Health by Evgeny G Bryndin
The accumulated information about the waves of the pandemic is officially recorded in many countr... more The accumulated information about the waves of the pandemic is officially recorded in many countries of the world. These circumstances are associated with the formation and widespread spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains that have undergone genetic mutations. A mutation is a molecular biological process where viral replication involves "knocking" during transcription and translation steps, i.e., during "overwriting" of the genetic code from the RNA of the virus onto the DNA of the host cell. Such errors in DNA lead to the formation of altered genes encoding proteins of the virus, as a result of which such new mutant viruses appear, with altered properties of their own proteins. The main mutations of the coronavirus occur in the glycoprotein S-protein gene. Thus, a mutation in the S protein leads to the replacement of the aspartic amino acid (abbreviated D) with the amino acid glycine (abbreviated G). American researchers have experimentally shown that the long-discussed D614G mutation in the S-protein gene of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus increases its infectiousness, so this variant of the virus spreads faster. A viral protein with such a mutation is also more stable. Mutations in the receptor-binding domain (RBD-receptor binding domain) have a higher affinity for the receptor of the angiotensin-converting enzyme type 2 (ASYe2) of human epithelial cells, which allows coronaviruses to adaptively selectively penetrate into them.
The accumulated information about the waves of the pandemic is officially
recorded in many countr... more The accumulated information about the waves of the pandemic is officially
recorded in many countries of the world. These circumstances are associated with
the formation and widespread spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains that have
undergone genetic mutations. A mutation is a molecular biological process where viral
replication involves “knocking” during transcription and translation steps, i.e., during
“overwriting” of the genetic code from the RNA of the virus onto the DNA of the host
cell. Such errors in DNA lead to the formation of altered genes encoding proteins of the
virus, as a result of which such new mutant viruses appear, with altered properties of
their own proteins. The main mutations of the coronavirus occur in the glycoprotein
S-protein gene. Thus, a mutation in the S protein leads to the replacement of the aspartic
amino acid (abbreviated D) with the amino acid glycine (abbreviated G). American
researchers have experimentally shown that the long-discussed D614G mutation in
the S-protein gene of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus increases its infectiousness, so this
variant of the virus spreads faster. A viral protein with such a mutation is also more
stable. Mutations in the receptor-binding domain (RBD-receptor binding domain)
have a higher affinity for the receptor of the angiotensin-converting enzyme type 2
(ASYe2) of human epithelial cells, which allows coronaviruses to adaptively selectively
penetrate into them.
The mechanism of transmission of infection is a way of moving an infectious agent from an infecte... more The mechanism of transmission of infection is a way of moving an infectious agent from an infected organism to a susceptible one.
Each infectious disease has its own characteristic pathway of pathogen transmission, which was formed during evolution to preserve
the pathogen as a species. The mechanism of pathogen transmission includes three phases: excretion of the pathogen from the host
organism into the environment, presence of the pathogen in the environment, introduction of the pathogen into a new susceptible
organism. The main mechanism for transmitting coronavirus infection is air-droplet (or air-dust), in which the pathogens are localized
in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and transferred to the new body through the air. In this transmission path, the
pathogen enters the external environment during sneezing and coughing with liquid drops and is introduced into the human body
when inhaling air containing infected particles. If the particles are small, they are for some time in the air in the form of an aerosol
(drops suspended in the air), and if the particles are larger, then they settle on various surfaces at a distance of up to two meters
around the sick person. Very often these are frequent items: door handles, handrails in transport, mobile phones, etc. Touching his
face, a person puts the virus on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, eye.
