: RSMSTORE.ID shop is a business that is engaged in selling beauty products (cosmetics) which is... more : RSMSTORE.ID shop is a business that is engaged in selling beauty products (cosmetics) which is located on Jl. SM Raja Kisaran, West Kisaran District, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra. Currently, the RSMSTORE.ID Store only uses Facebook and other social media to promote the products it sells. The number of goods sold and the number of customers at the RSMSTORE.ID Store from January to November 2021, where there is a decrease in the number of goods sold in the last month. Of course this has an impact on the profits obtained by the store. Aware of the fact that customer satisfaction is important in a business, it is necessary to have a system that can help stores increase sales. The tight business competition in the current digital era makes RSMSTORE.ID Stores have to carry out marketing strategies to manage their customers, increase new customers and retain old customers. In line with the current development of technology and social media, various efforts have been made to increase sa...
Musi Rawas Regency is the best fish producing district in South Sumatera. This area needs a place... more Musi Rawas Regency is the best fish producing district in South Sumatera. This area needs a place for fish trade and processing. This study aims to determine the location of development of minapolitan areas, as a center of sales and fish processing. There are 3 districts that can be used as an alternative location of minabisnis area development in Kab Mura, namely Tugumulyo, Purwodadi, and Muara Beliti Subdistricts. The AHP method is used to determine which location is best as minapolitan. The result of survey shows that the choice of minabisnis development area in Tugumulyo sub district has a value of 125.37, the location in Muara Beliti sub-district has a value of 44,36, and location in Purwodadi has a value of 31,30. The mapping survey in Tugumulyo sub-district also shows that this area is appropriate to de developed as a minapolitan location.
: RSMSTORE.ID shop is a business that is engaged in selling beauty products (cosmetics) which is... more : RSMSTORE.ID shop is a business that is engaged in selling beauty products (cosmetics) which is located on Jl. SM Raja Kisaran, West Kisaran District, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra. Currently, the RSMSTORE.ID Store only uses Facebook and other social media to promote the products it sells. The number of goods sold and the number of customers at the RSMSTORE.ID Store from January to November 2021, where there is a decrease in the number of goods sold in the last month. Of course this has an impact on the profits obtained by the store. Aware of the fact that customer satisfaction is important in a business, it is necessary to have a system that can help stores increase sales. The tight business competition in the current digital era makes RSMSTORE.ID Stores have to carry out marketing strategies to manage their customers, increase new customers and retain old customers. In line with the current development of technology and social media, various efforts have been made to increase sa...
Musi Rawas Regency is the best fish producing district in South Sumatera. This area needs a place... more Musi Rawas Regency is the best fish producing district in South Sumatera. This area needs a place for fish trade and processing. This study aims to determine the location of development of minapolitan areas, as a center of sales and fish processing. There are 3 districts that can be used as an alternative location of minabisnis area development in Kab Mura, namely Tugumulyo, Purwodadi, and Muara Beliti Subdistricts. The AHP method is used to determine which location is best as minapolitan. The result of survey shows that the choice of minabisnis development area in Tugumulyo sub district has a value of 125.37, the location in Muara Beliti sub-district has a value of 44,36, and location in Purwodadi has a value of 31,30. The mapping survey in Tugumulyo sub-district also shows that this area is appropriate to de developed as a minapolitan location.
Papers by Endra saputra