ISSN: 2634 - 8845
Journal of Earth and Environmental
Sciences Research
Review Article
Information Essence of Spiritual Substance and Universe and Man
in Cosmology
Evgeny Bryndin
Research Department, Research Center, Natural Informatics, Novosibirsk, Russia
So far, neither philosophers, nor scientists, nor theologians have been able to identify the origin and essence of information. The author reveals the essence of
the information based on the opinion of Orthodox saints, as well as the opinion of the philosopher and theologian William Dembaki. The article is devoted
to the consideration of the informational essence of the spiritual substance based on the reception of the logical and philosophical theological ideas of
theology and cosmology about man and the Universe. The essence and participation of Wisdom in the creation of the Universe is considered. The essence
of the information of the spiritual substance, as well as the secular and theological teachings about man and the Universe, is considered. A person’s soul,
spirit, mind, as natural means of interaction with universal information, allows him to hypothesize, formulate theorems and prove them, form axioms and
build theories, identify laws and laws, and make discoveries based on knowledge acquired in society. Secular knowledge makes us arrogant. Theological
knowledge and life in love with people teaches us the right life. The article highlights the spiritual categories of the relationship between man and society
with the universe in an ideal way, and also shows how these connections are established. Special attention is paid to the spiritual transformation of man and
society, primarily due to a religious factor. Spiritual improvement contributes to the arrangement of universal life in love according to the will of God, an
increase in the knowledge of spiritual substance and divine creation. The spiritual improvement of man and society contributes to the improvement of the
skills of maintaining the original universal beauty by a harmonious combination of spiritual and informational aspects of eternal life.
*Corresponding author
Evgeny Bryndin, Research Department, Research Center Natural Informatics, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:;
Received: January 24, 2022; Accepted: January 28, 2022; Published: January 31, 2022
Keywords: Information Entity, Spiritual Substance, Man,
Universe, Secular Teaching, Theology
The central question of cosmology is the beginning of the universe.
The Scriptures say that God created the world out of nothing.
Nothing exists only in the mind. Nothing can be understood
as information about the Wisdom of the Creator preceding the
existence of the world. The question arises whether science, within
the framework of its methods, can come to a conclusion about
the creation of the world from nothing? As a scientific method,
completely separate from a religious view, it can explain the
beginning of all things. The question of the beginning always
remains unanswered if we proceed only from a scientific view.
Therefore, philosophical and theological cosmology should also
deal with this issue.
Philosophical cosmology takes basic data from scientific
cosmology as a starting point. Philosophical cosmology is based
on two facts implicitly accepted in science. First, the universe
exists. Secondly, it exists in a special way. We live in a special
type of universe. Cosmologists themselves testify that our universe
is unique in the sense that if some of the fundamental parameters
that determine its properties were different, the universe would
be deprived not only of living beings, but also of galaxies and
stars. Philosophical cosmology is directly related to theological
cosmology. Orthodox theology has the Holy Scriptures as a
source of cosmological ideas. Biblical Revelation is authoritative
J Ear Environ Sci Res, 2022
and constant, the work of scientists, on the contrary, consists in
revealing the picture of the world through terms and concepts
based on constantly developing scientific experience.
For the world, God is the beginning, “writes St. Gregory of Nis,”
the limit, source of existence and purpose of all aspirations. He
(God) also thought about what the world should be, and produced
matter corresponding to the form of the world, “writes St. Basil
the Great. The beauty and harmony of the world are determined
by involvement in God’s creative act: “God is not only the cause
of the world, but also his artist.” The integrity and harmoniousness
of the world are the basis of its cognition for the human mind and
the cause of all scientific knowledge.
Spiritual Creativity has created the beauty and harmony of the
universe. Man is capable of creativity, and the most diverse, that
he is related to the Creator. “I have betrayed my heart in order
to examine and experience wisdom all that is being done under
heaven: this hard work God has given the sons of men to exercise
in it.” - Ecclesiastes 1:13.
After the common resurrection, the Creator will form a good
creative human society for cosmological service and existence.
“For to the man who is good before him, he gives wisdom and
knowledge and joy.” - Ecclesiastes 2:26.
