Books by Ehsan Abushadi
The Architecture of Ramses Wissa Wassef, 2021
The pioneering Egyptian architect and teacher Ramses Wissa Wassef (1911–74) is best known for his... more The pioneering Egyptian architect and teacher Ramses Wissa Wassef (1911–74) is best known for his founding in 1951 of the Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Center in Harraniya, a small village near the Giza Pyramids in Greater Cairo. The center, internationally acclaimed for its tapestries and sculptures, began partly as an art school for young villagers, reflecting Wissa Wassef’s aim of reviving traditional Egyptian architecture and crafts, and his belief in the innate creative power and potential of children.
Less well known are Wissa Wassef’s prolific architectural output and his efforts and influence beyond the confines of the Harraniya center to promote artistic expression among Egyptian youth. This generously illustrated volume is the first comprehensive survey of Wissa Wassef’s architectural works, both extant and non-extant, shedding light on his legacy and significant engagement with vernacular and contemporary Egyptian architecture. Wissa Wassef renounced self-promotion and monetary reward in his work, placing human physical and psychological well-being at the center of his architectural philosophy. An astute observer and modest personality, he saw himself as part of the people and began experimenting with participatory design and people-centered architecture before they became popular.
The Architecture of Ramses Wissa Wassef reveals Wissa Wassef’s profuse architectural oeuvre, which spanned private villas and rural houses, as well as public buildings, such as churches, schools, and museums, highlighting his rich contribution to Egypt’s architectural heritage at a moment when that heritage is at risk of being lost.
Thesis by Ehsan Abushadi
Master's Thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSAM, 2022
This research explores indeterminacy as an intrinsic quality of water that extends beyond the rhe... more This research explores indeterminacy as an intrinsic quality of water that extends beyond the rhetoric of natural ecosystems and into the urban landscape. An examination of Cairo’s historic and contemporary waterscape—including infrastructural systems—reveals how water’s indeterminacy has affected active and reactive urban development. Water’s self-will can lead to a wilding of the city and its infrastructural systems, transcending pre-determined designs and roles toward new paradigms.
Book Chapters by Ehsan Abushadi
Reclaiming Public Space through Intercultural Dialogue, 2019
Co-authored with Ahmed Tarek al-Ahwal.
This chapter explores how public space can be used for ur... more Co-authored with Ahmed Tarek al-Ahwal.
This chapter explores how public space can be used for urban upgrading and transformation through integrating ecology and urban systems in the context of Historic Cairo. It uses different projects, implemented by the Athar Lina Initiative in the al-Khalifa neighbourhood of Historic Cairo, as case studies to explore different forms of public space reclamation. Discovering the potential of spaces lost to abandonment, ruin, and waste is a key element. These projects integrate solutions to urban systems as well as improve and upgrade the infrastructure of the neighbourhood, specifically waste and groundwater management.
The chapter navigates the studies, problems faced, and observations conducted by Athar Lina and how these led to the development of the projects through community participation and engagement. The framework and challenges to public space rehabilitation is explored, giving insight into how and why Athar Lina operates using an experimental organic approach.
Papers by Ehsan Abushadi
A brief account of Ramses Wissa Wassef's contribution to the field of architecture. Also it is m... more A brief account of Ramses Wissa Wassef's contribution to the field of architecture. Also it is mentioned the injustice played on the academic community's part in not recognizing his original role played to preserve the mud-brick vernacular architecture in Egypt.
E-publications by Ehsan Abushadi
Critical thinking of the 21st century naturalizes parad... more
Critical thinking of the 21st century naturalizes paradoxes in the same way that it dismantles binary thinking. The contrast between nature and urbanization is diluted in favor of a complex hybridization of technology, and ecology, with the human world. Likewise, the circularity of ideas already thought of, and even worn out, replaces the modern obsession for continuous change and linear progress.
In this digital publication, Ediciones Meméticas (Memetic Editions) offers an academic investigation in the liquid context of new technological paradigms, the pressing climate crisis, and urban transformations in real-time process, developed in three parts within the Track #02 Workshop on Practical Criticism of the Master in Advanced Architectural Projects (MPAA) at the ETSAM.
