociološkim analizama. Konkretno, ispitaćemo kako su prašina i tehnike da se ona drži pod kontrolom povezani sa pitanjima roda, rada, političke ekonomije i nacije.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2011
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2008
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Apr 1, 2020
On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the new series of Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology... more On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the new series of Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, and also as our 50th issue, we start the year with the thematic issue "Migrants and Literature". In this interdisciplinary thematic issue we wanted to bring together three research fields – anthropology, migrations and literature. Inspired by the present relevance of the intensive migration flows since World War II, we have attempted to make a theoretical contribution by looking at migrations through the prism of literary works interpreted from an anthropological theoretical and methodological perspective. The anthropology of migrations is a long-established field with a significant body of theoretical and empirical research. The relationship between anthropology and literature has intensified since the 1980s, when many anthropologists recognized that literary works of fiction and non-fiction were rich in socio-cultural descriptions and analyses deserving anthropological interpretation. Literature dealing with migrants, their experiences and life stories, comprises numerous works that already form a distinct thematic corpus ranging from autobiographies, anthropological prose and essays to novels, stories and poems. This issue aims, on the one hand, to present a number of writers from Serbia and the former Yugoslavia who have emigrated and, on the other, to provide an anthropological analysis of literary works about migrants from Serbia and the former Yugoslavia, regardless of the time and the reasons of their emigration. By coincidence, all the authors writing for this issue have opted to write about writers and their works from the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2016
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2016
This paper starts with Levi-Strauss’s semantic concept that consists of oblivion, misunderstandin... more This paper starts with Levi-Strauss’s semantic concept that consists of oblivion, misunderstanding, indiscretion and nostalgia. Through his analysis of North American and Greek myths, Levi-Strauss concluded that "semantic filed of oblivion" has an important meaning especially in the construction of particular rules and rituals; or, in other words, it has an important part in the introduction of culture to the nature of cognitive and social processes. After the introduction of concept Structure of disturbed communication and some corrections to the Levi-Strauss’s concept, I start with the proposition that the period of transition represents unstable and ‘slippery’ time in which society negotiates different meanings. That is the time when different styles of thoughts, represented by different and powerful groups that have an impact on current social, political and ideological processes, compete with each other fighting for supremacy. Their field of communication can be seen as a field of "disturbed communication", which in the final instance has a normative function: to reinforce and regulate certain attitudes, ideas and knowledge. This is achieved through the narratives which symbolise a community of newly established order in the moment of its supposed sociohistorical stabilisation. Finally, combining two different theoretical models – Levi-Strauss’s one described above with Greimas’s ideas about structures of modes of veridiction, this paper predicts chances of particular paradigmatic forms of thought in transitory Serbia to became dominant modes of thought, despite of their current low visibility in the public sphere. In mythical terms, it seems though that their domineering efforts are predetermined to success or fail, since they position themselves according to the laws immanent to these structures themselves, which on their part a priori position these structures as powerful orpowerless, influential or non-influential communities of thought.
Papers by Dragana Antonijevic
Knjiga koja je pred čitaocima predstavlja, s antropološke tačke gledišta, sintezu bitnih koncepata, pojmova, dimenzija i teorijsko-metodoloških pristupa u nauci o folkloru.
Savremeni antropološki pristup shvata folklor kao deo ekspresivne i simboličke kulture koji se prenosi usmeno, tradicijom, s generacije na generaciju, ali i drugim kanalima komunikacije koji u modernom dobu podrazumevaju različite medije – štampane, elektronske i digitalne; na verbalan i ne-verbalan način. Folklor se shvata kao dinamički i komunikacijski proces u trajanju, u neposrednom socijalnom i kulturnom okruženju, kao kulturna produkcija i reprodukcija različitih sadržaja primerenih folklornom načinu izražavanja. Antropologija smatra da je folklor koliko tradicionalan i konzervativan s jedne strane, toliko i savremen i fleksibilan s druge strane, stvarajući nove forme pod uticajem modernog načina života i modernih tehnologija. Antropologiju zanima kontekst u kome se folklor stvara, izvodi i prenosi, posmatrajući ga iz perspektive kako folklornih grupa i zajednica koji su njegovi stvaraoci i prenosioci, a to može biti svako od nas u pojedinim životnim situacijama, tako i samih folklornih žanrova i drugih formi folklora kao sistema koji iskazuju kognitivne, vrednosne i moralne obrasce u društvu. Antropologija smatra da folklor služi za sankcionisanje i potvrđivanje društvenih, ekonomskih, religijskih i političkih institucija, imajući ujedno važnu ulogu u socijalizaciji i prenošenju bitnih kulturnih koncepata. S druge strane, folklor ima psihološku i kompenzatorsku ulogu omogućavajući iskazivanje onih sadržaja koji bi se u direktnom obraćanju smatrali nepoželjnim i nepristojnim. Folklor, kratko rečeno, izražava pogled na svet neke lokalne zajednice, grupe ili šireg društva.