Gregory Palama believed that the Universe is a reflection of the
spiritual substance as the root cause [1]. As Ecclesiastes states: “It
Volume 4(1): 1-6
Citation: Evgeny Bryndin (2022) Information Essence of Spiritual Substance and Universe and Man in Cosmology. Journal of Earth and Environmental Science
Research. SRC/JEESR-190. DOI:
was already in the centuries before us” (Eck. 1:10). The principles
of order in the Universe are not very different from what religious
man means by God. Academician A.D. Saharov, who creates
cosmological models with the turn of the arrow of time, imagined
the Universe and human life with a meaningful beginning, lying
outside matter and scientific knowledge. “With wisdom Jehovah
founded the earth, the heavens established by reason.” - Proverbs
3:19. God’s wisdom created the universe according to a dual
God, the Universe, Nacha, Nature, the law belong both to the
semantic space of cosmolos, and to the space of theology. The
Bible teaches us how to ascend to heaven. The theory of relativity,
which arose at the beginning of the 20th century, which became
the natural scientific basis of cosmology, contains external prints
of celestial light. In modern cosmology, the theology of light is
associated with relict radiation - the oldest type of light, elecks by
the tromagnetic waves that arose in the early Universe.
Any community of living things - ants, bees, fish, birds and,
of course, humans cannot exist without flows of information
circulating in German. Information has become an unusually wide
concept and has risen in line with such philosophical categories
as matter, energy, space and time. However, there is still no single
universally accepted definition of information, moreover, this
concept remains one of the most debatable in modern science.
Here are the different definitions of information:
- is the designation of the content received from the outside
world in the process of adaptation to it (N. Wiener),
- negative entropy (non-entropy) (L. Brillouin),
- probability of choice (A. M. Yaglom, I. M. Yaglom),
- uncertainty removed (K. Shannon),
- a measure of complexity of structures, a measure of the
ordering of material systems (A. Mol),
- removed indistinguishability, transmission of diversity (W.R.
- reflected diversity (A. D. Ursul),
- a measure of the heterogeneity of the distribution of matter
and energy in space and time (V. M. Glushkov),
- information about the surrounding world and the processes
taking place in it, perceived by a person or special devices
(philosophical dictionary).
The concept of the amount of information was introduced into a
wide general scientific life by N. Wiener (“Cybernetics, or control
and communication in an animal and a machine,” 1948, USA).
Before Wiener, this concept was called differently (reflection,
information, messages, signals, etc.), but the essence of these
concepts was common - in modern terms, informational.
The birth date of Information Theory is 1948. It was then that
an article by 32-year-old communications engineer Claude
Shannon, “Mathematical Theory of Communication,” appeared
in the abstract journal of the American telephone company Bell
Systems, in which he proposed a way to measure the amount of
information. From that moment on, the concept of “information”
began to expand its scope.
The word ‘information’ is translated from Latin as’ clarification.
This term is used to determine the totality of information about a
particular object, phenomenon, event [2-5].
The content about the world around it and the processes taking
place in it, perceived by man is living information. Living
J Ear Environ Sci Res, 2022
information is the content of objects and phenomena of the
Universe, their parameters, properties and states that perceive
living organisms in the process of life. The energy of wind, sun
or water has living information.
Living organisms differ from non-living objects in a number
of properties: metabolism, irritability (the ability to respond to
environmental influences with changes in its state or activity),
the ability to reproduce, grow, develop, actively regulate its
composition and functions, to various forms of movement,
adaptability to the environment, etc. All these properties of living
organisms are impossible without obtaining and using information
from the surrounding nature and exchanging information between
living organisms.
Living organisms are distinguished from the non-living nature
by the acquisition and use of information from the surrounding
nature, as well as the exchange of information between living
organisms. Genetic information is inherited from the body to the
body, and the individual memory of knowledge and skills is not
inherited, but acquired during the life of each body.
Each of us has an intuition to help distinguish the living information
of the universe from human knowledge. Living information is
present in the life of each of us. Living information of a person’s
vital activity is his lexicon of communication and thinking. The
living information of a person’s spiritual life is God’s Word.
Living information strengthens, balances, develops the ability to
love, reveals the truth and leads to the knowledge of the secrets
of the Universe.
As living beings have in themselves genetic information of
biological life, so the Creator has in himself living information
of spiritual eternal life. According to the symbol of faith, the Father
spiritually gave birth to the Son before the ages.
According to the discovery of dark energy and the achievements
of modern physics, it was possible to show that Galaxies of the
Universe behave like living beings, multiplying and dying. That
is, the universe has living information in itself.
The interdisciplinary study of the essence of information by
science, philosophy and theology indicates its relevance. The
article is devoted to the consideration of the informational essence
of the spiritual substance and the Universe.
