Papers by Francisco de la Garza-Requena
Erosion Y Degradacion De Suelos En Ambientes Semiaridos Regiones Norte Y Altiplano De Tamaulipas 2012 Isbn 978 84 15463 29 0 Pags 165 190, 2012
Erosion Y Degradacion De Suelos En Ambientes Semiaridos Regiones Norte Y Altiplano De Tamaulipas 2012 Isbn 978 84 15463 29 0 Pags 61 72, 2012
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, May 31, 2007
The severe deficiency of iron or ferric chlorosis is a serious problem of most citrus trees estab... more The severe deficiency of iron or ferric chlorosis is a serious problem of most citrus trees established in calcareous soils, as a result of the low availability of iron in these soils and the poor uptake and limited transport of this nutrient in trees. The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of chlorotic Italian lemon trees (Citrus lemon) to the application of iron compounds to roots and stems. On comparing the effects of aqueous solutions of ferric citrate, ferrous sulphate and FeEDDHA chelate, applied to 20% of the roots grown in soil and sand, of trees that were planted in pots containing calcareous soil, it was observed that the chelate fully corrected ferric chlorosis, while citrate and sulphate did not solve the problem. EDDHA induced the root uptake of iron as well as the movement of the nutrient up to the leaves. With the use of injections of ferric solutions into the secondary stem of adult trees, ferric citrate corrected chlorosis but ferrous sulphate did not. The citrate ion expanded the mobility of iron within the plant, from the injection points up to the leaves, whereas the sulphate ion did not sufficiently improve the movement of iron towards the leaf mesophyll.
El acelerado crecimiento de la población ha incrementado la generación de residuos sólidos urbano... more El acelerado crecimiento de la población ha incrementado la generación de residuos sólidos urbanos (RSU). En las últimas seis décadas la población en México creció de 30 millones de habitantes en 1950 (Semarnat-GTZ, 2004) a 112.337 millones en el año 2010 (Inegi, 2010) y la generación de residuos pasó de 3 millones de toneladas en la década de los cincuenta (Semarnat-GTZ, 2004) a 40.1 millones de toneladas en la actualidad (Sedesol, 2011). Esto significa que cada habitante genera alrededor de un kilogramo de basura al día (Semarnat-GTZ, 2004). Según Sedesol (2011), en el año 2010 las entidades federativas con mayor generación de residuos fueron el estado de México con 6 484 000 toneladas y el Distrito Federal con 4 847 000 toneladas, mientras que en Tamaulipas se generaron 1 159 000 toneladas de residuos. Es importante conocer cuál es el destino final de estos residuos. Por ejemplo, en México durante el año 2010 solamente se depositó en rellenos sanitarios el 70 % de los RSU produci...
Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental
REMONTANT EROSION IN DESERT SOILS OF TAMAULIPAS MÉXICO Rivera-Ortiz, P.1; Andrade-Limas, E.1; De ... more REMONTANT EROSION IN DESERT SOILS OF TAMAULIPAS MÉXICO Rivera-Ortiz, P.1; Andrade-Limas, E.1; De la Garza-Requena, F.1 and Castro-Meza, B.1 1Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, México The degradation of soil reduces the capacity of soils to produce food and sustain life. Erosion is one of the main types of soil degradation. Hydric erosion of remontant type can occur in soils located close to the channel of a river through the expansion of a gully that begins as a fluvial incision over the ravine of one side of the river. The incision takes place at the point of greatest flow of runoff from areas adjacent to empty into the river. The depth of the incision causes the growth of the gully by collapse to move their heads back, upstream. The soil loss by remontant erosion on land use in agriculture and livestock was estimated in order to understand the evolution of gullies formed by this type of erosion. Through measurements on satellite images and GPS (...
Desmanthus virgatus (huizachillo) is a legume forage plant which shows excellent growth in Northe... more Desmanthus virgatus (huizachillo) is a legume forage plant which shows excellent growth in Northeastern México and has an important economical potential in this region, mainly in alkaline soils. Under greenhouse conditions the effect of microbial size population on the early growth of this legume, was studied in diluted up to 4-9 and undiluted soil, particularly diazotrophic bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi. Infective propagules were quantified by the "Most Probable Number" technique and biomass was evaluated by its dry weight. The results showed a significant effect of the microbial population size on both aerial and root biomass. Aerial and root biomass of plants growing in intact soil was 11.1 and 5.5 times higher than that of plants growing in diluted soil (4 -6 to 4-9), where no nodules nor mycorrhizae were found. The means comparison test (Tukey) generated three groups of plants: those growing with both symbionts (nitrogen fixing bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi), plants...
La erosión del suelo es una de las formas más agresivas de degradación de las tierras de cultivo ... more La erosión del suelo es una de las formas más agresivas de degradación de las tierras de cultivo y de cualquier otro uso. La región del Altiplano del estado de Tamaulipas, México, es un territorio semiárido ubicado al poniente de la Sierra Madre Oriental que presenta severos problemas de erosión. En la presente investigación se evaluó la erosión remontante en cárcavas, ocurrida en dos suelos agrícolas (Chihue y Alamar) del ejido San Antonio municipio de Jaumave, por medio de imágenes de satélite, utilizando el programa Arc Explorer 2 MR . Para estimar la erosión ocurrida durante el periodo de 2003 a 2010 se utilizaron imágenes de satélite de los años 2003 y 2006 así como las coordenadas geográficas de las cabeceras de las cárcavas, obtenidas in situ por medición directa sobre el terreno, en 2010. Las cárcavas en estudio crecieron en longitud 46.0 m en el sitio Chihue y 38.2 m en el sitio Alamar, lo que provocó una severa pérdida de suelo del orden de 7299.8 Mg y 2620.5 Mg respectivamente en esos siete años. Estas cantidades representan 1042.8 Mg de pérdida de suelo por erosión remontante cada año en la cabecera principal del primer sitio así como 374.4 Mg año -1 en el segundo sitio. El desgaste del suelo por erosión remontante en las tierras cultivadas del ejido San Antonio, fue superior a la tasa de erosión considerada como tolerable: 1.8 Mg ha -1 año -1 . Palabras clave: degradación del suelo, erosión remontante. SUMMARY Soil erosion is one of the most aggressive forms of degradation of agricultural land or land with any other use. The Altiplano region of the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico, is a semi-arid area located west of the Sierra Madre Oriental and exhibits severe erosion. Remontant gully erosion occurring in two agricultural soils (Chihue and Alamar) of the ejido San Antonio was assessed using satellite images and Arc Explorer 2™ software. To estimate the erosion that occurred during the period 2003-2010, we used satellite images taken in 2003 and 2006. Geographic coordinates of the gully heads were obtained in situ through direct measurement on the ground in 2010. The gullies under study grew 46.0 m at the Chihue site and 38.2 m at the Alamar site, evidencing severe soil loss of about 7299.8 Mg and 2620.5 Mg, respectively, over the seven year period. These amounts represent 1042.8 Mg of soil lost by remontant erosion each year at the main head of the first site and 374.4 Mg year -1 at the second site. Soil lost through remontant erosion on cultivated lands of the San Antonio ejido is higher than the rate of erosion considered tolerable: 1.8 Mg ha -1 year -1 . Index words: degradation of soil, remontant erosion.
Papers by Francisco de la Garza-Requena