Part #01 [TOOLS] collects, defines, and describes a set of concepts and tools that, although proposed and developed between 1960 and 1972, have quietly infiltrated the architecture thought without an apparent conflict. However, knowledge of their origin, context, and genealogy allow a better understanding of their displacement and transformation from their original time to the present.
Next, under the maxim ‘from the Google server to urban farming,’ part #02 [PATENTS] studies and proposes, following patent format and representation systems, three urban scale technical prototypes for intensive fruit and vegetable production in the interior of technologically closed and controlled environments. The objective of these ‘productive machines’ is to break the countryside-to-city logistics and supply chain, replacing it with an ‘urban agriculture’ with direct access and consumption, whose effectiveness and productivity are predicated on artificiality, technology, and industrialization.
Section #03 [PROTOTYPES] prompts the encounter of an Agricultural Productive Unit Prototype and a specific point within the Infrastructural Network of Municipal Food Markets in Madrid. The location in the real city—Madrid—is the result of choosing one of 4 cases: Mercado de La Paz, Mercado de Chamberí, Mercado de San Fernando, and Mercado de Barceló. Each of these reflects a morphological and urban model within the variety and cases of the food supply network.
The problem posed is the superposition of a real case study with a prototype of heterogeneous complexity that addresses the specific versus the abstract modeling of an artifact predicated on the effectiveness of technical, logistical, and mono-functional thinking. It is a problem that operates simultaneously on three scales: as a specific case study, as a paradigm or object, and as a system.
El pensamiento crítico del Siglo XXI naturaliza las paradojas en la misma medida que desmonta el pensamiento binario. La oposición entre naturaleza y urbanización se diluye en favor de una compleja hibridación entre la tecnología, la ecología y el mundo de los humanos. Y, del mismo modo, la circularidad de las ideas ya pensadas, incluso desgastadas, sustituye la obsesión moderna del cambio continuo y el progreso lineal.
Ediciones Meméticas ofrece en esta publicación digital una investigación académica en el contexto líquido de nuevo paradigmas tecnológicos, la apremiante crisis climática y las transformaciones urbanas en proceso real, desarrollada en el Taller de la Línea#02 de Crítica Práctica del programa de Máster en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados (MPAA) de la ETSAM en tres partes.
La #01 [TOOLS] recoge, define y describe un conjunto de conceptos y herramientas que, aunque propuestos y desarrollados entre 1960 y 1972, se han infiltrado silenciosamente en el pensamiento de la arquitectura sin aparente conflicto. Sin embargo, el conocimiento de su origen, contexto y genealogía nos permite entender mejor su desplazamiento y transformación desde su tiempo al nuestro.
A continuación, bajo la máxima ‘del Google server al urban farming’, en #02 [PATENTS] se estudian y proponen, con el formato y los sistemas de representación de las patentes, tres prototipos técnicos de escala urbana capaces de producir intensivamente frutas y vegetales en el interior de ambientes tecnológicamente cerrados y controlados. Estas ‘máquinas productivas’ tienen por objeto romper la cadena logística de abastecimiento del campo a la ciudad, sustituyéndola por una ‘agricultura urbana’ de acceso y consumo directo, cuya efectividad y productividad está predicada en la artificialidad, la tecnología y la industrialización.
El #03 [PROTOTYPES] solicita la confrontación de un Prototipo de Unidad Productiva Agrícola y un punto específico de la Red Infraestructural de Mercados Municipales de Abastos de Madrid. La ubicación en la ciudad real —Madrid— es el resultado de elegir uno de entre 4 casos —Mercado de La Paz, Mercado de Chamberí, Mercado de San Fernando y Mercado de Barceló. Y cada uno de ellos responde a un modelo morfológico y urbano dentro de la variedad y casuística de la red.
La superposición de un caso real con un prototipo, de la complejidad heterogénea de lo específico frente a la modelización abstracta de un artefacto predicado en la eficacia del pensamiento técnico, logístico y mono-funcional, es el problema planteado. Un problema que opera en tres escalas simultáneas: como caso específico y como paradigma, o como objeto y como sistema.