The human body represents an oscillatory contour. In a physical body there is a hierarchical syst... more The human body represents an oscillatory contour. In a physical body there is a hierarchical system of connected standing waves of various quality: electric, magnetic, thermal, light, gravitational, mental. Electromagnetic standing waves form a biofield providing electromagnetic homeostasis. The source of electromagnetic oscillations are cells. The development of the body is under the influence of mental energy. Mental energy affects electromagnetic homeostasis. The quality of mental energy depends on consciousness, feelings and desires. A balanced person produces a mental energy of equilibrium that provides electromagnetic homeostasis, otherwise the mental energy of a disorder that disrupts electromagnetic homeostasis is produced. Man is a complex entity that unites body, mind, soul and spirit. The spirit is the highest beginning in man. The toncomaterial soul is connected with feelings and desires. The mind is connected with cognition and thinking. Man is connected with the spiritual and physical world. His spirit and soul are connected to the spiritual world. The material part of a person is the body. The soul unites the spiritual and material life of man in these worlds, combining spirit and body. Mind, spirit, soul, and body affect each other. Thoughts, feelings, desires and emotions create our body. Righteous thoughts, good desires support the normal functioning of the body at all levels. Unrighteous thoughts, evil desires disrupt the normal functioning of the body at all levels. In article is considered spiritual needs of the person as fruits of opposition of infection with COVID-19 coronavirus. A resonant approach to the detection of coronavirus COVID-19 is also proposed.
The mechanism of transmission of infection is a way of moving an infectious agent from an infecte... more The mechanism of transmission of infection is a way of moving an infectious agent from an infected organism to a susceptible one. Each infectious disease has its own characteristic pathway of pathogen transmission, which was formed during evolution to preserve the pathogen as a species. The mechanism of pathogen transmission includes three phases: excretion of the pathogen from the host organism into the environment, presence of the pathogen in the environment, introduction of the pathogen into a new susceptible organism. The main mechanism for transmitting coronavirus infection is air-droplet (or air-dust), in which the pathogens are localized in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and transferred to the new body through the air. In this transmission path, the pathogen enters the external environment during sneezing and coughing with liquid drops and is introduced into the human body when inhaling air containing infected particles. If the particles are small, they are for some time in the air in the form of an aerosol (drops suspended in the air), and if the particles are larger, then they settle on various surfaces at a distance of up to two meters around the sick person. Very often these are frequent items: door handles, handrails in transport, mobile phones, etc. Touching his face, a person puts the virus on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, eye.
For twenty years, humanity has seen the third attempt at the transition of coronavirus to humans.... more For twenty years, humanity has seen the third attempt at the transition of coronavirus to humans. The vaccine has been found, but coronavirus transitions will not stop even with the improvement of medicine. Nobel laureate in medicine Professor Luc Montagnier argues that vaccines may not live up to humanity's hopes of getting rid of COVID-19. Collective immunity for coronavirus has not been developed, repeated infections are more and more common, beds of seriously ill people are not empty, and mortality is running high, no one knows what will happen to all of us. In Israel, where vaccination has long been compulsory, and over 60% of the population, including underage children, have been vaccinated, the incidence is not just declining, but still breaking all records. So, the maximum number of cases here was revealed on September 01 st-16,629, which almost caught up with Russia (18,368 confirmed on the same September 01 st) with our percentage of vaccinated 26.1% of the number of citizens. At the end of September 2021, morbidity and mortality increase, because it is a system. Based on existing monthly pneumonia mortality statistics over the past 15 years, there are three waves each year. Since September 22 nd , there has been a surge of pneumonia, ARI, and even non-communicable diseases. The second wave comes at the end of December to January; it is usually three times larger than the first. Then around March to April there is a third wave. These three waves exist steadily from year to year, their amplitudes can change, then one will be higher, then the other, they are not absolutely hard on schedule, but they are reproduced regularly in other countries. The first wave of the Spanish pandemic covered the world just at the end of September 1918. The coronavirus was the same. The first wave in America is September 2019, an unexplained surge of pneumonia with a rather high mortality rate, which was written off for smoking e-cigarettes and called "vape." Now they decided to watch the surviving tests of patients, and there-COVID-19. In Europe, it was the same.