Information-energy vibration interaction of a person with
the environment
Changes in the universe are carried out through a single field space
of interaction of vibrations. All manifestations of physical reality are
private cases of deep vibrational information-energy interactions
of various entities of a single information-energy continuum.
The number of frequency layers forming communications in the
continuum is large. The number of interaction-generated levels
of local field links between continuum objects is determined
by the degree with many zeros. The number of field links is the
formation and vibrational interaction of local objects within the
levels. All types of interactions define the characteristics of the
objects themselves and between the object space. Interactions
change structure of information-energy space, which, in turn, fixes
or changes structure of local objects. All this in our physical reality
is manifested as the process of shaping life, its development, the
process of changing matter, the transition from one state to another,
the processes of energy transformations in our physical universe.
Volume 4(1): 2-6
Citation: Evgeny Bryndin (2022) Information Essence of Spiritual Substance and Universe and Man in Cosmology. Journal of Earth and Environmental Science
Research. SRC/JEESR-190. DOI:
Man, like any other living creature or non-living object, is a local
energy object of the continuum. It follows that our integrity,
our viability is determined exclusively by the quantitative and
qualitative level of information-energy connections (interactions)
with all the frequency levels of information-energy interactions
of the universe that form us. Therefore, any living object must
have appropriate systems to provide interactions and reserves to
ensure an active level of interactions and, thereby, maintain its
integrity and increase life protection.
Human mental biopolis is associated with radiation generated by
brain systems, emotional system and mental activity, as well as
other systems. They have a certain frequency spectrum different
from the corresponding radiation spectrum of the physical body.
That is, the data of the frequency spectrum system correspond
to processes occurring in a person outside the framework of the
functioning of physical structures, systems and organs. Mental
biofields reflect the activities of those human systems and
structures that relate to cognitive activity.
All processes of interaction are carried out both by unconscious
systems and by systems at the level of consciousness. Under certain
conditions, systems of a conscious level of a person participate in
information and energy interactions with the surrounding world
in all its information and energy frequency levels of existence.
The structure of man as a local information and energy
object represents a field form of life. The main field functions
and capabilities operate in the creative sphere of human and
universal existence. They lead the spiritual person to complete
field perception and interaction with the information and energy
continuum of the Universe at all levels available to man. In ancient
times, the most developed people of the highest priests were
looking for ways to revive man. Ways to awaken all its possibilities
for information and energy interaction. So appeared spiritual
schools, known in China, India, Tibet and other countries. Human
development programmes and perceptions of the world have
evolved into a new quality as they exist and are consolidated.
They have become a holistic information and energy system,
formed as part of the general information and energy continuum
at the spiritual frequency level. The spiritual foundation of human
perception was formed, which became the controlling development
of man and the human force. He made it possible to enter the
universe and turn man into a truly universal beginning, relying
on the field systems and structures of man as an integral part
of a single whole. The spiritual potential of man translates the
action of field systems from the level of perception to the level
perceived by the mind. A qualitative leap occurs, and a person
begins to consciously control the processes of his will and mind.
There is an increase in information and energy potential, which
activates all systems.
Any object exists solely due to its information and energy
interactions with the environment. The nature, qualitative and
quantitative levels of these interactions are determined by the
presence of a certain information and energy potential in the
object. If the given energy potential is equal to or exceeds the
corresponding potential of the environment, then this object has
the possibility of active information-energy interaction with the
environment. If said potential is lower than the similar potential
of the environment, then the entire nature of the interactions is
determined by the activity of the environment. When an object is
in a state of harmonious balance in the reception and transmission
of information and energy, then it retains its local structure, i.e.
integrity. If the balance is disturbed and in a disharmonic state,
then the object falls into an imbalance situation and is in an
unstable state. He begins to lose energy, and gradually goes into
a subordinate, in relation to the environment, state of information
and energy exchange. For living biological objects, it looks like
loss of vitality, manifestation of various diseases, reduction or loss
of immunity, CNS malfunction, mental illness, etc. In case of a
complete transition of information-energy interactions with the
environment under the determining effect of the environment itself,
all structures of the object begin to completely lose integrity and
move to the state most favorable for the balance of the environment
itself. A similar phenomenon for living biological objects manifests
itself as the dying and decomposition of the physical structure
of the body. For non-living objects - as a transition from one
material state to another - stone turns into sand, iron into rusty
pipe (erosion processes and redox processes in the environment
are really a reflection of the change in the level of information
and energy interaction between the object and the environment.
