Papers by Darrin Gilchrist
Parrēsia Reformed Baptist Publishing House Blog, 2021
Chapter 12 of the Second London Baptist Confession may be short, but it contains divine realities... more Chapter 12 of the Second London Baptist Confession may be short, but it contains divine realities full of spiritual sweetness. The Confession summarises the biblical doctrine of adoption in the following way: "All those that are justified, God vouchsafed, in, and for the sake of his only Son Jesus Christ, to make partakers of the grace of Adoption; by which they are taken into the number, and enjoy the liberties, and privileges of children of God; have his name put upon them, receive the Spirit of Adoption, have access to the throne of grace with boldness, are enabled to cry Abba Father, are pitied, protected, provided for, and chastened by him, as by a Father; yet never cast off; but sealed to the day of Redemption, and inherit the promises, as heirs, of everlasting salvation."1
Parrēsia Reformed Baptist Publishing House Blog, 2021
Often included in assessments of this confession is the social, political and ecclesiastical cont... more Often included in assessments of this confession is the social, political and ecclesiastical context. However, frequently overlooked or undervalued is the experiential context. They believed a saving and experiential knowledge of God was shared corporately, and it fuelled their doctrine of the church.
Parrēsia Reformed Baptist Publishing House Blog, Nov 24, 2020
This article, published in 2020, presents a brief overview of Reformed Baptists in Wales.
The meaning and importance of Jeremiah 31:31-34 are significant for discerning and forming a bibl... more The meaning and importance of Jeremiah 31:31-34 are significant for discerning and forming a biblical covenant theology. The prophecy relates to topics such as the nature, elements, and membership of the New Covenant. It raises several theological implications for soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology. The focus of this paper is to examine the significance of Jeremiah 31:31-34 in these areas through exegetical and theological analysis.
The doctrine of the munus triplex declared in The Second London Confession (8:9) by the English a... more The doctrine of the munus triplex declared in The Second London Confession (8:9) by the English and Welsh Particular Baptists established them doctrinally and experientially within historic Reformed Christology.
Book Reviews by Darrin Gilchrist
Samuel Bolton sets out a three-fold method for arriving at his conclusions by examining the natur... more Samuel Bolton sets out a three-fold method for arriving at his conclusions by examining the nature, quality, and parts of Christian Freedom. It is not until Bolton describes the parts of Christian Freedom that the nuances held among reformed theologians emerge. The majority of Bolton's treatise focuses on this aspect. For these reasons, this evaluation will focus on two primary areas of the parts or branches of Christian freedom expressed in this book.
This is a review of the book written by T. Desmond Alexander entitled, "From Eden to the New Jeru... more This is a review of the book written by T. Desmond Alexander entitled, "From Eden to the New Jerusalem: An Introduction to Biblical Theology"
This is a review of an article by Francis Foulkes entitled, “The Acts of God: A Study of the Basi... more This is a review of an article by Francis Foulkes entitled, “The Acts of God: A Study of the Basis of Typology in the Old Testament” in G. K. Beale, Editor, The Right Doctrine from the Wrong Texts? Essays on the Use of the Old Testament in the New. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 1994. 440 pp. £30.45.
Papers by Darrin Gilchrist
Book Reviews by Darrin Gilchrist