For twenty years, humanity has seen the third attempt at the transition of coronavirus to humans.... more For twenty years, humanity has seen the third attempt at the transition of coronavirus to humans. The vaccine has been found, but coronavirus transitions will not stop even with the improvement of medicine. Nobel laureate in medicine Professor Luc Montagnier argues that vaccines may not live up to humanity's hopes of getting rid of COVID-19. Collective immunity for coronavirus has not been developed, repeated infections are more and more common, beds of seriously ill people are not empty, and mortality is running high, no one knows what will happen to all of us. In Israel, where vaccination has long been compulsory, and over 60% of the population, including underage children, have been vaccinated, the incidence is not just declining, but still breaking all records. So, the maximum number of cases here was revealed on September 1-16,629, which almost caught up with Russia (18,368 confirmed on the same September 1) with our percentage of vaccinated 26.1% of the number of citizens. At the end of September 2021, morbidity and mortality increase, because it is a system. Based on existing monthly pneumonia mortality statistics over the past 15 years, there are three waves each year. Since September 22, there has been a surge of pneumonia, ARI, and even non-communicable diseases. The second wave comes at the end of December-January, it is usually three times larger than the first. Then around March-April there is a third wave. These three waves exist steadily from year to year, their amplitudes can change, then one will be higher, then the other, they are not absolutely hard on schedule, but they are reproduced regularly in other countries. The first wave of the Spanish pandemic covered the world just at the end of September 1918. The coronavirus was the same. The first wave in America is September 2019, an unexplained surge of pneumonia with a rather high mortality rate, which was written off for smoking e-cigarettes and called "vape." Now they decided to watch the surviving tests of patients, and there-COVID-19. In Europe, it was the same.
Our planet is a living creature that has its own protective viral mechanism. Viruses are activate... more Our planet is a living creature that has its own protective viral mechanism. Viruses are activated when people too zealously intervene in the natural processes on the planet and worsen the environment. With a decrease in the spiritual level of society, a deterioration in ecology, climate change, a decrease in the frequency of the Schumann resonator supporting the energy healthy state of the body, pollution of water and soil and other catastrophic disorders of natural processes on the planet, an epidemic and the process of mutation of viruses begins, as a result of which more and more of their species appear. For the people will rise against the people and the kingdom against the kingdom; and there will be earthquakes in places, and there will be smoothness and turmoil. This is the beginning of Mark's disease (13:8). The article discusses natural mechanisms and methods of protection against coronavirus.
Our planet is a living creature that has its own protective viral mechanism. Viruses are activate... more Our planet is a living creature that has its own protective viral mechanism. Viruses are activated when people too zealously intervene in the natural processes on the planet and worsen the environment. With a decrease in the spiritual level of society, a deterioration in ecology, climate change, a decrease in the frequency of the Schumann resonator supporting the energy healthy state of the body, pollution of water and soil and other catastrophic disorders of natural processes on the planet, an epidemic and the process of mutation of viruses begins, as a result of which more and more of their species appear. For the people will rise against the people and the kingdom against the kingdom; and there will be earthquakes in places, and there will be smoothness and turmoil. This is the beginning of Mark's disease (13:8). The article discusses natural mechanisms and methods of protection against coronavirus.
The World Health Organization calls for better use of evidence and information from COVID-19 surv... more The World Health Organization calls for better use of evidence and information from COVID-19 surveillance systems to optimize the only approach at our disposal to minimize transmission: to identify, isolate, test and treat each case of the disease. Track and quarantine each contact. Digital technologies play a leading role in contact tracking. Digital technology and artificial intelligence are well established in the fight against the pandemic. In many countries, telemedicine is used alongside traditional care, especially in rural areas, and is now actively used in the context of COVID-19. Telemedicine has proved to be a very effective tool for combating telemedicine to counter the virus. We have not yet realized the full potential of telemedicine. It should open up opportunities for all people to develop an international culture of health and neutralize the pandemic. COVID-19 Various technologies are used to identify COVID-19. Researchers from George Washington University have created a miniature device that allows you to almost instantly detect the presence of COVID-19 (MedicalXpress) in human blood. The operation of the device is based on the color spectroscopy method, and the analysis results can be obtained using a mobile application. The author of the article proposes to use resonant technology for detecting COVID-19. Resonance technology is implemented by a micro-device, designed in the form of a pendant, which is convenient to wear to everyone. The micro-device for detecting COVID-19 is connected to the telemedicine center, which promptly fixes the morbid patient and provides him with the necessary services. Telemedicine centres of various countries are connected to the international medical network for the prompt registration of coronavirus, the exchange of information, decision-making and the provision of services to foreign citizens.