La pensée critique du XXIe siècle naturalise les paradoxes comme elle démantèle la pensée binaire. L'opposition entre nature et urbanisation se dilue en faveur d'une hybridation complexe entre technologie, écologie et monde des humains. Et, de la même manière, la circularité des idées déjà pensées, voire usées, remplace l'obsession moderne du changement continu et du progrès linéaire.
Dans cette publication digitale, Ediciones Meméticas (Éditions Mémétiques) présente une recherche académique dans le contexte liquide des nouveaux paradigmes technologiques, de l'urgente crise climatique et des transformations urbaines en temps réel, développée en trois parties dans le cadre de l'Atelier de la Ligne#02 de Critique Pratique du programme de Master en Projets Architecturaux Avancés (MPAA) de l'ETSAM.
La partie #01 [TOOLS] rassemble, définit et décrit un ensemble de concepts et d'outils qui, bien que proposés et développés entre 1960 et 1972, se sont silencieusement infiltrés dans la pensée architecturale sans conflit apparent. Cependant, la connaissance de leur origine, de leur contexte et de leur généalogie nous permet de mieux comprendre leur déplacement et leur transformation de leur époque à la nôtre.
Ensuite, sous la maxime ‘du Google server à l'urban farming’, le #02 [PATENTS] étudie et propose, en suivant le format et les systèmes de représentation des brevets, trois prototypes techniques à l'échelle urbaine pour la production intensive de fruits et légumes à l'intérieur d'environnements technologiquement fermés et contrôlés. Ces ‘machines productives’ visent à rompre la chaîne logistique d'approvisionnement de la campagne à la ville, en la remplaçant par une ‘agriculture urbaine’ d'accès et de consommation directs, dont l'efficacité et la productivité reposent sur l'artificialité, la technologie et l'industrialisation.
La section #03 [PROTOTYPES] demande la confrontation d'un Prototype d'Unité Productive Agricole et d'un point spécifique du Réseau Infrastructurel des Marchés Alimentaires Municipaux de Madrid. L'emplacement dans la ville réelle — Madrid — est le résultat du choix d'un des 4 cas — Mercado de La Paz, Mercado de Chamberí, Mercado de San Fernando et Mercado de Barceló — dont chacun répond à un modèle morphologique et urbain dans la variété et la casuistique du réseau.
La superposition d'un cas réel et d'un prototype, de la complexité hétérogène du spécifique face à la modélisation abstraite d'un artefact fondé sur l'efficacité de la pensée technique, logistique et mono-fonctionnelle, est le problème posé. Un problème qui opère simultanément sur trois échelles : en tant qu'étude de cas spécifique, en tant que paradigme ou objet, et en tant que système.
Conference Presentations by Ehsan Abushadi
Urban Ecologies of the Lower Nile Valley Conference, 2023
Urban water flows are often associated with natural elements like rivers or rain, or with artific... more Urban water flows are often associated with natural elements like rivers or rain, or with artificial elements like piping systems. However, taking a deeper look at the city, we find that water flows can lead to various water manifestations which do not necessarily conform to our general understanding or acceptance of water within the city. Indeed, water takes on a characteristic of “wildness,” reclaiming its presence in urban settings in manners which range in desirability, notability, and permanence.
This paper explores the emergence of water in the terrain vague —the invisible or neglected residual spaces of the city. It delves into how water flows, which are characterized by wildness, manifest situations that form part of an unexpected and often overlooked urban ecology. Among these are the emergence of water pools, growth and vegetation, unsanitary conditions, material and structural damage, and fluctuating water levels.
Having identified an alternative view of water within the urban ecology, this paper concludes by inviting a debate on working with, around, or against the concepts presented.
Talks by Ehsan Abushadi
Beyond Architecture, Architecture Alumni Association, 2023
When we think of heritage in architecture, quite often what first comes to mind are historic buil... more When we think of heritage in architecture, quite often what first comes to mind are historic buildings. If we think of heritage within architectural discourse, the topic might turn to heritage as a source of inspiration, and if we think of heritage within architectural practice, then it may turn to conservation. In all these scenarios the mainstream treats heritage as belonging to the past, such that we often fail to acknowledge that it is very much part of the contemporary city. This talk explores the grounding of heritage within the contemporary city, architectural discourse, and practice.