The difference between living and non-living matter is determined
by the nature of the organic or inorganic exchange of information
and energy with the environment. The body of a living creature,
from an information-energy point of view, can be a living and
non-living object. When we die physically, we do not die, as an
information-energy local field form of active existence, the body
passes from one state to another.
The degree of environmental awareness depends solely on the
spiritual level of systems that carry out information and energy
interaction with it. Man has a natural mechanism of creative
activity with wildlife information of Nature. The mental biopolis of
the mind perceives the communicative vibrations of Nature. When
perceived natural communicative vibrations enter the resonance
with the vibrations of the mental energy of the associative neural
network systems of the brain, then their figurative or linguistic
similarity arises depending on the concentration of attention.
J Ear Environ Sci Res, 2022
At the spiritual level, man carries out full-fledged information
and energy interaction in the Universe. The spiritual level of
information and energy interaction is provided by righteous good
intentions, thoughts, desires, feelings, actions, relationships always
and in everything for the benefit of a pure soul in conscience.
Information Essence of Spiritual Substance and Universe
The mathematician, philosopher and theologian William Dembaki,
in his works “The Conclusion of Design” and “Intelligent Design:
the Bridge between Science and Theology,” built on the idea of
design, argues that the origin of information suggests a reasonable
source from which the design comes. If Logos translates from
Greek as Information and Wisdom, then the Gospel of John chapter
1 of verse 1 from Greek [6] reads: First there was Information,
and Information was God, and Wisdom was God.
The spiritual substance has an information foundation. “The
Creator from eternity before the knowledge of all things that
existed in Him carried out and made work when he admired (the
Monk Maxim the Confessor).” The information foundation of the
spiritual substance is made up of spiritual grains for cultivation.
The fruits of spiritual grains are love, joy, peace, long-suffering,
good, kindness, mercy, faith, mildness, abstinence and others.
There is no law on these (Galatians, 5: 22-23). The Creator, by
revitalizing the spiritual grains of the information foundation of
the spiritual substance with the Spirit, created the universe with
Wisdom [7]. “God creates not by the movement of bodily hands,
but by the action of the living Word and the message of the lifegiving Spirit (St. Basil the Great).” First he created energy entities
Volume 4(1): 3-6
Citation: Evgeny Bryndin (2022) Information Essence of Spiritual Substance and Universe and Man in Cosmology. Journal of Earth and Environmental Science
Research. SRC/JEESR-190. DOI:
such as light, angels, and others. Then he created material entities,
such as stars, earth and others. He also created the spiritual essence
of man. The created universe was a reflection of the information
foundation of the spiritual substance.
The spiritual information foundation of the universe was distorted
through Adam and Eve, as well as by dark spirits. Satan, as a
former angel close to God and dedicated to the secrets of creation,
created dark spirits and with them, using the evil freedom of man,
increases the spiritual entropy of the universe.
A person can shape life according to the will of God, filling the
God-like information foundation of the soul with spiritual grains
of the Holy Scriptures in love with God’s help and reviving it.
Joining with the Lord a righteous peaceful joyful spirit in love
for him and his neighbor, helps to fill the God-like information
foundation of the soul with spiritual grains, awareness of the
likeness of God through our imperfection with the manifestation of
pernicious passions. The saints said that if there were no pernicious
passions and dark spirits, then there would be no penetration into
divine perfection. Filling the souls of believers with spiritual grains
cleanses them and makes them even saints.
According to the spiritual information foundation of the
Universe, the Wisdom of God fishes and makes the Holy Spirit
a communicator of Cosmos. The Bible provides many examples
of God’s spiritual communication with prophets, and Jesus Christ
with humans, dark spirits, and elements. Jesus Christ exorcised the
dark spirits, commanded the spirits of men, as well as the elements.
The spiritual information foundation of the current universe
is constantly changing. God’s wisdom compares the spiritual
information foundation of the current Universe with the spiritual
information foundation of the created Universe. When the spiritual
level of mankind reaches a critical point, catastrophes, diseases,
epidemics come. The epidemic of coronavirus characterizes the
critical spiritual level of mankind and its weak connection with
the Spirit of God.
Combining the spirit of man with the spirit of the Lord gives the
soul the opportunity to enter the spiritual information foundation
of the universe created by the Wisdom of God. To penetrate and
identify new patterns, and create completely ecological harmless
technologies to equip life on earth and in space with good mental
energy in love for the whole universe without destruction, according
to its laws. When the explorer sows generously spiritual grains
into the soul, he will reap generously in the spiritual information
foundation of the Creator’s Universe in increasing its knowledge.