The World Health Organization calls for better use of evidence and information from COVID-19 surv... more The World Health Organization calls for better use of evidence and information from COVID-19 surveillance systems to optimize the only approach at our disposal to minimize transmission: to identify, isolate, test and treat each case of the disease. Track and quarantine each contact. Digital technologies play a leading role in contact tracking. Digital technology and artificial intelligence are well established in the fight against the pandemic. In many countries, telemedicine is used alongside traditional care, especially in rural areas, and is now actively used in the context of COVID-19. Telemedicine has proved to be a very effective tool for combating telemedicine to counter the virus. We have not yet realized the full potential of telemedicine. It should open up opportunities for all people to develop an international culture of health and neutralize the pandemic. COVID-19 Various technologies are used to identify COVID-19. Researchers from George Washington University have created a miniature device that allows you to almost instantly detect the presence of COVID-19 (MedicalXpress) in human blood. The operation of the device is based on the color spectroscopy method, and the analysis results can be obtained using a mobile application. The author of the article proposes to use resonant technology for detecting COVID-19. Resonance technology is implemented by a micro-device, designed in the form of a pendant, which is convenient to wear to everyone. The micro-device for detecting COVID-19 is connected to the telemedicine center, which promptly fixes the morbid patient and provides him with the necessary services. Telemedicine centres of various countries are connected to the international medical network for the prompt registration of coronavirus, the exchange of information, decision-making and the provision of services to foreign citizens.
The person is difficult essence which unites a body, reason, soul and spirit. The spirit is the h... more The person is difficult essence which unites a body, reason, soul and spirit. The spirit is the highest beginning in the person. It is connected with conscience-an internal criterion of justice, honesty, kindness, a righteousness. Thin material soul is connected with feelings and desires. The reason is connected with knowledge and thinking. The person is connected with the inner and physical world. It is connected by spirit and soul with an inner world, either light kind, or dark angry. Light cheerful he unites to Divine Spirit. Lives in a material world of people a body. The soul connects human lives in these worlds, connecting mind and body. The reason, spirit, soul and body influence at each other. Thoughts, feelings, desires and emotions create our body. Just thoughts, good wishes support normal functioning of an organism at all levels. No just thoughts, evil desires break normal functioning of an organism at all levels. The human body represents an oscillatory contour. In a physical body there is a difficult, combined, hierarchical, volume system of the connected standing waves of various quality: electric, magnetic, thermal, light, gravitational, mental. Electromagnetic standing waves form the biofield providing an electromagnetic homeostasis. Source of electromagnetic oscillations are cages. Development of an organism goes under the influence of mental energy. Mental energy gets into all cages. The biochemical carrier of mental energy are structural components of a cover of nervous fibers of the lipidic nature. Mental energy influences an electromagnetic homeostasis. Quality of mental energy depends on consciousness, feelings and desires. Arriving justly on conscience, the person produces mental energy of tranquility, which provides an electromagnetic homeostasis, differently mental energy of frustration which breaks an electromagnetic homeostasis is produced. In article is considered spiritual needs of the person as fruits of opposition of infection with COVID-19 coronavirus. A resonant approach to the detection of coronavirus COVID-19 is also proposed.
The human body represents an oscillatory contour. In a physical body there is a difficult, combin... more The human body represents an oscillatory contour. In a physical body there is a difficult, combined, hierarchical, volume system of the connected standing waves of various quality: electric, magnetic, thermal, light, gravitational, mental. Electromagnetic standing waves form the biofield providing an electromagnetic homeostasis. Source of electromagnetic oscillations are cages. Development of an organism goes under the influence of mental energy. Mental energy gets into all cages. The biochemical carrier of mental energy are structural components of a cover of nervous fibers of the lipidic nature. Mental energy influences an electromagnetic homeostasis. Quality of mental energy depends on consciousness, feelings and desires. Arriving justly on conscience, the person produces mental energy of tranquility, which provides an electromagnetic homeostasis, differently mental energy of frustration which breaks an electromagnetic homeostasis is produced. In article is considered spiritual needs of the person as fruits of opposition of infection with COVID-19 coronavirus. A resonant approach to the detection of coronavirus COVID-19 is also proposed.