Books by Ehsan Abushadi
This is a toolkit for the rapid assessment of damage in historic buildings. It proposes techniques for the rapid assessment of structure, building and finishing materials, and decorative details. The two main sections of the guide focus on photographic and architectural documentation, and conducting the material and condition survey. In the end, this toolkit acts as an aid in identifying the damage of buildings which is used as a basis in establishing a conservation proposal and action plan.
The toolkit uses as case studies five listed monuments dating from the 12th to 15th centuries in Historic Cairo. These are the domes of al-Imam al-Shafi’i, Fatima Khatun and al-Ashraf Khalil, and the shrines of al-Shurafa and Yahya al-Shabih.
This is the second volume in the Athar Lina Toolkit for Groundwater Solutions in Historic Settings publication set:
Vol 1 - Introduction:
Vol 2 - Rapid Assessment:
Vol 3 - Decision-making Methodologies:
Vol 4 - Treatment and Reuse of Water:
Less well known are Wissa Wassef’s prolific architectural output and his efforts and influence beyond the confines of the Harraniya center to promote artistic expression among Egyptian youth. This generously illustrated volume is the first comprehensive survey of Wissa Wassef’s architectural works, both extant and non-extant, shedding light on his legacy and significant engagement with vernacular and contemporary Egyptian architecture. Wissa Wassef renounced self-promotion and monetary reward in his work, placing human physical and psychological well-being at the center of his architectural philosophy. An astute observer and modest personality, he saw himself as part of the people and began experimenting with participatory design and people-centered architecture before they became popular.
The Architecture of Ramses Wissa Wassef reveals Wissa Wassef’s profuse architectural oeuvre, which spanned private villas and rural houses, as well as public buildings, such as churches, schools, and museums, highlighting his rich contribution to Egypt’s architectural heritage at a moment when that heritage is at risk of being lost.
Thesis by Ehsan Abushadi
Book Chapters by Ehsan Abushadi
This chapter explores how public space can be used for urban upgrading and transformation through integrating ecology and urban systems in the context of Historic Cairo. It uses different projects, implemented by the Athar Lina Initiative in the al-Khalifa neighbourhood of Historic Cairo, as case studies to explore different forms of public space reclamation. Discovering the potential of spaces lost to abandonment, ruin, and waste is a key element. These projects integrate solutions to urban systems as well as improve and upgrade the infrastructure of the neighbourhood, specifically waste and groundwater management.
The chapter navigates the studies, problems faced, and observations conducted by Athar Lina and how these led to the development of the projects through community participation and engagement. The framework and challenges to public space rehabilitation is explored, giving insight into how and why Athar Lina operates using an experimental organic approach.
Papers by Ehsan Abushadi
E-publications by Ehsan Abushadi
Critical thinking of the 21st century naturalizes paradoxes in the same way that it dismantles binary thinking. The contrast between nature and urbanization is diluted in favor of a complex hybridization of technology, and ecology, with the human world. Likewise, the circularity of ideas already thought of, and even worn out, replaces the modern obsession for continuous change and linear progress.
In this digital publication, Ediciones Meméticas (Memetic Editions) offers an academic investigation in the liquid context of new technological paradigms, the pressing climate crisis, and urban transformations in real-time process, developed in three parts within the Track #02 Workshop on Practical Criticism of the Master in Advanced Architectural Projects (MPAA) at the ETSAM.
Part #01 [TOOLS] collects, defines, and describes a set of concepts and tools that, although proposed and developed between 1960 and 1972, have quietly infiltrated the architecture thought without an apparent conflict. However, knowledge of their origin, context, and genealogy allow a better understanding of their displacement and transformation from their original time to the present.
Next, under the maxim ‘from the Google server to urban farming,’ part #02 [PATENTS] studies and proposes, following patent format and representation systems, three urban scale technical prototypes for intensive fruit and vegetable production in the interior of technologically closed and controlled environments. The objective of these ‘productive machines’ is to break the countryside-to-city logistics and supply chain, replacing it with an ‘urban agriculture’ with direct access and consumption, whose effectiveness and productivity are predicated on artificiality, technology, and industrialization.