There will be new opportunities for life in the universe, when
mankind will arrange it according to the will of God, and not
destroy it for profit.
Essential aspects of theological and secular knowledge
Information about the creation of spiritual substance in images
is the objective content of the entities of the Universe and their
relationship, determined by the craftsmanship of the Creator [6].
Information is the content of the image, which keeps it in balance,
makes it stable. Content about the entities of the soul reveals
subjectively with the help of senses, minds and technologies,
presenting in the form of secular knowledge. The identification
of the content of entities and their relationships depends on
the spiritual state of researchers and society as a whole. The
creator knows the spiritual state of each soul and society. Deep
knowledge of the Universe and interaction with it is possible by
the grace of God and requires from each person a spiritual God-like
J Ear Environ Sci Res, 2022
improvement of the soul in love and an increase in the spiritual
level of society based on theological teaching.
According to Gregory Palamas, secular knowledge and theological
knowledge clearly have boundaries and follow parallel paths [1].
Secular knowledge for temporal life in the Universe. Theological
knowledge for eternal life.
Gregory Palama, concluded that the results obtained in the
pathway of theology are more significant than the results of the
natural pathway. He saw that the way was opened that led to the
contemplation of God. Theology is only a discussion about God,
while contemplation of God is a conversation with God.
God is not an entity, because not God comes from an entity, but
an entity from the Being, since God will surround the integrity
of Genesis in Himself. If God’s being remains out of reach, his
divine actions may be available to us. Therefore, man, through
his vision of action, rises to the level of a person who can speak
to God and can become a friend and worker of God.
The emphasis on experienced active management, exceeding
purely theoretical knowledge, is characteristic of many holy
paternal creations. Blessed Diadoch wrote: “Knowledge of
experience connects man with God, without prompting the soul
to speak about objects.”
The faithful and reliable interpreter of divine things, Isaac Sirin,
says that we are given two spiritual eyes. All holy fathers say that
we have two spiritual eyes, and the benefits of their vision vary.
In one way we see the divine power hidden in natural things. In
another way we see the glory of His holy nature, when God favors
us to enter into spiritual sacraments, His wisdom and His fishing
for us, comprehended through the greatness of His guidance by us.
Blessed Isaac Sirin explained to us, calling one eye the realization
of God’s power, wisdom and craftsmanship and generally derived
from creations the knowledge of their Creator, and the other -a
vision not of God’s nature, but of the glory of His nature. The Lord
gave this vision to His disciples, and through them to all those who
believed in Him and actually showed their faith. Divine nature is
one thing, and its glory is another, although they are not separate
from each other; and at the same time, although glory is different
from God’s nature, it cannot be considered among things present
in time, because it surpasses existence and is indiscriminately
inherent in the nature of God [8]. This glory is what makes us
acquire God in ourselves and see Him.
We acquire and see this glory of God’s essence not by exploring
the laws of being and the knowledge of divine miraculous work,
wisdom and crafts. All such things are subject to the sight of the
soul - one who cannot see divine glory. Therefore, not everyone
who has knowledge of things or sees through such knowledge is
inspired by God. Such a person has only knowledge of creations,
from where he guesses God through probable reasoning. On the
contrary, the mysterious possessor of divine light, who sees in true
contemplation, knows and has God in himself. Likening to God
and unity with Him, as the Divine Scripture teaches, is achieved
only by love for the commandments and their holy fulfillment.
There is no benefit from simple knowledge. Even the knowledge
of the God who created all this cannot in itself benefit anyone,
says John Chrysostom. “We all have knowledge; but knowledge
heaps, and love edifies” (1 Corinthians 8:1). There is no benefit
from the Scriptures where there is no life in the love that Jehovah
has come to instill on earth [9]. Moreover, simple knowledge not
Volume 4(1): 4-6
Citation: Evgeny Bryndin (2022) Information Essence of Spiritual Substance and Universe and Man in Cosmology. Journal of Earth and Environmental Science
Research. SRC/JEESR-190. DOI:
only does not benefit, but also the greatest harm. The crown of evil,
the main devilish sin - pride - arises from knowledge. Knowledge
will be revived through love and the grace that goes after it and
will become godly, pure, peaceful, humble, obedient, filled with
words of edification and good fruits. According to the Scriptures,
a soulful person does not accommodate what is from the Spirit,
considers it stupidity, delusion and fiction, for the most part he
tries to completely refute and in an open struggle to pervert and
challenge as much as he can, and he takes something cunningly,
using about the same as a poisoner sweet crayfish.