The person is difficult essence which unites a body, reason, soul and spirit. The spirit is the h... more The person is difficult essence which unites a body, reason, soul and spirit. The spirit is the highest beginning in the person. It is connected with conscience-an internal criterion of justice, honesty, kindness, a righteousness. Thin material soul is connected with feelings and desires. The reason is connected with knowledge and thinking. The person is connected with the inner and physical world. It is connected by spirit and soul with an inner world, either light kind, or dark angry. Light cheerful he unites to Divine Spirit. Lives in a material world of people a body. The soul connects human lives in these worlds, connecting mind and body. The reason, spirit, soul and body influence at each other. Thoughts, feelings, desires and emotions create our body. Just thoughts, good wishes support normal functioning of an organism at all levels. No just thoughts, evil desires break normal functioning of an organism at all levels. The human body represents an oscillatory contour. In a physical body there is a difficult, combined, hierarchical, volume system of the connected standing waves of various quality: electric, magnetic, thermal, light, gravitational, mental. Electromagnetic standing waves form the biofield providing an electromagnetic homeostasis. Source of electromagnetic oscillations are cages. Development of an organism goes under the influence of mental energy. Mental energy gets into all cages. The biochemical carrier of mental energy are structural components of a cover of nervous fibers of the lipidic nature. Mental energy influences an electromagnetic homeostasis. Quality of mental energy depends on consciousness, feelings and desires. Arriving justly on conscience, the person produces mental energy of tranquility, which provides an electromagnetic homeostasis, differently mental energy of frustration which breaks an electromagnetic homeostasis is produced. In article is considered spiritual needs of the person as fruits of opposition of infection with COVID-19 coronavirus. A resonant approach to the detection of coronavirus COVID-19 is also proposed.
Testing is central, early detection of the virus minimizes its further spread and allows rapid tr... more Testing is central, early detection of the virus minimizes its further spread and allows rapid treatment of the sick-said the head of the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kang Gyung Hua. He believes effective management and tests are key to our very low mortality rate. South Korea's health and public administration system was able to quickly protect the population from COVID-19 without the imposition of emergency measures. The adviser to the Swedish government and the Secretary-General of the World Health Organization, Yuhan Gizeke, told the RBC in an interview on May 5, 2020 that the authorities of the country relied on two measures in the fight against coronavirus whose benefit has scientific justification. First, we need to wash our hands, which we've known for 150 years. Second, social distance should be respected, that is, not to get too close to other people. Until May 5, 2020, Sweden recorded only 23216 cases of coronavirus infection. Developed countries have begun to develop a vaccine to combat COVID-19. Any vaccine contains a specific antigen-a protein that provokes antibody production-immune response. In the body antigen is met with specially adapted cells-macrophages. They get acquainted with the antigen and read information from it,-explains Alimbarov.-The obtained information they transmit to T lymphocytes, which in turn begin to change, and among them appear cells that will also participate in the immune process. T cells transmit information to B lymphocytes, which are converted into plasma cells capable of producing antibodies. Part of B lymphocytes is converted into memory cells. They store information about the antigen and, upon repeated encounter with a similar antigen, trigger an immune response (antibody formation) in a shorter time frame. The vaccine can be live (weakened virus), inactivated (dead virus) or vector-that's what the coronavirus vaccine will be. It contains a human-harmless adenovirus whose DNA contains the coronavirus gene. The adenovirus is then used as a delivery container.
Testing is central, early detection of the virus minimizes its further spread and allows rapid tr... more Testing is central, early detection of the virus minimizes its further spread and allows rapid treatment of the sick-said the head of the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kang Gyung Hua. He believes effective management and tests are key to our very low mortality rate. South Korea's health and public administration system was able to quickly protect the population from COVID-19 without the imposition of emergency measures. The adviser to the Swedish government and the Secretary-General of the World Health Organization, Yuhan Gizeke, told the RBC in an interview on May 5, 2020 that the authorities of the country relied on two measures in the fight against coronavirus whose benefit has scientific justification. First, we need to wash our hands, which we've known for 150 years. Second, social distance should be respected, that is, not to get too close to other people. Until May 5, 2020, Sweden recorded only 23216 cases of coronavirus infection. Developed countries have begun to develop a vaccine to combat COVID-19. Any vaccine contains a specific antigen-a protein that provokes antibody production-immune response. In the body antigen is met with specially adapted cells-macrophages. They get acquainted with the antigen and read information from it,-explains Alimbarov.-The obtained information they transmit to T lymphocytes, which in turn begin to change, and among them appear cells that will also participate in the immune process. T cells transmit information to B lymphocytes, which are converted into plasma cells capable of producing antibodies. Part of B lymphocytes is converted into memory cells. They store information about the antigen and, upon repeated encounter with a similar antigen, trigger an immune response (antibody formation) in a shorter time frame. The vaccine can be live (weakened virus), inactivated (dead virus) or vector-that's what the coronavirus vaccine will be. It contains a human-harmless adenovirus whose DNA contains the coronavirus gene. The adenovirus is then used as a delivery container.