Section #03 [PROTOTYPES] prompts the encounter of an Agricultural Productive Unit Prototype and a specific point within the Infrastructural Network of Municipal Food Markets in Madrid. The location in the real city—Madrid—is the result of choosing one of 4 cases: Mercado de La Paz, Mercado de Chamberí, Mercado de San Fernando, and Mercado de Barceló. Each of these reflects a morphological and urban model within the variety and cases of the food supply network.
The problem posed is the superposition of a real case study with a prototype of heterogeneous complexity that addresses the specific versus the abstract modeling of an artifact predicated on the effectiveness of technical, logistical, and mono-functional thinking. It is a problem that operates simultaneously on three scales: as a specific case study, as a paradigm or object, and as a system.
El pensamiento crítico del Siglo XXI naturaliza las paradojas en la misma medida que desmonta el pensamiento binario. La oposición entre naturaleza y urbanización se diluye en favor de una compleja hibridación entre la tecnología, la ecología y el mundo de los humanos. Y, del mismo modo, la circularidad de las ideas ya pensadas, incluso desgastadas, sustituye la obsesión moderna del cambio continuo y el progreso lineal.
Ediciones Meméticas ofrece en esta publicación digital una investigación académica en el contexto líquido de nuevo paradigmas tecnológicos, la apremiante crisis climática y las transformaciones urbanas en proceso real, desarrollada en el Taller de la Línea#02 de Crítica Práctica del programa de Máster en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados (MPAA) de la ETSAM en tres partes.
La #01 [TOOLS] recoge, define y describe un conjunto de conceptos y herramientas que, aunque propuestos y desarrollados entre 1960 y 1972, se han infiltrado silenciosamente en el pensamiento de la arquitectura sin aparente conflicto. Sin embargo, el conocimiento de su origen, contexto y genealogía nos permite entender mejor su desplazamiento y transformación desde su tiempo al nuestro.
A continuación, bajo la máxima ‘del Google server al urban farming’, en #02 [PATENTS] se estudian y proponen, con el formato y los sistemas de representación de las patentes, tres prototipos técnicos de escala urbana capaces de producir intensivamente frutas y vegetales en el interior de ambientes tecnológicamente cerrados y controlados. Estas ‘máquinas productivas’ tienen por objeto romper la cadena logística de abastecimiento del campo a la ciudad, sustituyéndola por una ‘agricultura urbana’ de acceso y consumo directo, cuya efectividad y productividad está predicada en la artificialidad, la tecnología y la industrialización.
El #03 [PROTOTYPES] solicita la confrontación de un Prototipo de Unidad Productiva Agrícola y un punto específico de la Red Infraestructural de Mercados Municipales de Abastos de Madrid. La ubicación en la ciudad real —Madrid— es el resultado de elegir uno de entre 4 casos —Mercado de La Paz, Mercado de Chamberí, Mercado de San Fernando y Mercado de Barceló. Y cada uno de ellos responde a un modelo morfológico y urbano dentro de la variedad y casuística de la red.
La superposición de un caso real con un prototipo, de la complejidad heterogénea de lo específico frente a la modelización abstracta de un artefacto predicado en la eficacia del pensamiento técnico, logístico y mono-funcional, es el problema planteado. Un problema que opera en tres escalas simultáneas: como caso específico y como paradigma, o como objeto y como sistema.
La pensée critique du XXIe siècle naturalise les paradoxes comme elle démantèle la pensée binaire. L'opposition entre nature et urbanisation se dilue en faveur d'une hybridation complexe entre technologie, écologie et monde des humains. Et, de la même manière, la circularité des idées déjà pensées, voire usées, remplace l'obsession moderne du changement continu et du progrès linéaire.
Dans cette publication digitale, Ediciones Meméticas (Éditions Mémétiques) présente une recherche académique dans le contexte liquide des nouveaux paradigmes technologiques, de l'urgente crise climatique et des transformations urbaines en temps réel, développée en trois parties dans le cadre de l'Atelier de la Ligne#02 de Critique Pratique du programme de Master en Projets Architecturaux Avancés (MPAA) de l'ETSAM.
La partie #01 [TOOLS] rassemble, définit et décrit un ensemble de concepts et d'outils qui, bien que proposés et développés entre 1960 et 1972, se sont silencieusement infiltrés dans la pensée architecturale sans conflit apparent. Cependant, la connaissance de leur origine, de leur contexte et de leur généalogie nous permet de mieux comprendre leur déplacement et leur transformation de leur époque à la nôtre.
