Papers by Filipe Jeremias
Taylor & Francis eBooks, Jul 13, 2007
During the construction of the South-to-north water transfer middle line and Jilin-Hunchun high-s... more During the construction of the South-to-north water transfer middle line and Jilin-Hunchun high-speed railway line, a lot of excavations in swelling rock and soil were performed to achieve acceptable grades, eventually forming extensive swelling rock and soil slopes. Many of them slid after water storage and rainfall events. One interesting observation is that most of the landslides are south-facing. In this paper, the causes of this direction variation were thoroughly examined on the basis of the geological characteristics of project sites. It is concluded that the water storage and rainfall event are the direct external trigger of landslides while the intensive soil-atmosphere interaction is the main reason for the landslides in south-facing direction. Because of the influence of slope orientation, the solar radiation, temperature and humidity on south-facing and north-facing slopes are materially different. The unloading fissures caused by excavation unloading and the shrinkage fissures act as a main channel for the exchange of moisture and energy between soil and atmosphere. Owing to the intensive solar radiation and high temperature on the south-facing slopes, they are subjected to dramatic wetting-drying and freezing-thawing cycles, which can lead to a remarkable decrease in the strength of swelling rocks and soils. They are therefore more possible to slide.
The Platform for Atlantic Geohazard Risk Management (AGEO) is a new project co-financed under the... more The Platform for Atlantic Geohazard Risk Management (AGEO) is a new project co-financed under the Interreg Programme for the Atlantic Area which aims to launch five Citizens' Observatory pilots on geohazards according to regional priorities: Citizens' observatory on rockfalls and rockfall-triggers in the Canary Islands, Spain Peat-slides and peat massmovement monitoring and control in Cuilcagh Mountain, Northern Ireland Multihazard Citizens' Observatory in Lisbon, Portugal Citizens' observatory of slope instability monitoring along the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland Citizens' observatory of vulnerability to coastal Risks in Brittany, france These will demonstrate how citizens' involvement in geohazard risks prevention can strengthen regional and national risk management systems. Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) leads the consortium of AGEO that also counts with several other partners from Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland and the United Kingdom. AGEO will engage with local communities to actively participate in risk preparedness and monitoring and incorporate local capacities into risk management systems. Experiences gained
Mudrocks are fine-grained clay-rich rocks that comprise different lithotypes forming more than 60... more Mudrocks are fine-grained clay-rich rocks that comprise different lithotypes forming more than 60% of all sedimentary rocks, and thus, they occur frequently in engineering projects either as natural ground or as made ground. These rocks may display a range of engineering behaviours controlled mostly by their composition and structural features. Due to rapid breakdown and susceptibility to volume changes, they may cause problems both during and after construction. Research into the susceptibility of mudrocks to breakdown aims to predict problematic behaviour and provide guidance for avoiding or mitigating these effects. Low-durability materials that disintegrate during sampling and testing can be especially difficult to assess. The paper reviews laboratory techniques for mudrock characterization as well as describes geological and engineering geological classification schemes generally used to describe and classify these materials. The value of some of the tests and determinations in...
IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018 - Volume 2, 2018
The municipality of Lisbon is currently planning the construction of two drainage tunnels in orde... more The municipality of Lisbon is currently planning the construction of two drainage tunnels in order to control the periodic flooding that occurs in the city during the winter. The first tunnel is 5 km long with DN5500 diameter, crossing the downtown in a NW-SE direction, and probably will be constructed by TBM. The second tunnel is located in the north part of Lisbon. This tunnel is 1 km long and is planned to be constructed by TBM or by NATM. The first tunnel crosses volcanic rocks and calcareous rocks from the Cretaceous and then detrital and calcareous rocks from Miocene. The second tunnel only intersects Miocene detrital and calcareous rocks constituted mostly by sand, silty sand, clay and biocalcarenite. For engineering geological characterization of alignments of tunnels, a site investigation program was planned and carried out that included boreholes, in situ (SPT, self boring pressumeters tests, packer tests, pumping tests and crosshole test) and laboratory tests (index, oedometer and triaxial compression tests). An integrated analysis of the data obtained from the site investigation works was performed in order to define the engineering geological conditions along the alignments of the tunnels.
Descrevem-se os cuidados a ter na amostragem e preparação dos provetes de rochas argilosas expans... more Descrevem-se os cuidados a ter na amostragem e preparação dos provetes de rochas argilosas expansivas e as técnicas laboratoriais, utilizadas no LNEC, para medir as pressões de expansão com e sem confinamento lateral. São apresentados os resultados obtidos para rochas argilosas e argilo-margosas, salientando-se alguns dos parâmetros físicos e estruturais que maior influência têm na determinação das pressões de expansão.
IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018 - Volume 1, 2018
The Fontainhas scarp, located on the right bank of the Douro River between D. Luis and D. Maria P... more The Fontainhas scarp, located on the right bank of the Douro River between D. Luis and D. Maria Pia bridges, presents an historical record of slope failures since 19th century is extremely important for risk management of that area as well as for the surrounding streets. In order to help future decision-making processes related to interventions on the escarpment, a study was performed, in 2011, to characterize the stability conditions of the scarp, based on existing bibliographic information, detailed field inspections and identification of risk situations. Aiming to systematize the problems identified in the field, the study area was subdivided in five sectors, considering the existence of important stabilization works, the type and distribution of the constructions (residential areas and ruins), the slope morphology and the vegetation (type and distribution) as criteria. Taking into account the characterization carried out for each sector, a remedial measures proposal for the risk...
IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018 - Volume 2, 2018
The municipality of Lisbon is currently planning the construction of two drainage tunnels in orde... more The municipality of Lisbon is currently planning the construction of two drainage tunnels in order to control the periodic flooding that occurs in the city during the winter. The first tunnel is 5 km long with DN5500 diameter, crossing the downtown in a NW-SE direction, and probably will be constructed by TBM. The second tunnel is located in the north part of Lisbon. This tunnel is 1 km long and is planned to be constructed by TBM or by NATM. The first tunnel crosses volcanic rocks and calcareous rocks from the Cretaceous and then detrital and calcareous rocks from Miocene. The second tunnel only intersects Miocene detrital and calcareous rocks constituted mostly by sand, silty sand, clay and biocalcarenite. For engineering geological characterization of alignments of tunnels, a site investigation program was planned and carried out that included boreholes, in situ (SPT, self boring pressumeters tests, packer tests, pumping tests and crosshole test) and laboratory tests (index, oedo...
The Platform for Atlantic Geohazard Risk Management (AGEO) is a new project co-financed under the... more The Platform for Atlantic Geohazard Risk Management (AGEO) is a new project co-financed under the Interreg Programme for the Atlantic Area which aims to launch five Citizens' Observatory pilots on geohazards according to regional priorities: Citizens' observatory on rockfalls and rockfall-triggers in the Canary Islands, Spain Peat-slides and peat massmovement monitoring and control in Cuilcagh Mountain, Northern Ireland Multihazard Citizens' Observatory in Lisbon, Portugal Citizens' observatory of slope instability monitoring along the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland Citizens' observatory of vulnerability to coastal Risks in Brittany, france These will demonstrate how citizens' involvement in geohazard risks prevention can strengthen regional and national risk management systems. Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) leads the consortium of AGEO that also counts with several other partners from Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland and the United Kingdom. AGEO will engage with local communities to actively participate in risk preparedness and monitoring and incorporate local capacities into risk management systems. Experiences gained
The purpose of this work is mainly to contribute towards the characterization of fine-grained sed... more The purpose of this work is mainly to contribute towards the characterization of fine-grained sedimentary rocks (mudrocks). The influence of the mineralogical and textural aspects of these rocks on their geotechnical properties is given particular emphasis, so that the performance of these materials, when involved in engineering works, i.e. in cutslopes and embankments as a construction material, can be predicted. A wide ranging programme of laboratory characterization of Jurassic mudrocks collected in the Arruda and Obidos areas (north Lisbon area) was carried out. The geological and geotechnical classifications usually used to describe and classify mudrocks were reviewed as part of the studies made. It is considered that the distinction between the various lithotypes, that comprise mudrocks, should be based on the grain size and stratification of these materials. A field and laboratory classification is presented, based on the following parameters: strength, colour, stratification thickness, Rock Name, discontinuity spacing, other characteristics (when applicable) and weathering state.
Soft Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2019
Soft rocks comprise the geological materials with poor mechanical characteristics that span the r... more Soft rocks comprise the geological materials with poor mechanical characteristics that span the range between soils and hard rocks. Mudrocks are part of the broader group of soft rocks which correspond to fine-grained, clay-rich detrital sedimentary rocks. As mudrocks constitute more than 60% of all sedimentary rocks and occur frequently in geological sequence, they are often encountered in construction sites either in their natural undisturbed state or as construction materials. Mudrocks can show a range of engineering behaviours as function of their composition and structural features; however, by reputation, they are regarded as poor engineering materials in construction displaying low strength and durability as well as susceptibility to volume changes. This chapter aims to provide a framework of the main geological and engineering geological aspects of mudrocks that control their engineering properties and behaviour. With this concern, the key controls on the formation of mudrocks, the terminology used to classify fine-grained sedimentary rocks and the main geological and geotechnical characteristics of mudrocks, including the relevant laboratory techniques are presented as well as the geological and engineering geological classifications of mudrocks are reviewed. Finally, a set of case studies of mudrocks encountered in commonly occurring civil engineering works are described.
RESUMO O aproveitamento hidroelétrico de Foz Tua situa-se no rio Tua e compreende uma barragem de... more RESUMO O aproveitamento hidroelétrico de Foz Tua situa-se no rio Tua e compreende uma barragem de betão do tipo abóbada. Os estudos sismológicos realizados visaram definir as ações sísmicas a considerar no projeto e nas verificações de segurança estrutural da barragem. Com este objetivo foram analisadas as diferentes abordagens para a caracterização da ação sísmica, bem como, em função dos métodos de avaliação adotados, os critérios utilizados para a definição dos cenários sísmicos correspondentes ao SBP (Sismo Base de Projeto) e ao SMP (Sismo Máximo de Projeto). A aplicação da metodologia proposta ao local do aproveitamento requereu a análise da informação geológica e sismológica disponível, com especial enfoque para as principais falhas regionais consideradas ativas e para os dados do catálogo sísmico relativos à região. Os movimentos sísmicos para os cenários SBP e SMP foram determinados com base em leis de atenuação segundo abordagens determinística e probabilística, e na metodo...
Papers by Filipe Jeremias