Wang and other predictors predicted
The main processes of self-restoration of organism at the biological level are hormonal balance, ... more The main processes of self-restoration of organism at the biological level are hormonal balance, metabolism and regeneration. For normalization of metabolism it is necessary to pass to alkaline food, having excluded from a food allowance cancerogenic, received by chemical processing, the food containing mutational proteins; to drink clear water. At normal metabolism hormonal balance requires coordination of activity with a natural daily cycle. When the natural rhythm of a dream and wakefulness is broken, then hormone melatonin is produced insufficiently, the hormonal balance in an organism is broken and, as a result, the mechanism of cellular updating is broken, and cages continue to grow or regenerate. That process of dying off of the regenerated cages has begun it is necessary to suspend their mutational genes genetic inductors (hormones). It is reached by hormonal balance on production of hormones and normalization of a hormonal background on delivery to their cages. For establishment of hormonal balance production of hormone of melatonin epifizy in enough is necessary. The condition of an organism depends on a qualitative condition of cages. By their high-quality improvement through system of cellular self-restoration of an organism the healthy condition of cages at the biological level by charging, gymnastics and physical culture, the schedule operating time, rest, acceptance of food and a dream, control of vital systems, healthy food, pure ecology, coordination of activity with a natural daily cycle, psychophysiological normalization by useful habits of healthy lifestyle is reached.
In medical community various approaches to a concept health were created: hygienic, adaptive, gen... more In medical community various approaches to a concept health were created: hygienic, adaptive, genetic, prenosological, safe, equilibrium, physiological, on health, viable, self-regulating, endoecological, resonant, spiritual, naturalistic and the combined approaches. We will consider spiritually-naturalistic approach to a concept health. Approach is based on processes of the nature and a spiritual entity of the person. Stabilization of the mental health of the population is becoming the main goal in the modern world. Human health is 75% dependent on the way of life according to the World Health Organization. Healthy lifestyle maintains healthy human condition. The mental and physical state of the person and the population is normalized by a healthy lifestyle.
Health by Evgeny G Bryndin
recorded in many countries of the world. These circumstances are associated with
the formation and widespread spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains that have
undergone genetic mutations. A mutation is a molecular biological process where viral
replication involves “knocking” during transcription and translation steps, i.e., during
“overwriting” of the genetic code from the RNA of the virus onto the DNA of the host
cell. Such errors in DNA lead to the formation of altered genes encoding proteins of the
virus, as a result of which such new mutant viruses appear, with altered properties of
their own proteins. The main mutations of the coronavirus occur in the glycoprotein
S-protein gene. Thus, a mutation in the S protein leads to the replacement of the aspartic
amino acid (abbreviated D) with the amino acid glycine (abbreviated G). American
researchers have experimentally shown that the long-discussed D614G mutation in
the S-protein gene of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus increases its infectiousness, so this
variant of the virus spreads faster. A viral protein with such a mutation is also more
stable. Mutations in the receptor-binding domain (RBD-receptor binding domain)
have a higher affinity for the receptor of the angiotensin-converting enzyme type 2
(ASYe2) of human epithelial cells, which allows coronaviruses to adaptively selectively
penetrate into them.