Ensuite, sous la maxime ‘du Google server à l'urban farming’, le #02 [PATENTS] étudie et propose, en suivant le format et les systèmes de représentation des brevets, trois prototypes techniques à l'échelle urbaine pour la production intensive de fruits et légumes à l'intérieur d'environnements technologiquement fermés et contrôlés. Ces ‘machines productives’ visent à rompre la chaîne logistique d'approvisionnement de la campagne à la ville, en la remplaçant par une ‘agriculture urbaine’ d'accès et de consommation directs, dont l'efficacité et la productivité reposent sur l'artificialité, la technologie et l'industrialisation.
La section #03 [PROTOTYPES] demande la confrontation d'un Prototype d'Unité Productive Agricole et d'un point spécifique du Réseau Infrastructurel des Marchés Alimentaires Municipaux de Madrid. L'emplacement dans la ville réelle — Madrid — est le résultat du choix d'un des 4 cas — Mercado de La Paz, Mercado de Chamberí, Mercado de San Fernando et Mercado de Barceló — dont chacun répond à un modèle morphologique et urbain dans la variété et la casuistique du réseau.
La superposition d'un cas réel et d'un prototype, de la complexité hétérogène du spécifique face à la modélisation abstraite d'un artefact fondé sur l'efficacité de la pensée technique, logistique et mono-fonctionnelle, est le problème posé. Un problème qui opère simultanément sur trois échelles : en tant qu'étude de cas spécifique, en tant que paradigme ou objet, et en tant que système.
Conference Presentations by Ehsan Abushadi
This paper explores the emergence of water in the terrain vague —the invisible or neglected residual spaces of the city. It delves into how water flows, which are characterized by wildness, manifest situations that form part of an unexpected and often overlooked urban ecology. Among these are the emergence of water pools, growth and vegetation, unsanitary conditions, material and structural damage, and fluctuating water levels.
Having identified an alternative view of water within the urban ecology, this paper concludes by inviting a debate on working with, around, or against the concepts presented.
Talks by Ehsan Abushadi
This is a toolkit for the rapid assessment of damage in historic buildings. It proposes techniques for the rapid assessment of structure, building and finishing materials, and decorative details. The two main sections of the guide focus on photographic and architectural documentation, and conducting the material and condition survey. In the end, this toolkit acts as an aid in identifying the damage of buildings which is used as a basis in establishing a conservation proposal and action plan.
The toolkit uses as case studies five listed monuments dating from the 12th to 15th centuries in Historic Cairo. These are the domes of al-Imam al-Shafi’i, Fatima Khatun and al-Ashraf Khalil, and the shrines of al-Shurafa and Yahya al-Shabih.
This is the second volume in the Athar Lina Toolkit for Groundwater Solutions in Historic Settings publication set:
Vol 1 - Introduction:
Vol 2 - Rapid Assessment:
Vol 3 - Decision-making Methodologies:
Vol 4 - Treatment and Reuse of Water:
Less well known are Wissa Wassef’s prolific architectural output and his efforts and influence beyond the confines of the Harraniya center to promote artistic expression among Egyptian youth. This generously illustrated volume is the first comprehensive survey of Wissa Wassef’s architectural works, both extant and non-extant, shedding light on his legacy and significant engagement with vernacular and contemporary Egyptian architecture. Wissa Wassef renounced self-promotion and monetary reward in his work, placing human physical and psychological well-being at the center of his architectural philosophy. An astute observer and modest personality, he saw himself as part of the people and began experimenting with participatory design and people-centered architecture before they became popular.
The Architecture of Ramses Wissa Wassef reveals Wissa Wassef’s profuse architectural oeuvre, which spanned private villas and rural houses, as well as public buildings, such as churches, schools, and museums, highlighting his rich contribution to Egypt’s architectural heritage at a moment when that heritage is at risk of being lost.