The One Spirit of the Holy One is gift and wisdom and conduct,
like all divine gifts; but each of the still gifts, as well as from all
others, has its own action. Conducting experimentally combines
the soul with God, but for an interview about this and other things
spiritual does not move the soul. Therefore, some of the wisely
passing a secluded life, although they are enlightened in their sense
of conduct, but do not commit crimes to the words about divine
things. Wisdom, if given to someone along with the conduct of
God’s fear, lovingly reveals the internal effects of conduct. Since
management usually educates by exposure to internal, and wisdom
by word. Teaching brings prayer and great silence with perfect
disrespect for worldly deeds. And wisdom brings an unscrupulous
study of the gospel with a life of love.
The gift of theology is not prepared by anyone from God, except
those who renounced themselves for the glory of the Gospel of
God in order to declare in spiritual poverty the good news of the
wealth of the kingdom of God [11]. The holy fathers teach us the
mind of the divine, giving it the importance of the universe mind.
No one can draw close to God unless he moves away from the
world, is removed from worldly works. It is also a virtue that a
person does not occupy the mind of his world. Isaac Sirin speaks of
the gift of love as a sign of the holy soul who moved into eternity
with his thoughts while still on earth. When you reach the area
of love, then the mind came out of the dungeon of the world, put
its foot on the path of the new century, and began to smell the
wonderful new air of the Holy Spirit. Grace mysteriously gives
rise to a divine image and likeness in the soul for the Light of the
next century in the arrangement of a universal paradise with God,
growing in knowledge and skills and harmoniously combining the
spiritual and informational aspects of life [10,12-15].
God created the universe and notified mankind. Spiritual purity
is a prerequisite for full access to the Creator’s universe and a
guarantee of eternal life. The New Testament calls us to be perfect
as the Father of heaven (Matthew 5:48) so that we may perform
in the image and likeness of God. Jesus Christ healed, enlivened,
taught the truth, commanded the elements with a living word. The
mortal passionate nature of man does not allow him to capture the
communicative vibrations of entities, like the living information
of the Universe and perform with a living word in the image
and likeness of God. The commandment of bliss states that the
pure ones will see God with their hearts. A blessed man who is
pure in heart and pure in mind becomes the image and likeness
of God. Developed, God - given talents of spiritual personalities
will be relevant for everlasting life. The spirit of the image of
God with a pure heart captures the communicative vibrations of
the entities of the Universe and can perform with a living word
in the likeness of God.
Creative cosmological properties will be given to man for the
creation of cosmic being in the created space by God. “I said, you
J Ear Environ Sci Res, 2022
are gods, and the sons of the Most High are all of you.”- Ps. 81:6)...
“and the Scriptures cannot be violated.” 10:35) “He received the
dignity of the prophet, the apostle, the angel, the god, having been
before him with the earth and with the dust.” St. Basil the Great.
For this, a perfect person will also be given the ability of cosmic
transcendence and natural interaction with the elements, as Jesus
did. “And here, there was a great excitement at sea, so the boat
was covered with waves; And he was asleep. Then his disciples,
coming up to him, woke him up and said, Lord! save us, perish.
And he says to them: what are you so afraid, untrustworthy?
Then, standing up, forbade the winds and the sea, and a great
silence became. People, wondering, said: Who is it, that both
the winds and the sea obey Him? If you have faith with mustard
grain and say to this mountain: “Go over there from here,” and
it will pass; and nothing will be impossible for you. “ - Matthew
17:20. Maxim the Confessor believed that transcendence would
help keep communion with the Source and Feeder of life in space.
The Creator’s fishery about humanity consists in arranging
universal life activities in love according to the will of God,
increasing in knowledge of the spiritual substance and divine
creation through the Holy Spirit according to the spiritual
information foundation, as well as in improving the skills to
maintain the original universal beauty, as well as the likeness of
God, a harmonious combination of spiritual and informational
aspects of eternal life.
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Citation: Evgeny Bryndin (2022) Information Essence of Spiritual Substance and Universe and Man in Cosmology. Journal of Earth and Environmental Science
Research. SRC/JEESR-190. DOI:
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Copyright: ©2022 Evgeny Bryndin. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.
J Ear Environ Sci Res, 2022
Volume 4(1): 6-6