Papers by Florian Lüdeke-Freund
Implementing Triple Bottom Line Sustainability into Global Supply Chains, 2000
Ökologisches Wirtschaften - Fachzeitschrift, 2015
The values-based view on innovation focuses on the role of values and normative orientations in t... more The values-based view on innovation focuses on the role of values and normative orientations in triggering and directing innovation within and beyond organisations. This paper presents a theoretical framework in which values, understood as subjective notions of the desirable and criteria for decisions and evaluations, provide heuristic and integrative functions for normative, strategic, and operational innovation management. A central feature of this framework is a new and values-based interpretation of open innovation relationships, for example with external stakeholders. Theoretical notions such as specific values types and their integrative functions within and beyond organisations are developed and discussed with the aid of the illustrative cases of Aravind Eye Care System and the retail company Otto Group. Defining values as a source, lever, and orientation mark for innovation activities brings notions of the desirable from the periphery to the core of organisational value crea...
The English version of this document can be found at: Neuinstall... more The English version of this document can be found at: Neuinstallationen der letzten Jahre zeigt, dass Banken und Investoren auch in der Finanzkrise und der folgenden Rezession der Asset-Klasse „Photovoltaik-Projekt“ sehr positiv gegenüber eingestellt waren. Der deutsche PV-Boom lässt sich in diesem Zusammenhang im Wesentlichen durch drei Entwicklungen begründen: Zunächst wird Solarstrom seit Jahren politisch stark unterstützt. Das regulatorische Umfeld stellt auch nach den jüngsten Anpassungen der Einspeisetarife ein solides Fundament mit hoher Anreizwirkung dar. Zum zweiten führt der zunehmende globale Wettbewerb unter den Modulherstellern zu starken Kostenminderungen, die mit Lernkurveneffekten auf allen technischen Gebieten von der Siliziumaufbereitung bis zur Modulendmontage einhergehen. Zum dritten erfreuen sich „grüne Geldanlagen“ zunehmender Beliebtheit. Die letztgenannte Entwicklung steht im Fokus dieses Kapitels: PV-Projekte als Finanzierung...
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
During the past years, Germany witnessed a remarkable boom in solar photovoltaic (PV) installatio... more During the past years, Germany witnessed a remarkable boom in solar photovoltaic (PV) installations. Favorable regulatory frameworks as well as a maturing global PV industry, offering continuously lower prices, were just two of the main drivers leading to the industry's expansion. Though, an increasing inflow of capital was another necessary factor for this development. Monitoring the new capacity installations in Germany reveals a high confidence level of investors and financial institutions in the industry's financial opportunities, as the financial crisis and the following economic downturn did not lead to a significant slowdown in total PV installations. Although being a rooftop market mainly, Germany also accounts for the most ground-mounted megawatt installations globally with 1.4 GW of newly installed capacity in 2010.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
This paper proposes a conceptual integration of business models into contexts of corporate sustai... more This paper proposes a conceptual integration of business models into contexts of corporate sustainability. A business model can be interpreted as the blueprint of an organization's business logic. It can serve as starting point to investigate first, if business cases for sustainability can be realized under industry-and firm-specific circumstances and second, if an organization's resources and activities are configured in a way that allows for creating value on the private and public level.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Kompendium Geschäftsmodell-Innovation, 2014
Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften, 2014
Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften, 2014
ABSTRACT Die Energiewende als transdisziplinäre Herausforderung: Energie ist der Treibstoff der Z... more ABSTRACT Die Energiewende als transdisziplinäre Herausforderung: Energie ist der Treibstoff der Zivilisation. Ob Kommunikation, Mobilität, Beleuchtung oder Heizung – sämtliche menschlichen Bedürfnisse erfordern die permanente Verfügbarkeit entsprechender Energieformen. Wie sehr unser Leben von der Verfügbarkeit von Strom, Wärme und Kraftstoffen abhängt, wird uns durch kleine Stromausfälle und größere Zusammenhänge wie der Einfluss des Ölpreises auf die Nahrungsmittelpreise immer wieder aufs Neue bewusst. Unser individuelles und gesellschaftliches Leben ist von der Energienutzung durchzogen und mit dieser untrennbar vernetzt. Energie, wie auch andere Ressourcen, ist grundsätzlich knapp und teuer, und Energieverbräuche haben immer auch eine ökologische und eine soziale Dimension. Diese Aspekte spielen in der gesellschaftlichen Debatte über die sogenannte Energiewende in Deutschland eine große Rolle. Die Gefahren des Klimawandels, die Begrenztheit fossiler Energiereserven und die Risiken der Kernenergie zwingen zu Einsparungen, Effizienzsteigerungen und der Nutzung alternativer und schon in vorindustrieller Zeit genutzter Energiequellen wie Sonne, Wind, Wasserkraft, Biomasse und Erdwärme.
ABSTRACT A broad range of biomass will be needed as a future source of energy. To achieve the Eur... more ABSTRACT A broad range of biomass will be needed as a future source of energy. To achieve the European and German targets on the share of biomass in the energy supply, not only wood and straw but also agricultural biomass will have to be deployed in several sectors of renewable energies. The high water content of agricultural biomass results in difficulties in transport and storage, particularly if the biomass is to be processed on industrial scales. Therefore, new processes for pretreatment as well as new markets for moist biomass like grass, silage or by-products from rural conservation have to be developed to increase their availability. In this paper a technology is introduced to reduce the water content by means of mechanical pressure. This technical development can be seen as a driver for new markets for high water content biomass. The focus of this article is on a calculation model to evaluate the economic performance of the developed extruder machine. The aspect of pelletisation is not being discussed due to the current state of the R & D efforts.
While business model innovation has been widely accepted as an innovation category on its own, it... more While business model innovation has been widely accepted as an innovation category on its own, its problem-solving potential is still unexplored. We argue that business model innovation can be applied beyond single firms, i.e. on the value network level, to find systemic solutions to "wicked" problems. A framework and method for sustainable business model innovation for value networks are proposed: the former building on the concept of normative management, the latter on a "mainstream" business modelling tool. This method was applied and evaluated in a workshop series on regional energy networks in Germany. We review the literature on sustainable business models, provide the theoretical background of normative innovation management, describe the workshops, and reflect on the lessons learned from theory and practice. We conclude that the best starting point for systemic sustainability innovations lies beyond single firms within networks built on shared goals and normative values.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility, 2013
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Papers by Florian Lüdeke-Freund