This chapter explores how public space can be used for urban upgrading and transformation through integrating ecology and urban systems in the context of Historic Cairo. It uses different projects, implemented by the Athar Lina Initiative in the al-Khalifa neighbourhood of Historic Cairo, as case studies to explore different forms of public space reclamation. Discovering the potential of spaces lost to abandonment, ruin, and waste is a key element. These projects integrate solutions to urban systems as well as improve and upgrade the infrastructure of the neighbourhood, specifically waste and groundwater management.
The chapter navigates the studies, problems faced, and observations conducted by Athar Lina and how these led to the development of the projects through community participation and engagement. The framework and challenges to public space rehabilitation is explored, giving insight into how and why Athar Lina operates using an experimental organic approach.
Critical thinking of the 21st century naturalizes paradoxes in the same way that it dismantles binary thinking. The contrast between nature and urbanization is diluted in favor of a complex hybridization of technology, and ecology, with the human world. Likewise, the circularity of ideas already thought of, and even worn out, replaces the modern obsession for continuous change and linear progress.
In this digital publication, Ediciones Meméticas (Memetic Editions) offers an academic investigation in the liquid context of new technological paradigms, the pressing climate crisis, and urban transformations in real-time process, developed in three parts within the Track #02 Workshop on Practical Criticism of the Master in Advanced Architectural Projects (MPAA) at the ETSAM.
Part #01 [TOOLS] collects, defines, and describes a set of concepts and tools that, although proposed and developed between 1960 and 1972, have quietly infiltrated the architecture thought without an apparent conflict. However, knowledge of their origin, context, and genealogy allow a better understanding of their displacement and transformation from their original time to the present.
Next, under the maxim ‘from the Google server to urban farming,’ part #02 [PATENTS] studies and proposes, following patent format and representation systems, three urban scale technical prototypes for intensive fruit and vegetable production in the interior of technologically closed and controlled environments. The objective of these ‘productive machines’ is to break the countryside-to-city logistics and supply chain, replacing it with an ‘urban agriculture’ with direct access and consumption, whose effectiveness and productivity are predicated on artificiality, technology, and industrialization.
Section #03 [PROTOTYPES] prompts the encounter of an Agricultural Productive Unit Prototype and a specific point within the Infrastructural Network of Municipal Food Markets in Madrid. The location in the real city—Madrid—is the result of choosing one of 4 cases: Mercado de La Paz, Mercado de Chamberí, Mercado de San Fernando, and Mercado de Barceló. Each of these reflects a morphological and urban model within the variety and cases of the food supply network.
The problem posed is the superposition of a real case study with a prototype of heterogeneous complexity that addresses the specific versus the abstract modeling of an artifact predicated on the effectiveness of technical, logistical, and mono-functional thinking. It is a problem that operates simultaneously on three scales: as a specific case study, as a paradigm or object, and as a system.
El pensamiento crítico del Siglo XXI naturaliza las paradojas en la misma medida que desmonta el pensamiento binario. La oposición entre naturaleza y urbanización se diluye en favor de una compleja hibridación entre la tecnología, la ecología y el mundo de los humanos. Y, del mismo modo, la circularidad de las ideas ya pensadas, incluso desgastadas, sustituye la obsesión moderna del cambio continuo y el progreso lineal.
Ediciones Meméticas ofrece en esta publicación digital una investigación académica en el contexto líquido de nuevo paradigmas tecnológicos, la apremiante crisis climática y las transformaciones urbanas en proceso real, desarrollada en el Taller de la Línea#02 de Crítica Práctica del programa de Máster en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados (MPAA) de la ETSAM en tres partes.
La #01 [TOOLS] recoge, define y describe un conjunto de conceptos y herramientas que, aunque propuestos y desarrollados entre 1960 y 1972, se han infiltrado silenciosamente en el pensamiento de la arquitectura sin aparente conflicto. Sin embargo, el conocimiento de su origen, contexto y genealogía nos permite entender mejor su desplazamiento y transformación desde su tiempo al nuestro.
A continuación, bajo la máxima ‘del Google server al urban farming’, en #02 [PATENTS] se estudian y proponen, con el formato y los sistemas de representación de las patentes, tres prototipos técnicos de escala urbana capaces de producir intensivamente frutas y vegetales en el interior de ambientes tecnológicamente cerrados y controlados. Estas ‘máquinas productivas’ tienen por objeto romper la cadena logística de abastecimiento del campo a la ciudad, sustituyéndola por una ‘agricultura urbana’ de acceso y consumo directo, cuya efectividad y productividad está predicada en la artificialidad, la tecnología y la industrialización.