Each infectious disease has its own characteristic pathway of pathogen transmission, which was formed during evolution to preserve
the pathogen as a species. The mechanism of pathogen transmission includes three phases: excretion of the pathogen from the host
organism into the environment, presence of the pathogen in the environment, introduction of the pathogen into a new susceptible
organism. The main mechanism for transmitting coronavirus infection is air-droplet (or air-dust), in which the pathogens are localized
in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and transferred to the new body through the air. In this transmission path, the
pathogen enters the external environment during sneezing and coughing with liquid drops and is introduced into the human body
when inhaling air containing infected particles. If the particles are small, they are for some time in the air in the form of an aerosol
(drops suspended in the air), and if the particles are larger, then they settle on various surfaces at a distance of up to two meters
around the sick person. Very often these are frequent items: door handles, handrails in transport, mobile phones, etc. Touching his
face, a person puts the virus on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, eye.
recorded in many countries of the world. These circumstances are associated with
the formation and widespread spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains that have
undergone genetic mutations. A mutation is a molecular biological process where viral
replication involves “knocking” during transcription and translation steps, i.e., during
“overwriting” of the genetic code from the RNA of the virus onto the DNA of the host
cell. Such errors in DNA lead to the formation of altered genes encoding proteins of the
virus, as a result of which such new mutant viruses appear, with altered properties of
their own proteins. The main mutations of the coronavirus occur in the glycoprotein
S-protein gene. Thus, a mutation in the S protein leads to the replacement of the aspartic
amino acid (abbreviated D) with the amino acid glycine (abbreviated G). American
researchers have experimentally shown that the long-discussed D614G mutation in
the S-protein gene of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus increases its infectiousness, so this
variant of the virus spreads faster. A viral protein with such a mutation is also more
stable. Mutations in the receptor-binding domain (RBD-receptor binding domain)
have a higher affinity for the receptor of the angiotensin-converting enzyme type 2
(ASYe2) of human epithelial cells, which allows coronaviruses to adaptively selectively
penetrate into them.
Each infectious disease has its own characteristic pathway of pathogen transmission, which was formed during evolution to preserve
the pathogen as a species. The mechanism of pathogen transmission includes three phases: excretion of the pathogen from the host
organism into the environment, presence of the pathogen in the environment, introduction of the pathogen into a new susceptible
organism. The main mechanism for transmitting coronavirus infection is air-droplet (or air-dust), in which the pathogens are localized
in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and transferred to the new body through the air. In this transmission path, the
pathogen enters the external environment during sneezing and coughing with liquid drops and is introduced into the human body
when inhaling air containing infected particles. If the particles are small, they are for some time in the air in the form of an aerosol
(drops suspended in the air), and if the particles are larger, then they settle on various surfaces at a distance of up to two meters
around the sick person. Very often these are frequent items: door handles, handrails in transport, mobile phones, etc. Touching his
face, a person puts the virus on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, eye.
wide range of issues from various areas of activity. The use of digital high-tech
platforms is open and controlled by users. They are beginning to have a major impact
on global governance in many areas. Global technology platforms can serve regional
integration structures and bring together regional and national development
institutions. Building a global architecture of technology platforms will make
international activity more stable and less crisis-prone. To do this, technology
platforms at different levels of global governance must be compatible and
interoperable under common rules of interstate agreements. Technological platforms
for international action and management will allow the economic, environmental,
climate and many other problems to be quickly solved and controlled by the world
the basis of the energy economic equivalent of the national currencies of sovereign states. The
International Monetary Index will link the existing commodity masses of states with national
currencies. The creation of two-circuit national monetary and financial systems will create conditions
for the evolutionary transition of budget formation. Double-circuit monetary and financial systems
will bind national currencies to energy economic equivalents and goods. An interim measure of the
national currency due to the energy economic equivalent and a group of goods with both commodity
and monetary properties creates their currency value. This makes it possible to estimate their value in
the energy economic equivalent. The energy economic equivalent can become a meter of the intrinsic
value of any payment means. The economic reserve base, expanded at the expense of groups of goods,
makes it possible to create a stable basis for strengthening national currencies in the system of
domestic, regional and international settlements, maintaining their stability. It is possible to connect
the financial and real sectors of the international economy of sovereign states through the BRICS
investment international bank. This will allow the generation of long and cheap financial resources by
issuing securities and digital financial assets secured by a group of goods with foreign exchange value.
National currencies will become full-fledged, tied to the amount of those resources that are in the
provision of the BRICS investment international bank.