Sea-level and climate change by Fernando Moreno
Geogaceta, May 2012
We describe a Quaternary succession consisting of coastal and teuvestrial facies which record sea... more We describe a Quaternary succession consisting of coastal and teuvestrial facies which record sea level fluctuations in the Eastern coast of Bahoruco peninsula (SW of Dominican Republic). The bottom of this sequence is formed by coral limestone deposit interpreted as fringing reef with a most likely age corresponding to the onset and progress of Last Interglacial (132-120 kyrago). This deposit is covered and eroded by rampant dunes and alluvial fans that recorded a rapid sea-level drop. A very similar sequence of facies have been described by several authors in the Bahamas and other Caribbean areas, showing rapid and abrupt sea-level fluctuations that occurred within the beginning of Marine Isotope Stage 5.
Papers by Fernando Moreno

En el curso alto del río Besaya y en su divisoria con la cuenca del Ebro (área de Reinosa), las f... more En el curso alto del río Besaya y en su divisoria con la cuenca del Ebro (área de Reinosa), las formas del relieve y los sedimentos con ellas relacionados, permiten establecer la evolución del enérgico encajamiento de la red de drenaje cántabra en comparación con la incipiente incisión fluvial en la cabecera del Ebro. Lo más relevante de dicha evolución es la presencia de un paleorrelieve correspondiente a fondos de paleovalles conservados en los puntos más bajos de la divisoria entre ambos ríos, y también en hombreras de la cuenca del Besaya. En ocasiones aparece cubierto por materiales de origen mixto (fluvial y gravitacional) de edad presumible Mio- Plioceno. La incisión de la red del Besaya progresó en dichos paleovalles, desmantelando su cobertera mio-pliocena y resedimentándola en parte como megaflujos (“debris flows”) multiepisódicos de gran espesor y abanicos, que a su vez están siendo incididos por el encajamiento actual. La neotectónica del área queda reflejada por la acti...
We describe a Quaternary succession consisting of coastal and teuvestrial facies which record sea... more We describe a Quaternary succession consisting of coastal and teuvestrial facies which record sea level fluctuations in the Eastern coast of Bahoruco peninsula (SW of Dominican Republic). The bottom of this sequence is formed by coral limestone deposit interpreted as fringing reef with a most likely age corresponding to the onset and progress of Last Interglacial (132-120 kyrago). This deposit is covered and eroded by rampant dunes and alluvial fans that recorded a rapid sea-level drop. A very similar sequence of facies have been described by several authors in the Bahamas and other Caribbean areas, showing rapid and abrupt sea-level fluctuations that occurred within the beginning of Marine Isotope Stage 5.
Sea-level and climate change by Fernando Moreno
Papers by Fernando Moreno