El #03 [PROTOTYPES] solicita la confrontación de un Prototipo de Unidad Productiva Agrícola y un punto específico de la Red Infraestructural de Mercados Municipales de Abastos de Madrid. La ubicación en la ciudad real —Madrid— es el resultado de elegir uno de entre 4 casos —Mercado de La Paz, Mercado de Chamberí, Mercado de San Fernando y Mercado de Barceló. Y cada uno de ellos responde a un modelo morfológico y urbano dentro de la variedad y casuística de la red.
La superposición de un caso real con un prototipo, de la complejidad heterogénea de lo específico frente a la modelización abstracta de un artefacto predicado en la eficacia del pensamiento técnico, logístico y mono-funcional, es el problema planteado. Un problema que opera en tres escalas simultáneas: como caso específico y como paradigma, o como objeto y como sistema.
La pensée critique du XXIe siècle naturalise les paradoxes comme elle démantèle la pensée binaire. L'opposition entre nature et urbanisation se dilue en faveur d'une hybridation complexe entre technologie, écologie et monde des humains. Et, de la même manière, la circularité des idées déjà pensées, voire usées, remplace l'obsession moderne du changement continu et du progrès linéaire.
Dans cette publication digitale, Ediciones Meméticas (Éditions Mémétiques) présente une recherche académique dans le contexte liquide des nouveaux paradigmes technologiques, de l'urgente crise climatique et des transformations urbaines en temps réel, développée en trois parties dans le cadre de l'Atelier de la Ligne#02 de Critique Pratique du programme de Master en Projets Architecturaux Avancés (MPAA) de l'ETSAM.
La partie #01 [TOOLS] rassemble, définit et décrit un ensemble de concepts et d'outils qui, bien que proposés et développés entre 1960 et 1972, se sont silencieusement infiltrés dans la pensée architecturale sans conflit apparent. Cependant, la connaissance de leur origine, de leur contexte et de leur généalogie nous permet de mieux comprendre leur déplacement et leur transformation de leur époque à la nôtre.
Ensuite, sous la maxime ‘du Google server à l'urban farming’, le #02 [PATENTS] étudie et propose, en suivant le format et les systèmes de représentation des brevets, trois prototypes techniques à l'échelle urbaine pour la production intensive de fruits et légumes à l'intérieur d'environnements technologiquement fermés et contrôlés. Ces ‘machines productives’ visent à rompre la chaîne logistique d'approvisionnement de la campagne à la ville, en la remplaçant par une ‘agriculture urbaine’ d'accès et de consommation directs, dont l'efficacité et la productivité reposent sur l'artificialité, la technologie et l'industrialisation.
La section #03 [PROTOTYPES] demande la confrontation d'un Prototype d'Unité Productive Agricole et d'un point spécifique du Réseau Infrastructurel des Marchés Alimentaires Municipaux de Madrid. L'emplacement dans la ville réelle — Madrid — est le résultat du choix d'un des 4 cas — Mercado de La Paz, Mercado de Chamberí, Mercado de San Fernando et Mercado de Barceló — dont chacun répond à un modèle morphologique et urbain dans la variété et la casuistique du réseau.
La superposition d'un cas réel et d'un prototype, de la complexité hétérogène du spécifique face à la modélisation abstraite d'un artefact fondé sur l'efficacité de la pensée technique, logistique et mono-fonctionnelle, est le problème posé. Un problème qui opère simultanément sur trois échelles : en tant qu'étude de cas spécifique, en tant que paradigme ou objet, et en tant que système.
This paper explores the emergence of water in the terrain vague —the invisible or neglected residual spaces of the city. It delves into how water flows, which are characterized by wildness, manifest situations that form part of an unexpected and often overlooked urban ecology. Among these are the emergence of water pools, growth and vegetation, unsanitary conditions, material and structural damage, and fluctuating water levels.
Having identified an alternative view of water within the urban ecology, this paper concludes by inviting a debate on working with, around, or against the concepts presented.